



FO4 Sunshine T 2

在大战期间,机器人刚刚出现在普通的郊区家庭中,大多数用于军事或工业目的。可以在孤立的前军事基地找到仍在运行的机器人,或者通过使用维持它们运行所需的复杂技术,由聚落修复。[Non-game 1]



有时,这种个性可能会与机器人的基本核心编程相冲突。这种不满的例子包括刻耳柏洛斯,在地下城巡逻的打手先生守卫。尽管设定了保护城市里的尸鬼的程序,但刻耳柏洛斯还是坦率地承认他讨厌尸鬼,如果不是因为他的战斗抑制剂,他很可能会把它们都杀了。外科医生,是大本營的住院医生,他的性格驱使他对疼痛产生了不健康的兴趣,而他的程序显示他是一名医生。很多機器腦在打架的时候会说:"他们本可以让我学会去爱,去原谅;或者"请相信我,当我说我不喜欢这样。"机器人甚至可以表现出挑剔的个性。如打手先生RL-3 中士会讨厌任何没有中立业报的人。





FO3 Sentry Bot






名称 细节 游戏
Alien turret An alien turret equipped with an electric cannon. Mothership Zeta (add-on)
Assaultron Constructed by RobCo and sold to the US military as a frontline combatant. It is fast and deadly at close range and employs a devastating laser at a distance. Some units can even employ Stealth technology. Fallout 4 Fallout 76
Assistant robot A small box-shaped robot, able to move objects with its two hands. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
Automated turret An automated, machine gun which is capable of detecting and attacking targets that are hostile to the faction or organization to which it belongs. Fallout 3 Fallout: New Vegas Fallout 4
Automatron Specially crafted companions designed by the Sole Survivor to suit their own personal needs. Fallout 4
Auto-cannon An autonomous defense turret equipped with twin minigun cannons and relatively heavy armor. Fallout 2 Fallout Tactics
Behemoth The undisputed heavyweight king of the Calculator's army, the Behemoth lived up to its name by being able to easily obliterate its foes and survive massive amounts of damage. Fallout Tactics
Cargobot An automated, airborne cargo-delivery drone that transports government aid drops directed by holotape-provided radio signals. Also ideal for providing reconnaissance and delivering supplies even the most hostile conditions. Fallout 76
Cyberdog Half dog, half robot, cyberdogs made for loyal companions, if not terribly adaptable. They were products of the Enclave. Fallout 2 Fallout: New Vegas
Experimental weapons drone A more advanced variant of the guardian drone equipped with a drone cannon Ex-B. Mothership Zeta (add-on)
Eyebot Relatively benign, the eyebot is designed mainly to spread radio broadcasts. Although armed with an electric stunner, these robots have very negligible combat strength. Fallout 3 Fallout: New Vegas Fallout 4 Fallout 76
Festus A unique model of robot installed in the lobby of the Sunset Sarsaparilla Company's HQ in the Mojave Wasteland. Fallout: New Vegas
Floating eye bot This weak security robot uses an electric cattle prod to coerce disobedient individuals back into submission. Sturdy but unsuited for real combat. Fallout Fallout 2
Guardian drone An alien combat robot, utilizing a powerful cannon. Mothership Zeta (add-on)
Gun emplacement A bulkier version of standard machine gun turrets, taking a form similar to the turrets found atop the armored personnel carriers. Fallout 76
Gun robot Security robots, three-legged orb-like walker and uses chainguns to attack possible threats to the wellbeing of the Secret Vault. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
Gun turret A turret equipped with twin plasma cannon and is heavily armored. Fallout 2
Hover robot Useful only as scouts, hover robots performed reconnaissance missions for the Calculator. Very weak, but considered disposable. Fallout Tactics
Humanoid robot A robotic foot soldier used by the Calculator, androids were neither durable nor powerful, but they were plentiful. Fallout Tactics
Indexer In a virtual space, paths need to be built for the indexers by moving blocks for their protection against sentry intrusion countermeasures. Far Harbor (add-on)
Kamikaze robot Security robots, three-legged orb-like walker, and are "suicide" attackers which create an electrical explosion on contact with the enemy. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
Laser robot Security robots, three-legged orb-like walker and uses fast-shooting laser cannons to destroy its enemies. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
Laser turret A turret with a single-barrel laser cannon and has the ability to lower down for additional cover. It cannot fire while in cover. Fallout Tactics
Liberator Small, spider-like robots found in Appalachia. Fallout 76
