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[[file:Fo2 Goris wo robe.png|right]]
極為稀有的死亡爪, 二代中只有一隻,白化症來自[[FEV]]病毒的某種變異。<ref name="Fallout Bible">[[Fallout Bible]]</ref> 牠的眼睛是血紅色,皮膚則呈現一種灰白色,而非同類們常見的棕色。穿著那件標誌性的袍子,使其可在人群之中偽裝,但在戰鬥時會將其脫下。牠與牠的同胞們之間似乎還有一些微妙的心靈感應能力,例如在英克雷在[[13号避难所|13號避難所]]大開殺戒的時候。白化死亡爪可能出現在輻射4的[[Glowing Sea|閃耀之海]],也有機會在任務[[The Devil's Due|魔鬼債務]]中重生。
極為稀有的死亡爪, 二代中只有一隻,白化症來自[[FEV]]病毒的某種變異。<ref name="Fallout Bible">[[Fallout Bible]]</ref> 牠的眼睛是血紅色, 皮膚則呈現一種灰白色,而非同類們常見的棕色。穿著那件標誌性的袍子,使其可在人群之中偽裝,但在戰鬥時會將其脫下。牠與牠的同胞們之間似乎還有一些微妙的心靈感應能力,例如在英克雷在[[13号避难所|13號避難所]]大開殺戒的時候。白化死亡爪可能出現在輻射4的[[Glowing Sea|閃耀之海]],也有機會在任務[[The Devil's Due|魔鬼債務]]中重生。
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{{Gamearticle|FO4NW|link1=Quantum deathclaw}}
量子死亡爪就是在死亡爪體內注入[[ Nuka-Cola Quantum|量子努卡可樂]]後的狀態。 Similar to [[Mirelurk (Fallout 4)#Nukalurk|Nukalurks]], they have bright blue streaks going across their body.
量子死亡爪就是在死亡爪體內注入[[ Nuka-Cola Quantum|量子努卡可樂]]後的狀態。類似 [[Mirelurk (Fallout 4)#Nukalurk|Nukalurks]] 身上遍布著淡藍色條紋。
Stripe is a unique creature with the appearance of an original deathclaw. Significantly smaller than the deathclaws found in the [[Mojave Wasteland|Wasteland]], he appears only in the ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'' add-on ''[[Old World Blues (add-on)|Old World Blues]]'' if the [[Courier]] has the [[Wild Wasteland]] trait. Despite his size, he still has the same stats as the full-scale deathclaw.
Stripe是獨特的死亡爪。比起[[Mojave Wasteland|廢土]]上的死亡爪明顯的小了不少,只出現在''[[Fallout: New Vegas|輻射:新維加斯]]'' 的額外內容[[Old World Blues (add-on)|舊世藍調]]中,玩家必須擁有[[ Wild Wasteland|狂野廢土]][[Trait|特徵]]才可一睹小死亡爪。不論大小,Stripe的能力與正常大小的死亡爪相同。

2019年3月8日 (五) 12:58的版本

Deathclaw spawn
Mother deathclaw
Fallout 2Deathclaw
Deathclaw spawn
Mother deathclaw
Tough deathclaw
Intelligent Deathclaws
Albino deathclaw
Fallout 3Deathclaw
Enclave deathclaw
Fallout: New VegasDeathclaw
Deathclaw baby
Young deathclaw
Blind deathclaw
Deathclaw alpha male
Deathclaw mother
Legendary deathclaw
Deathclaw Lonesome Road (add-on)
Irradiated deathclaw Lonesome Road (add-on)
Stripe Old World Blues (add-on)
Fallout 4Deathclaw
Alpha deathclaw
Glowing deathclaw
Deathclaw matriarch
Savage deathclaw
Albino deathclaw
Chameleon deathclaw
Mythic deathclaw
Fallout TacticsHairy deathclaw
Fallout: BoSExperimental deathclaw
Baby experimental deathclaw
Elder experimental deathclaw
Chameleon experimental deathclaw
Adolescent experimental deathclaw
Mother experimental deathclaw
Fallout ShelterDeathclaw
Alpha deathclaw
Enclave deathclaw
Van BurenDeathclaw
JES Fallout RPGDeathclaw
Gametitle-FO1Gametitle-FO2Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV LRGametitle-FO4
Gametitle-FO1Gametitle-FO2Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV LRGametitle-FO4Gametitle-FO4 NWGametitle-FOTGametitle-FOBOSGametitle-FOSGametitle-FBGametitle-VBGametitle-FOBOS2Gametitle-JESGametitle-D20
Big! Big! The size of three men! Claws as long as my forearm! Ripped apart! Ripped apart!Trent Barrister, Fallout

