關於the location,參見Nuka-World (location)

Gametitle-FO4 NW
Gametitle-FO4 NW
Take a trip to Nuka-World, a vast amusement park now a lawless city of Raiders. Explore an all-new region with an open wasteland and park zones like Safari Adventure, Dry Rock Gulch, Kiddie Kingdom, and the Galactic Zone. Lead lethal gangs of Raiders and use them to conquer settlements, bending the Commonwealth to your will. Nuka-World features new quests, Raiders, weapons, creatures, and more. Enjoy the ride!— Official Description

核口世界Fallout 4第六個擴充內容 , 也是第四個擁有任務和主線故事的資料片,於2016年8月29日發售。玩家建議等級30。


故事講述從電台收到核口世界樂園的訊號,當抵逹到那裡時被一群掠奪者帶領到地下進行測試並在那裡擔任掠奪者— The Operators, The DisciplesThe Pack —的老大。



  • Aaron Corbett
  • Anise
  • Commander Bear
  • Bottle
  • Brett Dunmore
  • C. Grunner
  • Cappy
  • Chelsea
  • Chip Morse
  • Chipmunk
  • Cito
  • Cleansed
  • Overboss Colter
  • Cora
  • Corin
  • Crag
  • Dara Hubbell
  • Darren McDermot
  • Dixie
  • Corporal Downey
  • Evan
  • Fritsch
  • Harvey
  • Dr. Hein
  • Ian
  • J. Hodgson
  • John-Caleb Bradberton
  • Kali Dunmore
  • Katelyn Alden
  • Commander Kaylor
  • Keith Dawkins
  • Kendell Alston
  • Lauren Plummer
  • Lizzie Wyath
  • Lucky
  • Lucy Grandchester
  • Luis Bateman
  • Mackenzie Bridgeman
  • Maddox
  • Mags Black
  • Sergeant Marcks
  • Mason
  • Maurice Turner
  • Monique Dunmore
  • Mouse
  • Nisha
  • Nuka-Girl
  • Ophelia
  • Oswald the Outrageous
  • Peter
  • Phil Roller
  • Porter Gage
  • R. Langston
  • Rabbit
  • Rachel Watkins
  • Rage
  • Rex Meacham
  • Ricky Braxton
  • Robin
  • Rogue knight
  • Rolanda Hooper
  • Sabine
  • Sabot
  • Sam Teller
  • Savoy
  • Shank
  • Shelbie Chase
  • Sierra Petrovita
  • Sinner
  • Sykes
  • Terry Tanaka
  • Tiana Alston
  • Tula Spinney
  • Private Tyler
  • Weylan
  • William Black
  • Wretch
  • Zachariah


Robots and computers[]





核子世界 can only be accessed with the add-on Nuka-World installed.


  • Bradberton
  • Bradberton overpass
  • Dunmore homestead
  • Evan's home
  • Grandchester Mystery Mansion
  • Hubologist's camp
    • World's Largest Fire Hydrant
  • Morton residence
  • Northpoint reservoir
  • Nuka Island


Armor and clothing[]

