

杰森·布莱特(英文名:Jason Bright)是2281年在瑞普康试验场光明兄弟会里有意识的發光種领袖。





为了达到这些目的,杰森和他的信徒通过研究火箭在他们的伟大旅程中取得了很大的进展。克里斯·哈弗萨姆,一个相信自己是尸鬼的人类工程师的到来,尤为宝贵。杰森一开始试图向克里斯证明他自己是人类,但当克里斯被激怒时,他放弃了。他相信克里斯是人类的救赎者,是造物主派来弥补人类对抗尸鬼的行为的。然而,杰森知道克里斯不能参加大旅行,因为辐射会杀死他。他没有告诉克里斯,说造物主已经立了遗嘱让他保留它 — 以及克里斯作为人类的身份 — 暂时瞒着他。然而,他并没有恶意,他甚至会宣布克里斯为"伟大旅程的圣人",以减轻他的痛苦。[7][8][9]




Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest


  • 伴我飞翔: 杰森·布莱特认为玩家角色是造物主派来的另一个人类"救赎者",他要求玩家角色处理瑞普康试验场地下室里的"恶魔"。在他们被处理后,他将玩家角色送到克里斯·哈弗萨姆那里修理火箭,当修理完成后,他将和其他追随者一起登上火箭。杀死杰森会导致任务失败。
  • 我可以让你在乎: 如果維羅尼卡出现在玩家角色与杰森·布莱特的第一次对话中,这将被计入触发任务所需的对话量。


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
在发射前: 太空服和头盔


  • 杰森的声音和其他尸鬼不一样。大多数尸鬼用低沉沙哑的声音说话,而杰森则用电子共鸣的声音说话。它一点也不沙哑,唯一使它不同于人类声音的是人工回声。
  • 与其他發光種不同,靠近杰森不会受到辐射。
  • 与正常發光種的皮肤不同,杰森的皮肤在这种情况下仍然相对完整。只是他的一部分(比如他的右肩和左脑壳),是生物发光的。
  • 杰森非常类似于辐射3中的"原子太阳",因为两者都是發光種,是一种宗教的活体象征。甚至在第一次见到他的时候,天花板上的光柱就会裂开,使他看起来更像一个宗教人物。
  • 他的西装是独一无二的,不能通过反向扒窃或在他死后得到。
  • 如果在潜行模式中杀死了他,光明追随者仍然会攻击,即使攻击已消音了。此外,他们还会说一些不同的句子,比如"杰森是我们的领导!"
  • 如果杰森目睹信使杀死一个尸鬼,他就会对他产生敌意。他的信徒也都是这样。
  • 杰森甚至在准备发射的时候也没有穿太空服






  1. The Courier: "Your last name is "Bright?" That's funny."
    Jason Bright: "An auspicious name, don't you think? It was mine before I became as I am now. Before the Great War, even. Truly does the creator author a destiny for each and every one of us..."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "What's the "Great Journey"?"
    Jason Bright: "We wish to escape the barbarity of the wasteland, especially the violence and bigotry of its human inhabitants. The creator has promised to my flock a new land: a place of safety and healing... a paradise in the Far Beyond. Preparations for the Great Journey were nearly complete when the demons appeared."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Who are you?"
    Jason Bright: "I am Jason Bright, the prophet of the Great Journey. All the ghouls you see here are members of my flock."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "How will you make the "Journey?""
    Jason Bright: "The means by which the Great Journey is to be accomplished are an article of faith, not to be discussed with outsiders."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "Are you seriously going to make your "Great Journey" on those rockets?
    Jason Bright: "Yes. The rockets will convey us to our promised land in the Far Beyond. Vision upon vision has confirmed it."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "Those rockets will convey you and your flock straight into the ground!"
    Jason Bright: " I understand your concerns, friend, and I thank you for voicing them. But the creator's will for us has been made manifest."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "Let's talk about Chris."
    Jason Bright: "After all that you have done for us, I suppose you deserve to know everything... When Chris came to us, we tried to convince him that he was human. But this only angered him. He seemed... lost. We decided to let him stay with us for a few days, over the course of which we learned that his technical skills far surpassed our own. It became clear that the creator had sent him to us, to ensure the success of the Great Journey. Equally clear was that Chris should labor in blessed ignorance of his humanity, and his inability to make the journey himself. It is no coincidence that two humans have been vital to the success of the Great Journey. It is my belief that the creator sent you and Chris to expiate the sins of your kind against mine. You are redeemers both."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "So you're going to leave Chris behind?"
    Jason Bright: "Such is the creator's will. Vision upon vision has shown me that, were Chris to accompany us, he would die in minutes. The radiation around the launch pad alone would kill Chris in minutes. The radioactivity of the Far Beyond is much stronger."
    The Courier: "You've been using Chris. It's despicable."
    Jason Bright: "It is the creator's will, and I must submit. There is no malice in it. We would take him with us if we could."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "Well, it's none of my business."
    Jason Bright: " Chris shall be declared the Saint of the Great Journey before we depart. I hope this will ease his sadness..."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "Tell me more about these "demons.""
    Jason Bright: "The demons appeared from nowhere... except it might be more accurate to say they never actually "appeared" at all. The demons are invisible. Where one of them stands, the most one sees is the air shimmering, like sunlight on water... They set upon us as we were on our way to worship one morning. We had just entered the basement. My flock fought bravely, and killed a few, but at such cost. Nearly half of us died or went missing. The rest of us retreated up here. One of the demons raved at us, but they have not tried to attack us since. Still, their demonic presence brought all progress towards the Great Journey to a standstill. But now you have come. Once again, the creator has sent a human to help us across a seemingly insurmountable obstacle."
    (Jason Bright's dialogue)
  11. The Courier: "So, what, you'd rather just stay here? Never leaving that tank of... whatever that stuff is?"
    The Courier's brain: "Well, certainly there might be some things I miss about being ambulatory. We have seen some incredible sights, haven't we? Jason Bright and his followers launching into the vast unknown. HELIOS One coming back on-line. But still, given the tremendous, potentially life-ending peril that went along with those... yes. Yes, I'd rather stay here."
    (The Courier's brain's dialogue)