长老歐文·里昂斯(英文:Elder Owyn Lyons)于2277年是東岸兄弟會的领袖。
里昂斯出生于2202年,[1] 最初是驻扎在南加州失落山丘地堡的钢铁兄弟会圣骑士。2251年,他的女儿莎拉出生。 一段时间后,莎拉的母亲去世了。
2254年,兄弟会的执政委员会决定向东海岸派遣一支士兵队伍,其目标有三个。首先,搜寻曾经是美国首都的华盛顿特区废墟,并恢复所有先进技术。其次,调查该地区超级变种人活动的报告。第三,重建与钢铁兄弟会中西部分会的联系,并在失落山丘的指挥下将他们送回(钢铁兄弟会的主飞艇在一场大风暴中坠毁在芝加哥附近,与失落山丘地堡失去了所有联系)。因此,由圣骑士里昂斯(并由他的三岁女儿莎拉、朋友和技术顾问文士雷金纳德·罗斯柴尔德以及星光聖騎士克羅絲、圣骑士亨利·卡斯丁、新兵伊斯梅尔·阿什尔 、圣骑士崔斯坦、骑士科尔文和圣骑士甘尼)率领的一支小而强硬的钢铁兄弟会士兵队伍从失落的山丘出发,开始向东长途跋涉前往曾经的华盛顿特区。
里昂斯的团队终于在 2255 年抵达首都废土,最初的几个月内在五角大楼内建立了一个行动基地。[3] 尽管五角大楼基本上被摧毁了,但其下层仍完好无损,其库存包含未受干扰的战前科技和武器,以维持其行动。最引人注目的是自由至尊,[4]这是一项科技奇迹,如果修复成功,可以帮助钢铁兄弟会重建多年来一直在稳步下降的实力和声誉。自由至尊的发现使圣骑士里昂斯在战场上晋升为长老,并得到了他在南加州的上级的新指示:在首都废土建立一个新的永久性兄弟会基地,并继续寻找隐藏在前首都的废墟中的任何其他先进技术。
抵达后不久,里昂斯的侦察员发现了该地区的新威胁:一种奇特的超级变种人,在华盛顿市中心的荒芜废墟中肆虐。 里昂斯对他们的存在感到担忧并确信他们是废土的主要威胁,因此发起了一场旷日持久的侵略运动以消灭他们。[5] 与此同时,里昂斯与詹姆斯和凯瑟琳结盟,这对科学家试图建造一个大规模的净化器,他们的站点位置靠近大本营,詹姆斯和凯瑟琳将提供补给,而兄弟会提供保护。预期目标是为废土提供几乎取之不尽的纯净水源,减少他们对传统净化方法的依赖。尽管兄弟会参与了,但“净水计划”未能成功。 沮丧的里昂斯撤回了他的部队,让该项目自生自灭。 不久之后,它与詹姆斯的妻子凯瑟琳一起消逝。[6] 对付超级变种人,仅仅是阻止他们,对这个地区的废土居民来说可能已经足够了,但对兄弟会来说,还有太多问题没有解决;其中最重要的是,这些新变种人被创造的方式,他们被创造的地点以及他们为什么要利用首都废土的人民。为找到这些答案最终会成为欧文·里昂斯的困惑。
新任命的长老认为超级变种人不仅对兄弟会和他们在特区的侦察员构成威胁,而且对废土上的所有人构成威胁。[4] 因此,他开始将资源用于对抗变种人,逐渐降低完成主要任务目标的重要性,即恢复科技。
许多年过去了,但没有人预料到。事实上,钢铁兄弟会对首都废土的人民的重要性是里昂斯从未预料到的。这也不是他在加州的上级漠不关心的事情。 他们最新的长老有一个明确的使命:在华盛顿特区的废墟中和周围获取先进科技,找到超级变种人威胁的来源并摧毁它也很重要,当然,里昂斯的主要目标,首先,也是最重要的, 科技的获取。超级变种人是他的第二要务。 因此,这是加州钢铁兄弟会领导层每次交流的主题。
