死海(英文名:Dead Sea)是凯撒军团的十夫长,在2281年中指挥占领尼尔森的军团。
互动 | ||
此角色开启任务。 | ||
此角色参与任务。 |
- 我们是凯撒军团: 死海想要信使袭击敢死队营地,并处决那里所有的NCR军官,以进一步打击NCR的士气。完成任务还可以获得大汗帮的名声,成为父汗的继承人。
- 重建希望: 信使被赋予任务夺回尼尔森,以便NCR将控制该地区。死海可以在尼尔森兵营中找到。必须杀死死海才能完成任务。
服装 | 武器 | 其他 物品 | 死 亡 |
Legion recruit armor Recruit decanus helmet |
解放者 10mm SMG |
抗毒血清 苦澀的飲料 治療粉 Legion Denarius 纯水 |
军团耳朵 |
- 死海将给信使他的独特的弯刀,解放者,作为完成我们是凯撒军团任务的奖励。或者,也可以通过杀死死海并从他的库存中获取解放者。
- 当揭去面具时,死海在外观上与亚历索斯和嘉班相同。
- 虽然典藏版的纸牌描述他穿着军团老兵盔甲,但他在游戏中穿着军团新兵盔甲。
- 当被问到攻击敢死队营地时,死海可以看穿军团阵营盔甲伪装。[9]
- ↑ The Courier: "Who are you?"
Dead Sea: "I am a loyal servant of Caesar, and I thank my good fortune for the day that he plucked me as a babe from the shore of the Great Salt Lake. For five years I have had the privilege of serving as a Decanus. If fortune continues to smile upon me, I will serve him until I draw my last breath. I hope that satisfies your curiosity about me, because I won't waste any more of Caesar's time talking about myself."
(Dead Sea's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "I've slaughtered the enemy at Camp Forlorn Hope."
Dead Sea: "A glorious victory. You must be very satisfied. I'll send word of your achievement. Perhaps Caesar will see fit to send another contubernium to occupy the Camp. Here - take this, my blade. It was a gift from my Centurion upon the defeat of the Sun Dog tribe."
(Dead Sea's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Why would I want a piece of shit machete?"
Dead Sea: "That blade has split the heads of... The only reason I give it to you is to force myself to earn another. True to Caesar."
(Dead Sea's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "What's the situation here?"
Dead Sea: "My orders are to hold Nelson. So far the enemy north of here has been too frightened to move against us. Why should it concern you?"
(Dead Sea's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "How can I help break the stalemate?"
Dead Sea: "What stalemate? It is Caesar's will that I hold this position - that I not advance. If you're so eager to see Camp Forlorn Hope fall, why don't you go attack it all by yourself? Well?"
(Dead Sea's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "You're demoralizing the enemy by leaving them alone?"
Dead Sea: "I do not question Caesar's will! I do not second-guess! I butchered this town. Those who weren't hacked limb from limb were forced to throw themselves from the cliffs. Three more, I have just crucified. All this, in full view of the enemy's spotters to the north. Yes, our presence here demoralizes the enemy."
(Dead Sea's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Why haven't you attacked the enemy?"
Dead Sea: "I have attacked the enemy. I led the assault on Nelson with two contubernia against twice our number. It is Caesar's wish that we hold this position. Our mere presence this side of the Colorado humiliates and demoralizes the enemy."
(Dead Sea's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "No offense intended. Carry on."
Dead Sea: "You are not my Centurion! You aren't even Legion! I do not 'carry on' at your command. True to Caesar."
(Dead Sea's dialogue) - ↑ Dead Sea's dialogue