本文介紹的是软饮料“核子可乐”. 關於战前同名企业,參見核子可乐企业

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這個物品與「避難所小子」形象一起成為了輻射系列遊戲的標誌,並成為流行文化的一部分。 在遊戲中,核子可樂除了能夠提高人物的生命值以及體內輻射以外,還有一個特殊的作用:它的瓶蓋在廢土上是通用貨幣。


John Caleb-Bradberton2044發明。一年之內,其獨特的口感很快就贏得了龐大的市場份額,成為美國最受歡迎的氣泡飲料。一項市場調查顯示,選擇「藍色」作為最喜愛顏色的人佔到86%,因此2052年,核子可樂將其深入人心的炫光藍瓶定為標準包裝。 核子可樂的成分包括蘇打水、焦糖色素、阿斯巴甜(一種比蔗糖甜200倍的人工合成甜味劑)、磷酸、苯甲酸鉀、天然香料、檸檬酸與咖啡因。但真正賦予其獨一無二口感的是一種香精,由17種水果中提取出來,並按照一定比例調配。有些版本的可樂也會加入一些額外的營養成分。2044年的時候出了一件大事,西番蓮果由於某種未知的原因全部滅絕,在那之後,核子可樂的配方不得不做出調整,消費者們也明顯感覺到其口味發生了變化。




Numerous other variants of the classic Nuka-Cola were introduced, offering different flavors and taste profiles. Although the classic Nuka-Cola remained the most popular, alternative, fruit-flavored beverages were typically an instant success.[2] Its popularity endured long after the Great War destroyed the Nuka-Cola Corporation, partly thanks to the sheer number of bottles and cans produced,[3] and partly due to its pleasant flavor. Even when warm, flat and irradiated, it's the soft drink of choice for many wastelanders.[4]

Those unable to procure genuine Nuka-Cola bottles can homebrew the drink, with denizens of the southwest able to approximate the taste and properties with Nevada agave and barrel cactus.[5]

Nuka-Cola is best served chilled. Common before the War, ice cold Nuka-Colas are a luxury item after the Great War, due to the scarcity of working refrigeration units. Though flat, chilled Nuka-Cola is the recommended way of drinking it.[6]


FO3 Nuka-Cola
Fallout4 Nuka Cola
游戏文章: 辐射, 辐射2, 辐射3, 辐射4, 辐射76, 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射战略版, 辐射:新加州



FO3 Nuka-Cola
Fallout4 Nuka Cola
游戏文章: 辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射4

核子可樂的冰鎮型,只要把核子可樂放進通著電的核子可樂售貨機里就能拿到。不過,由於功能完好無損的核子可樂售貨機的數量較少,因此冰鎮核子可樂在廢土上還是很難得一見的。與普通核子可樂相比,冰鎮核子克勞不再是溫吞吞的了,但是依舊跑汽並且具有放射性。需要注意的是,核子可樂變成冰鎮核子可樂後,就無法轉換成量子型核子可樂 。

Diet Nuka-Cola[]

游戏文章: none (mentioned in 辐射)

A diet version of the classic Nuka-Cola, with sugar content substitued with aspartame.[7]


Nuka Cherry
游戏文章: 辐射4, 辐射76, 辐射战略版

核子可乐樱桃味是和葡萄味,柳橙味一起最早出现的核子可乐分支品种,[2] 专利被收购前原本是梅儿非常樱桃汽水,美国的一种地方特色樱桃饮料。後來将这种地方汽水配方产品稍加重制和包装,mixed with Nuka-Cola then enhanced with color to boost visual appeal.[8] It proved to be a drink with enduring popularity, though it was largely limited to the East Coast,[9] but was distributed in large quantities in the vicinity of Boston and West Virginia.

上架以後很快就被證明沒人喜歡這玩意兒,銷售業績也成了公司的災難,公司不得不迅速出品了經典核子可樂來替代它, tasting exactly like the original but in a new bottle. 其故事是來自於真實世界中的櫻桃味可口可樂.


Nuka-Cola Dark
游戏文章: 核子世界, 辐射76

Nuka-Cola Dark is distinguished by its namesake deep black color.為核子可乐公司向酒精饮料市场方向进军and appealing to the adult demographic的尝试,制成了一种酒精度达到35度的可乐鸡尾酒,[10] 核子可乐宣传这是最解渴的放松方式,但公司也宣传饮用后8小时内不要进行開车或者机械操作,另外怀孕女性和准备怀孕的女性也不建议饮用此产品,[11]但这款饮料仍打入了全美高级酒吧和餐厅。[12] However, the only known supplies of this intoxicating sweet drink that remain in the wasteland are those contained within the boundaries of the Nuka-World theme-park in the Boston Commonwealth, or early access to the product in the Whitespring Resort.


