關於the NCR policeman in Fallout 2,參見Grant (Fallout 2)
關於other characters named Graham,參見Graham

Quit goofing off and clear the channel. I'll be damned if the President dies on my watch because you were screwing around.

Ranger Grant is an NCR Ranger coordinating security during President Kimball's visit and speech at Hoover Dam in 2281.


Grant is a long time NCR ranger, best described as the "shoot first, never ask questions" type of soldier, someone who doesn't mind going into combat, so long as his soldiers shoot alongside him. He was injured at one point during his service. He also seems to enjoy (and even volunteer for) more dangerous missions.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest



服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
NCR Ranger patrol armor
Ranger hat
Trail carbine NCR dogtag


Despite wearing his eyepatch on his right eye, he takes aim using that eye. This is due to the aiming animation only being for right eye dominant characters.


Ranger Grant appears only 在辐射:新维加斯 .

Behind the scenes[]

  • During the quest You'll Know It When It Happens, contacting Grant via radio will include the option "We're all fine here now thank you, how about you?" This is a reference to a scene from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, when Han Solo answers a call in the same manner for the now-dead detention level guards while in the process of rescuing Princess Leia from the Death Star.
  • At some point during development, Grant was instead an NCR captain by the name of Graham. References to this name still exist, including in his GECK Editor ID: VHDCaptainGraham.


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If Ranger Grant is told in person about the Legion sniper on the tower during the quest You'll Know When it Happens, or if the "goodbye" conversation option is chosen before the quest, he will still sound as if he is talking through a radio even though the conversation is occurring in person.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Sometimes he says that they're preparing to protect the president, and the only dialogue option is "Goodbye." To fix this, reset Ranger Grant by typing prid 0013721F then disable and last enable.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC When you say "I have to go" he will say bye in a different voice.[已验证]