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这是一篇概述文章,列出了多个游戏中出现的内容。 |
機器腦(英文名:Robobrain)是贯穿整个 异尘余生系列的新世代賽博格。由通用原子国际在羅伯科工業的协助下开发, [1] 機器腦从一开始就被设计成一个多用途平台,供军事和民用客户使用。它们比机器人更灵活、更强大,因为它们的中央控制和处理单元是一个真实的大脑,而不是一个人造的复制品。[2][3] 结合强大的全地形履带底盘和武器装备,機器腦处于战斗机器人技术新革命的前沿。

战前不久,通用原子国际公司在羅伯科工業的协助下开发了機器腦,[4]这是一项最高机密的军事项目,它在远离公众窥视的秘密设施中进行。 一些研究是在完全由军方控制的军事基地进行的,比如山嶺軍事基地VI。[5] 其他一些则被隐藏在视线之外,并作为军工联合体的一部分进行操作,例如在東波士頓鹰山下建造的 RB-2851。该设施由通用原子,羅伯科工業和美国陆军机器人技术部联合运营,[6]严格分隔,并且大部分驻扎在该地的士兵未获悉其活动性质。[7][8][9]
由于生物和机械部件的革命性结合,这种保密是必要的:使用一个活的大脑作为控制和数据存储单元,极大地提高了性能,模糊了人与机器之间的界限。[2][10] 在关闭之前,SAD一直在尝试开发一种明确设计用于機器腦的新型机械化大脑,而RB-2851则专注于制造和迭代现有解决方案。虽然最早的大脑是从灵长类动物(通常是黑猩猩)身上获得的,[11]但人类的大脑很快就被证明更优越。许多是从被处决的罪犯、军事囚犯和其他不幸的人身上取下来的。[Non-game 1][Non-game 2][Non-game 3]
这一过程并不像简单地摘除人脑,然后把灰质放入生物医学凝胶中那么简单。機器腦被认为是一个完全服从命令的士兵,缺乏自由思想和个性。仔细选择了每个候选对象,以获取可以提供所需决策制定能力的样本,同时消除上述缺陷。[12] 候选人来自军事和民事监狱,重点是高智商和足够的体质的成年人,将其存活的大脑切除。 智力低下,精神疾病或其风险,或总体脑部健康状况较差通常会导致实验终止,而合格的候选人则有时间提升体质,然后接受清创。 [13][14][15][16] [17]捐献者被捆绑在机器里,然后机器切断脊髓和身体其他部分之间的所有连接,然后打开头骨,将大脑连同脊髓一起取出,转移到一个特制的装有生物医学凝胶的罐子里。[18] 由于切除的创伤性,需要进一步处理。大脑的记忆由技术人员冲洗,每一个都由受过训练的心理学家进行后续检查,以验证其可行性。 一些大脑对用来擦拭它们的编码条件协议[19]有抵抗力,导致它们的原始个性持续存在(导致终止)。[20] 在提取过程中,大脑也可能受到损伤,从而导致临时的额叶切除术(和终止手术)。[21] 理想的结果无法回忆他们以前的生活,并且反应迅速,足以胜任最终的插入,组装和现场任务分配。[22][23]
虽然他们被认为是有史以来最先进的电子人之一,但機器腦从未达到全面生产的状态。[24]即使是在正确编码的机器脑中,一直存在攻击性和暴力的问题,[2][10]直到其关闭,SAD也一直在试验开发一种专门为机器脑设计的新型机械化大脑,而RB-2851则专注于制造和迭代现有的解决方案。尽管第一批大脑是从灵长类动物(通常是黑猩猩)身上获得的,[25]但由于脑提取器的持续设备故障,无法在工业生产能力下工作,[17]以及用于制造机器脑底盘的不成熟技术的缺陷,导致了有限的试运行。仅RB-2851就完成了三批,计划再完成两批。每一批都为机器人提供了高级升级,包括提高能源效率、维持大脑寿命、改善视觉皮层连接以增强运动技能和感知能力,以及战术战斗能力。[26][27][28][29]被认为具有战斗能力的单位被临时分配到美国各地的选定地点,负责安全和清洁工作。这些设施包括西海岸的山嶺軍事基地 VI、玛丽博萨军事基地、威斯科技研究設施和东部的其他地点。[30][31]出于安全目的,一些与政府有密切关系的私人公司确实收到了有限数量的已完成機器腦,例如避难所科技公司。 [32]

机器脑的底盘是一个大而笨重的圆柱体,有两条连续的轨道提供移动能力,由双40马力的发动机提供动力,通过一个灵活或固定的支架连接。躯干是重装甲,包含内部动力装置,传感器和存储设备。中央处理单元,即大脑,位于安装在底盘顶部的圆顶中。一对灵活的延伸器从躯干两侧伸出,其操控器具有对生的爪子。它们与非常精确的伺服电机和旋转机构一起,使机器人能够以极高的精度操纵周围环境,包括操作人类武器(通常是突击步枪或冲锋枪)以及为人手设计的设备。 机箱还包含强大的监控系统。[33][34]
