

The Battle of Willow Beach took place sometime after the First Battle of Hoover Dam between the New California Republic and the Caesar's Legion. It marked the return to NCR-Legion hostilities and was the first Legion strike since the First Battle of Hoover Dam. The fighting was led by Legion forces in a bid to push the NCR out of the east side of the Colorado River.


The battle took place at Camp Willow, east of the Colorado River, where an NCR military camp was located. As a result of the battle, the camp was destroyed. The battle, along with the subsequent Battle of Arizona Spillway, forced the NCR back across the river and gave the Legion complete control of its eastern side.[1]


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide pp. 372-376:
    "Recently, the Legion pushed the NCR off of the east side of the river at the Battle of Willow Beach (which destroyed an NCR military camp) and the Battle of Arizona Spillway. Day to day military operations at the dam are under the command of Colonel Moore. While troopers are active here, there are also a large number of civilian contractors who are trying to keep the dam running. They are of a secondary concern to Moore, who is preparing for an impending attack by Caesar and a visit by President Kimball."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)