

死亡爪庇护所 坐落在废都的西北部,迪克森临时礼拜堂广播信号塔KB5之间。要达到此处,可以从康斯坦丁要塞出发往西南方向走,或者从诺达卫星防御阵列NW-05a出发往南走。地如其名,这里是死亡爪的老巢,大群死亡爪出没于此。




完成了主线任务“The Waters of Life”之后,在入口东北方的悬崖上会出现一个英克雷营地。通常包括一个穿特斯拉盔甲的英克雷士兵和一个英克雷科学家,同时还有一个被控制的死爪。




The Waters of Life[]





  • 就在入口处,有一个上锁的长条箱,内有《卧倒与掩护》一本。
  • Enclave loot from nearby camp.


  • 就在入口的南面,在第一个大型穴室内,在一大堆尸块和一头腐臭的双头牛尸体旁的一个圆形小台子上能找到摇头人偶-耐力,还有《特斯拉与你》一本,小型核弹一枚。
    • 往东走几步,在英克雷军官的尸体旁边,能找到一瓶量子型核子可乐。
  • 在洞穴深处,东南角上,一个血池那里,能找到一件唯一的特殊的格林激光炮,复仇者
  • 在洞穴南面一具英克雷军官的尸体上能找到一件唯一的特殊的碎尸锯,开膛手。(完成了The Waters of Life后出现。)
  • The loot gained from the scavengers and traders (100-200 bottlecaps per trader, ammo and chems) if every nook and cranny is explored.
  • There are 2 Sniper Rifles found on some raiders with some .308 ammo.


  • Players are advised to be cautious: Deathclaws are among the most dangerous enemies in the Capital Wasteland, and being situated in a dark cave with several of the beasts in proximity is not an easy situation. Sneaking is encouraged, and so are high-damaging weapons like Alien Blaster, Lincoln's Repeater and The Terrible Shotgun. The Dart Gun can also prove useful here. Stimpaks are a must. It is also advised to not have weak NPC Followers.
  • If you go exploring the deathclaw sanctuary, it is recomended you bring Fawkes, he is more than a match for the long clawed creatures through strength, endurance and his genuine amount of sheer trigger happiness, for high level players, the deathclaws may not be a problem and low level players are recomended to give the mount mabel area a wide berth.
  • The Enclave soldiers exploring the cave are spawned alive, but are quickly killed off by the Deathclaws inside. One can save them, in theory, but that would be foolish: The Enclave soldiers are aggressive towards the player as well unless you want their fingers to make caps in the regulators HQ.
  • Fast-travelling to this location may be a bad call: It has been reported by several players that one can get attacked by several deathclaws and Enclave soldiers at the arrival. You will spawn by the footlocker at the door, and in some cases you will be attacked by several deathclaws here, while Enclave troopers are free to take potshots at you from their elevated position. Consider fast-travelling to a nearby location instead.
    • Up to five Deathclaws may appear outside of the Deathclaw Sanctuary, including the Enclave controlled Deathclaw(s) (if you have not killed both the Enclave Deathclaws) if you have killed both or at least one of the Enclave controlled Deathclaws a maximum of 4 Deathclaws can appear.
  • It is a good idea to loot this place before doing the waters of life quest. It has been reported that sometimes the loot will reappear for you to claim once again.
  • There is a random mini-encounter just before the deathclaw sanctuary; going south-west of the entrance between the rocks, saving and loading just before it spawns can cause you to trigger the unique mini-encounter Wounded Deathclaw and thus gaining you an schematic of the Deathclaw Gauntlet on the corpse of a dead wastelander. Be aware though, the Deathclaw guarding the body may be crippled and severely damaged, you should maintain distance before you loot the corpse.


  • 在洞口刷出的死亡爪会突然向空中升起,这貌似是因为它们的刷新点比地表略低了一点,因此游戏的物理引擎将它们向空中升起。
  • The deathclaws that spawn near the entrance may also spontaneously die while fighting you. (Confirmed Xbox 360)
  • The torso halves found in the pool of blood near the Vengeance have strange physics applied to them. Picking them up (Either the legs or the torso) results in them spinning in midair -- regardless of whether you are moving or not.
  • The various deathclaw cages in the enclave base outside the sanctuary, have been known to only show the doors, and not the rest of the container. the doors do however still function. (Confirmed Xbox 360)
  • By the bobblehead, the rear half of a Brahmin can be seen sticking out of the ground shaking due to it being stuck through a solid object (the ground). It will always be found like this.
  • The deathclaw that is walking at the pool of blood may not attack you. This is easy to get to Vengeance. (Confirmed Xbox 360)
  • This area has a lower framerate than any other place in the game, simply walking through it may cause you to drop to around 10 fps. (Confirmed Xbox 360)