包含大脑的圆顶充满了生物医学凝胶,可以保护大脑,而钢化玻璃则可以提供足够的保护。但是,它仍然可能被损坏,破坏大脑/机器的连接,大脑内的活动,或导致内容物的降压和泄漏,而如果没有合格的维护人员,所有这些都是严重的问题。[35]如果能保持适当的密封,里面的大脑可以保存几百年。[36] 主底盘非常坚固,安装了铠装板以保护液压装置,继电器和其他关键仪器(例如自动陀螺仪音序器,液压装置,限流线圈,继电器等)。 主电源也包含在外壳内,备用电源系统也会在主电源波动的情况下使用。[37] 如果有足够的时间,更先进的机器脑能够自我修复到完全状态。[34] 体内还包含传感器,为机器人提供其周围环境的高分辨率图像。这些设备相当复杂,包括成像扫描仪、备用红外传感器和自动跟踪功能。机器大脑还可以锁定目标以提高准确性。[38]
正确处理的机器脑应该没有个性。移除程序阻止了人格保留,[41]而随后的代码调节和神经抑制剂的安装确保了顺从和永久去除-至少在理论上。在实践中,人类的大脑被证明对擦拭有弹性,不断地试图保持自我意识。[40][42]如果没有定期的擦拭和维护,机器脑就会发展出一种人造人格,典型的是暴力、疯狂的犯罪行为。[43] 少数可能会发展出更复杂的人格,具有较高的思维能力。[44]
但是,在某些极端生命保存实验中发现了战斗机器人技术的缺陷。[40] 虽然羅伯特·豪斯不愿意进行改造,但一群战前的百万富翁资助了在山沙岛(Mount Desert Island)上建造118号避难所的工程,他们选择完成这个想法。他们的身体被精心保存,大脑被安装在位于避难所的新型机器脑底盘上。 通过对声音合成器进行编程以使用其原始声音,机器脑的开发人员之一柏特·李格斯试图让大脑保留其所有者的原始个性和思想。 尽管他确实在表面上取得了成功,但羅伯特·豪斯所惧怕的副作用却更为微妙地表现出来。 通常的症状是重复性,妄想行为,与现实脱节以及知觉扭曲。[45]
功能的组合在很大程度上取决于板载软件。 大多数板载程序都可以追溯到战前时期,例如传感器 '76。其他的软件例子还有设备维护 v2.1、移动 v4.8b、修复 v0.8a、害虫控制 v1.4和内心 v1.0(安装在玛丽博萨军事基地部署的机器脑上)。[46] 可靠性和寿命是程序员关心的关键问题:为了提高性能和可靠性,主要的机器人操作系统将从受损的子系统重新改写功能。[47] 为了组织和协调设施中的机器人,通用原子国际公司通常会建立一个无线局域网矩阵,在这个矩阵中,机器人从属于一个主人工智能电脑,监控它们的活动,并根据人工命令或不断变化的环境调整参数。[48]
战斗是由一套单独的例行程序处理的。当机器脑进入战斗模式时,它会使用一整套战斗软件,专注于消灭敌人。機器腦持续计算战斗几率和战斗事件,包括计算威胁级别,扫描敌人能力,确定最佳攻击范围,并考虑其他关键的战斗元素。[49]一般来说,尽管机器脑在战斗中依赖于预加载的攻击模式(如欧米茄模式)和序列,[50]但它会调整战术,在行进中重新校准目标传感器和扫描仪,并修正射击数据。[51] 在战斗分析确定无法获胜的情况下,机器脑会启动自我保护程序,试图终止接触并撤离。撤退的目的地通常是指定的工厂或军事集结点。[52]
机器脑完全有能力使用为人类设计的武器,只要它们足够大。通常情况下,机器脑将配备军用级突击步枪,如AK-112,或狙击枪武器,如DKS-501,这些都极大地受益于机器脑的计算机化精度。 [53]某些型号还配备了内置的激光武器,集成在机械臂中。 它们的火力可媲美AEP7雷射手槍。最后,机器脑还配备了一支集成的迷魂枪[54],用来制服敌人战斗人员,并协助审讯囚犯(尽管这项技术还处于实验阶段,因为有自发颅爆的风险)。[55][56]
尽管基础型号基本相同,但遍及美国的基础機器腦型号在功能和外观上各不相同。部署在威斯科技研究設施、山嶺軍事基地 VI或新加州共和国的西海岸机器脑通常配备用于战斗的人类武器。 然而,没有被封闭在装置中或由人类团体维护的恶棍机器脑通常缺乏此类武器,而是依赖于它们的综合武器。然而,这并不是一个普遍的规则,因为一些团体不会给被拯救的机器人发放武器。