然而,欧文·里昂斯长老还有另一个优先事项,他认为比他最初的指示或之后收到的任何命令都更重要,那就是保护首都废土的无辜人民。 因此,里昂斯向他的上级传达了消息,他将在他准备得足够好的时候继续他的科技探索,并且不会牺牲那些已经依赖钢铁兄弟会的勇气和力量的人们。
由于冲突使他的资源紧张,里昂斯几年来试图说服西海岸派遣增援和补给,声称要遵循任务目标,但在暗地里,他继续命令下属通过消灭超级变种人来救人 。然而,任何谎言都不能无限期地持续下去。 当里昂斯完全拒绝听从长老们的直接命令时,事情就变得紧张起来。作为回应,西海岸迅速切断了他的联系,切断了通讯,拒绝了任何增援。到2277年,东岸分会和兄弟会总部之间多年没有联系。[7]
里昂斯长老的大多数士兵都支持他对首都废土人民的奉献,并为他们的领导人对荣誉和英雄主义的承诺感到自豪。与超级变种人的冲突持续了多年,资源和人力紧张到了极点。没有兄弟会的支持,情况变得越来越糟。 然而,里昂斯的手下继续追随他并听从他的命令,主要是出于兄弟会从一出生就教给他们的忠诚学说。[8] 然而,他手下的一些士兵对里昂斯专注于通过消灭超级变种人来保护废土感到不满,认为这是对人力和资源的无效浪费,最终会摧毁兄弟会。情况逐渐恶化,当里昂斯长老无视他们一再要求从战前科学军事基地独立要塞恢复科技时,情况终于恶化。[9]
毫无疑问,这是欧文·里昂斯最黑暗的时刻。他已经成为一个富有同情心和善解人意的人,不得不同情那些离开的人;他放弃了兄弟会的主要任务。他承认这一点,并为此承担全部责任。一些离开的骑士和圣骑士多年来一直是他的兄弟。他们一起分享了胜利和失败,痛苦和喜悦。 但对于那些忠于里昂斯长老的士兵来说,这种玩忽职守和盗窃科技的行为是懦弱和背叛的行为。 持不同政见者称自己为"流放者"即钢铁兄弟会的叛徒;这个名字最终成为了他们的荣誉勋章,他们为自己与里昂斯的“阿谀者士兵”之间的距离而自豪。其中一个离开的人正是亨利·卡斯丁,他成为了流放者的创始人。
东海岸兄弟会在 2277 年开始时是一支日渐衰弱的部队,饱受合格战斗人员短缺和武器装备库存严重枯竭的困扰。 结果,兄弟会在大本营外的存在极其有限,只有少数加固的前哨分散在华盛顿大都会地区,里昂斯长老因无法采取行动而感到非常疲倦。[13][14][15][16]
欧文·里昂斯最终在2278年左右去世,将领导权留给了他的女儿莎拉·里昂斯长老,不久她就在战斗中死去。 东海岸兄弟会随后陷入困境,由连续无能的领导人领导,直到亞瑟·麥克森长老。[17]
里昂斯死后,亚瑟·麦克森长老最终成功实现了里昂斯从首都废土消灭超级变种人的目标,并最终将兄弟会与流放者重新组合成一个再次统一的东海岸分会。 尽管他是负责领导和引导原始兄弟会特遣队穿越匹堡的长老,发现了大本营(以及自由至尊),领导了在净水计划之战,然后在亞當斯空軍基地击败英克雷,十多年后,里昂斯长老在人们的记忆中,主要被认为是一位“愚蠢的”长老,他带领兄弟会偏离了他们保存科技的真正道路。[18][19] 兄弟会的一些官员甚至认为麦克森是兄弟会成为军事力量的唯一原因,如果不是麦克森,东海岸的兄弟会仍将是在大本营里的一小群散兵。[20]
他的女儿莎拉·里昂斯是拥有独特铁卫军衔的兄弟会成员。 雷金纳德·罗斯柴尔德是里昂斯长老的老朋友。
