朱莉·法卡斯(英文名:Julie Farkas)是2281年间自由城中老摩门教要塞的天啟追随者的区域管理员。
互动 | ||
此角色开启任务。 | ||
此角色参与任务。 | ||
此角色是一个医生。 | ||
该角色是一名商人。 | 卖: 医疗用品,技能杂志 | 385-3165
- 尖峰时刻: 朱莉·法卡斯要求玩家角色找到比尔·朗特和雅各布·霍夫并清理他们。
- 追随者之友: 法卡斯担心老摩门教要塞的医疗设备供应不足,于是让信使四处打听,看看他们是否能得到稳定的供应,或者给她捐药。
- 长期护理: 追随者希望与一些当地商人达成协议,以保持他们的药品供应畅通。
- 短期治疗: 该组织需要某些药物来治疗自由城的人们。
- 泪流成河: 玩家角色必须征得朱莉的许可才能让杰瑞朋克加入追随者。
- 万能牌:收尾工作: 当新维加斯完全独立时,信使可以向她请求追随者来帮助维持新维加斯地区的和平。
- 为了共和国,第2部分: 信使可以向朱莉请求追随者在第二次胡佛大坝之战中帮助NCR。
- G.I.布鲁斯: 朱莉将信使发送给伊丽莎白·基兰。
- 我可以让你在乎: 朱莉会说一条触发线让任务开始。
- 不过是条猎犬: 朱莉会告诉信使如何让雷克斯帮助移植一个新的大脑。
- 我的爸爸: 父汗将派信使去朱莉,朱莉说她有一个朋友和同事,名叫以西结,了解可汗的历史和文化。
- 在第一次与朱莉·法卡斯交谈时,她会询问信使是否可以节省任何医疗用品。给予她的补给品会增加追随者的声望,并且在捐赠的补给品足够多的情况下,她会提出以折扣价出售技能杂志和她的医疗用品。
- 完成尖峰时刻后,她会每24小时赠送一个治疗针、消輻寧或抗瘾剂。抗瘾剂和消輻寧可以用XP和天启追随者的名声换回给她。
- 此外,在完成尖峰时刻并在天启追随者中声名鹊起后,朱莉将要求玩家角色加入追随者。看来,这次邀请的触发因素与向她提供大量医疗用品有关,当她提供上述杂志和购买折扣时,就达成要求。加入后,信使将获得追随者实验室外套和天启追隨者藏身處的钥匙。
- 在追随者达到偶像化状态后,她最终会将玩家角色推荐给艾米丽·奥塔尔以完成塔上的月光任务,以帮助追随者继续工作。
- 即使她要求信使与赤红商队公司讨论补给问题,但没有办法和愛麗絲·麥克拉弗蒂讨论追随者的问题。
- 可以上交的抗瘾剂、消輻寧或注射剂X的数量是有限制的,以三个为增量,每种大约15-21剂。
- 给她一种类型的九剂可以在追随者中获得额外的名声,并且可以为每种类型重复一次。
- 第10剂触发她出售杂志并打开加入追随者的邀请,如果被崇拜。
- 她是较高的NPC之一,类似于阿卡德·甘农和奥里斯。
- "这里的大人物是猫王。自由城发生的事他都知道。他在当地的影响力最大,他的一些手下骚扰NCR居民,收取双倍的水费,这无助于改善局势。一些NCR士兵一直在带来补给,但没有一个会送到自由城当地人。我试图与双方交谈无济于事。"
- "总有一些事情需要做。自由之城的一些人,如果他们戒掉毒瘾,会成为社区的宝贵财富。我们需要有组织的定期药品供应,但赤紅商隊想要太多瓶盖来满足我们的需要。最后,城镇居民和NCR游客之间的紧张关系最近一直在迅速走下坡路。如果事情发生了,很多无辜的人会受到伤害。"
- "我们的目标是逐步为废土塑造更美好更光明的未来。我们寻求通过与我们在老摩门教要塞提供的医学和教育不同的努力来治愈地球。我们所要求的只是会员和寻求援助的人在机会出现时尽最大努力帮助有需要的人。"
- "几年前,我们从大墓地的内城区中崛起。从那时起,我们将重建废土和重新教育其居民作为我们的使命。我们希望通过共享知识和资源,打造一个没有战争和贫困的勇敢新世界。我们的主要目标是自由交流思想。"
- 泪流成河失败,允许杰瑞朋克加入的对话选项也会出现。 [已验证] 即使在与她交谈之前
- 当她在哔哔小子地图上标记天启追隨者藏身處的位置时,字幕上写着:"我会在你的地图上标记它。" [已验证]
- 如果利用本页讨论部分中涵盖的对话错误,朱莉·法卡斯将有无穷无尽的技能杂志出售。 [已验证]
- 如果导致她逃跑,她可能会穿过图形线并永远消失。 [已验证]
- G.I.布鲁斯中永久消失(未知是什么触发了这个)使得信使无法要求NCR停止对佩瑟尔的射击。 [已验证] 朱莉·法卡斯可能会在任务
- 玩家必须首先照顾短期治疗用品需求,即使被追随者所崇拜,也必须通过捐赠物资来获得钥匙。
即使玩家被追随者崇拜,她也可能不会给天启追隨者藏身處的钥匙。 [已验证]
- 在她位于老摩门教要塞的办公室内时,她可能会变得比普通角色模型大得多。完整高度的玩家只有她的肩膀那么高。[已验证]
- 有时她可能会被困在帐篷外的一根柱子上,会尝试走路但无法行走。离开老摩门教要塞将解决此问题。 [已验证]
- 在已经获得从她那里购买杂志的对话选项后,该选项可能无法购买,因为尽管以前没有购买它们,但它们不会出现在她的商店中。为了避免这种情况,只需选择对话选项捐赠物资,然后选择下面的选项"没关系",这将导致她补充杂志。 [已验证]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Courier: "What is this place?"