死亡爪是一種體型極其巨大, 行動極其靈巧, 力量極其強大的變異物種. 牠們是由杰克逊变色龙[1]的基因工程所創造的。[2]不过由于变异,牠们失去了原本的变色功能。


死亡爪最初由美國軍方在The Great War之前創造. 目的是用牠們在高危險性, 近戰格鬥型和搜索並摧毀型的任務中代替人類士兵. 牠們是由傑克森變色龍經各種不同物種的DNA轉基因而來.

教主在早期也做過關於死亡爪的實驗, 但是他的實驗並不太成功, 最終這些實驗結果也沒有應用到他的軍隊中. 不過, 他所做的修改導致的基因重組, 使其中一些試驗品變成了更加危險的野獸.

大概在2161年的時候, 對於大部分南加州的居民來講, 死亡爪仍舊只是一個傳說, 一種傳奇的怪獸. 在輻射中, 第一隻死亡爪出現在一個尋找失蹤商隊的任務中:雖然一些人相信, 死亡爪並不用為商隊的失蹤承擔責任, 但在牠巢穴里的證據確實給了事件一個正確的答案. 死亡爪們還在曬骨場的廢棄倉庫區建立了一個巢穴, 阻礙了武器走私者和任何潛在買家的交易, 並且讓這個區域的清理變得極為危險. 隨著死亡爪數量的增加, 牠們不再被看做是一種傳奇的怪獸, 而僅僅被當做了又一種危險的動物.








Deathclaw fo1
游戏文章: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Lonesome Road, Fallout 4, Fallout Shelter, Van Buren, J.E. Sawyer's Fallout RPG



游戏文章: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout Tactics, Fallout 4

雌性死亡爪, 也被稱作母親和女族長, 比雄性要更強悍, 同時數量也更少. 在一定時間裡, 只有一隻雌性是這群死亡爪的母親, 牠死後另一隻母死亡爪會代替牠的位置. 一群死亡爪由「最有權威的雄性」領導.

有些死亡爪沒有背刺, 頭頂角方向向後而且更小, 這些都有可能是雌性死亡爪的象徵.


游戏文章: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout Tactics, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel

小死亡爪是死亡爪的幼兒形態, 在西岸隨處可見. 牠們在外表上和成年死亡爪相似, 只是體型小一些. 在輻射3中的死亡爪聖殿入口處可以見到兩隻小型死亡爪, 雖然名字上不是小死亡爪. 牠們大概有成年死亡爪三分之二的大小. 在頂呱呱超級市場外的隨機事件中也能見到一隻小型死亡爪. 該事件包括了死亡爪與一個戴著死亡爪拳套的廢土遊民.


Fo2 Vault 13 Ending
游戏文章: Fallout 2

2235年, 英克雷捕獲了許多死亡爪然後把牠們暴露在FEV下. 這使牠們的智力迅速增長, 給了牠們用不同程度上的知識和清晰度來說話的能力. 這一亞種的智力高度發達, 大概和8歲兒童相當, 還有些個案的智力達到了普通成年人的水平. 牠們的學習能力很強並且能夠進行抽象思維和推理. 儘管他們沒有聲帶, 死亡爪似乎能夠像鸚鵡一樣模仿人類的語言. 社會方面, 牠們有著嚴格的等級制度, 愛好和平, 並且遵循本群體的道德規章. 牠們普遍對所在群體極為忠心, 把群體看做是一個大家庭而不是小家庭的集合. 群體內部從不會出現不合, 而群體的領導者在控制著群體生存的各個方面, 比如選配雌雄死亡爪繁衍後代. 奇怪的是, 死亡爪在暴露在FEV下不會產生不育現象; 這種特性現在還無法解釋.