  • Black cowboy hat
  • Black prospector's hat
  • Bottle and Cappy orange jacket & jeans
  • Bottle and Cappy red jacket & jeans
  • Bottle and Cappy shirt & jeans
  • Bottle shirt & jeans
  • Bottlecap sunglasses
  • Cappy glasses
  • Cappy jacket & jeans
  • Cappy shirt & jeans
  • Colorful brown undergarments
  • Colorful dark blue undergarments
  • Colorful dark green undergarments
  • Colorful green undergarments
  • Colorful light blue undergarments
  • Colorful light green undergarments
  • Colorful pink undergarments
  • Colorful yellow undergarments
  • Cowboy hat
  • Cowhide western outfit
  • Disciples armored skirt
  • Disciples banded helmet
  • Disciples bladed helmet
  • Disciples cowl
  • Disciples head covering
  • Disciples hood
  • Disciples metal armor
  • Disciples spiked armor
  • Disciples strapped armor
  • Disciples wrapped armor
  • Fancy plaid suit & string tie
  • Fancy plaid suit & tie
  • Fancy suit
  • Fancy suit & tie
  • Furry pants & T-shirt
  • Furry undergarments
  • Gage's armor
  • Gage's eyepatch
  • Hubologist outfit
  • Magician's tuxedo
  • Mason's outfit
  • Nuka T-51 power armor
  • Nuka-Girl rocketsuit
  • Nuka-World geyser jacket & jeans
  • Nuka-World geyser shirt & jeans
  • Nuka-World jacket & jeans
  • Nuka-World jumpsuit
  • Nuka-World shirt & jeans
  • Operators armored dress
  • Operators armored skirt
  • Operators glasses
  • Operators goggles
  • Operators heavy armor
  • Operators armor
  • Orange shirt Western outfit
  • Oswald's tophat
  • Overboss power armor
  • Pack armor
  • Pack beanie
  • Pack beanie and crow mask
  • Pack buffalo helmet
  • Pack carnival mask
  • Pack crow mask
  • Pack deer mask
  • Pack elephant helmet
  • Pack feather necklace
  • Pack helmet
  • Pack horned helm
  • Pack jaguar helmet
  • Pack masked helm
  • Pack moose helmet
  • Pack necklace
  • Pack shawl
  • Patchwork sweater & furry pants
  • Patchwork sweater & shorts
  • Prospector's hat
  • Quantum X-01 Mk.V power armor
  • Ripped shirt & socks
  • Shock collar
  • Spacesuit costume
  • Spacesuit costume helmet
  • Torn shirt & jeans
  • Torn shirt & ragged pants
  • Western duster
  • Western outfit
  • Western outfit & chaps
  • Wildman rags
  • Wrap & ragged pants
  • Wrap & ripped jeans
  • Yao-guai finger necklace


  • Aeternus
  • Acid Soaker
  • Cito's Shiny Slugger
  • Commie Whacker
  • Disciples blade
    • Throatslicer
  • Fragmentation grenade MIRV
  • Fury grenade
  • Handmade rifle
  • Hub's Alien Blaster
  • Lucky Rabbit's Foot Cut content
  • Nuka Cherry grenade Cut content
  • Nuka-nuke launcher
  • Nuka Quantum grenade
  • Paddle ball
  • Persuasion grenade
  • Predator grenade
  • Smart fragmentation grenade
  • Sword of Wonders
  • Thirst Zapper
  • Western revolver


  • 7.62 round
  • Acid concentrate
  • Nuka-nuke
  • Paddle ball string
  • Squirt of water
  • Weaponized Nuka-Cherry ammo
  • Weaponized Nuka-Cola ammo
  • Weaponized Nuka-Cola Quantum ammo


  • Ant meat
  • Bloodworm meat
  • Calmex Silk
  • Cave cricket gland
  • Cave cricket meat
  • Cotton candy bites
  • Crispy cave cricket
  • Fever blossom
  • Flying ant meat
  • Funnel cake
  • Gatorclaw meat
  • Gatorclaw steak
  • Gazelle meat
  • Gazelle steak
  • Ghoulrilla meat
  • Grilled Nukalurk
  • Grilled queen Nukalurk
  • Ice cold Newka-Cola
  • Ice cold Nuka-Berry
  • Ice cold Nuka-Bombdrop
  • Ice cold Nuka-Buzz
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cide
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cola Dark
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cola Orange
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cola Quartz
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cola Victory
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cola Wild
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cooler
  • Ice cold Nuka-Fancy
  • Ice cold Nuka-Free
  • Ice cold Nuka-Frutti
  • Ice cold Nuka-Grape
  • Ice cold Nuka-Hearty
  • Ice cold Nuka-Lixir
  • Ice cold Nuka-Love
  • Ice cold Nuka-Power
  • Ice cold Nuka-Punch
  • Ice cold Nuka-Ray
  • Ice cold Nuka-Rush
  • Ice cold Nuka-Sunrise
  • Ice cold Nuka-Twin
  • Ice cold Nuka-Void
  • Ice cold Nuka-Xtreme
  • Mystery bacon
  • Mystery jerky
  • Newka-Cola
  • Nuka-Berry
  • Nuka-Bombdrop
  • Nuka-Buzz
  • Nuka-Cide
  • Nuka-Cola Dark
  • Nuka-Cola Orange
  • Nuka-Cola Quartz
  • Nuka-Cola Victory
  • Nuka-Cola Wild
  • Nuka-Cooler
  • Nuka-Fancy
  • Nuka-Free
  • Nuka-Frutti
  • Nuka-Grape
  • Nuka-Hearty
  • Nuka-Lixir
  • Nuka-Love
  • Nuka-Power
  • Nuka-Punch
  • Nuka-Ray
  • Nuka-Rush
  • Nuka-Sunrise
  • Nuka-Twin
  • Nuka-Void
  • Nuka-Xtreme
  • Nukalurk meat
  • Queen Nukalurk meat
  • Rad-rat meat
  • Rad-rat steak
  • Roasted ant
  • Roasted bloodworm
  • Smooth Operator


