
Gametitle-FO4Gametitle-FO4 NWGametitle-FOS
Gametitle-FO4Gametitle-FO4 NWGametitle-FOS














Perk nociception regulator color
Paving the Way
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 他们给予* United We Stand辅助能力。
25 Strictly Business
Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest
FO76 vaultboy firstaid
FO76 ui trading team
该角色是一名商人 Bottle cap -
卖: -
2d20 Jury Rigger
此角色可以修理物品 修理 瓶盖: -
40 Weaponsmith


12 The American Dream
此角色出租床位 Bottle cap -.


  • 自由鐘聲響起: 普雷斯頓要求僅存者裝備充分後清理康科德的敵人,以便讓他所帶領的隊伍能夠移動到一個更加安全的地方。
  • 第一步:普雷斯頓向主角請求幫助,以建立一個聚落。一旦任務完成,他就可以成為同伴。
  • 邁向獨立:普雷斯頓請求主角協助奪回之前由義勇軍控制的堡壘
  • 分子世界:如果主角選擇和義勇軍一同建造訊號攔截器,加維會讓主角向斯特吉請求協助,因為斯特吉是他所見過的最優秀的工程師
  • 保衛堡壘:如果主角選擇義勇軍路線,在進行到一定程度的時候,加維會同學院的襲擊者戰鬥,協助主角保衛堡壘。
  • 核能選項:加維,加上斯特吉和其他幾個義勇軍,會協助主角進攻學院。當主角以核彈炸掉學院的時候,加維也會在麻州核融合廠大樓上注視這一切。
  • 義勇軍支線任務:將軍啊十松庄的老王又被抓走啦!將軍啊紅火箭基地的馬桶又堵啦!將軍你怎麼走了我還沒說完呢將軍——(萬惡之源的義勇軍隨機任務,最多同時會給三個)
  • After appointing the Sole Survivor as the new general of the Minutemen, he assigns quests that slowly extend the influence of the organization by capturing new territory and defending the settlements already loyal to the cause.


  • 與普雷斯通的交情達到最高的時候,主角可以獲得一個「團結之力」特技,當面對三個以上的敵人的時候,可以增加20點的傷害抗性。通過在武器工坊改槍可以速刷普雷斯頓的好感度,具體的說明請參看該特技頁面。
  • 如果玩家襲擊義勇軍,他將不再可做隊友。
  • 允許戀愛。
  • Nuka-World (add-on) 如果獨自倖存者成為核口世界的老大,那麼普利斯頓·加維會變得生氣,並且要求玩家懺悔自己的行為並退出掠奪者,並聲明「聯邦最不需要的事就是又有另一批掠奪者幫派」。如果忽視他,整個義勇兵都會變成敵對; 如果玩家答應,他只會單純無法被招募成為夥伴。基於主線任務的進展需求,普雷斯敦不可能與玩家永遠保持敵對。
    • Taken for a Ride 任務中只要他不在場就不會怎麼樣。但一旦玩家在波士頓建立了匪徒地點,他會立刻知道,並同玩家關係破裂。(但不影響主線任務)
    • 如果玩家在做義勇軍將軍前做了樂園的盟主,他會要你先消滅所有的匪首。否則,無法正常對話。
      • 接受加維的要求消滅核口世界掠奪者將開啟Open Season,僅存者必須處決裡面掠奪者老大,解放核子鎮的貿易者們免受奴役的任務。這與倖存者遇到Mackenzie Bridgeman時獲得的任務一致。
      • 事實上並不一定要做完這個任務。只需要和匪徒永久反目(殺死一名匪首)即可。
  • 如果玩家炸毀了學院且沒有救助學院的人,普雷斯頓會責備玩家不管學院成員的死活。



服装 武器 其他 物品
Colonial duster
Minuteman hat
镭射毛瑟步枪 Minuteman outfit
FoS Preston Garvey套装
Minuteman uniform
Laser musket


  • 帶加維到111號避難所看到諾拉/奈特(主角伴侶)的屍體會觸發一個特殊對話「這是……哦,我很遺憾……將軍你或許需要一些時間……
  • 如玩家和民兵合作,一些居民會給普雷斯頓錢或物品。
  • 當玩家和他達到最大感情後他表示當時他很絕望。如果當時玩家拒絕幫忙,他可能會自殺。
  • 可以通過與加維對話得知聯邦臨時政府(CPG)的信息,以及它的下場。
  • 在任何定居點的4級商店裡有出售普雷斯頓的外衣和他的帽子。其中一個例外是安妮·哈格雷夫斯,把她分配到任意三級的店鋪里,她就可以出售這些東西。
  • 如果主角選擇鋼鐵兄弟會鐵路,並且未下達疏散指令以完成核能選項這個任務後,普雷斯頓會對主角產生反感,認為這是一場大規模的屠殺,因為主角並未允許學院無辜的平民撤離。
  • 如果玩家給他換衣服,他的本來衣服可能會二次刷出來。
  • 如果玩家繼續推進義勇軍的劇情,居民有時會認出加維:「我知道這不多,但我們支持你們義勇兵。」並給他一些物資和瓶蓋,當然,你可以打開他的物品欄並拿走這些。
  • 儘管他性格很溫和,對槍手組織他的仇恨也是很深的。這與槍手製造了昆西事件有關。
  • 加维的概念設計形象戴着一顶上面有星星的帽子,头上包着头巾,并从博物馆里拿了一件外套,玩家可以从哔哔小子的自由鐘聲響起任務图标上看到这一早期形象。
  • Once the Taking Independence quest has been started, one will not be able to initiate dialogue with Preston to recruit him as a follower until that quest has been completed.