作为钢铁兄弟会的领导者,里昂斯大部分时间都在大本营实验室度过,无论是A-ring还是B-ring。他经常与文士罗斯柴尔德、鲍迪奇和皮博迪就他们的各种项目进行交谈。此外,他还负责检查兄弟会重建自由至尊的重大项目的进度,并监督军械库和铁匠铺。 当他不在大本营实验室工作时,他通常在A-ring的大厅里吃饭,在 B-ring的房间里学习或睡觉。
互动 | ||
此角色是必要的。关键角色不会被杀死。 | ||
此角色开启任务。 | ||
此角色参与任务。 | ||
此角色被杀时会掉落一只耳朵(职业杀手)。 |
- The Waters of Life: 里昂斯授予铆钉城科学部门和獨行者在大本营城墙内的安全。
- Picking Up the Trail: 里昂斯要求獨行者找到在87 号避难所的一个G.E.C.K.。
- 夺回!: 经过深思熟虑,里昂斯长老下令攻击傑佛遜紀念堂,并从英克雷夺回净水计划。
- Death From Above: 从两周的昏迷中醒来后,里昂斯告诉獨行者过去两周发生的事情,并将他们引导去圣骑士崔斯坦,他将向他们简要介绍兄弟会的下一步行动。
- 里昂斯长老可以授予玩家角色许可,让他们可以与圣骑士甘尼一起训练使用动力装甲。
- 里昂斯长老可以授予玩家角色与大本营军需官,骑士队长杜尔加进行交易的权限。
- 里昂斯长老将向玩家角色支付100瓶盖和善良的业报,以获取有关超级变种人的任何信息。第一条信息可以在探索87号避难所时发现,发现它是超级变种人的温床,尽管怀疑獨行者需要与里奥叔叔谈论“金属的地方”才能弄让它弄清楚87号避难所到底是什么。 其他信息可以从里奥叔叔处获得。
- 在勇敢者胜中选择摧毁大本营导致歐文·里昂斯死亡。
- 辐射3
服装 | 武器 | 其他 物品 | 死 亡 |
Elder Lyons' robe | 里昂斯长老的非玩家雷射手槍 | 钢铁兄弟会铭牌 |
- 辐射:避难所
- 里昂斯的三份个人日志可以在大本营实验室和在B-ring里昂斯的宿舍中找到。
- 里昂斯长老在眺望角中被Punga种子迷住时出现幻觉,出现在神圣沼泽中,面朝上漂浮,即使他还没有在基础游戏中遇到。
- 在告诉他超级变种人来自 87 号避难所后问他是否对这些超级变种人还有其他了解时,他会说“过去两周你学到的东西似乎比我 20 年学到的还多!” 无论玩家角色离开101号避难所多久,以及他们多久前告诉他关于87号避难所的事。这是因为根据三狗的电台广播,当独行者从英克雷脱离囚禁时,他们已经被关押了两个星期。
- 他准备将首都废土钢铁兄弟会的指挥权交给他的女儿莎拉,正如他在第二篇个人日志中所读到的那样。
- 他的观点被称为里昂斯学说。[22]
- 其他文士经常睡在里昂斯长老的床上。
- 他与艾瑪塔和莎拉·里昂斯是游戏中拥有“非常好”业报的三个角色之一。
- 在辐射4,钢铁兄弟会的士兵们提到,他们已经厌倦了欧文·里昂斯和他的“愚蠢行为”。
- "当我来到这里,我第一次意识到兄弟会的技术,可以真正拯救这片废土上的幸存者。我选择了帮助他们,即使这意味着将兄弟会的利益置于危险之中。我的一些士兵称我为英雄。其余的说我是叛徒。"
- "用你的心灵和思想发誓,用你的枪发誓,你将与他们一起战斗到最后。 相信他们中的每一个人。"
- "你敢在这片神圣的土地上洒血?"
