Fallen Rock cave,有个子弹拆卸台的房间里。After navigating the trip wire at the entrance of the room, the mine behind the teddy bear, and the two rigged guns, the gun can be found hidden behind an open wooden box containing 10 energy cells and three drained microfusion cells.
This weapon doesn't have true iron sights.
With the perk Laser Commander, the critical chance is raised by 10%, which gives a higher probability of paralysis.
It is considered an improved holdout weapon and, with a sneak skill of 50 can be brought into weapon free areas, such as casinos.
Despite dealing only a small amount of damage, the stun effect enables players with a decent critical rate to kill enemies vastly more powerful than themselves, since the fire rate is high and no enemy is immune to the stun effect.
Scoring a second critical hit on an already paralyzed enemy can extend the duration of paralysis.
As the main draw of this weapon is the Crit effect, not the damage, use it with Bulk Ammo, as this will cause less durability loss. This can also generate Drained small energy cells for recycling; more with Vigilant Recycler.
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 3Has platform::Xbox 360 It's possible to freeze yourself with the gun if you have the Meltdown perk. If the killing shot is a critical hit, and you're in the radius of the Meltdown explosion, you will paralyze yourself.[已验证]
Has platform::Playstation 3 Strangely, it always cripples the limbs of spore carriers in one hit, allowing you to cripple all of their limbs without doing a great amount of damage.[已验证]