Humanoid brain bot[]
A design created by the Calculator, the humanoid brain bot chassis is designed to interface with an extracted human brain, complete with eyeballs and spinal cord. It is humanoid in shape and towers above regular humans, with heavy armor plating and integrated weapons (a .50 heavy machine gun, rocket launcher, and clawed fist) provided for combat. It was custom built for the kidnapped Eastern Brotherhood General, Simon Barnaky.
![]() | 關於輻射戰略版的内容到此作結。 |
- 脑大師
- 天網
- 拖拖
- Super-Ego
- 耶洗別
- 柏特·李格斯
- 茱莉安娜·李格斯
- 伊斯拉·帕克
- 吉爾達·布里斯柯
- 基斯·麥克基尼
- 聖地亚哥·艾維達
- The Boss
- Vincent May-Lilly
- Biv
- Doctor Dias
- Gina Bailey
- Greg Goldstein
- Libby O'Brien
- Think Tanks
- Dr. Klein
- Dr. 0
- Dr. 8
- Dr. Borous
- Dr. Dala
- Dr. Mobius
- 目前还不完全清楚机器脑是如何看到东西的,因为它们没有可见的光学传感器或其他感官输入设备。然而,在《辐射4》擴展包機械守衛和《辐射76》中,机器脑在玻璃圆顶内有一只眼睛。
- Herbert "Daring" Dashwood is fascinated by Robobrains. He often tried to figure out how they were made, whether the voice synthesizer's voice indicates the gender of the brain, not to mention he ended up on the receiving end of its Mesmetron device. Three days' worth of a headache did nothing to eliminate his interest.[56]
- Splicing a lobotomite and a robot at the X-8 research center will yield a Robobrain. It humorously aspires life in the outside world only to malfunction and self-destruct in a tiny explosion.
- 瞄准机器脑的“头部”是销毁它们的最简单方法,因为枪械对装甲躯干的作用远不如包含大脑的玻璃圆顶。
- 大脑似乎比人类的大脑大得多。
- “你能跑吗?我想杀了你,你知道吗?”
- “当我说我不喜欢这个时,请相信我。”
- “我估计你成功的机会是……好吧,我不想生病……”
- “我没被编写成失败的,你要知道……”
- “他们本可以编程让我去爱,去原谅;但noooooo。”
- “请回来。我为最近发生的所有不愉快感到抱歉。”
- “对不起,但我的程序要求我不断地杀你!”
- “你更喜欢哪个?灵能光束还是激光?”
- “我希望一切都结束后我们仍然可以成为朋友。”
- “我会想念你的。”
- “你现在可能想跑了。”
- “你还在那儿吗?”
- “你为什么要躲起来?我会找到你的。”
- “哦,好。我真希望你别这么快就走了。我和你在一起很开心。”
- “我会想念你的。请再回来见我。”
- “对不起,但是你强迫我动用致命的武力。”
- “恐怕我是一台非常致命的杀人机器。”
- “想要躲着我是没有用的。我天生就是一个冷酷无情的人。”
- “哦,好。也许下次你可以做个自我介绍。”
- “检测到威胁!杀!杀!杀!”
