




在21世紀時,該地區最大的鋼鐵工廠:格拉夫頓鋼鐵加入了其混和經濟。劇毒谷中最大的僱用者被政府選為了戰爭經濟的承包商,被賦予了自治權、有了壓榨勞工與無視自然法規的的特權。[1]直到2077年,通過往湖中傾倒未經處理的有毒物質加速了對環境的破壞,並增加了因工傷亡的人數。該公司的擁有者、首席執行長Arthur Wood忽略了這一情況,但情況仍不停惡化。[2]到了6月已然僅剩關閉工廠這一條路,但即使得面臨罷工的抗議,州長還是拒絕了這項要求。[3]




火車站往北進入城市,這條小路通向西博伊德街(West Boyd Street)。有一個床墊和一些垃圾物品的小黑房子,再往前走,有一個帶化學工作站的石頭倉庫內。在它的前面是幾個帳篷,上面佈滿了選票印表機。在城市的西側發現了一個廢墟的火車場;一些棚車可以被洗劫一空,棚子旁邊有一個聚變發電機。經過一個十字路口,還有更多人跡罕至的建築,例如教堂和早餐餐廳。可以進入一個在二樓有多個盒子的商店,上面有小公寓。三樓的牆壁上有孔通向屋頂,其中一個孔有一個浮油阱,中間有一個防雷礦。該區域通往其他被摧毀的建築物,包括帶有壁架的建築物,超級突變體將其用作營地,並帶有烹飪台。

The end of West Boyd Street meets with Beech Street, also the location of the Grafton Police Department. It can only be entered from a breach in the back of the building that leads to a jail cell. A car has crashed into the room with the front desk, while the second floor is used for storage. More rooftops can be accessed from here, the last of which has an ammo box and a mattress, as well as various alcohol bottles.

Moving north on Beech Street, there is a large alleyway to the left where much of the fighting during the Protest March event takes place. A building with a voting booth set up inside can be entered from here, and a floor safe can be found among the rubble behind its front desk. Its second and third floors also have apartments, the former of which was the home of Darius Angler. It also connects to two other buildings with scaffolding that overlook Main Street. Near the police station is the Grafton Pawn Shop.

On Main Street is a Responders trading post, the home of vendor bot Greg, as well as two more entrances to the voting building. The mayor's office can be found at its intersection with Beech Street. The first floor has a reception and meeting area, alongside an unlocked safe behind a desk. The Grafton mayor is on the second floor next to an office with a terminal and safe, as well as an overseer's cache and a staircase to the roof.

Continuing down Main Street leads to Grafton High School, which also has a voting station in its gymnasium. A set of double doors in the gym opens to an equipment closet with many kickballs and baseball items. While the school's classrooms are mostly empty, there are many lockers to be looted on the first floor. Outside, there is a football field with two more equipment rooms, one of which is locked. A tinker's workbench can be found inside a bus directly east of the high school building.

While Main Street continues on to a bridge out of town, heading west leads to an unspecified, shorter road with a few boarded up homes. Behind the end of this street is the town's toxic river. A bridge back on Beech Street leads to another residential part of town across this river, which notably has a gas station with a booby-trapped convenience store next to it. There is little else to be found on this side of the city, aside from another election tent with ammo inside.

The southern outskirts of Grafton are home to Francis Street and West Wilford Street; both are also residential areas. There is a post-War campsite between the two roads, and it has a cooking station in it. West Wilford has the only home that can be entered in this zone - Otis Pike's old house, which has a kitchen on its first floor and a bedroom in the second. The basement has a bit of storage, a jukebox and Otis' terminal. There is one other house overlooking the high school football field, not part of any road, though it is mostly sunken and cannot be entered.


  • 監管人日誌:格拉夫頓 - 在格拉夫頓市長旁邊的監管人庫房內。
  • 格拉夫頓的野獸 (一) - 市政廳一樓櫃台後面架上。
  • 格拉夫頓的野獸 (二) - 在小鎮南部的投票帳篷。
  • 屍鬼的筆記 - 釘在教堂門口。
  • 達瑞安·安格勒的宣言(一) - 車站東邊香煙廣告牌(Grey Tortoise)後的房子樓上。
  • 達瑞安·安格勒的宣言(二) - 同上。
  • 莫區市長的私人筆記 - 市長辦公室。
  • 約翰·班頓的全像卡帶 - 小鎮西邊一輛翻覆的卡車,車頭旁邊的岩石上。



  • 軍事訓練結業文件 - 雜物, on a desk below the green conspiracy board.
  • 驅逐通知 - 一進店裡就會看到,門口的腳踏墊上。
  • 芙拉維亞消失了 - 同上。
  • 999的挫敗 - 同上。
  • T-45左臂 - 右邊第一個房間,旁邊有個修補工作台。


戰斧營地的明信片Grafton Dam editorial終止通知 - 無法拾起的筆記,in Otis Pike's house in the outskirts of Grafton.


Grafton appears only in Fallout 76.




Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One The pool table on the second floor of the police station may de-spawn, causing the skeleton and items on top of it to float in midair until pushed into.[已验证]



  1. Important memo
  2. Letter to the media
  3. Letter to the media
  4. Notice of termination
  5. Sugar Grove terminal entries; project director's terminal, 9-20-77: Grafton Communists
  6. Overseer's log - Grafton