杰克·凱伯(英文名:Jack Cabot)是2287年的凱伯家族的一员,住在波士顿的凱伯宅邸。
杰克出生于19世纪的某个时候,是考古学家羅倫佐·凱伯的儿子。在1894年,[2]他的父亲率领一支探险队前往空白之地沙漠,寻找传说中的Ubar文明。[3][4]羅倫佐带着一件外星神器从中东回到波士顿后,人们发现他被赋予了超自然的能力,但也被王冠的影响弄得精神错乱。[5] 为了羅倫佐和他周围人的安全,杰克,作为负责人,在1898年将考古学家和他的文物一起囚禁在帕森斯州立精神病院。[6]
互动 | ||
此角色是必要的。关键角色不会被杀死。 | ||
此角色参与任务。 |
- 房子由鐵衛兵守卫,獨存者被拒绝进入,除非他们通过对讲机的两次口才检定,或者他们从爱德华·狄根的信使那里得到了在第三軌酒館,碉堡山或板凳旅店为凱伯工作的工作机会。
- 如果玩家角色在任务凱伯宅邸的秘密中站在他一边,杰克将提供帽子,并在游戏一周后提供一个用羅倫佐的神器创造的对象。如果玩家在此之后访问帕森斯,杰克可能会显得更老。
- 如果玩家角色在任务特別包裹中与狄根交谈后立即离开,凱伯可能会开始跟随他们穿越联邦。他会立刻回到凱伯宅邸。
- 在从杰克那里得到神器枪后,如果玩家角色选择问杰克现在要做什么,杰克会说他要去西南部旅行,因为他的父亲认为在莫哈韋沙漠下面的某个地方埋藏着另一个外星城市。
- 如果杰克幸存下来,人们可能会在联邦中偶然遇到他和狄根。如果问他为什么会在那里,他会解释他想探索周围世界的愿望。随后,他会主动向玩家角色购买光纤,尽管他身上只有少量的瓶盖。如果被问及他需要它们的原因,他只会说公众还没有完全准备好接受他的实验。
- 站在杰克一边会让他永远呆在帕森斯疯人院的地下室里,除非玩家角色决定在杀死羅倫佐之前释放他。
- 在游戏中过了一段时间,杰克的外表可能会发生巨大的变化(就像他的妹妹一样),他会显得很老。他也可能评论他母亲的死,提到她没有血清就活不了多久。
- 在某个时刻,杰克·凱伯将猜测独存者的年龄。杰克自己已经400岁了,他估计这些独存者至少有200岁了,他猜他们出生在21世纪中期。独存者可以说他是对的,否认或回避这个问题,或者询问他是如何得出这个结论的,他回答说,他们的举止、外表、健康和举止都是死的泄露。考虑到他们在大战之前的生活成就,这使得独存者的出生日期在21世纪40年代初到50年代中期之间的任何地方都很合理。
- 杰克在凱伯宅邸的终端机出现了一个小故障,显示他的姓氏是“Cab0t”而不是“Cabot”。显然,自从杰克1968年首次安装终端机以来,这个问题一直存在,甚至羅科的技术人员也无法解决这个小故障,这让他很恼火。[16]秘密地说,这个"故障"是愛默琴通过数据库服务器根目录下的一个bat文件对杰克进行的恶作剧。[17][18]
- 杰克·凱伯的外表和举止都是基于现实生活中的火箭科学家杰克·帕森斯,他在20世纪40年代以火箭推进的实验工作而闻名,并且是OTO(一个实践魔法和仪式的宗教团体)的领导人。
- 杰克·凱伯的出场很可能是基于Grady Louis McMurtry,杰克·帕森斯的朋友。
- 当开始他的任务线时,他与玩家角色的对话包括“但这是另一个时代的故事”,以及“隐藏的历史”。这是开发商对Shoddycast YouTube频道的认可,该频道突出展示了贝塞斯达游戏和其他各种特许经营。
- 如果玩家角色在接受神器枪时选择了“我很惊讶”对话选项,他将引用《传送门》系列“Still Alive”片尾曲中的GLaDOS,并说出“你做了一把好枪!”
- ↑ Jack Cabot: "I'm sorry if you feel that I've been keeping you in the dark. The serum that the raiders stole confers a host of benefits. The main one being to halt aging; my family and I are all over 400 years old. But it also confers other... side effects, especially in the undiluted form that the raiders stole."
(Jack Cabot's dialogue) - ↑ Lorenzo Cabot's journal
- ↑ Jack Cabot: "My father excavated a city in the Rub'al Khali in Arabia which he dated to more than 4,000 years before the rise of any known human civilization. The structures and artifacts were... strange. Disturbing, even. Clearly not constructed for or by humans. I've spent my life trying to decipher what he uncovered."
(Jack Cabot's dialogue) - ↑ 4.0 4.1 Jack Cabot: "One of the effects of my father's illness was a slowing or arresting of the aging process. So, yes... he is well over 200 years old, as you suspected."
(Jack Cabot's dialogue) - ↑ The Sole Survivor: "You really are insane, aren't you?"
Lorenzo Cabot: "Perhaps by the old definitions. But things have changed while I've been locked away. The old rules no longer apply."
(Lorenzo Cabot's dialogue) - ↑ Jack Cabot: "My father is... confined in Parsons. For his own safety and everyone else's."
(Jack Cabot's dialogue) - ↑ The Sole Survivor: "I want to know why no one in your family seems to age, and I want to know now."
Emogene Cabot: "So either Jack blabbed or you're smarter than the thugs he usually has working for him. He must have told you about the strange artifact my father found? Jack's been studying it for years. Early on he figured out a way to transfer the beneficial side effects to the rest of us. He developed a serum that we all take. It pretty much halts aging, although you can see what happens if you stop taking it for too long. Don't worry, I'll be my usual stunning self as soon as I get some more serum."
(Emogene Cabot's dialogue) - ↑ Cabot House terminal entries; terminal, 11/22/2058
- ↑ Cabot House terminal entries; terminal, 01/05/1996
- ↑ Cabot House terminal entries; terminal, 12/01/2077
- ↑ Cabot House terminal entries; terminal, 06/20/2080
- ↑ Jack Cabot: "I don't share your pessimistic view. I still believe that human civilization has a chance to regain its lost glories. This is one reason I'm so passionate about my work. If I can learn the secrets of the ancients, perhaps we can avoid their fate."
(Jack Cabot's dialogue) - ↑ Cabot House terminal entries; terminal, 05/07/2115
- ↑ The Sole Survivor: "Jack has a serum that reverses aging?"
Emogene Cabot: "It really isn't any of your business. But you don't care about any of that, do you? I'm sure Jack sent you to fetch me home. He's always trying to control me."
(Emogene Cabot's dialogue) - ↑ Cabot House terminal entries; terminal, 03/13/2251
- ↑ Cabot House terminal entries; terminal, 04/15/2075
- ↑ Cabot House terminal entries; terminal, 04/01/1968
- ↑ Cabot House terminal entries; terminal, 04/15/2075