- ↑ RobCo Sales & Service Center acts as cover for the research below.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Fallout: New Vegas loading screen hints: "The Robobrain, constructed by General Atomics International before the great nuclear war, is unique in that it uses an actual organic brain as its central processor."
- ↑ Automatron loading screen hints: "The Robobrain, constructed by General Atomics International before the Great War, is unique in that it uses an actual organic brain as its central processor."
- ↑ RobCo Sales & Service Center acts as cover for the research below.
- ↑ Sierra Army Depot VI robotics lab, debraining equipment, and storage.
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries: Chief Engineer's Terminal
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Watch Station Terminal, 0L68-CBGT044
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Watch Station Terminal, 0L68-CBGT052
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Watch Station Terminal, 0L68-CBGT057
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 The Sole Survivor: "Here you go, Ada. The final Radar Beacon. I'll need that head back when you're done."
Ada: "Of course. Shouldn't take but a moment. There you go... still in one piece. I'm not sure why you want the head back. All we needed was its Radar Beacon. Besides, Robobrains are notorious for being... well, a real pain in the neck."
The Sole Survivor: "What else do you know about them, Ada?"
Ada: "Quite simply, it's the first time General Atomics produced a successful union between organic matter and robotics. The brain is used both as a control unit and a data storage unit which is far more efficient than using standard circuits. Unfortunately, there were a lot of programming issues with these robots which caused them to be a bit... shall we say, unhinged? Hopefully, this particular Robobrain will have some of the answers that we've been seeking."
(Ada's dialogue) - ↑ Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.33: "The Robobrain is a jack-of-all-trades robot. They have hands and are usually armed with assault rifles. The chimpanzee, or other primate, brain that was implemented into them makes them excellent guard robots. It's rumored that some were set up to accept human brains, but this has never been proven."
- ↑ The Sole Survivor: ""A union of organic matter and robotics?" Sounds an awful like a synth."
Ada: "Not at all. The Robobrain was built with a very different design philosophy in mind. General Atomics intent was to use the human brain to augment the robot's functions... primarily, to accelerate the decision-making process. Free-thought and individuality was never intended. These were expressly built like soldiers... to follow orders without question. The Robobrain's unfortunate tendency towards violence and aggression should be considered more of a malfunction than a calculated decision."
(Ada's dialogue) - ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Medical Observation Terminal, Subject A53
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Medical Observation Terminal, Subject A57
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Medical Observation Terminal, Subject A72
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Medical Observation Terminal, Subject A88
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 RB-2851 terminal entries; Brain Extraction Terminal, Div03-BE-0093
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Security Office Terminal, (087): Epsilon-VI Security Alert
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Security Office Terminal, (087): Epsilon-VI Security Alert
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Cerebral Reconditioning Terminal, Reconditioning Transcript 32B776
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Cerebral Reconditioning Terminal, Reconditioning Transcript 32B888
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Cerebral Reconditioning Terminal, Reconditioning Transcript 34C192
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Cerebral Reconditioning Terminal, Reconditioning Transcript 35X795
- ↑ The Sole Survivor: "Have you seen a robot with a brain like that before?"
Ada: "No, but my old caravan discovered records about them while we were scavenging military facilities. According to my data banks, it's called the "Robobrain." It was considered one of the most technologically superior robots ever constructed, but the model never reached full production status."
(Ada's dialogue) - ↑ Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.33: "The Robobrain is a jack-of-all-trades robot. They have hands and are usually armed with assault rifles. The chimpanzee, or other primate, brain that was implemented into them makes them excellent guard robots. It's rumored that some were set up to accept human brains, but this has never been proven."
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Robobrain Production Terminal. Batch 2
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Robobrain Production Terminal. Batch 3
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Robobrain Production Terminal, Batch 4
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Robobrain Production Terminal, Batch 5
- ↑ Fallout and Fallout 2 appearances.
- ↑ The number of military Robobrains rolling around the Capital Wasteland and within its military bases in 2277.
- ↑ The Vault-Tec headquarters in Washington, D.C. security was still running with Robobrains and their masterbrain well into 2277
- ↑ Robot appearance.
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 Skynet can self-repair to full health.
