本文介紹的是the soft drink. 關於the pre-War company,參見Sunset Sarsaparilla Company

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Build Mass with Sass!— The drink's slogan

夕陽沙士 (also known as the Beverage of the West Coast) 是輻射:新維加斯中的一種消耗品。


1918年, 有個酒吧老闆打算髮明一種新口味的軟飲料。於是他一個又一個的向他的客人徵集他們喜歡喝什麼味道,但是這對他的創作根本沒什麼幫助。幸運地,有個一直呆在他酒吧角落裡的陌生人提議說他應該製作一種菝葜口味的飲料,而且願意送給老闆一份自己的祖傳飲料秘方,條件是製成後他要嘗一瓶樣品以保證飲料確實是按照他的秘方製作的。因為覺得這個交易會很來錢,酒吧老闆就同意了。之後陌生人就離開了並約定在明天日落時帶秘方來見他。


It eventually went to become a great success,老板后来赚了大钱。Being an honorable man, 老板为死去的前配方持有人垫付丧葬费, feeling it was the least he could do to repay him.之后他前往大城市成立了夕阳沙士公司,并很快在拉斯维加斯西部开办了一处饮料厂[1]

夕陽沙士進入生產後,成為核子可樂在美國西南部的主要競爭對手,因此,核子可樂公司曾試圖收購夕陽沙士公司,收購失敗後,核子可樂推出了口味類似麥根啤酒的Nuka-Cola Wild,意圖與夕陽沙士直接對抗。然而,直到核大戰,這種新口味核子可樂也沒能推廣開


如同核子可樂的瓶蓋一樣,夕陽沙士的瓶蓋也可以作為廢土上的硬通貨貨幣使用,不過有些瓶蓋的背面噴塗有一枚閃閃發亮的藍星星。這些意外出現的「錯版」瓶蓋在戰前為夕陽沙士公司所利用,他們聲稱收集到50個藍星瓶蓋就可以得到一份神秘大獎,引發了一陣銷售熱潮。哪怕在核彈炸響200年後,這個藍星之謎仍然吸引了眾多的人們為了收集瓶蓋甚至不惜互相背叛。Stories of the contest became very distorted following the Great War, and the actual simple prize (which consisted of a retelling of the fictitious story by the company spokes bot and a small metal Sunset Sarsaparilla deputy badge) became a bloated tale of pre-War technology, weapons caches, and all sorts of other amazing loot.







  • Irradiated Sunset Sarsaparilla



Sales figures for the USA and Canada.

  • 不像核子可樂, 夕陽沙士不含輻射。 The only exceptions to this rule are the irradiated Sunset Sarsaparilla bottles found in areas like Camp Searchlight and The Courier's Mile.
  • With each bottle drunk, the bottle cap has a 5% chance of being a Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle cap, which can be collected for the quest The Legend of the Star.
  • 根據戰前夕陽沙士公司「某笨蛋顧問」的說法,夕陽沙士有如下副作用:「腎功能損壞、噁心、手指麻木、焦慮、感覺失常、眩暈、突發鼻出血、關節炎、牙齒腐蝕、喉痛、支氣管炎、器官破裂、口氣」而對於這些副作用,費斯圖斯的說法是「應該適量飲用。」當然在遊戲中郵差喝不出這些問題。
  • When drinking a Sunset Sarsaparilla, a bottle cap is given. The bottle caps, upon looking at the icon on the Pip-Boy or removing them from the inventory, are Nuka-Cola caps.
  • After completing the quest The Legend of the Star, any Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps that are picked up or obtained from drinking a bottle will be added to the inventory as normal bottle caps, and will not show up as a star bottle cap.
  • 根據費斯圖斯說法,在夕陽沙士「發明」前,人們喝的是白開水和核子可樂,那麼bug就出現了:按照夕陽沙士總部門口的牌子,夕陽沙士發現於1918年,而核子可樂發明於2044年,夕陽沙士要足足早出125年。可能的解釋是,1918年是傳說中的陌生人家族創造夕陽沙士秘方的時間,而投產就是很久以後了。
  • Apparently Canadians like Sunset Sarsaparilla about just as much as Americans do, judging by the sales chart.
  • As with Nuka-Cola, the empty bottle is not kept after drinking it.
  • As of 2281, the drink is 363 years old, and any bottles dating from before the Great War are at least 204 years old.
  • Sunset Sarsaparilla, like Nuka Cola, is not affected by the Survival skill.
  • Homebrewed Sunset Sarsaparilla can still produce a Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle cap, despite only using regular bottle caps in its creation.
  • Sunset Sarsaparilla, along with Nuka-Cola, does not count towards the Desert Survivalist achievement/trophy.


  • 沙士(Sarsaparilla,意即墨西哥菝葜)是一种苦涩的根在中美洲原本药用的;由于根的苦味,它与甜的水结合,使剂量更美味。是墨西哥原住民用來解熱的自然草本飲品。美國人移民新大陸,且往中美洲擴展勢力範圍後,成為美國民眾常喝飲料。據史載,19世紀,沙士與薑汁水為美國人常喝的兩種解渴飲料,在舊西部尤為流行。因為其原料成分(檫木樹皮和樹脂)味苦,所以通常調製成適口的碳酸甜飲料,成為著名的麥根沙士。相似的两个根的名字导致今日的非正式绰号“Sasparilly。”
  • 夕陽沙士对健康的影响靈感可能來自黄樟油,一種在黄樟的根和树皮中发现的芳香油,它给传统的根啤酒带来独特的味道,在1960年被FDA禁止用于商业批量生产的食品和药物。实验动物口服含有大剂量黄樟素的黄樟茶或黄樟油后,出现永久性肝损伤或各种癌症。



  1. NVCRFestus.txt
