
The drug den is an unmarked location in the Charlestown neighborhood of Boston in 2287. It is northwest of the USS Constitution and Weatherby Savings & Loan, and northeast of Bunker Hill.


The drug den is a three-level house controlled by raiders. Usually, there is a raider on the roof of the building and one or two in the street. Inside the building, two or three raiders can be found on the second and third floors. As the name of the place suggests, some Jet, Buffout and Psycho can be found on shelves and tables.

On the third floor there are a full bed and a steamer trunk as well as a door leading to the roof. On the roof, there are a sleeping bag, a couple of armchairs and sofas.

Notable loot[]

  • One bottlecap mine - Unarmed, on the third floor, next to the steamer trunk.
  • Haptic drive - During the quest Quartermastery, the drive is inside the steamer trunk.

Related quests[]


  • In the drug den, all human companions will take Jet when left idle, even during conversation. This is only an animation and has no effect on their performance.
  • When leaving the drug den through the roof exit, if one faces west and leaps onto the small brick house with two boats parked in front, it is possible to leap into the exposed second story white building (a skeleton in a blue dress hangs on the edge of the exposed floor). On the small northern wall is a novice locked red door. Inside is a closet that contains a green steamer trunk with leveled loot as well as a brain fungus sample.
  • Although the name of the interior cell is "Drug Den," there is an unused map marker for this location named "Raider Drug Den."


The drug den appears only in Fallout 4.


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One If the location is part of the quest Randolph Safehouse 3 and the location had already been cleared before the quest is taken, the game might not recognize the quest as completed. [已验证]
    • Has platform::PCPC This can be fixed with the console command setstage RRR06 300.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One The orientation of the interior does not align with the exterior. You enter the building facing south, but you face north when inside.[已验证]

