
The Piezonucleic power armor chest is a unique piece of power armor辐射4 .


Developed at the Cambridge Polymer Labs for the United States Armed Forces as part of the Nucleostrictive Lining Project leading up to, and for a short time after the Great War, the Piezonucleic power armor incorporates a polymer of gold and lithium hydride applied to lead zirconium titanite, capable of converting ionizing radiation to electrical energy. However, the entire research staff of the project died just prior to its completion, leaving the project in limbo for the next 210 years.


The Piezonucleic power armor's stats depend on whether it spawns as T-45 or T-51. In either case, it increases the regeneration rate of Action Points depending on how high the player character's rads are.


The Piezonucleic power armor is located at the Cambridge Polymer Labs, southeast of Cambridge Police Station. It cannot be found inside the location, instead it must crafted by completing the unmarked quest Cambridge Polymer Labs, during which it is spawned once the right reagents and the U-238 isotope are found and added to the manufacturing setup.


  • Due to the item and NPC spawn level for Cambridge Polymer Labs being capped at 14, the Piezonucleic power armor can only spawn as a T-51 or T-45 variant, never as T-60 or X-01.
    • Completing the manufacturing process at a high level is in no way guaranteed to spawn the T-51 version. Even at level 100 and above, it is possible for the T-45 torso to spawned instead of the more advanced T-51.
  • It cannot be created twice, even though the reagents stay in one's inventory and the computer stating that it is running the fabrication.
  • The torso is the only piece of its kind and there is no full set in the game.
  • During its initial construction, the conveyor belt animation will display a T-60 torso, which may be an indicator of Bethesda's original intention to add the "Nucleostrictive Torso Armor." Despite this, the piece that spawns in the chamber will only ever be T-45 or T-51.
  • The Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide mentions a piece of unique T-60 power armor torso called "Nucleostrictive Torso Armor" under the unique apparel section, which reduces the rate of fusion core depletion by 10%, and erroneously states that it is the reward for the Cambridge Polymer Labs quest. However, in the Cambridge Polymer Labs section of the book, the quest reward is correctly listed as the Piezonucleic power armor.
  • The Nucleorestrictive Torso Armor (EditorID DN015_Armor_Power_Torso, FormID 001C0382) exists as unused content in the game files. It has the characteristic of 10% reduction in fusion core depletion. It is a T45 torso with a T60 preview transform - possibly the same item mentioned above as appearing on the conveyor belt.