游戏文章: 核子世界, 辐射76

原本是一种名为葡萄珍珠汽水的地方饮料,被收购前已经销往海外,为了成本考虑略微改动成分,[13] 葡萄味同属核子可乐广受欢迎的第一批分支的一员。[2] Easily distinguished by its purple-on-purple color scheme and the grape-bunch featured on its label and bottlecap. Nuka-Grape is a prominently grape-flavored variant of Nuka-Cola. As with Nuka-Cherry and Nuka-Orange, it was only distributed in the eastern United States.[9] However, the only known supplies of this brand of the drink that remain in the wasteland are those contained within the boundaries of the Nuka-World theme-park in the Boston Commonwealth and in the Whitespring Resort in West Virginia.


Nuka-Cola Orange
游戏文章: 核子世界, 辐射76

是一款橙子味可乐,外包装为橙色,瓶标为橙子片的图案。这种可乐一样是核子可乐广受欢迎的早期分支产品。[2] 与葡萄和樱桃味一样,水果三剑客是东海岸热销产品。[9] It was developed under the code name "Fur Seal" with a Pear 白兰地 as a flavor base with its intense aftertaste cut with trace .[14]


FO3 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Fallout4 Nuka Cola Quantum
游戏文章: 辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射4, 辐射76, 辐射:避难所, 辐射:新加州

2077年fourth quarter,核子可樂推出了一種名為量子口味核子可樂(英文:Nuka-Cola Quantum)的新飲料,擁有兩倍於普通型的卡路里、碳水化合物、咖啡因和口感。[15][16]

The origins of this soda were unlike anything the Nuka-Cola Corporation had devised before: 由核子世界饮料开发团队与军方Army Research Laboratory's Weapon and Material division合作的biological and军用武器项目钴计划过程中制造出的副产品。After months and months of work on several isotopes of strontium,[17] the team discovered the isotope 锶-90 that could weaponize anything in the military's arsenal, but could also act as 添加物让饮料散发吸引人的光芒, similar to Nuka-Cola Quartz and Victory.[18] In fact, the isotope was so high energy that the beverage it would be added to effectively became sterilized, killing any bacteria with which it came in contact.[19] The designation of the strontium sample, Q4N7-UM, resulted in the isotope being named Quantum by its creator, Rex Meacham.[20]

The isotope was processed into an additive safe for human consumption by another beverageer, Ruth Leavitt.[21] 为其添加了新的水果香精(石榴)。[22]

Of course, using a radioactive additive in a soft drink brought the expected dangers, even with the beverageer's expertise.[23]Arlington, VA核子可樂工廠的記錄顯示,量子口味核子可樂的開發充滿了艱辛與失敗。[24]許多實驗者在喝下早期配方後便痛苦地死去了。最終,核子可樂公司找到了合適的同位素CCE774 ,不会致人死亡只会让人眩晕並製作了一小批試生產品運往東海岸。[25]華盛頓獲得的顧客反饋indicated that the new flavor was going to take the market by storm.[26] 根據食品藥品監督管理局的說法,這並不會帶來什麼不好的副作用,鍶同位素還可能導致飲用者的尿液發出熒光。[27][28]

2077年10月23日量子可乐正式上市,然而不幸的是,大戰爆發。Because of this, Nuka-Cola Quantum is incredibly rare in the wasteland, with 多批裝有可樂的卡車在運輸途中損毀了。It is more common in the Commonwealth and West Virginia than in the Capital Wasteland, however. At least in the Commonwealth, there were special "pre-release" shipments delivered to certain grocers and restaurants, accounting for its greater availability. The Whitespring Resort also received early-release shipments, which are sold by Bubbles, the Nuka-Cola vendor.[29]

The Quantum substance had originally been created as a secret weapon under the research of Doctor Rex Meacham, sponsored by the army. He managed to finish the project before his death, soon after the bombs dropped. His research can be used to create Quantum ammunition for the Thirst Zapper, which makes blue radioactive explosions that can disintegrate the target as well as Nuka Quantum grenades. After gaining the schematics, and related launcher, from John-Caleb Bradberton's private vault, the Sole Survivor can use Quantum to create enhanced mini nukes.

