The Blade of the East is a unique weapon in Fallout: New Vegas.
它有一招名為Mauler 的特殊攻击,V模式下造成50%点伤害at the cost of 9 more action points,不过有更高的几率击倒对手。
传说 | ||||
- 攻击类型 | - 技能要求 | |||
- V.A.T.S.下每次攻击伤害 | - 行动点数消耗 | |||
- 每点行动点数伤害 | - 附加效果 |
Normal | 0 | 130 | 35 | 3.71 | none |
Mauler | 50 | 65 | 44 | 1.48 | Knockdown chance |
- Note: Melee weapons do double normal damage in V.A.T.S.
The Blade of the East can successfully strike about 3995 times from full condition before breaking.
- Bumper sword
- Blade of the West
图示 | ||||
- 武器名称(近战或肉搏) | - 在V.A.T.S.攻击数 | |||
- 武器名称(枪械,能量或炸药) | - 消耗行动点数 | |||
- 每次攻击的伤害(每发炮弹的伤害) | - 每个行动点数的伤害 | |||
- 每秒伤害 | - 武器扩散 | |||
- 有效损害范围 | - 弹匣容量(每次装填弹数) | |||
- 效果伤害&持续时间 | - 耐久性(损坏前攻击次数) | |||
- 奖励影响 | - 重量 | |||
- 每秒攻击数 | - 瓶盖价值 | |||
- 暴击几率%乘数 | - 价值重量比 | |||
- 暴击伤害 | - 技能要求 | |||
- 暴击效果伤害和持续时间 | - 力量要求 | |||
- 装上所有模块 |
Bumper sword | 32 | 45.5 | 1.42 | x1 | 32 | 38 | 1.7 | 1495 | 12 | 2500 | 208.3 | 50 | 8 | |
Blade of the East | 65 | 104.6 | +2 | /10s1.58 | x1 | 30 | 35 | 4.3 | 3995 | 12 | 45 | 3.8 | 100 | 9 |
Blade of the West | 60 | 127.9 | 2.13 | x1.5 | 30 | 29 | 4.1 | 745 | 12 | 5700 | 475 | 100 | 9 |
- Note: Melee damage is doubled in V.A.T.S.
主线任务进行到最后,如果和军团敌对,就可以在杀死军团特使拉尼厄斯后从他尸体上捡到——然后,游戏就差不多结束了。Assuming you fight for independence or Mr. House, it can be used to great effect against Oliver and his Rangers.
- The Legate has a different version of this weapon (confirmed by the GECK) that is not meant for the player to have, as when the player attempts to take the weapon from the Legate's corpse, a "Blade of the East" is instead added to the player's inventory (the ID of the Legate's blade is 0013e4de).
- Lanius' unique version of this weapon has a base damage of 65, a critical damage of 30, and a damage per second of 102. Lanius himself often inflicts more than 100 points of damage per hit with his sword.
- The sword cannot be pickpocketed from Lanius.
- Salt-Upon-Wounds' power fist is the only other weapon that would normally come with a poison effect.
- The value of the sword is low compared to its great power and comparable weapons. This is most likely because the weapon loses its value/use as the game soon ends.
If the player is in some places where Lanius can't hit you, Lanius will eventually equip a pistol, causing the Blade of the East to disappear. [已验证]