- "我不能——我不会——允许英克雷控制一件能给这些人带来哪怕是最轻微希望火花的事情。"
- "我坐在这里,安全的城堡里,而荒原上的人们却在干渴,忍受痛苦,死去。我坐在这里,一个失败的,虚弱的老人。"
- "然后就决定了。莎拉,你带着骄傲并使用机器人作为支持。带我们的朋友到这里来保护那个净化器。"
歐文·里昂斯登场于辐射3及其擴展包断钢中。 在眺望角中,他也以一具尸体出现在幻觉中。 歐文在辐射4中也被提及已经去世。
"(...) 我把里昂斯长老的处境比作《辐射》中放逐者的处境。 他们俩都在一个孤立的、仇外的、技术先进的社会中长大,为了寻找一些重要的技术而被赶出那个社会,他们第一次发现自己是孤独的,可以控制自己的命运。 就像放逐者(至少是我保存的游戏中的放逐者)一样,他表现出那种非常人性化的同情心,并开始帮助人们。"[23]
"我认为很多让兄弟会保持兄弟会的教条、秘密等等的原因是他们的集体孤立。 一旦你将一支队伍送入废土,远离对规范和价值观的持续反馈,人们必然会开始对事情做出自己的决定。"[23]
- ↑ Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.71: "Elder Owyn Lyons
Lyons, 75, was already highly decorated when he set out from the order's West Coast headquarters, leading a party of soldiers on a mission to reestablish contact with the "Eastern Brotherhood." He discovered this abandoned Pentagon military complex. The presence of Super Mutants sent a chill up the collective spine of the Brotherhood; these weren't the children of the dreaded Master, nor were they the remnants of the band that fled east and were ultimately destroyed (or assimilated into the Brotherhood of Steel) in the Chicago area. No, this was a new breed of Super Mutant, one with a local origin. But where did they come from? What did they want? How were they reproducing? Elder Lyons was ordered to discover the source of this new Super Mutant infestation and wipe it from the face of the earth. Recent weeks have seen him galvanize his "Pride" to thwart the remnants of the Enclave forces, and to provide drinking water to all."
(Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census) - ↑ Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.43-44:
"Pitt Raiders
Pitt Slaves
Following the Great War, survivors established a settlement on the remains of a city at the confluence of rivers. The rivers seem to provide a clear resource, and enough of the city was cleared by the bombs that a new settlement could be established. However, radioactive material and unidentified mutagens mixed into the groundwater, causing it to become slightly mutagenic and highly carcinogenic. As a result, the people in the new settlement began to change ever so slightly.
The changes were subtle, not nearly to the degree of the Super Mutants or the various Wasteland creatures, but over the next 140 years, it became undeniable that something was affecting the people of The Pitt. Starting from the first few years, children were often born with strange growths or extra vestigial limbs. The mutations never went far beyond the occasional hunchback or cleft palate, but it wasn't long before the vast majority of the residents of The Pitt developed some sort of physical deformity in their lifetimes. Although many children were born "clean," the older they got, the more likely that a problem would develop.
The most disturbing change that the environment caused was not nearly as noticeable as the physical deformities. The infected water and poisoned sky began to cause neurological damage to those exposed to it. People became more hostile, violent, and short-tempered; they became known as "Wildmen." Their emotions became out of control, and their actions often teetered on primal. In severe cases, mutated humans devolved into hunched, savage beasts nicknamed "Trogs." Over the first 50 years, The Pitt quickly degenerated into a dangerous den of murderers and rapists; even cannibalism was not uncommon. The only loyalty was in strength, and the only organization was between those who were strong enough to control others and those who were controlled.
Rumors of the horrors of The Pitt spread throughout the Wasteland, and all travelers knew to avoid it at all costs. However, The Pitt became one of the most self-sufficient communities in the Wastes. Granted, their self-sufficiency relied on the citizens occasionally eating one another, but they functioned without trade or export.
In 2042 , Star Paladin Lyons of the Brotherhood of Steel led the Scourge, a large-scale military action that wiped out nearly the entire population of The Pitt. In a single night, the Brotherhood swept through the city, eliminating any resident who put up a fight. Although the intent of the Scourge remains unclear, several unmutated children were taken from The Pitt by the Brotherhood and placed into initiate training. The motivations for the Scourge are unclear to this day, but many in the Brotherhood note that it was a marked change in the way the Brotherhood operates. Additionally, it is known that something was recovered from The Pitt during the Scourge, although to date it would seem that only Elder Lyons knows what it was.