Nuka-Cola Quantum is also used to speed up processes in Fallout Shelter, such as wasteland return speed and crafting time.


Nuka-Cola Quartz
Fo4NW Nuka-Cola Quartz
游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯, 核子世界

此款可乐是核子可乐在美国西南部迎合當地人口味制作的可乐之一。[30] 分布稀少in the post-apocalypse.[31] It has a classy look, thanks to the lack of added food colorings but a distinctive white tint and glow.[32] It was developed under the code name "Angry Beaver," during development the beverageers added non-soluble sugar flakes to simulate a quartz-like appearance and to counteract the cavitation issues from previous attempts.[33]

此款可乐會讓飲用者在一段時間內擁有夜視能力, much like the effects given after taking Cateye. The Nuka-Cola Corporation had a trademark battle with Vim! Pop Incorporated over the "Quartz" trademark since Vim was also selling a drink known as Vim Quartz. Nuka-Cola won the battle.


Nuka-Cola Victory
Fo4NW Nuka-Cola Victory
游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯, 核子世界

為慶祝在安克拉治打敗中國而在美国西南部limited推出。[30] 會發出橘紅色的光,背景是美国国旗,瓶标独特,是類似量子型的產品。分布稀少 in the post-apocalypse.[32]


Nuka-Cola Wild
游戏文章: 核子世界, 辐射76

Introduced in 2058, Nuka-Cola Wild is a 根啤味 beverage inspired by舊西部钟爱的沙士口味。It comes in a red bottle and is marked with a red-orange label bearing the legend "Nuka-Wild." 是核子可乐公司尝试并购夕阳沙士公司失败以后产生的产物;[34] 在被夕阳沙士经营铁桶一块的美国西南部推出來竞争。[32] That being said, supplies of this brand of the drink can be found within the boundaries of the Nuka-World theme-park in the Boston Commonwealth and a special release batch was given to the Whitespring Resort in West Virginia. No bottle of Nuka-Cola Wild can still be found in the American Southwest, however, a testament to its unpopularity compared to Sunset Sarsaparilla.

Unreleased flavors[]


游戏文章: 辐射76

一种原本由威廉乔持有专利的咖啡饮料,名为满富乔。核子可乐将配方修改后与可乐混合制成了一种混合咖啡饮料,试喝的结果不佳。Developed under the code name "Walrus,"[35] the attempts to mix cola (let alone all the other fruit flavors in Nuka-Cola) and coffee went poorly and the flavor project was sent back to the drawing board after multiple unfavorable taste tests.[36] Further development was made at a West Virginia plant under the name Nuka-Black. Notes from the unsatisfactory taste tests of coffee were taken into consideration and the mixers there proposed a change of the main additive ingredient from coffee to Dextromethamphetamine.[35]


游戏文章: 辐射3, 核子世界

被收购前名为夏伦乡下柠檬,由于成本太高配方还在被饮料工程师改进中。[37] Nuka-Cola Clear's flavor profile was going to be lemon-lime, but the corporation encountered problems in production: John-Caleb Bradberton wished to spend available funds producing and promoting the newly formulated Nuka-Cola Quantum instead, and with Nuka-Cola Quartz, the marketing team was unsure how to promote two clear sodas at the same time. For these reasons, Bradberton pushed back Nuka-Cola Clear production until at least 2079.[38] The formula was locked away in the 核子可樂工廠 in Arlington, Virginia, sealed by the Great War.[39]


游戏文章: 辐射76
Fo76 Nuka Cola Cranberry billboard3

Coming soon

卡诺瓦核子可乐厂提出的创意,理念是将celery-flavored的苏打水混合香料,进行重新包装和宣传,让人们误以为具有保健作用。[40] After more data gathering, cranberries were determined to become the first in the potential line of "snack beverages," 罗利县的红莓被选定为原料。The plan was主要面向高端人士销售as a premium lifestyle and meant for those who had refined palettes and a taste high quality products.[41] 与其他水果口味核子可乐一样, this one would predominantly feature cranberries.尽管在阿帕拉契的瓦托加地区大肆宣传,但是没有来的及正式上市。紅莓口味是专门针对阿帕拉契饮料市场的产品,与针对西部的石英口味和胜利口味一样。不过在大戰正式出現之前就已经少量开始提前销售。[42]

Mixed Nuka-Cola drinks[]


游戏文章: none (mentioned in 辐射2)


Nuka-Cola float[]

游戏文章: none (mentioned in 辐射4, 辐射76)



Fo76 Nukashine bottle

A bottle of Nukashine with its distinct art deco branding.

