關於other characters named Tom,參見Tom

I'm with the Followers of the Apocalypse, and I help the locals in Westside grow crops. Unlike the NCR, the Followers don't expect anything back.

Tom Anderson is the co-owner of the Westside Cooperative, living in Westside in 2281.


Anderson trained with the Followers of the Apocalypse and previously ran operations for the NCR's Office of Science and Industry.[1] Passing through Westside with Arcade Gannon recently revealed to him the extent of the community's water problem.[2] He subsequently returned to assist, becoming integral to the effort of not only bringing water to Westside, but teaching the citizens how to establish and grow crops. Many of the locals say that Anderson's assistance has allowed the area to reach a level of self-sustainability.[3]

He states that politicians back in Shady Sands are too detached from reality to advocate for the best interests of the citizens, only concerning themselves with productivity and growth.[4][5] Facing inevitable crop failure with no means to purchase water, Anderson rigged the pump station near NCR sharecropper farms to occasionally divert water to their local cisterns. When discovered and confronted by Corporal White, Anderson killed him to keep the water diversion secret.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest


  • The White Wash: Anderson has some useful information about the whereabouts of Corporal White.
  • I Could Make You Care: Anderson attempts to explain his beliefs and those of the Followers.


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Merc grunt outfit
Pip-Boy 3000
Pip-Boy glove
Laser pistol Drained small energy cells Anderson's confession


  • Tom wears a Pip-Boy 3000.
  • Tom may glitch out of his cell after he turns himself in. Anderson walks out of Camp McCarran and one can converse with him normally.
  • When asked about the co-op, he will say that the co-op is "lead by Clayton," but the subtitles read "run by Clayton."
  • He pronounces Clayton Ettienne's as "eh-TIN-ee" instead of "eh-TEE-en."

Notable quotes[]


Tom Anderson appears in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

Joshua Sawyer was responsible for writing Anderson's character.[6]


  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 While in prison in the Camp McCarran terminal building, Anderson may still talk as though he were still in Westside. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Anderson can disappear into the wall of his apartment though he remains on your radar, if this happens prior to the White Wash quest, the quest becomes impossible to finish. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Even though you can find him in the prison at the Camp McCarran terminal building at the end of the quest, you can still find him in Westside. There will be two non-player characters of Anderson. [已验证]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Courier: "He was killed by a man named Anderson he caught stealing water from the NCR."
    Carrie Boyd: "Anderson. I've heard of him, if it's the same guy. Water nerd from the Followers of the Apocalypse. Used to handle some of the operations for OSI. I don't know what to think about the Followers. The things they do... hard to say if they're helping or hurting sometimes. Especially in Freeside. I'll have to send some people out there to make sure we don't lose any more water. That stuff's like gold out here. But you. I owe you for this. You saved me a lot of work. And I'm sure Corporal White's family will be grateful to at least get some closure. The MPs keep a bunch of junk around that's confiscated off of people who decide to screw with us. I haven't really sorted through it, but go ahead and see if there's anything you can use in there. We keep it in a trunk across the hall, by the prison cells."
    (Carrie Boyd's dialogue)
  2. Arcade Gannon: "Westside, huh? I passed through here with another Follower a while back, Anderson. The locals were having a lot of trouble getting water through."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  3. Courier: "Can you tell me anything about Anderson?"
    Marco: "Good man. He's one of the Followers of the Apocalypse. He's the one who taught people around here how to start growing crops. Westside wouldn't be what it is without Anderson helping us out, so I cut him a deal on his rent."
    (Marco's dialogue (Fallout: New Vegas))
  4. Courier: "Do you have a problem with the NCR?"
    Tom Anderson: "I don't go looking for fights with them, but they don't have the best interests of people in mind. Certainly not locals. The bottom line for NCR is productivity and growth. Politicians back in Shady Sands are completely detached from the people actually living here."
    (Tom Anderson's dialogue)
  5. Arcade Gannon: "Westside, huh? I heard about what happened with Anderson. Can't say I'm surprised. He was always a fringe operator in the Followers."
    Courier: "If you say so. I'm not arguing."
    Arcade Gannon: "I do say so. The Followers aren't a military organization. If anyone knew what he was up to, they weren't talking. And if they knew he was stealing water, so what? Westside has more of a right to that water than the NCR."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  6. Comment: "I just would like to compliment you on the design of Westside. I think many players overlook it but its diversity and resourcefulness are especially striking when compared to a more emphasized area like Freeside. Whoever the world builder was did well too."
    Joshua Sawyer: "Thanks. Most of the content of Westside was developed by Jeff Husges, though I wrote a few of the characters (Anderson, Meansonofabitch), John Gonzalez wrote some (maybe all?) of the characters in Casa Madrid, and Jorge Salgado developed the Thorn. Scott Everts did most of the world building."
    Josh Sawyer Formspring answers