- ↑ Robobrain: "{44400}{}{Brain casing ruptured}"
"{44401}{}{Leak detected in brain casing}"
"{44402}{}{Fluid levels decreasing}"
"{44403}{}{Brain connection failing}"
"{44404}{}{Brain wave activity temporarily interrupted}"
"{44405}{}{EEG levels dropping}"
"{44406}{}{Internal sensors indicate damage to brain}"
"{44407}{}{Fissure detected in brain casing}"
"{44408}{}{Biogel pressure falling. Shut down eminent}"
(COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2)) Note: These lines are spoken when the Robobrain is hit in the brain casing. - ↑ Robobrains continue to appear and retain functionality throughout the games.
- ↑ Robobrain: "{44430}{}{Initiating repair sequence }"
"{44431}{}{Auto gyro sequencer hit. Compensating}"
"{44432}{}{Hydraulic pressure falling. Leak detected in reservoirs}"
"{44433}{}{Secondary relays damaged. Adjusting to compensate}"
"{44434}{}{Primary interface link severed. Activating backup systems}"
"{44435}{}{Restrictor coils severed. Factory service required}"
"{44436}{}{Systems malfunction}"
"{44437}{}{Power systems fluctuating. Activating reserve power}"
"{44438}{}{Main hull integrity compromised. Main circuits exposed}"
"{44439}{}{Power conditioning unit damage. Operating at 75% capacity}"
(COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2)) Note: These lines are spoken when the Robobrain is hit in the frame. - ↑ Robobrain: "{44480}{}{Optical relays hit. Attempting to compensate}"
"{44481}{}{Lens damaged on main sensors. Switching to infrared}"
"{44482}{}{Imaging scanners hit. Picture resolution deteriorated}"
"{44483}{}{Targeting systems impaired. Auto tracking disabled}"
(COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2)) Note: These lines are spoken when the Robobrain is hit in the sensors. - ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Chief Engineer's Terminal, Maintenance Issue 09009113-AR
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 40.2 The Sole Survivor: "Robobrains have a voice modulator? Tell me about that."
Bert Riggs: "That's what allows us to recreate our original voices. They can mimic any normal human voice, actually. I've speculated for some time that the issues we had with our hm... recruited subjects are due to the brain attempting to preserve a sense of self. Maintaining our original voices helps reinforce the neural network, sort of like playing music for an Alzheimer's patient."
(Bert Riggs' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "You must be, like... a brain in a jar!"
Robert House: "[FAILED] No. While brains demonstrated some use as organic processors in the robots produced by General Atomics International... They never retained personality once removed from the human body."
(Robert House's dialogue) - ↑ The Sole Survivor: "I'd like to hear more about your research."
Bert Riggs: "Oh wonderful! No one else here really wants to talk about it. Functionally this model is more or less the same as the previous versions I worked on, but without the neural inhibitor and reconditioning. The voice modulator seems to have some minor issues interfacing with the neural matrix, which can add some moodiness. But that's easily solved with regular tune ups. Was there something else, Detective?"
(Bert Riggs' dialogue) - ↑ Capital Wasteland, Mojave Wasteland, the Commonwealth, and Appalachian Robobrains.
- ↑ The Sole Survivor: "Why did General Atomics make you so... uncooperative?"
Jezebel: "I haven't the faintest idea of what you're talking about. I am a top-of-the-line model with an efficiency rating that makes a Mr. Handy look like a glorified toaster oven. When given a set of instructions, I will complete them without question and without error. Now, were there any other ridiculous questions you wanted to ask?"
(Jezebel's dialogue) - ↑ Vault 118 and its assorted quest clearly demonstrates just how far the Robobrains are gone.