游戏文章: 辐射76

一种混合了核子可樂量子口味和核废料的高纯度蒸馏酒,由避難所科技大学HPSET路易斯2076年11月发明。[44] The creation was supposed to provide a source of funds for feeding his Nuka-Cola collector's addiction, but wound up catapulting the fraternity to university-wide fame and led Judy Lowell, the chapter president, to set up a speakeasy in the back of Big Al's Tattoo Parlor bearing the same name.这种饮料本身具有不可思议的力量,会导致昏迷、严重的宿醉,而且可能是致命的,as the fellow PKM兄弟會found out during their "eviction party."[45]


游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

曾经是世界各地大学新生的首选饮品,但即便是在战后的酒吧里,只要那些有能力制作这种混合饮品的人被雇佣,它仍然是最容易制作的饮品之一。 [46]

Fallout Tactics variants[]


主页面: 经典核子可乐
游戏文章: 辐射战略版



游戏文章: 辐射战略版

黃色核子可樂是核子可樂主線的一個非主流分支,同時具備黃色的外觀和「有趣的」氣味。在鋼鐵兄弟會統治芝加哥期間一直有關於這玩意兒的報告。人們很快就發現這玩意兒是由一個「裸體瘋老頭(mad naked man,遊戲中叫做Roshambo)」「發明」的——嗯,其實他只是往裡面撒了一泡尿而已……所以貿然喝掉它只會引起中毒, it is apparent that the so-called cola is in fact a generous helping of urine.

Fusion Cola[]

游戏文章: 辐射战略版

代代传承填充可乐机器传统的家族一份子菲尔的传闻中的秘方, Phil was not impressed and doesn't like Nuka-Cola that much. 据说他会用一些浓缩香精与核子可乐调配出一种特殊的可乐。

Crafted at Nuka-mixer station[]

游戏文章: 辐射4

The Nuka-World theme park published The Official Nuka-World Recipe Book which includes over a dozen recipes that allowed visitors to the park to create their own blends of Nuka-Cola flavors with the use of a Nuka-mixer station.[47] These blends could not be found anywhere other than inside the gates of Nuka-World. Any of these drinks can be improved by chilling them in Buddy, resulting in an ice-cold variant. While some are statistically identical to their warm counterparts, others provide an improvement to the drinks effect on the drinker's metabolism, resulting in increased health and Action Point bonuses.

Officially registered recipes[]

Such was the popularity of Nuka-Cola and its influence over pre-War American culture, that not only did the company produce its own soft drink-themed amusement park, but one of the draws was the opportunity to create new Nuka-Cola recipes by mixing together various existing Nuka-Cola products at a Nuka-mixer station. The most successful mixes were recorded and written down, obviously intended to later be "officially" created by the company and distributed. Before the bombs dropped, some fifteen distinct recipes had been derived from park-goer experimentation:

Soda name ...is a blend of:
核子可樂槳果口味 Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cherry, and Nuka-Grape
核子可樂爆炸口味 Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cola Dark, bourbon, rum, and vodka
核子可樂超殺口味 Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cherry, Nuka-Cola Dark, Nuka-Cola Orange, Nuka-Cola Quantum, Nuka-Cola Quartz, Nuka-Cola Victory, Nuka-Cola Wild, and Nuka-Grape
核子可樂酷樂口味 Nuka-Cola Quantum, Nuka-Cola Quartz, and Nuka-Cola Victory
核子可樂果香口味 Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cherry, Nuka-Grape, and Nuka-Cola Orange
核子可樂爽朗口味 Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cola Dark, carrot flower, and tato juice
核子可樂爽朗口味 Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cola Orange, and Med-X
核子可樂戀愛口味 Nuka-Cherry and Nuka-Cola Quartz
核子可樂動力口味配方 Nuka-Cola and Nuka-Cola Dark
核子可樂重擊口味 Nuka-Cherry, Nuka-Cola Orange, Nuka-Cola Quartz, and Nuka-Grape
核子可樂光芒口味 Nuka-Cola Orange and Nuka-Cola Victory
核子可樂衝刺口味 Nuka-Cola Victory and Nuka-Cola Wild
核子可樂日出口味 Nuka-Cherry and Nuka-Cola Orange
核子可樂空虛口味 Nuka-Cola Dark and Nuka-Cola Quantum
核子可樂極限口味 Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cola Quantum, and Nuka-Grape

