Fallout 3 locations project
这个页面被包含在Fallout 3 locations project的范围内. 该计划的目的是dedicated to cleaning up Fallout 3 location articles. 如果你想参与, 请先阅读计划页面.
- 槍械與彈藥 book in a trailer. Entering the trailer triggers enemies to spawn on either side of the trailer.
- 11包甜麥炮彈 inside the same trailer. Also you can find Darts inside and two ammo boxes.
- There are also 3 bundles of Railway Spikes on your left as you enter (infront of the ammo boxes)
- A makeshift bed is also here, which can be useful because of the Super mutants and Raiders
- Every 3 days you can fast travel to the campground and the battle between the Super mutants and Raiders will respawn. This is a good way to get EXP if still at a low level.
- 當你來到這裡的時候,你會發現這裡有一些奇怪的會發光的白色土壤(磷化合物?), 「永明」這個詞就來自於這些發光的土壤。如果是這樣的話,那麼這個地區很可能曾被美國政府用作廢料掩埋場,尤其是考量到現場其他廢料堆放場已被明顯填滿。從好幾卡車的核廢料來看,其堆積的數量和核廢料傾倒的樣子可以推測,在混亂開始的幾週後,清理和復原工作可能沒有成功,存活下來的士兵和環境保護主義者嘗試補救,直到他們吸入過量的輻射。
- 快速旅行點正好位於超級變種人和匪徒群毆的中心地帶,祝你好運。
- 有一輛旅行拖車裡有一本《槍械與彈藥》和大量甜麥炮彈,進入這輛拖車,外面會刷出一些匪徒和超級變種人,然後他們會開始群毆。