辐射3Fresh apple
Fresh pear
Mutfruit (Crunchy mutfruit)
眺望角Refined punga fruit
Wild punga fruit
辐射:新维加斯Banana yucca fruit (Irradiated)
Barrel cactus fruit (Irridiated)
Buffalo gourd seed
Crunchy mutfruit (Irradiated)
Fresh apple
Fresh pear
Honey mesquite pod
Jalapeño pepper
Mutfruit (Irradiated mutfruit)
Nevada agave fruit
Pinto bean pod
Pinyon nuts
Prickly pear fruit
赤誠之心Spore plant pods
辐射4Corn (Fresh corn)
(Wild corn)
Melon (Fresh melon)
Mutfruit (Fresh mutfruit)
(Wild mutfruit)
Tarberry (Wild tarberry)
Wild blackberry
Cranberries (Diseased)
Firecracker berry
Starlight berries
Gametitle-FO1Gametitle-FO2Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FO3 PLGametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV HH
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Fruits are food items found in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.


Some articles have been separated into their own articles and are not listed below:

  • Mutfruit of the mutfruit tree.

Banana yucca fruit[]

游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

Banana yucca fruits can be found growing on yucca trees across the Mojave Wasteland. They are used in a couple of crafting recipes and decrease starvation and dehydration. Bighorners enjoy eating this fruit.[1]


Barrel cactus fruit
游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

莫哈維廢土上常見的仙人掌結出的果實。They are used as an ingredient in several crafting recipes.

Bell pepper[]

游戏文章: none (mentioned in 辐射:新维加斯)

Bell peppers are a cultivar of sweet peppers (as opposed to hot peppers) native to the Americas that most commonly come in green, red, orange and yellow varieties.[2]

Wild 黑莓[]

FO76 blackberry
游戏文章: 辐射76

Blackberries can be found growing on bushes across the Savage Divide. They are used as an ingredient in several consumables recipes.

Buffalo gourd seed[]

Buffalo gourd seed
游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

Buffalo gourd seeds can be found growing on buffalo gourd plants across the Mojave Wasteland. They are used as an ingredient in a few crafting recipes and decrease starvation and dehydration.


游戏文章: none (mentioned in 辐射4)

Cherries can still be found served in bars in the Commonwealth.[3]


游戏文章: 辐射76

Cranberries can be found growing on vines across the Cranberry Bog region of Appalachia. They are used as an ingredient in several consumables recipes.

  • For the diseased version that appears in Fallout 76, see: Diseased cranberries.
  • For its mutated version that appears in Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, see: Tarberry.


FO76 firecracker berry
游戏文章: 辐射76

Firecracker berries can be found growing on bushes across the Savage Divide and the Forest regions of Appalachia.


FO3 fresh apple
游戏文章: 辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯

廢土上為數不多的沒有絲毫放射性的食材之一,Additionally, in Fallout: New Vegas' hardcore mode, it can reduce Starvation and Dehydration.便攜乾果的材料之一。


FO3 fresh pear
游戏文章: 辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯

Fresh pears are rare food items in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, usually cultivated in temperate areas before the War and are an ingredient for various food items.

Honey mesquite pod[]

游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

Honey mesquite pods can be found growing on honey mesquite trees across the Mojave Wasteland. They are used as an ingredient in several crafting recipes and decrease starvation and dehydration when consumed.

Jalapeño pepper[]

游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

Jalapeño peppers can be found growing on jalapeño bushes across the Mojave Wasteland. They are used as an ingredient in several crafting recipes and decrease starvation but increase dehydration when consumed.


游戏文章: none (mentioned in 辐射:新维加斯)

Legumes, commonly referred to as beans, are cultivated and consumed by the Boomers as their source of protein, since they do not raise livestock.


游戏文章: none (mentioned in 辐射2, 辐射4)

The small yellow citrus fruit of an evergreen tree native to Asia that is usually used to flavor foods and drinks.[4][5]

Lima bean[]

游戏文章: none (mentioned in 辐射3)

A flat green bean grown in a pod native to South America. Lima beans were one of the few varieties of fruits and vegetables grown via the hydroponics experiments conducted in the Rivet City science lab.[6]


游戏文章: none (mentioned in 辐射2)

A small green citrus fruit that is usually used to flavor foods and drinks.[7]


游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射4, 辐射76

Maize, or corn, can be found growing in at many farms in the Mojave Wasteland and the Commonwealth. Maize has yellow kernels and fresh green husks, resembling species commonly grown pre-War, while the corn grown in the Commonwealth has purple splotched kernels, resembling breeds of 'Indian corn'. They are used as an ingredient in several crafting recipes and decrease starvation and dehydration when consumed.

  • For the variants of corn that appear in Fallout 4, see: wild corn and fresh corn.


FO3 mutfruit
游戏文章: 辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射4, 辐射76

這種水果加點HP,同時輻射也會加一點。In Fallout: New Vegas這東西最大的用處或許在於可以用來做超級治療針and Cass's moonshine

Mutfruit can restore some of your Hit Points, but also gives you a small amount of radiation. it's an ingredient for the super stimpak .

  • For the irradiated version that appears in Fallout: New Vegas, see: irradiated mutfruit.


Crunchy mutfruit
游戏文章: 辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯

變種果酥有點像一個紫色的蘋果。It has a different appearance from the standard mutfruit.

Irr. crunchy mutfruit[]

Crunchy mutfruit
游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

A more radiation filled version of the crunchy mutfruit with the same effects as its not as irradiated counterpart except that it will give you even more radiation.

Nevada agave fruit[]

游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

Nevada agave fruits can be found growing on Nevada agave plants across the Mojave Wasteland. They are used as an ingredient in several crafting recipes, and decrease starvation and dehydration when consumed.