  • "一個月以前,我們有二十個人,昨天,還剩八個。現在,我們只有五個人了。"
  • “将军,十松庄的马桶又堵了,请立刻赶往十松庄!”
  • "天哪,我不知道你是誰,但你來的時機真是完美。"
  • "立刻著手保護民眾。"
  • "作為最後一個義勇軍的好處是,當我宣布你就任新將軍的時候沒有人會表示反對。"
  • "我剛才看到你和一隻二十米高的輻射蜥蜴貼面對峙,你還告訴我你還是沒辦法聽得進別人的一點建議嗎?"- After doubting Mama Murphy's powers following the deathclaw fight.
  • "只要還有人指望著我,我就不得不做出這種勇敢的樣子。這就是唯一支撐我繼續走下去的原因。"
  • "At least it's not raining."
  • "There's another settlement that needs our help. I hope you can get to them quickly. We need to show people that the Minutemen are back."
  • "This is gonna be a black mark on the Minutemen forever. As happy as I am that the Institute is destroyed, this wasn't the plan. Dammit, General! You've dragged us down to their level! It didn't have to be this way!" – Completed The Nuclear Option (Minutemen) without sounding the evacuation alert.
  • "As if we didn't have enough problems without the damn Brotherhood making things worse."
  • "Damn right. You don't go killing your friends without some better reason than they "might" be a synth."
  • "These guys know how to make an entrance, no doubt about that. I wonder what they want?" – Upon witnessing the Brotherhood of Steel's arrival in the Commonwealth.
  • "I kind of doubt the Brotherhood's intentions are peaceful." – When asked about the Brotherhood of Steel's presence in the Commonwealth.
  • "這是……哦,對不起,將軍,您想呆多久都可以。" - 如果把他帶到奈特/諾拉的屍體前。
  • 在和他發展出戀愛關係之後:
    • "我不確定義勇軍的規定里有沒有涉及到我們的關係的條例……"
    • "我只是很高興我們遇見了彼此。"
    • "你在我旁邊,讓我有點沒辦法集中注意力。"
    • "我從沒想到有一天我會和我的指揮官陷入戀情。"
  • 在激活了戀人的擁抱之後:
    • "我從沒做過這麼好的夢。"
    • "這真是太好了。"
    • "親愛的,早上好。"
    • "該回到真實的世界了吧,嗯?"
  • 沒有加入義勇軍:
    • "自私的混蛋們。他們從來都不關心其他人。"
  • 當和同伴交換時:
    • 嘎抓: "嘿噶抓。你會替我好好留神他/她的吧?"對方回覆:"那當然,加維先生。"
    • 凱特: "交給你了,凱特,保重。"對方回覆: "你還真會冷落女孩子啊,帥哥。"
    • 丹斯:"記住…聯邦是屬於我們大家的,聖騎士丹斯。"對方回覆: "別擔心,加維。只要義勇軍別擋我們的路,當然沒問題。"
    • 漢考克: "千萬別讓他說服你去做任何會後悔的事情。"對方回覆:"怎麼著,你羨慕了?"
    • 尼克·瓦倫坦: "我知道你一定會好好照顧他/她的,在外面小心點。"對方回覆:「如果他/她不惹麻煩我就不惹。
    • 派普:"派普,在外面好好聽他/她的話,他/她會保證你遠離麻煩的。"對方回覆:「不惹麻煩?切,那還有什麼意思?
    • 麥奎迪:「祝你好運啊,麥奎迪。」對方回覆:「還在浪費時間拯救世界嗎,加維?
    • 壯壯:「我希望你知道你在做什麼。」對方回覆:「壯壯總是知道壯壯要做什麼,人類不用擔心壯壯。


Preston Garvey appears in Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter.

In the Bethesda's E3 conference, during the gameplay trailer of Fallout 76, the player character faces an hostile player, whose nickname is "PGarvey", which refers to Preston Garvey.