Nuka-World raider recipes[]

Other recipes have been developed by the raiders dwelling in the park since the bombs dropped. These, however, an aspiring brewer must figure out for themselves. Some named mixtures include:

Soda name ...is a blend of:
新子可樂 Nuka-Cola and Nuka-Cherry
核子可樂騷動口味 Two Nuka-Cola Wilds
核子可樂幻想口味 Nuka-Cherry and Nuka-Cola Wild
核子可樂自由口味 Nuka-Cola and dirty water
核子可樂雙胞口味 Nuka-Cola and Nuka-Cola Wild


  • 在2008年E3展覽會上,貝塞斯達軟體向與會者們發放了實體版核子可樂,其外形類似於1950年代的玻璃瓶裝可口可樂。
  • 在2015-2016年間,實體版的量子口味核子可樂可以通過網際網路購買,世界各地的目標百貨同樣有售。
  • 顯而易見,Nuka Cola這個名字是來自可口可樂(Coca Cola)的,而John Caleb-Bradberton這個名字則是可口可樂發明人John Pemberton和百事可樂發明人Caleb Bradham的混合。
  • 核子可樂的靈感據傳是來自於二十世紀五六十年代美國的放射性熱潮——由於社會輿論對放射性的危害了解不深,一些奇怪的謠言及商品便開始出現,比如輻射能治百病的謠言、與原子毫無關係卻頂著「原子筆」名號大賣的圓珠筆、甚至還有真的附帶兩塊不加弱化的鈾礦石的兒童科學玩具,在這樣的輿論環境中,也確實出現過「喝下適量放射性的水有利於身體健康」這樣的謠言。