It is said that a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin from the Scourge stayed on in The Pitt, seeking to bring law and order to the unwashed masses and creating an underclass of Pitt Slaves in the process, guarded by Pitt Raiders under his personal command. However, in the decades following the events of the Scourge, nobody has heard anything from The Pitt. Travelers who have gone to investigate have not returned, and no survivors have emerged."
(Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "How long have you been here?"
Reginald Rothchild: "We arrived here in '55. Established ourselves in the Citadel within the first few months. The Elder has kept us busy since then."
(Reginald Rothchild's dialogue) - ↑ 4.0 4.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What kind of changes?"
Reginald Rothchild: "We were dispatched with a specific mission. We were sent to locate and secure any technology remaining from before the war. Like our robotic monstrosity. That was our greatest find. Damn thing still doesn't work, but at least it's ours. But those damned Super Mutants... They changed things. Lyons changed. He decided they were a threat. Not just to us, but to everyone. And so he altered the mission. Finding the source of the mutants and putting a stop to them was his goal. Our original mission became an afterthought. We've failed both."
(Reginald Rothchild's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "How long have you been here?"
Owyn Lyons: "It's been over twenty years since we arrived. And we've been struggling to contain and eradicate the Super Mutants for nearly as long. With the arrival of the Enclave, I have a terrible feeling the Super Mutants are the least of our worries."
(Owyn Lyons' dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What about the Brotherhood's history in this area?"
Elizabeth Jameson: "We first arrived in the Capital Wasteland in 2255. In those first couple of years, we discovered the Citadel, Super Mutants, and Project Purity! Ah, the purifier. What an undertaking. The work your father and his team did was... amazing. The Brotherhood helped protect them, you know. At least for a little while. But we were stretched thin as it was, even back then. We had to pull our forces out. When we did, the place was overrun. I imagine that's when your father left. I... I'm sorry, I wish things had turned out differently."
(Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "You make saving people sound like a bad thing."
Reginald Rothchild: "It wasn't why we were sent here. Good or bad has nothing to do with it. Lyons knew that, but ignored it. He decided it was more important to save the people here than to obey orders from his superiors. For years he'd try and persuade them to send reinforcements and supplies, all the while stringing them along, saying he was sticking to the mission. Finally, things came to a head. Lyons directly refused orders, and so the West Coast cut us off. No communications, no reinforcements."
The Lone Wanderer: "Why, what happened?"
Reginald Rothchild: "Lines of communication were severed years ago. The Western Elders have washed their hands of us."
(Reginald Rothchild's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What do you mean by "repercussions"?"
Reginald Rothchild: "Some did not approve of the Elder's decisions. Initially, they followed because we are all taught to follow the Elders."
(Reginald Rothchild's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What sort of disagreements did they have?"
Bowditch: "Where Elder Lyons has fought to protect the people of the Capital Wasteland, the Outcasts demanded we move on and leave them to their fates. They insisted there was more important technology to be recovered in a scientific base in the ruins of Fort Independence, to the West. As callous as their decision may be, it's more in line with our original mission. Elder Lyons is an inspiration to us, but to them he's a traitor."
(Bowditch's dialogue) - ↑ 10.0 10.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Who were the exiles?"
Bowditch: "The soldiers rallied behind Paladin Casdin, who was one of Elder Lyons' original squad. They served together for over twenty years. Casdin was well-respected, and every bit as loyal to the Brotherhood as Elder Lyons. He just disagreed with the interpretations of our oaths. But when disagreements turned into fistfights, he left with the Outcasts. We lost more allies that day than we ever have to any battle."
(Bowditch's dialogue) - ↑ Peabody: "Good morning, Elder. I'm sorry to report that things are not as they should be. Ever since Casdin was outcast..."
Owyn Lyons: "That name is not to be spoken within this Citadel. Do you understand? I wish it were not so, truly I do, but he is Outcast. He has been judged."
Peabody: "I know the protocols, sir. But the equipment that they stole was very valuable. Our weapons are beginning to deteriorate without the spare parts."
Owyn Lyons: "I understand, Peabody. But you'll need to make do the best you can. If our weapons can't penetrate that Enclave armor, we stand no chance."