  • Has platform::PCPC When destroying the Institute with the Brotherhood of Steel and when talking to Preston, he will keep saying the that the Institute is gone and one could have helped the innocent unless there is a settlement in need or reporting that a settlement has been helped. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Preston may become unavailable to recruit before the siege on the Castle. If the Castle is then retaken, he will no longer engage in dialogue past a greeting or a settlement quest. [已验证]
    • This can be fixed by selecting him, then using the console command removefac 00075d56.
  • Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Sometimes if there is any weapon near Preston even if it is weaker than his laser musket he may equip it.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC If the player character destroys the Institute without issuing the evacuation order, Preston's dialogue will always be his immediate reaction to seeing it go up. One will be able to have the conversation with him repeatedly with no way of moving on. Though the final quest can be concluded by fast traveling elsewhere, the Sole Survivor will not be able to recruit Preston again. The player character will be able to do minutemen missions, however. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC There is a known bug where after the quest to reclaim the Castle it becomes impossible to get him as a companion. [已验证]
    • This can be fixed on PC by opening the console, selecting Preston Garvey and inputting removefac 00075d56.
    • A possible fix for this is to have Preston as a companion while initiating the assault on the Castle.
    • Another possible fix is if the Sole Survivor sides with The Minutemen against the Institute in the endgame. After activating the bomb in The Nuclear Option, Preston will talk and can be asked to follow the Sole Survivor.
    • Another possible fix is if one attaches a generator to the conduits and wires already setup in the castle the power requirements will turn green in the workshop menu and he will be able to act normally again.
    • Preston's perk can be obtained without being able to get him as a companion. Assign him to an Artillery piece so he stays put, then build a Weapon Bench nearby. Modify a weapon at the bench and one should see the message "Preston liked that". Quicksave the game, load the Quicksave, and modify a weapon again. Repeat the Save/Load/Modify sequence until he idolizes the Sole Survivor, then go over and speak with him to get the perk.
  • Has platform::PCPC If ordered to use a suit of power armor and either dismissed or if he leaves due to quests requiring him to leave (e.g. meeting at the Castle), it can disappear, with Garvey later found no longer wearing it. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One If after choosing the Brotherhood ending and destroy the institute, to collect the holotape for Sturges from Proctor Ingram Preston may be "stuck" in the Museum of Freedom in Concord and enemies will continue to spawn inside. There is no known fix for this issue.[验证逾期]
  • Has platform::PCPC Once the highest affinity level with Preston is reached, and the romance option is not chosen in the corresponding dialogue, the same "last talk" may pop up from time to time, especially if Preston is dismissed and re-recruited or spoken to a few days later.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Preston's default may become invisible. This can be fixed by equipping and unequipping a different weapon in his inventory. [验证逾期]
  • Has platform::PCPC After the player character gains max relationship with Preston he will stop offering new radiant quest and he will keep looping the last affinity speech over and over every time the player character returns to Sanctuary; this will also happen with every male companion the player character has full affinity without choosing the romance option.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 When equipped with a piece of clothing, after a certain amount of time he will take it off and equip the colonial duster without being instructed to.[已验证]



  1. Preston's dialogue - Line 389
  2. Sturges' terminal - Mama Murphy's vision: I don't like this. Mama Murphy's been holed up in her room since that trader came through. She got a fresh stash of chems and when I went to make sure she's eating something she said she's ben having "the Sight" again. Said she saw the town surrounded, then overrun. Our people dead in the streets or captured. It sounds crazy, but she's been right about things before, and we were able to convince Jackson to put out a call for the Minutemen. I just hope it's not too late.
  3. Jun Long's terminal: I can't believe Mayor Jackson is actually trying to get the Minutemen out here based on Mama Murphy's drug crazed-hallucinations. Marcy tried to explain to him that she's just an old loon, and we've been refusing to sell her chems anymore, but she's even got Sturges convinced!
  4. Jun Long's terminal - She was right: I can't believe it, she was actually right. Sloan and Irma were working making repairs to the walls and saw them sneaking around by that old warehouse. We tried to scare them off, but they were still advancing on the monorail stairs. Then just when it looks like they are going to break through, the Minutemen actually showed up and drove them off! They're led by a man named Col. Hollis, and Kyle is completely awestruck. Said he is going to join them when he gets older and has been following them around like a puppy.
  5. Jun Long's terminal - Something's up: Something's going on. We thought at first that another of the Minutemen had shown up, since it seemed like Col. Hollis recognized him. The two of them went off to talk with Mayor Jackson in private. Not ten minutes later the man left and Col. Hollis followed him to the wall shouting about what he would do to deserters. Was that guy one of the Minutemen or not?
  6. Hollis's terminal: He actually had the nerve to try to convince the mayor and me to stand down. I politely informed him that there was not a chance in Hell of that happening, and what I would do to his traitorous ass if he showed up again. If someone of his experience is leading them, we'd better be ready for anything.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Quincy ruins terminal entries#Col. Hollis: Shame I couldn't convince Col. Hollis to see reason, but the attack plan worked all the same. Once we blew the support on the highway and took the high ground, there was nothing they could do. Garvey managed to escape with a group of the settlers, but the rest was just a bloodbath.
  8. Preston's dialogue - Lines 1831-1833
  9. Clint's terminal: The detachment I sent after Garvey returned yesterday. They managed to pick off several more of the settlers before losing them in Jamaica Plains.
  10. Jared's terminal Gristle says there's a caravan headed this way. Some joker in a cowboy hat with a laser musket, three civilians and one frail old woman dressed like a fortune teller. It's her. I know it's her. I sent Gristle to collect her. I wonder if she'll recognize me? Of course she will. She saw this coming, after all.