
I run the slaughterhouse in Modoc; you want something slaughtered, you bring it to me. I'll kill it for ya and make it into some of the best jerky you've ever tasted.

Grisham is a butcher, located in Modoc in 2241.


He is the owner of the slaugherhouse. What a person needs to have butchered, he can turn it into jerky.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Paving the Way
25 Strictly Business
Icon talkinghead
Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest


FO76 vaultboy firstaid
FO76 ui trading team
該角色是一名商人 賣: -
40 Weaponsmith



  • Guard brahmin herd for Grisham: When met, he complains of how wild dogs are killing his brahmin. After that, he will give you the quest to protect his herd of brahmin against a pack of wild dogs. He will pay you $1000 upon completion of the quest, but will take away $100 for each brahmin killed. You will be teleported to his brahmin fields upon accepting the quest and all wild dogs must be killed in order to complete the quest.
  • If Grisham is killed, and the chosen one wants to sleep with his son/daughter Uncle Biff may appear and initiate dialog instead.

Effects of player's actions[]

Depending on the character's gender, either Grisham's son or daughter can be persuaded to have sex with the Chosen One. Immediately following Grisham will burst into the room and catch the Chosen One in the act, bringing up a dialogue window. Intelligent characters can claim to be performing a doctor's check-up and come back for a quickie at any time. Lacking sufficient intelligence, the only option is to admit that it's exactly what it looks like and get a shotgun marriage to the NPC in question. At which point, the NPC will ceaselessly follow you around as a companion, sans any useful skills. If the character dies or is sold into slavery the Chosen One gets the Separated perk, you can tell Grisham that his son/daughter is dead. If you tell him the truth, he suffers a heart attack and dies.


服裝 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Clothing Shotgun - 12 gauge shotgun shell x20


  • When the Chosen One speaks to him, he will have his shotgun un-epquipped.
  • The shotgun shells will only appear on his body - they cannot be stolen.


Grisham appears in Fallout 2.

人物 · 葛力斯韓 · 巴爾薩斯 · 比夫 · "雞" · 科尼利厄斯 · 法雷爾 · 羅絲 · 強尼 · 達賓 · 麥麗雅 · 拉迪 · Balthas' wife  · Modoc citizen · Modoc trader · 維吉爾 · Slag guard · Slag citizen (鬼農場 地底人) · Stable boy
地點摩多克大街 · Modoc brahmin pastures · Rose's Bed and Breakfast · 法雷爾的花園 · 摩多克洞穴 · 屠宰場農莊 · 鬼農場
任務摩多克東北部的農場發生了一些奇怪的事情。調查並向喬報告 · 科尼利厄斯已經失去了他的金懷錶。查找並把它歸還給他 · 法雷爾要你找到科尼利厄斯的金懷錶。找到它並還給法雷爾 · 喬尼失蹤了。找到他並將他帶回給巴爾薩斯 · 強尼在地底人洞穴中。想辦法帶強尼回到巴爾薩斯的家 · 法雷爾的花園裡有齧齒動物。驅除侵擾 · 將地底人的消息傳遞給摩多克中的喬 · 喬對地底人產生懷疑。查明鬼農場的屍體以及卡爾的遭遇 · 去丹恩城告訴卡爾回家沒事了 · 殺掉"雞" · 幫助貝絲的雙頭牛