

格洛丽亚·范·格拉夫(英文名:Gloria Van Graff),或简称格洛丽亚靠着她的同父异母的兄弟,在2281年成为新維加斯范·格拉夫家族的负责人和銀色衝擊能量武器商店的经理。



她的总体策略是通过官方和非官方交易实现利润最大化,以及削弱竞争。[Non-canon 1]为此,她与愛麗絲·麥克拉弗蒂结成了秘密联盟:作为对被劫掠的邓恩耐用品商队卡斯蒂商队等竞争商队打击的回报,赤紅商隊公司将削弱軍火販子的市场份额,激励客户转而与范·格拉夫家族打交道。[4]

当然,格洛丽亚有更大的野心。当军团向莫哈韦的商人请求时,她联系了他们的一位代表并同意向他们提供能量武器。[5] 军团不知道,这笔交易实际上是一个安排:格洛丽亚已与NCR谈判达成一项协议。她会将军团的代表拉入军队设下的陷阱,军队将开始从她那里购买武器作为回报。[6]这让她克服了共和国对她家族的敌意,不仅为她赢得了一份大的国防合同,还为她赢得了在NCR中的关系,这可以用来进一步造福家族。[7]如果说有什么不同的话,那就是她把军团卖给共和国比卖武器给他们多赚五倍的金钱,并且把军团的报酬作为奖励,这一事实会让她的母亲听进去。[8]


格洛丽亚是一位充满激情的女性,众所周知,她与貓王幫成员佩瑟尔以及前范·格拉夫员工雅各布保持着亲密关系。两者都以不太友好的条件结束。除了这两种关系,众所周知,格洛丽亚和范·格拉夫的许多员工睡觉; 以至于她的母亲告诉她不要“给小费”。[9]





Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest
FO76 ui trading team
该角色是一名商人 Bottle cap 75-675


  • 物以类聚: 格洛丽亚有一个警卫的空缺,帮助西蒙监视和控制顾客的流动。通过完成她的工作赢得她的好感,可以让信使更深入地调查范格拉夫的业务。
  • 心痛的数字: 在发现范·格拉夫家族正在与赤紅商隊合作迫使小型商队停业后,卡斯希望看到格洛丽亚受苦;要么通过死亡,要么来自NCR的政治行动。
  • 我可以让你在乎: 維羅尼卡的任务由格洛丽亚的问候“欢迎来到銀色衝擊...”和她的台词“请让我知道如果有什么引起你的注意”触发,这是对玩家说“我只是在浏览”的回应。
  • 做好你的业务: 如果哈丁被任命为当地钢铁兄弟会分部的长老,他将委托信使消灭范·格拉夫家族,以便兄弟会能够收回他们的能量武器库存。



服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Merc charmer outfit 电浆手枪 1x - 8x Drained microfusion cells (75%概率)*

* 见错误


  • 如果卡斯不是同伴,杀死格洛丽亚并返回卡斯将使她主动对话,就好像她已经是同伴一样,并且会启动她个人任务,“心痛的数字。”
  • 她出售20号脉冲蛞蝓(需要军火贩的武器库),尽管不被能量武器使用。由于它们的EMP效应,它们仍然可以被视为“能量弹药”。





Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 格洛丽亚滴下耗尽的小型能量电池代替耗尽的小型能量电池。每个电浆手枪用者都会出现此错误,作为为非玩家角色装备电浆手枪和弹药的特定等级列表(WithAmmoPlasmaPistolLoot,精确来说)要求微聚变电池代替能量电池。[已验证]