FO2 Goris model
Fo2 Goris wo robe
游戏文章: Fallout 2, Fallout 4

極為稀有的死亡爪, 二代中只有一隻,白化症來自FEV病毒的某種變異。[3] 牠的眼睛是血紅色, 皮膚則呈現一種灰白色,而非同類們常見的棕色。穿著那件標誌性的袍子,使其可在人群之中偽裝,但在戰鬥時會將其脫下。牠與牠的同胞們之間似乎還有一些微妙的心靈感應能力,例如在英克雷在13號避難所大開殺戒的時候。白化死亡爪可能出現在輻射4的閃耀之海,也有機會在任務魔鬼債務中重生。


Enclave deathclaw
游戏文章: Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter



游戏文章: Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel



游戏文章: Fallout: New Vegas



游戏文章: Fallout 4



FNV DeathclawAlpha
游戏文章: Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout Shelter



FNV DeathclawAlpha
游戏文章: Fallout: New Vegas



主页面: 多毛死亡爪

辐射战略版中臭名昭著的多毛死亡爪, 注意和前面死亡爪的异同

這支死亡爪的亞種居住在原來的伊利諾斯州, 密蘇里州和堪薩斯州區域, 牠們在身體上進化出了幾片毛皮以應付寒冷的氣候. 此外, 牠們之中的一些早在2197年就有了說話的能力, 也就是說牠們很可能是通過自發突變獲得了語言能力, 或者是被英克雷以外的人進行了實驗. 另一種可能是牠們在The Great War之前就被設計成了一個有高智商和講話的能力的種族. 牠們和西岸的同類相比, 也更傾向於女性族長, 群體也是由女性領導的. 在嬰幼兒時期, 這些死亡爪的毛髮較少而且看起來也完全未開化, 行為像動物一樣活著只是簡單地追隨成年個體. 據推測牠們在成年後才會有自我意識.


主页面: 实验型死亡爪
Deathclaw 01

一只辐射: 钢铁兄弟会中的死亡爪

在一個秘密避難所, 有一座避難所科技的設施, 充當著該公司在末日後繼續存活的基礎, 除了很多確保公司力量的科學項目, 這裡也進行著一些和放射性材料與FEV有關的研究. 當一個鋼鐵兄弟會的新兵來到該避難所時, 他遭遇了這種聞名整個廢土的野獸的一個獨特變種.

顯然, 避難所科技的科學家獲取了死亡爪做生物武器的樣本並且嘗試了進行改善, 他們使用了FEV, 輻射和各種科學技術. 這個新品種變得更大更強, 產生了更多的肌肉塊和一套有著很多突刺的外骨骼. 不過, 變異使牠們的視覺失靈, 迫使這些死亡爪只能依賴於其牠感官. 活的越久, 體型就越大, 所以牠們的變異與FEV效應和廢都的超級變種人應該非常相似. 這些死亡爪的蛋也很特別, 看起來更像一堆和人類一般大的肉團.


Fo4NW Quantum deathclaw
游戏文章: Nuka-World

量子死亡爪就是在死亡爪體內注入量子努卡可樂後的狀態。類似 Nukalurks 身上遍布著淡藍色條紋。


游戏文章: Fallout: New Vegas

Stripe是獨特的死亡爪。比起廢土上的死亡爪明顯的小了不少,只出現在輻射:新維加斯 的額外內容舊世藍調中,玩家必須擁有狂野廢土特徵才可一睹小死亡爪。不論大小,Stripe的能力與正常大小的死亡爪相同。




  • 死亡爪巢穴中的死亡爪有250點HP和1000點經驗.
  • 曬骨場死亡爪倉庫地下室裡面有一隻母死亡爪, 320點HP和1500點XP.


可以在13號避難所見到, 也會廢土的隨機事件中遭遇.


Deathclaws are arguably one of the fastest, most powerful and frightening creatures in the game. Fortunately, deathclaws are not found in many areas around the Capital Wasteland, so their influence on where and when the Lone Wanderer travels is limited. Despite having tough hides according to game lore, the deathclaws in the game are simply given a lot of Hit Points rather than Damage Resistance.




另外一个值得注意的地方就是逆风洞穴,里面有废土上的第一杀手,著名的传奇死亡爪。Another location with a high number of these creatures is Gypsum train yard. Depending on the Courier's level they will either be regular, young, or blind.


Deathclaws have a very high amount of health for creatures of their level and are incredibly resistant to most damage types, particularly energy damage. Their versatile combat style makes them a hefty opponent even if they are lower level. When aggravated, they will initiate combat by roaring and stomping the ground, causing a shockwave.