  • Atomic Roller ball
  • Grandchester Mansion ticket
  • Nuka-Cola recipes
  • Nuka-Cade ticket
  • Nuka-Cade token
  • Nuka-Cola lunchbox
  • Park medallion
  • Star core


  • Burger tray
  • Hot dog tray
  • Pizza tray
  • Nuka-Cola cup
  • Nuka-Cola cup and straw
  • Nuka-Cola cup pack
  • Red paint
  • Souvenir coffee cup
  • Souvenir drinking glass
  • Souvenir magnet badge
  • Souvenir magnet cat
  • Souvenir magnet cow
  • Souvenir magnet flower
  • Souvenir magnet frog
  • Souvenir plastic bowl
  • Souvenir plate
  • Souvenir sloth toy
  • Souvenir teddy bear
  • Souvenir toy car

Holodisks and notes[]

另見: Nuka-World holodisks and notes


另見: Nuka-World keys

World objects[]

Crafting conditions[]

Objects for the different park zones will not unlock unless certain conditions are met. The amplifier will not appear in the workshop menu unless a Nuka-World transmitter is built and powered, and the resources and dealers sections of the raiders category will not appear until Home Sweet Home is started. Additionally, items under the flags, resources and dealers categories will not appear in the workshop menu unless the settlement is raider-controlled.

The quest Safari Adventure must be completed to unlock the Safari Adventure category, High Noon at the Gulch for Dry Rock Gulch objects, Star Control for Galactic Zone objects and A Magical Kingdom for the majority of the Kiddie Kingdom objects. Galactic Zone objects unlock after putting 20 cores into Star Control and repairing the mainframe; unlike the other parks one does not need to plant a raider flag to unlock the objects.

Settlement objects[]

  • Decorations
    • Nuka-World
      • Nuka-Town USA
        • Bottle cutout
        • Cappy cutout
        • Height sign (x3)
        • King Cola cutout (x3)
        • Nuka-Cola cutout
        • Shrub cutout (x2)
        • Sign (x21)
        • Sign post
      • Nuka-Cade
        • Atomic Roller ball
        • Atomic Rollers
        • Basketball
        • Hoop Shot
        • Nuka-Zapper Race
        • Sign (x3)
        • Token dispenser
        • Whack-a-Commie
      • Galactic Zone
        • Nuka-Girl cutout
        • Alien cutout
        • Poster x3
        • Nuka-Cola rocket
        • Rocket
      • Dry Rock Gulch
        • Cactus prop (x2)
        • Cowboy cutout (x5)
        • Hay bale
        • Hitching post
        • Feed trough
      • Kiddie Kingdom
        • Ice cream (x2)
        • Lollipop (x4)
        • Gumdrop (x4)
        • Race car (x2)
        • Throne
      • Safari Adventure
        • Bear statue
        • Gorilla statue
        • Snake statue (x2)
        • Sign (x7)
      • Bottling plant
        • Nuka-Cola bottle (x5)
      • Miscellaneous
        • Bottle and Cappy statue (x2)
        • Bottle statue
        • Bumper car (x2)
        • Cappy statue (x4)
        • Cart
        • Cash register
        • Globe statue
        • Nuka-Cola flag
        • Park map
        • Trash can (x4)
    • Miscellaneous
      • Brotherhood of Steel flagpole
      • Institute flagpole
      • Minutemen flagpole
      • Railroad flagpole
      • U.S. flagpole
  • Power
    • Lights
      • Street light (x4)
  • Crafting
    • Nuka-mixer station (x4)
  • Raider
    • Flags
      • Disciples signal flag
      • Pack signal flag
      • Operators signal flag
    • Resources
      • Amplifier
      • Nuka-World radio transmitter
      • Booze still
      • Pick-me-up station
      • Tribute chest
    • Dealers
      • Armor dealer
      • Booze joint
      • Chems dealer
      • Gear dealer
      • Outfit dealer
      • Weapons dealer
    • Operators
      • Operator banner (x2)
      • Operator training dummy
      • Operator animatronic
    • The Pack
      • Pack banner (x2)
      • Pack mannequin (x3)
      • Pack rad gorilla chair
      • Brahmin chair
      • Feral ghoul chair
      • Brahmin couch
    • Disciples
      • Disciple banner (x2)
      • Disciple totem
    • Miscellaneous
      • Blood trough
      • Broken animatronic (x4)
      • Raider pike (x9)