Liberty Prime A large, heavily armed humanoid robot, designed for the United States military to be used during the liberation of Alaska. It was never fully completed and remained inoperative until being activated by the Brotherhood of Steel in the Capital Wasteland. Fallout 3 Fallout 4
Loadlifter robot A robotic forklift, the loadlifter's strength lay in its size and weight. Fallout Tactics
Maintenance robot A small robot that can run generators with its limbs. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
Miss Nanny A female version of Mister Handy, this general-purpose robot was built mainly for housekeeping and maintenance. Although not a combat robot, a Miss Nanny can still pose a threat as a combatant. Fallout 4 Fallout 76
Mister Gutsy A militarized version of Mister Handy, designed for use by the United States Army. A capable combatant. Fallout 3 Fallout: New Vegas Fallout 4 Fallout 76
Mister Handy This general-purpose robot was built mainly for housekeeping and maintenance. Although not a combat robot, they can still pose a threat as a combatant. Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout 3 Fallout: New Vegas Fallout 4 Fallout 76
The Motherlode An autonomous mining platform designed to boost the efficiency of the company's mining projects by drilling and retrieving underground resources without human assistance Fallout 76
Pacification robot Second-heaviest military robot in the Calculator's ranks, devastating ranged attack. Fallout Tactics
Protectron Protectrons were common robots before the war. While many were tasked with building or security, some military versions can be found roaming the wasteland. Fallout 3 Fallout: New Vegas Fallout 4 Fallout 76
Robobrain A cyborg robot that makes use of an organic brain as its main CPU. Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout Tactics Fallout 3 Fallout: New Vegas Fallout 4 Fallout 76
Scurry robot Among the smallest of the Calculator's forces, the diminutive Scurry Bot patrolled tight confines and occasionally laid in an ambush in difficult terrain. Fallout Tactics
Securitron The police of Mr. House's army, traverse on one wheel with a monitor as a face and two arm like limbs. Fallout: New Vegas
Security robot Second-heaviest military robot in the Calculator's ranks, devastating ranged attack. Fallout Tactics
Sentry bot Sentry bots are bruisers, no matter what form they take. Capable of both dishing out and taking tremendous punishment, sentry bots represent the pinnacle of military robotics. Fallout 2 Fallout 3 Fallout: New Vegas Fallout 4 Fallout 76
Sentry intrusion countermeasures Sentries with the goal of destroying indexers in a virtual space, preventing their progress and the access to DiMa's memories. Far Harbor (add-on)
Service robot A small robot, box, or vacuum cleaner-like robots, that wash the floor in the Vault and perform small repairing tasks. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
Spider drone Mobile landmines utilized by the Chinese army. Operation: Anchorage (add-on)
Support drone Support drones are basic robots not equipped with weapons, instead relying on melee attacks. Fallout 3
Synth Built in a human's likeness, with the latest generation being indistinguishable from people. Fallout 3 Fallout 4
Tank track robot Though armed with a massive flail that made this robot a killing machine in close combat, these machines are nevertheless large and ungainly. Coupled with the inability to launch a ranged attack, they were easily countered by a prepared force. Fallout Tactics
Tesla robot Security robots, three-legged orb-like walker and uses powerful electric blasts generated by special Tesla device mounted on it, to attack possible threats to the well-being of the Secret Vault. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
Think tank A robot similar to the Robobrain, which hovers in the air. Bio med gel preserves the original brain while three-screen monitors display emotion - one acts as the mouth and the other two as eyes. Fallout: New Vegas
Turret robot Hidden turrets underground and quickly pop up if they detect an enemy, utilizing two powerful submachine guns. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
垂直升降机器人 An autonomous version of a Vertibird. Fallout 76