While they predominantly use their namesake claws for dealing damage, they may also headbutt their foes to stagger them. Their power attack comes in the form of a wide-swinging claw slash which deals significant damage. If one is available, they have also been noted to use both hands to throw cars at an opponent who is out of melee distance.

Deathclaws have the ability to instantly kill the Sole Survivor or other humanoids, either by grabbing and smashing them into the ground, or decapitation with its claws. This maneuver only occurs when the Sole Survivor has low enough health, although this is relative - higher percentages of health at low level can still result in the instant-kill attack, but at higher levels it may not occur until the player has very low health. Other times, the deathclaw may pick up the player and slam them into the ground forcibly, causing moderate damage. The instant kill can also be nullified by wearing any type of power armor. Instead, the deathclaw will grab the Sole Survivor and stagger them, draining their AP completely. A deathclaw will also toss sand into the air to provide a brief distraction.

The deathclaws have a substantial level of natural armor and are resistant to damage on their dark, scaled parts, leaving the belly as a weak spot which takes increased damage. However, due to their hunched posture, this is difficult to hit. Although the Penetrator perk allows the Sole Survivor to hit the deathclaw anywhere while using the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, this works by shooting through the deathclaw like it is a solid object. They can dodge gunshots and zigzag while charging the shooter, making them even harder to hit. If one of their legs become crippled, broken bone will be seen stabbing out of the skin, and they will move incredibly slowly. With both legs crippled it is unable to move at all. It is also possible to shoot off the end of their tail.

Their model size makes them ungainly in uneven ground, which can be used against them. Their inability to climb or jump (aside from scripted events such as in Concord) renders their close-combat style useless if attacked from high enough ground, and if they are unable to travel certain terrain such as jumping up on a rock, they will flee until their target is on level ground again. Many of their attacks can also be avoided by keeping a constant pace, which allows the player to simply outrun their claw strikes.


In Fallout Tactics patched to 1.27 deathclaws are deadly. They are highly resistant to regular ammo. The NPC's in each bunker often say " I have some AP ammo for those deathclaws." but they will not trade it. Even an Anti-Vehicle mine, does only medium damage. The first mission where a player is confronted with 2 Deathclaws and around 5 Baby Deathclaws in Fallout Tactics is Quincy, but they can be seen in a Random Encounter before that mission.

  • Destroying the mind control device on a deathclaw (Or at least attempting to) can be rather risky as you have a higher chance at getting a critical headshot than a frenzy.


死亡爪的設定來源於荒野遊俠 里的「陰影之爪」。In Scott Campbell's original concept art (see: gallery), deathclaws were mammals covered with fur. The reason it lost the hair from concept to production was a technical limitation of the rendering software, which couldn't get all the hair to move properly. The hairy Deathclaw in Fallout Tactics was inspired by the original concept[4].

根據輻射聖經[5], after a Dungeons & Dragons computer game made by Interplay was cancelled, 死亡爪是根據龍與地下城的泰奎拉斯巨獸為原型製作的。However, according to Chris Taylor, while they do look Tarrasque-like, it was not intentional and the clay model was supposed to be a deathclaw from the start.[4].


  • "The Deathclaw is the most evil thing to rise out of the ashes after the War. Some say it's a powerful ghost from the war that haunts the land. It's no ghost, it's as real as you and me. It's 20 feet tall with teeth as big as your arm. It's some kind of demon that found it's way here when the world was engulfed in fire." - Beth (Beth's dialogue file)
  • "The Deathclaws are all over in the Boneyard. I'd rather not even think about them. Huge and aptly named." - Katja (Katja's dialogue file)
  • "Okay. Well, it's like a damn big man, is what it is. Got spikes and claws that can cut through the heaviest armor. But don't let the size fool ya, it's quick." - Harold (Harold's dialogue file)
  • "You can't look at 'em! It is said the Death Claw can hypnotize just by lookin'. Then it walks up and "boom", you're et!" - Harold (Harold's dialogue file)
  • "Heard some tales about something faster, bigger, and meaner than any living creature has a right to be. Not too many, though, which means that it doesn't leave many survivors. Big claws, ferocious disposition." - Tycho (Tycho's dialogue file)
  • "The Death Claw? Oh, that's a bedtime story. Drinks blood and howls at the full moon." - Killian Darkwater (Killian's dialogue file)
  • "I heard a tale from a traveller up from the south. He said the Death Claw was a creature that killed people at night. He said no one can catch it, because it can disappear like smoke. Not that I believe it, of course." - Tandi (Tandi's dialogue file)
  • Protectrons humorously say that Deathclaws are critters of unusual size.