游戏文章: none (mentioned in 辐射2, 辐射:新维加斯)

A sweet citrus fruit from southeast Asia that the Office of Science and Industry wishes to cultivate on a large scale.[8][9]


游戏文章: none (mentioned in 辐射3)

A drupe that survived the war, and is still used as an idiom for a sweet person.[10]

Pinto bean pod[]

游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

Pinto bean pods can be found growing on pinto bean plants across the Mojave Wasteland. They are used as an ingredient in several crafting recipes and decrease starvation when consumed.

Pinyon nuts[]

Pinyon nuts
游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

Pinyon nuts can be found growing on pinyon pine trees across the Mojave Wasteland. They are used as an ingredient in several crafting recipes and decrease starvation when consumed.


游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

在莫哈維沙漠,這種仙人掌很常見,果子很容易採到,錫安公園裡更是隨處可見。They can be used by the player as a recipe ingredient.

Refined punga fruit[]

FO3PL Refined Punga
游戏文章: 眺望角

Cultivated by the Point Lookout tribals, refined punga fruit has overall superior to its wild cousin, able to flush radiation from the system.

Spore plant pods[]

Spore plant pod
游戏文章: 赤誠之心

Spore plant pods can be found on Spore plants either at Zion Canyon or at Big MT. They are used as an ingredient in several crafting recipes. They are used in a couple of crafting recipes and decrease starvation in addition to increase one's natural resistance to poison.

Starlight berry[]

FO76 Starlight berries
游戏文章: 辐射76

Starlight berries can be found growing on creeper bushes across The Forest.


Chem fruit
游戏文章: 辐射, 辐射2, 辐射战略版

一个奇怪的水果that appears to be an apple,里面没有添加任何的防腐剂或是人工色素。This fruit has been infected with the radiation of the wasteland, and passes on a few rads to anyone that consumes it.


FO76 Tarberry
游戏文章: 辐射4, 辐射76

塔莓是在联邦and the Cranberry Bog region of Appalachia的水生梅类果实,原型為一樣水生的蔓越莓。

  • For its non-mutated version in Fallout 76, see: Cranberries.


游戏文章: none (mentioned in 辐射2)

A large melon with a smooth green rind, pink flesh and a mildly sweet taste.[11]

Wild punga fruit[]

FO3PL wild punga fruit
游戏文章: 眺望角

Wild punga fruit can commonly be found growing along waterways throughout Point Lookout. It has the unique ability to help flush radiation out of the body.


  1. The Courier: "What would you suggest I do instead?"
    Follows-Chalk: "Hmm... you might try luring the baby out with some banana yucca. These Bighorners go crazy for the stuff."
    (Follows-Chalk's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Got anything to eat?"
    William Farber: "Oh yeah. You can order up anything you want... as long as it's corn or beans!<Laughs> Just kidding. Haven't you heard? With few shipments from home and little variety, the troops are getting restless for some quality grub. You can only do so much as a chef with just corn, beans, onions, and peppers."
    (William Farber's dialogue)
  3. Curie: "Oh, a bar. I have read so much about places like this."
    Henry Cooke: "Nothing but the best for someone as lovely as you, my dear."
    Curie: "I would like a Rum and Nuka-Cola. With a bunch of cherries, please."
    Henry Cooke: "If you're unhappy hanging out with your crew, you could always work for me. Good pay and all the free drinks you can handle."
    Curie: "Hmm. This smells quite... potent."
  4. Fallout 2 Manual, pg. 157
  5. Deezer: "Why, nothing but the most refreshing, delicious lemonade you've ever tasted!"
    Curie: "Lemonade, truly? But I see no lemons."
    Deezer: "There are no alcoholic additives or artifical preservatives of any kind! Only good old-fashioned cold refreshment!"
    Curie: "He is very odd, no?"
  6. Janice Kaplinski: "I've got a new strain of lima bean I'm developing. I'll bring a sample sometime."
  7. Khan raider: "{138}{}{Hey, anyone remember what was in a Long Island Ice Tea?}"
    "{139}{}{Yeah, vodka, rum, tequila, triple sec, lime, and Nuka.}"
  8. The Courier: "I'm listening."
    Thomas Hildern: "Imagine, if you will, the wasteland in bloom... vast fields of corn that grow from seeds and produce their bounty in the space of a month... ...orchards of trees, their branches weighed halfway to the ground, hung with fat, ripe oranges. A harvest that could feed a city... or a nation. And all this... all this... requiring no more than a few of drops of precious water, and the efforts of only a handful of human farmers. Impossible?"
    (Thomas Hildern's dialogue)
  9. The Chosen One: "{112}{}{Smoothskin? Why did you call me that?}"
    Harold: "{156}{hld14}{You cut with the dull edge of the knife, don’t ya? You don’t look like an orange peel left in the sun all day. Your skin’s still soft and purty. }"
  10. The Lone Wanderer: "Okay, I'll get irradiated. Just be ready to fix me up when I get back."
    Moira Brown: "Oh, you're a peach! Or, at least, some sort of hardy fruit that grows in the savagely irradiated mockery of agriculture we have nowadays. Now, 200 rads should be enough for basic sickness, but if you can get 600 or more rads, my tests will be even more accurate. Just make sure you can get back here, and I'll see to it that you're well taken care of!"
  11. The Chosen One: "{113}{}{Like what?}"
    Dave: "116}{}{I was born two months premature. When I was one, I was dropped on the porch. When I was two, I had pneumonia. When I was three, I got the chicken pox. When I was four, I fell down the stairs and broke six ribs. When I was five, my uncle was decapitated by a watermelon. When I was six, my parents hit me in the head with a shovel. When I was seven, I lost my right index finger to my pet rat.}"