圖標 任務名稱 地點 給予者 報酬 Form ID Editor ID
All Aboard
請上車 核子世界轉運站 Nuka-Cola Family radio or entering the Nuka-World transit center 200+ XP
xx{{#pad:000800|6|0|left}} DLC04MQ00
Taken for a Ride
誤上賊車 核子車站, 核子世界通行通道 , 可樂車競技場 紅眼 500+ XP
xx{{#pad:000801|6|0|left}} DLC04MQ01
An Ambitious Plan icon
雄心壯志 泡泡山烤排餐厅
波特·加吉 400+ XP
(可选) The Problem Solver
xx{{#pad:000802|6|0|left}} DLC04MQ02
The Grand Tour Achievement Icon
遠征 儿童王国
波特·加吉 400+XP xx{{#pad:000803|6|0|left}} DLC04MQ03
Fo4NW Park quest icon 魔法王國 兒童王國 奥斯华瓦尔德 400+ XP
Oswald's tophat
Sword of Wonders
(可选) Magician's tuxedo
xx{{#pad:03684f|6|0|left}} DLC04_KiddieKingdomMain
Fo4NW Park quest icon 清涼暢快世界 清涼暢快世界 发现清涼暢快世界 350+ XP
Control of the Nuka-Cola bottling plant
xx{{#pad:03684e|6|0|left}} DLC04_BottlingPlantMAIN
Fo4NW Park quest icon 乾岩谷大戰 干燥岩石峡谷 发现乾岩谷 400+ XP
200 瓶盖
Cowboy hat
Western outfit
Western revolver
xx{{#pad:0431ab|6|0|left}} DLC04DryRockGulch
Fo4NW Park quest icon 狩獵冒險 狩獵冒險 西托 400+ XP
(可选) Cito's Shiny Slugger
xx{{#pad:0260e2|6|0|left}} DLC04SafariAdventureQuest
Fo4NW Park quest icon 星際控制台 銀河區 发现银河区 400+ XP
xx{{#pad:01e34a|6|0|left}} DLC04GZMainQuest
Home Sweet Home Achievement Icon
甜蜜的家 核子世界 波特·加吉 500+ XP
Wasteland Warlord perk Rank 2
xx{{#pad:000804|6|0|left}} DLC04MQ04
Power Play Achievement Icon
有夠欠電 The World of Refreshment, Fizztop Mountain, The Parlor, Bradberton Amphitheater 山克 400+ XP
2 of the following gang perks Ace Operator perk,Chosen Disciple perk, or Pack Alpha perk
Electricity to Nuka-World
xx{{#pad:000805|6|0|left}} DLC04MQ05
Icon Fo4 side quest 無道德戰鬥 Nuka-Town USA, Cola-cars arena Fritsch 75+ XP
Aeternus (Rogue knight)
xx{{#pad:039262|6|0|left}} DLC04SettlementFF01
Cappy in a Haystack icon 大海撈小蓋 Nuka-Town USA
Fizztop Grille
Dry Rock Gulch
Galactic Zone
Kiddie Kingdom
Safari Adventure
World of Refreshment
西維拉·佩特洛維塔 400+ XP
Nuka-nuke launcher or Nuka-World jumpsuit
xx{{#pad:000806|6|0|left}} DLC04MS01
Open Season icon 狩獵季節 Bradberton Amphitheater
Fizztop Mountain
The Parlor
Nuka-Town market
Nuka-World power plant