輻射: 鋼鐵兄弟會





  • There also seems to be a strange glitch with Deathclaws in Fallout 3. Sometimes when they are encountered by the player, they randomly fly straight up into the sky- literally hundreds of feet into the air, so far so that they pass out of sight and even out of V.A.T.S. range. When this glitch is encountered, it will be quite surprising, and even funny. There is no real trigger to this event, as they sometimes are attacking, idle, or roaming when it occurs. The Deathclaw will rarely die from this random flight, however it will take damage when it lands.
  • Sometimes flying Deathclaws will "loop". They will fly into the air, spawn near the ground, then fly into the air again. Each time the loop occurs, the Deathclaw appears to suffer no falling damage. If the player targets the Deathclaw and successfully lands some hits, the Deathclaw may end up never returning from flight, which can be quite bothersome because it will keep the player in the [DANGER] status for awhile, preventing fast traveling, waiting, or even talking to NPC's because they may be fleeing.
  • Targeting flying Deathclaws using V.A.T.S. can result in rather humorous bullet behavior. Sometimes bullets tracking the Deathclaw as it rockets into the air will tumble, perhaps due to the Deathclaw's massive acceleration.
  • There seems to be a glitch involving the download of Broken Steel in which a friendly Enclave-Controlled Deathclaw follows you into Tenpenny Tower if you have the Deathclaw Control Scrambler. It then proceeds to kill everyone in the lobby. This can be countered by keeping a strong weapon out such as A3-21's Plasma Rifle or the Terrible Shotgun, and shooting it in the back before it can kill Chief Gustavo and the other security guards in the lobby (have not tested on ghoul-controlled Tenpenny Tower, need confirmation). If this fails, simply reload the autosave and try again. (Confirmed on 360.)
  • Outside Dukov's place an Enclave controlled deathclaw may bemarked as a friendly on the compass. It will kill all the radroaches in the area. Then it walks back to its cage and the script for it exiting started where it looks both ways then jumps out. Afterwards it was hostile.
  • If you fast travel to any area with your controlled Deathclaw, the Deathclaw will seem to die mysteriously. This is not the case. The scribe who gave you the Deathclaw Scrambler explains to you that there are bad effects if you go too far from Enclave bases, not for you but the Deathclaw.
  • The mind controlled Deathclaw in Raven Rock was marked as friendly, and when it was released, it just stands, doing nothing in the mouth of its cage.
  • A very uncommon glitch happens where Enclave controlled Deathclaw's appear friendly to you(Animal Friend Perk)and stand in front of you for about 8 seconds then attack you.
  • East of Robo Co factory, there is sometimes a random Deathclaw wandering around. If you raise a sniper or a black hawk (or gun with a scope), it will disappear.
  • Sometimes, while fast traveling in Megaton, a friendly Deathclaw will spawn next to character, then it will start attacking Megaton Settlers. This might occur while having the Deathclaw Control Scrambler in your inventory, after completing the given optional quest, related to the scrambler device. After dealing with the Deathclaw mishap, you will be able to revive any unwanted casualties, by hitting the console button (yes, available only for the PC), targeting the corpse, typing in "resurrect" then hitting enter. Upon exiting the console, the Megaton Settler will be alive again and it shall return to it's normal scripted activities.


  1. Joseph (Ocjoseph.msg) in Fallout 2 says:
    "Well, let's see... Deathclaws appear to be mutated Jackson's Chameleons游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法, the horned variety. There are a lot of similarities still present, but an even greater number of differences. The mutation factor is quite high. This species is highly intelligent, about the equivalent of an eight-year-old, with some individuals reaching human normal level. Their learning capacity is very high and they are capable of abstract thought and reasoning."
  2. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为Norton的引用提供文字
  3. Fallout Bible
  4. 4.0 4.1 Chris Taylor at No Mutants Allowed forum
  5. Fallout Bible 8