  1. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为WoR tour的引用提供文字
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Nuka-World loading screens: "Nuka-Cola introduced fruit-flavored beverages such as Nuka-Cherry, Nuka-Grape and Nuka-Orange only a few short years after the corporation was founded. They were an instant success."
  3. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为SuchManyWow的引用提供文字
  4. Fallout demo, Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel item description: "{10600}{}{Nuka-Cola}"
    "{10601}{}{A bottle of Nuka-Cola, the flavored softdrink of the post-nuclear world. Warm and flat.}"
    (PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout demo), PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout), PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout 2), Items.txt)
  5. Homebrewed Nuka-Cola recipe in Fallout: New Vegas.
  6. Ice cold Nuka-Colas in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4.
  7. Dugan: "{124}{}{Too bad we ran out of Diet.}"
  8. Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, Merle's Very Cherry Soda
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 World of Refreshment tour: "Out west, they enjoy regional favorites such as the classy Nuka-Cola Quartz and refreshingly patriotic Nuka-Cola Victory. Or, for those that prefer a timeless root-based beverage, they pick up a delicious Nuka-Cola Wild!
    While out here on the east coast, folks delight in the refreshment of an ice-cold Nuka-Grape, Nuka-Orange, or Nuka-Cherry. And be on the lookout for our special pre-release shipments of Nuka-Cola Quantum coming soon to your favorite grocer or restaurant!"
    (World of Refreshment announcer's dialogue)
  10. Nuka Cola Dark label
  11. World of Refreshment tour: "Hey Mom and Dad, are you ready for a night out on the town? Then pick up an ice-cold Nuka-Cola Dark and experience the most thirst-quenching way to unwind. Nuka-Cola Dark: that refreshingly familiar Nuka-Cola taste with a light alcoholic twist. 35% alcohol by volume. Do not consume Nuka-Cola Dark if you are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant. Do not operate motor vehicles or heavy machinery for at least 8 hours after drinking."
    (World of Refreshment announcer's dialogue)
  12. Nuka-World loading screens: "Nuka-Cola Dark was the corporation's attempt at entering the alcoholic beverage market. Boasting 35% alcohol-by-volume, the unusual soft drink found its success at many of the finer lounges and restaurants around the country."
  13. Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, Grape-Pearl Soda
  14. Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant terminal entries; Current Project Status, Fur Seal
  15. World of Refreshment tour: "Welcome to the Nuka-Cola World of Refreshment, now featuring a river of Nuka-Cola Quantum! Nuka-Cola Quantum: Twice the calories, twice the carbohydrates, twice the caffeine, and twice the taste! And just look at that amazing, patented blue glow! So sit back and enjoy the ride as we take you through the Nuka-Cola World of Refreshment!"
    (World of Refreshment announcer's dialogue)
  16. "This product is the pinnacle of taste sensation. Seventeen fruit flavors and that signature cola taste blend to form the perfect refreshing soft drink. With its new Strontium additive, its got that unique kick to keep you on your toes." – Milo, shipping foreman
  17. Kanawha Nuka-Cola plant terminal entries; Current Project Status, Sea Lion
  18. Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, 10-20-2076 JCB
  19. World of Refreshment terminal entries; Bottling plant staff terminal, Grand Reopening
  20. World of Refreshment terminal entries; Beverageer's terminal, Compound: Q4N7-UM
  21. World of Refreshment terminal entries; Beverageer's terminal, Meacham RMNC-0987120: "Meacham RMNC-0987120 As far as our new soft drink went, I decided to call it "Quantum." To keep Dr. Leavitt from quitting the team, I put her in charge of that project while Bennell and Medford continued working on Project Cobalt. We had the boys over at the laboratory in Washington D.C. lend us a hand with the live subject testing. Isotopes CE770 and CE772 were close, but caused all sorts of problems with the test subjects. But when we hit CE774, it was that eureka moment we were waiting for. No deaths, only a few mild cases of dizziness and other benign side-effects. A new flavor was born."
  22. The Lone Wanderer: "That stuff sounds absolutely revolting."
    Sierra Petrovita: "On the contrary! The secret ingredient was an eighteenth fruit flavor which added just a hint of pomegranate. Top that with a specially engineered isotope to boost the energy output and you have the perfect refresher for a hot summer day!"
    (Sierra Petrovita's dialogue)
  23. Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's terminal, Incoming Mail KL332NWC
  24. Nuka-Cola plant terminal entries; Research terminal
  25. World of Refreshment terminal entries; Beverageer's terminal, Meacham RMNC-0987120
  26. World of Refreshment terminal entries; beverageer's terminal, Meacham RMNC-0987129
  27. The Lone Wanderer: "Wait, did you say it has an isotope in it? As in it's radioactive?"
    Sierra Petrovita: "Oh no, only ever-so-mildly! No ill effects were ever recorded. Well, it does have the unique property of making your... ummm... your pee glow."
    (Sierra Petrovita's dialogue)
  28. Kanawha Nuka-Cola plant terminal entries; Current Project Status, Sea Lion
  29. Bubbles: "Exclusive to The Whitespring: Early-release bottles of the newest cola sensation: Nuka-Cola Quantum!"
  30. 30.0 30.1 Joshua Sawyer tumblr answer
  31. Nuka-World loading screens: "Nuka-Cola Victory and Nuka-Cola Quartz are two examples of regional brands. These flavors, in particular, were only distributed in the southwestern area of the United States."
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 World of Refreshment tour: "Out west, they enjoy regional favorites such as the classy Nuka-Cola Quartz and refreshingly patriotic Nuka-Cola Victory. Or, for those that prefer a timeless root-based beverage, they pick up a delicious Nuka-Cola Wild!"
    (World of Refreshment announcer's dialogue)
  33. Kanawha Nuka-Cola plant terminal entries; Current Project Status, Angry Beaver
  34. Nuka-World loading screens: "Although the Nuka-Cola Corporation would never admit it, Nuka-Cola Wild was released to directly compete with Sunset Sarsaparilla after attempts to acquire that company met with failure."
  35. 35.0 35.1 Kanawha Nuka-Cola plant terminal entries; Current Project Status, Walrus
  36. Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, Packed Full Of Joe
  37. Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, Sharon's Downhome Country Lemon
  38. Nuka-Cola Clear (holodisk)
  39. The appropriate quest in Fallout 3.
  40. Product brainstorming 1
  41. Product brainstorming 2
  42. Flooded trainyard terminal entries#Message From: T. Pendleton
  43. Bcgengrd.msg: {138}{}{Hey, anyone remember what was in a Long Island Ice Tea?}
    {139}{}{Yeah, vodka, rum, tequila, triple sec, lime, and Nuka.}
  44. Lewis's personal log
  45. Eta Psi House terminal entries
  46. The Courier: "How's business?"
    James Garret: "With Jacob Hoff sobered up, there are new drinks are on the menu and sales are strong. People love the new Absinthe and Rum & Nuka."
    (James Garret's dialogue)
  47. Nuka-World loading screens: "The Official Nuka-World Recipe Book featured fifteen brand new Nuka-Cola recipes that required the use of a Nuka-Mixer Station to properly blend the sometimes volatile liquids."