Peabody: "Yes, Elder. I understand. I'm sure... we've got the parts around here somewhere..."
(Peabody's and Owyn Lyons' dialogue) - ↑ Peabody: "Greetings, Elder. I wish I could say that things were well. Unfortunately, I am still having supply problems. When Casdin..."
Oywn Lyons: "Scribe. You are not to speak the name of an Outcast in the walls of the Citadel. Is that understood?"
Peabody: "I... I understand, sir. But the Outcasts have stolen a great deal of our uncatalogued equipment. I am beginning to run short of supplies for repairs."
Owyn Lyons: "Then make do with what you have. We may lack the Enclave's resources, but I'm counting on your ingenuity to make up for that!"
Peabody: "Yes, Elder. I understand. Forgive me for speaking out of turn. My... frustration got the better of me."
(Peabody's and Owyn Lyons' dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Anything you can tell me about the Super Mutants?"
Owyn Lyons: "Would you believe... "no"? It's pathetic, really, considering we've been fighting those abominations for nearly twenty years. In all that time, all we've managed to do is contain the threat. Hold them back, so they don't overrun every blasted settlement out here. But we don't really "know" anything. Where they're from, why they've infested the D.C. ruins. And now here we are, holed up in our Citadel. Low on resources, low on troops. It's enough to make an old man so very... tired."
(Owyn Lyons' dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Those sound like pretty good changes to me."
Reginald Rothchild: "You're an outsider. I don't expect you to understand. We live and die by our dedication to the Brotherhood. To go against orders... It's not something that's done. I appreciate that Lyons believes he is doing what is right, but he should never have disobeyed orders. And now look where it's gotten us. Forces dwindled, Super Mutants on one side, Enclave on the other. We can barely take care of ourselves."
(Reginald Rothchild's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What does the Brotherhood believe?"
Elizabeth Jameson: "We believe in technology, in the triumph of the creations of the ancients over the horrors and evils of the Wasteland. We believe in trust. Trust in technology. Trust in our fellow Brothers. Trust in our Elders. Ah, and we believe in victory. Our forces have dwindled, but still we fight on. Super Mutant, Enclave, it matters not. Surrender is not an option."
(Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "You must see a lot of things. What's been going on?"
Artemis: "What's been going on? Well, let's see. For years, we've been draining our resources defending the ungrateful residents of this no man's land. Most of my best friends have either been ripped apart by Super Mutants or left to join the Outcasts. And now an enemy we faced more than thirty years ago has resurfaced, and their tech is still better than ours. What's been going on with you?"
(Artemis' dialogue) - ↑ The Prydwen terminals; Proctor Quinlan's terminal, the rise of Elder Maxson
- ↑ The Sole Survivor: "Why are you so confident in his abilities?"
Danse: "A decade ago, the Brotherhood had almost gone completely astray. The Elder before Maxson sent us down a path that was leading nowhere... he was more concerned about charity than the preservation of technology. But when Maxson took over, he single-handedly re-prioritized the Brotherhood from the ground up and put us back on the path to glory."
(Danse's dialogue) - ↑ Brotherhood dialogue: "I'm proud to be serving under Elder Maxson. I had enough of Lyons and his foolish ways."
- ↑ The Sole Survivor: "Can you tell me anything about Elder Maxson?"
Kells: "Elder Maxson is the supreme commander of the Brotherhood. Without his tenacity and his vision, we'd still be a small group of complacent stragglers occupying the Citadel in the Capital Wasteland. In a mere decade, he's grown the Brotherhood of Steel into a major military force."
(Kells' dialogue) - ↑ 信使: “兄弟会保护人们免受袭击者或其他威胁吗?”
Veronica Santangelo: "No, no. We only protect people from themselves, and only in the sense that we don't let them have the really good Pre-War toys. And sometimes it's more like we protect ourselves from them and hope to outlive them and become humanity's sole heirs. We've had people go rogue, though, and start helping people. One chapter had a small civil war over it. We take our isolationism seriously."
(Veronica Santangelo's dialogue) - ↑ Cross#Notable_quotes
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Bethesda Game Studios forum - post by Ricardo Gonzalez (dead link)