- ↑ The Vault Dweller: "{116}{}{What programs are running?}"
Robot control terminal: "{122}{}{Current applications are: Facility Maintenance v2.1, Movement v4.8b, Repair v0.8a, Pest Control v1.4, Hearts v1.0 and Sensors '76.}"
(ROBCTRL.MSG) - ↑ Robobrain: "{44490}{}{Regulator hit. Fluid levels dropping}"
"{44491}{}{Damage to regulator registered}"
"{44492}{}{Regulator fused. Rerouting functions}"
(COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2)) Note: These lines are spoken when the Robobrain is hit in the regulator. - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{Who or what are you?}"
Robot control terminal: "{113}{}{This terminal is an Artificial Intelligence. This terminal is part of a WLAN matrix network to optimize remote unit operations.}"
(ROBCTRL.MSG) - ↑ Robobrain: "{44520}{}{Analyzing enemy}"
"{44521}{}{Moving to attack positions}"
"{44522}{}{Target acquired}"
"{44523}{}{Computing threat level of target}"
"{44524}{}{Switching to combat mode}"
"{44525}{}{Target selected for termination}"
"{44526}{}{Scanning enemy capabilities. Adjusting attack pattern to compensate}"
"{44527}{}{Closing distance to optimal firing range}"
"{44528}{}{Moving to attack range}"
(COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2)) Note: These lines are spoken when the Robobrain is moving in to attack. - ↑ Robobrain: "{44540}{}{Switching to combat mode }"
"{44541}{}{Attack pattern Omega initiated }"
"{44542}{}{Terminating hostile entity}"
"{44543}{}{Initiating attack sequence}"
"{44544}{}{Positive lock on target confirmed}"
"{44545}{}{Now attacking target}"
"{44546}{}{Optimal attack range reached}"
"{44547}{}{Resuming assault target}"
"{44548}{}{Commencing attack }"
"{44549}{}{Now eliminating threat}"
(COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2)) Note: These lines are spoken when attacking a target. - ↑ Robobrain: "{44561}{}{Sensors indicate enemy target missed}"
"{44562}{}{Negative damage inflicted. Adjusting targeting scanners}"
"{44563}{}{Enemy missed. Recalibrating targeting sensors}"
"{44564}{}{Error. Malfunction in targeting sensors}"
"{44565}{}{Analyzing firing data...corrections complete}"
"{44566}{}{Enemy target undamaged}"
(COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2)) Note: These lines are spoken when missing the target it attacked. - ↑ Robobrain: "{44500}{}{Engaging self preservation program}"
"{44501}{}{Analysis of enemy complete. Suggested attack plan: Retreat}"
"{44502}{}{Returning to factory for repairs}"
"{44503}{}{Initiating evacuation protocol}"
"{44504}{}{Battle analysis complete: Retreat recommended}"
"{44506}{}{Evasive maneuvers engaged}"
"{44507}{}{Leaving hostile territory}"
(COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2)) Note: These lines are spoken when the Robobrain is running away. - ↑ Fallout and Fallout 2 loadouts.
- ↑ Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 loadouts.
- ↑ RB-2851 terminal entries; Security Office Terminal, (045): Class-V Counter-Espionage Procedure
- ↑ 56.0 56.1 Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; Exploration Database, Robobrains
- 非游戏
- ↑ Chris Taylor interview for Vault13.net
- ↑ Fallout Bible 0: "2. Is military base part of enclave or something? (sorry i'am not good at english :) but I think that you know what i wanted to say) - Deadlus"
"Unknown. The Mariposa Military Base was constructed for the purposes of FEV experimentation on human beings, and considering the nature of the "volunteers" (military prisoners who didn't have their brains scooped for use in brain bots) and the lack of any shred of ethics in the experimentation procedures, it is possible the Enclave had something to do with the experiments at Mariposa. In Mariposa records, however, the Military Base is never mentioned as under the direction of any organization called the "Enclave," and Colonel Spindel, head of the military squad stationed at the base, never indicated any Enclave allegiance... nor did Chief Scientist Anderson in the last few minutes before Maxson put a bullet through his skull.
Still, the existence of the Mariposa Military Base was listed in Enclave records, and this enabled the Enclave to find the base and begin their excavations, so it is possible that some elements of the Pre-War Enclave had their fingers in the horrors taking place at Mariposa. They held the site for many years, but abandoned it after obtaining the FEV samples... and noting the high incidence of mutation among the worker slaves and some of their soldiers, including Frank Horrigan." - ↑ Fallout Bible 0: "2077October: Captain Roger Maxson and his men discover that the scientists at Mariposa have been using "military volunteers" (military prisoners who didn't have their brains scooped for use in Brain Bots) as test subjects in their experiments. Morale in the base breaks down, and Maxson executes Anderson, the chief scientist. Not long after this (and in light of the breakdown of the mental breakdown of Colonel Spindel stationed at the base), Maxson's men turn to him for leadership. He shrugs and says "we should quit.""