  1. The Courier: "Tell me about yourself."
    Gloria Van Graff: "Oh, there's not much to tell. I was born into a big family and don't get along with my parents, so here I am. As far away from them as possible."
    (Gloria Van Graff's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Tell me about the Kings."
    Gloria Van Graff: "Ah, the "rulers" of Freeside. The Kings are a bunch of boys who refuse to grow up, and this is their playground. Their leader seems different, though. The few times I've dealt with him I've been impressed despite myself. Unfortunately, he rarely acts. The Kings believe that everyone in Freeside can do whatever they want, provided they can back it up with force. Which suits us just fine. When we first arrived in Freeside, the Kings protested when we kicked out the original occupant of this establishment. When we reduced several of their members to glowing puddles of goo, their objections vanished. Since then, we've left each other alone."
    (Gloria Van Graff's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Yes, what is the task?"
    Edgar Hardin: "Back when we were stationed at HELIOS, our scouts reported that a group was establishing itself in the area as a distributor of Pre-War weapons. Our Elder at the time, Elijah, was too concerned with getting HELIOS running and fending off the NCR, so he ordered us to leave them alone. It's time that we correct that oversight, and show this region that the Brotherhood is still a force to be reckoned with. I want you to visit these weapons dealers, this Van Graff family, and make an example of them. Leave no one alive. When the job is done, report back and I'll arrange for a team to clean up the site and retrieve the weapons."
    (Edgar Hardin's dialogue)
  4. Letter to Gloria
  5. The Courier: "For starters, what in the hell just happened?"
    Gloria Van Graff: "We made a lot of money, that's what. The Legion paid us to deliver weapons, and the NCR paid us to deliver the Legion. Or some of them, anyway."
    (Gloria Van Graff's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "Just start at the beginning."
    Gloria Van Graff: "Caesar has been making overtures to prominent suppliers for some time now. Usually, they're too scared of him to cross him and just pay or flee. I saw an opportunity and negotiated a deal with the NCR - I help draw some of their enemy's troops into a trap and they agree to buy from me. Normally, those stuck-up bastards wouldn't have anything to do with us, but their situation is precarious, and this chance was too tempting."
    (Gloria Van Graff's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "So now the Van Graffs are allied with the NCR?"
    Gloria Van Graff: "Well... not exactly. The deal wasn't exactly sanctioned by my mother, but she'll come around when she hears about the profit I made. If she's smart, and she is, believe me, she'll turn this to her own advantage and make a bundle off our new "connections" in the NCR."
    (Gloria Van Graff's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "Wouldn't you have made just as much money dealing with the Legion?"
    Gloria Van Graff: "Hardly. They've got a lot of soldiers, and slaves. But they don't come close to having the amount of wealth the NCR has. When I said we were going to be rich, I meant it. The deal I brokered with the NCR netted me fives times what Caesar paid. Keeping Caesar's money was just a bonus."
    (Gloria Van Graff's dialogue)
  9. Jean-Baptiste Cutting: "Damn it, girl, what has mama always said about tipping the help? I thought this was about him stealing money from us."
    Gloria Van Graff: "He was stealing money, though he could have kept it for all I cared. God knows he earned it."
    (Jean-Baptiste Cutting's dialogue and Gloria Van Graff's dialogue)
  10. Gloria Van Graff: "Everything. Up until recently, this man was an employee of mine. He's quite handsome, don't you think? I know I did. We became... close. I warned him that I was a very jealous woman, and he said he understood. Apparently he didn't. Last week, I chanced upon him in Gomorrah, being serviced by one of their two-cap whores. I was not pleased."
    (Gloria Van Graff's dialogue)
  11. The Van Graff introductory scene the Courier witnesses upon entering the Silver Rush


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42: "The Van Graffs
    The Van Graff family has a history of ruthless behavior when it comes to rivals muscling in on their territory, and it seems old habits die hard; two of the Van Graffs have set up shop in a bedraggled old casino called the Silver Rush, where they specialize in Energy Weapons, and the maximizing of profits. Run by Gloria Van Graff and her elder half-brother Jean-Baptiste Cutting, their stronghold is heavily-defended with their Thugs armed with the latest in weapons technology. Gloria is in charge of general operations at the Silver Rush. She is the person responsible for the New Vegas Van Graffs' general strategy, including possible under-the-counter deals to wipe out the competition. The muscle of the van游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 Graff operation, Jean-Baptiste personally handles all of Gloria's dirty work. He is a nasty, mean-spirited son-of-a-bitch. Despite the family's tendency to deal in energy weapons, Jean-Baptiste is a connoisseur of big guns and explosives. He threatens people for looking at him the wrong way and is far from all talk; he will go from zero-to-murder in the twitch of an eye."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)