Preston Garvey or Mackenzie Bridgeman 600+ XP xx{{#pad:027704|6|0|left}} DLC04RaiderKickout
Icon Fo4 side quest 珍貴的獎章 美國核子城
Dry Rock Gulch
Galactic Zone
Kiddie Kingdom
Safari Adventure
World of Refreshment
N.I.R.A. 75+ XP
Nuka Cola Dark
Nuka Orange
Nuka Cola Quantum
xx{{#pad:03ac61|6|0|left}} DLC04SettlementFF02
Trip to the Stars icon Trip to the Stars Hubologist's camp
Vault-Tec Among the Stars
Nuka-World junkyard
Dara Hubbell 450+ XP
200/250/300/350 瓶盖
Hub's Alien Blaster
10 alien blaster rounds
(可选) 100 alien blaster rounds
xx{{#pad:000807|6|0|left}} DLC04MS02
Radiant quests
Icon Fo4 side quest 守護貨物 隨機地點 Nisha
Mags Black
75+ XP
~250 瓶盖
xx{{#pad:02191c|6|0|left}} DLC04_RQ_DefendCache
Icon Fo4 side quest 一勞永逸的解決辦法 隨機地點 Nisha
Mags Black
75+ XP
~250 瓶盖
xx{{#pad:017f46|6|0|left}} DLC04_RQ_KillRivalBoss
Icon Fo4 side quest 貨入口袋 隨機地點 Fritsch
Mags Black
75+ XP
~250 瓶盖
xx{{#pad:00b170|6|0|left}} DLC04_RQ_StealCache
Icon Fo4 side quest 佔領 隨機地點 山客 75+ XP xx{{#pad:00db37|6|0|left}} DLC04RaidWipeOut
Icon Fo4 side quest Claiming the Commonwealth 隨機地點 Triggered following Home Sweet Home xx{{#pad:032a4a|6|0|left}} DLC04MQ04_RaiderOutpostTracker
Icon Fo4 side quest 打掃房子 隨機地點 Triggered following Power Play xx{{#pad:04990a|6|0|left}} DLC04MQ05Cleanup
Home Sweet Home icon Clear Out 隨機地點 Shank xx{{#pad:014352|6|0|left}} DLC04RaidChaseOff
Icon Fo4 side quest Collaring Outside the Lines 隨機地點 Nisha
Mags Black
75+ XP
~250 瓶盖
xx{{#pad:032a66|6|0|left}} DLC04_RQ_CollarTroubleMaker
Icon Fo4 side quest Park Population Handler 5 Nuka-World attractions Five tribute stashes xx{{#pad:0447e8|6|0|left}} DLC04ParkPopulationHandler
Home Sweet Home icon Shake Down 隨機地點 Shank 75+ XP xx{{#pad:019088|6|0|left}} DLC04RaidCoerce
Icon Fo4 side quest Subdue 隨機地點 Shank xx{{#pad:016e18|6|0|left}} DLC04RaidSubdue
Icon Fo4 side quest 清垃圾 隨機地點 随机任务给予者 75+ XP
~250 瓶盖
xx{{#pad:0322da|6|0|left}} DLC04_RQ_KillTroubleMaker
Icon Fo4 side quest 項圈加身 隨機地點 Mags Black
75+ XP
~250 瓶盖
xx{{#pad:04bd3c|6|0|left}} DLC04_RQ_CollarRivalBoss


