
What the hell? Why? I need alcohol, man! I'm gonna die if I don't get a drink!

Bill Ronte is an engineer turned drunkard living in Freeside in 2281.


Old Bill Ronte is originally from the New California Republic.[1] He is a skilled machinist who installed and maintained a water pump in Freeside before becoming addicted to Dixon's whiskey.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest


High Times - Detoxing: there are three options for helping Bill get sober during the quest, once Dixon is no longer supplying him with booze:

  • Two Fixer, one whiskey and one RadAway
  • Science 50, two Fixer and one whiskey
  • Speech 50


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Brahmin-skin outfit


  • If Bill dies during High Times the quest can still be completed for partial XP, but Tapper will continue to charge for water at Freeside's water pump afterward. If both Bill and Jacob Hoff die during High Times, the Courier will gain infamy with the Followers when the quest is turned in. This can sometimes happen accidentally if caught in the crossfire by Freeside thugs.
  • After helping Bill shake the addiction, the Courier can talk to Tapper and use the Freeside water pump for free.
  • When entering the Atomic Wrangler in the company of Arcade Gannon, Bill Ronte appears to slur "Howdy Arcade," although this does not appear to lead to any new dialogue options.

Notable quotes[]


Bill Ronte appears only in Fallout: New Vegas


Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 When the player character talks to him, his response will be: "..." [已验证]


  1. The Courier: "Do you know anything about Bill or Jacob?"
    Dixon: "Yeah, man. Those cats are out of their domes addicted to my shit. They can't get enough. Pretty hilarious to watch."
    The Courier: "Are you trying to kill your customers?"
    Dixon: "Those fools are from NCR. I love seeing those squatters in agony. We were doing just fine before those shits came here and made a mess of things. We don't need NCR eggheads wandering around confusing things."
    (Dixon's dialogue)