Julie Farkas: "The Old Mormon Fort serves as the regional hub for the Followers of the Apocalypse. I am the administrator for this region."
(VFSJulieFarkas.txt) - ↑ The Courier: "You need medical supplies?"
Julie Farkas: "Rates of injury and illness in Freeside are very high. Supplies don't last long."
The Courier: "What do you need?"
Julie Farkas: "Med-X, Rad-Away, and Fixer are Freeside essentials. I can't pay you for any supplies you bring in, but I could discount the charge for our services."
The Courier: "Seems like you need a steady supply, not just whatever I can grab for you."
Julie Farkas: "So far the Crimson Caravan won't cut us a deal. If you can convince them or some other merchant to work with us, I'll discount supplies to you."
(Julie Farkas' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "What do you do here?"
Julie Farkas: "The Followers of the Apocalypse aren't just interested in research. We care for our fellow man and do everything we can to help humanity. Here in Freeside, we provide food and medical services for those in need. We have also organized reconstruction efforts. With the help of Bill Ronte, we were able to install a water pump just west of here, but the Kings quickly took control of the pump."
(Julie Farkas' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Is there anything I can do to help?"
Julie Farkas: "There is always something needing done. A few souls here in Freeside could be great assets to the community, if they'd kick their addictions. We need to get a regular supply of medicine organized, but the Crimson Caravan wants too many caps for what we need. Lastly, tensions between the townies and NCR tourists have been going downhill fast lately. A lot of innocent people will get hurt if things blow up."
(Julie Farkas' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Things seem pretty rough here in Freeside."
Julie Farkas: "More than rough, it's a damn mess. Freeside townies are constantly picking fights with NCR civilians. Thugs and thieves are always looking for a victim, and the local families are just sitting back making caps on the mess. Freeside is in dire need, but no one has been man enough to step up. The Followers can only do so much to stem the tide."
(Julie Farkas' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Who are The Kings?"
Julie Farkas: "They've been Freeside's gang for the past five years or so, ever since Mr. House and his Three Families pushed everyone else out of Vegas. They've done a lot of good for the community - but that seems to be changing. The flood of NCR squatters has been an affront to them. I guess that explains the situation with the water pump. Usually The King wouldn't let his crew bully folks around like that."
(Julie Farkas' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "What do you know about Mick and Ralph?"
Julie Farkas: "I know they sell a lot of guns - as if that's what Freeside needs. I hear Mick handles the guns. No idea what Ralph does."
The Courier: "Tell me about the Van Graffs."
Julie Farkas: "Oh, them. They sell energy weapons, which are very popular with better-heeled prospectors looking to explore the wastes. Stay clear of them. Brother and sister are both psychopaths, though at least Gloria is rational. Jean-Baptiste likes killing."
The Courier: "What's the Atomic Wrangler?"
Julie Farkas: "A den of iniquity. The Garrets do more than their share to keep the locals drunk or high enough to stay lazy. Their thugs, on the other hand, they keep wired on chems to stay dangerous. What is it with Freeside and brother-sister psychopath teams?"
(Julie Farkas' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "If I wanted to calm things down in Freeside, where would I start?"
Julie Farkas: "The big man around here is The King. Not much happens in Freeside that he doesn't know about. He has the most influence locally, and some of his crew haven't helped the situation by harassing NCR citizens and charging double for water. Some NCR soldiers have been bringing in supplies, but none of it is going to Freeside locals. I've tried to speak to both sides to no avail."
(Julie Farkas' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Do you know anything about NCR soldiers here in Freeside?"
Julie Farkas: "Only a little. A friend of mine, Major Elizabeth Kieran, has been handing out supplies to the poor a little west of here. What about it?"
(Julie Farkas' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Julie Farkas told me to ask. She said it was important."
Elizabeth Kieran: "You know Julie? Not everyone in the NCR sees eye-to-eye with the Followers, but they're okay in my book, mostly because of her. If you really want to know, we sent an envoy to the King offering to coordinate the relief effort."
(Elizabeth Kieran's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "I can see your point. What can I do to make this a fair compromise?"
The Courier's brain: "If you want me back, we need to establish some ground rules. First, showers! Second, regular check-ups. Regular, mind you, and from a reputable doctor. That Julie Farkas woman, for example. She seems to know a thing or two. Third, you need to listen to me more than your hormonal choir and genitalian orchestra. Promise me that, and you've got a deal."
(Courier's brain dialogue)