SPECIAL perks[]

Name Rank Attribute Name Attribute Rank Character Level Description Form ID
Steady Aim 3 STR 7 49 Hip-fire damage is improved when firing any gun. xx{{#pad:028a23|6|0|left}}
Awareness 2 PER 3 14 Knowing their weaknesses lets you attack more efficiently. 5% increase to hit chance and damage dealt to VATS targets. xx{{#pad:028a22|6|0|left}}
Ghoulish 4 END 9 50 Rad damage will now begin to slowly heal, restoring health in the process. xx{{#pad:028a25|6|0|left}}
Attack Dog 4 CHA 4 31 When adventuring with your dog, you take 10% less damage. xx{{#pad:029b25|6|0|left}}
V.A.N.S. 2 INT 1 36 Gain +2 to Perception. xx{{#pad:0296c0|6|0|left}}
Quick Hands 3 AGI 8 40 Quick and efficient. You gain 10 additional Action Points. xx{{#pad:0296be|6|0|left}}
Mysterious Stranger 4 LCK 4 49 The Mysterious Stranger appears more often in V.A.T.S. When he kills an opponent, there is a high chance your Critical meter gets filled. xx{{#pad:029b26|6|0|left}}

Quest/faction related perks[]

Perk Benefit Form ID
Ace Operator Your stealth is increased while in shadows to 90% visibility and you deal 25% more damage with silenced weapons. xx{{#pad:009c8b|6|0|left}}
Chosen Disciple Kills made by your melee weapons will restore some of your Action Points. xx{{#pad:009c89|6|0|left}}
Pack Alpha Your damage resistance is greatly increased (25% less damage) and you deal more damage (25%) while unarmed or using melee weapons. xx{{#pad:009c8a|6|0|left}}
Wasteland Warlord Rank 1: Unlocks new structures at all Raider outposts. xx{{#pad:0277d0|6|0|left}}
Rank 2: Unlocks additional structures at all Raider outposts. xx{{#pad:0277d1|6|0|left}}
Rank 3: You rule the wastes! Your outposts can construct all Raider structures! xx{{#pad:0277d2|6|0|left}}

Magazine perks[]

Magazine Issue Perk Form ID
SCAV! #1, The Terrible Truce Increases speech challenge success chance by 10%. xx{{#pad:02a9f8|6|0|left}}
#2, Fear the Knife King +25% Combat Knife and Switchblade damage. xx{{#pad:02a9f9|6|0|left}}
#3, Mutant Fists of Stephie Knuckles +10% hand to hand weapon damage. xx{{#pad:02a9fa|6|0|left}}
#4, Nuka Brahmin Stampede! +5% explosives damage. xx{{#pad:02a9fb|6|0|left}}
#5, That No-Caps Rage +1 Strength & +1 Endurance if you have <10,000 caps.
+2 Strength & +2 Endurance if you have <1,000 caps.
+3 Strength & +3 Endurance if you have <100 caps.

Companion perks[]

Perk Associated character Benefit Form ID
Lessons in Blood Porter Gage The player character gains +5% more XP per kill and +10 Damage Resistance. xx{{#pad:0479ef|6|0|left}}


名称 要求 成就点 奖杯类型 PC/PS4 图像 Xbox 图像
Taken for a Ride 完成"Taken for a Ride" 10 Gamerscore Bronze Taken for a Ride Achievement Icon Taken for a Ride Xbox achievement
Beverageer 烹饪不同的20种 Nuka-Cola 10 Gamerscore Bronze Beverageer Achievement Icon Beverageer Xbox achievement
Raiding for a Living 为一个土匪派别完成12次任务 10 Gamerscore Bronze Raiding for a Living Achievement Icon Raiding for a Living Xbox achievement
Diebrarian 收集所有的SCAV! 10 Gamerscore Bronze Diebrarian Achievement Icon Diebrarian Xbox achievement
Hostile Takeover 联邦建设12处匪徒村庄 20 Gamerscore Bronze Hostile Takeover Achievement Icon Hostile Takeover Xbox achievement
The Grand Tour 完成"The Grand Tour" 20 Gamerscore Bronze The Grand Tour Achievement Icon The Grand Tour Xbox achievement
Home Sweet Home 完成 "Home Sweet Home" 20 Gamerscore Bronze Home Sweet Home Achievement Icon Home Sweet Home Xbox achievement
Eyes on the Prize Redeem 100,000 ticketsNuka-Cade 20 Gamerscore Bronze Eyes on the Prize Achievement Icon Eyes on the Prize Xbox achievement
All Sugared Up 在任意Nuka-Mix效果下击败40个核子世界生物 20 Gamerscore Bronze All Sugared Up Achievement Icon All Sugared Up Xbox achievement
Power Play 完成"Power Play" 30 Gamerscore Silver Power Play Achievement Icon Power Play Xbox achievement


Official trailers[]

