

The Charleston trainyard is a location in the city of Charleston in Appalachia in 2102.


The Charleston trainyard is located southeast of the Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 and is located on the edge of Charleston. There is a wooden control tower next to the railway tracks west of the yard's main building. The trainyard is full of rusted out New Appalachian Railroad rail cars.

The main building contains a large loading bay and a few smaller employee areas that are located along an upper catwalk which runs around the edge of the building. There is a lunch room and several lockers found here. The catwalk also allows access to the "roof" of the building which doubles as a parking lot and connects to the main road. The main trainyard offices can be found on this level. One of the offices contains a locked floor safe (Picklock 1) and a locked terminal (Hacker 1) which controls the safe. The other office contains two desks with a letter of resignation on one of them. There is also a Stealth Boy in this office.

There is a weapons workbench and an armor workbench in the lower section.


  • 腳踏車 - 樓上辦公室,終端機旁邊。
  • 辭職信 - 樓上辦公室,近來門口對面的那間。
  • Vault-Tec bobblehead - To the left of the letter of resignation on the same desk.
  • 隱形小子 - 有辭職信的房間,角落桌上。
  • 我最愛的南希 - 在倉庫東北角一個被吊起的貨箱上,可以從一旁通往頂樓的樓梯跳下。
  • Random weapon mod - On a table next to the weapons workbench in the lower area.
  • Random armor mod - On a table next to the armor workbench in the lower area.
  • Random magazine - In an open locker in the catwalk areas of the lower area, near a terminal.
  • 查爾斯頓列車行李鑰匙 - 在辦公室走廊右側木櫃上。用來打開倉庫正中央的掀蓋式皮箱。


The Charleston trainyard appears only in Fallout 76.


輻射76 交通