

新里诺(英文名:New Reno),绰号"世界上最大的小城市,是一座建立在前城市里诺遗址上的城市,位于内华达州西部。它位于阿罗由以东15个方格和以南16个方格处。






甚至在大战之前,里诺就已经享有提供各种恶习的名声。[Non-canon 1]里诺与世隔绝,部分被群山遮蔽,在大战中幸存下来,在战争期间几乎没有结构损坏(尽管抢劫和财产损失已经造成了损失),让它重生为新里诺。[Non-canon 1]

到23世纪,新里诺是北加州人口最多的地区。如果不是为了争夺城市控制权的四个家族之间不断的争执,新里诺早就从沙漠中雕刻出一个帝国。然而,太多的人和太少的资源为一场古老的权力斗争奠定了基础。它为中立者留下了宝贵的空间,大多数里诺居民最终成为了一个制造者,成为控制这座城市的一个家族的成员,只是为了生存。[3][Non-canon 1][Non-canon 2]


这些家族还有其他计划。莫丁诺家族想要通过控制北加州的所有贸易来建立自己的独立力量。他们的计划包括通过代理人奴役矿工。为了实现这一目标,他们聘请了年轻而令人讨厌,但也非常有才华的化学家麦朗。1月,作为该计划的一部分,第一批捷特,一种由麦朗创造的设计药物,开始运抵瑞丁:通过药物操控。[Non-canon 3]莫丁诺似乎间接地利用了地下掩體都市进行这项努力:为了换取奴隶,丹恩城的奴隶公会会大量购买原料化学品,然后将其出售给新里诺以获取利润 - 并支持莫丁诺毒品帝国。[7]当地下掩體都市在2月拒绝了与他们和NCR结盟的提议时,[Non-canon 4]毕索普家族负责设计一场攻击行动,目的是在一个月后开始威逼这座城市加入联盟。[Non-canon 5]毕索普家族在其他方面也是最活跃的家族之一:他们对基础设施的投资甚至还修复了一些旧电话线。[8][9]萨尔瓦多家族还押注于外部强大组织的帮助,并与英克雷达成绝密交易,为他们提供开发和制造FEV居灵-13所需的关键化学品 换来低档激光武器的补给,这让他们在火力上比其他家族拥有了相当大的优势。[10][11][12]

在英克雷石油钻井平台被毁后,这场斗争最终得到了解决,但对萨尔瓦多家族莫丁诺家族都不利。没有英克雷的支持,也没有它赋予他们的技术优势,前者无法生存很长时间,而后者的经济实力因发现了治疗捷特成瘾的方法而遭受了严重打击,以及他们的天才男孩于在2242年去世,他们的实力完全崩溃,在接下来的几十年里,这个家族逐渐变得默默无闻,因为他们的财产被其他家族夺取,他们的成员成为奴隶或与他们的竞争对手联合起来。[13][14][1]赖特家族毕索普家族成为主要的犯罪家族,约翰 毕索普成功地将这座城市引入为新加州共和国的盟友。[15]

然而,该市的稳定局势并没有持续多久。范·格拉夫家族将他们的业务扩展到新里诺,与赖特家族发生冲突。这两个犯罪家族争夺城市的统治地位,因为毕索普家族在后台运作,与NCR结盟。2274年间新維加斯赌城大道的出现,也为这个罪恶之都制造了不小的竞争。[1][Non-canon 6]





Fo2 Desperado New Reno


主页面: 维吉街



FO2 New Reno - Second Street


主页面: 二街



Fo2 East Side of New Reno


主页面: 新里诺东区



Fo2 New Reno West Side


主页面: 新里诺西区



FO2 New Reno - Chop Shop


主页面: 地下拆车厂




  • Cat's Paw girl
  • New Reno prostitute
  • 拳击挑战者: Joqq, Pete McKneely, Evan Holyfeld




  • 新里诺: 地下掩體都市的城市。从地下掩體都市用金矿石换取医疗用品。里诺在战争期间几乎没有受到结构性破坏(尽管抢劫和财产损失已经造成了损失),如此多的街道和建筑物完好无损。警告!这里没有中央政府,也没有执法部门。赌博、卖淫和吸毒猖獗。地下掩體都市公民被警告不惜一切代价避开新里诺!
  • 人口: 目前没有人口普查,但据信有数千人..."人"。
  • 政府: 新里诺目前处于近乎无政府状态。 据报道,几个“犯罪家族”已经将这座城市瓜分了。
  • 辐射计量: 当前读数不可用。
  • 变异率: 未知,相信很低。地下掩體都市旅行日志








  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Courier: "What's your story?"
    Clayton Ettienne: "Well, I've lived in Nevada all my life. Started out in New Reno, but headed down here as soon as I got the chance. If you can believe it, things are even worse back home. The whole city's still run by crime families. Used to be the Mordinos and Wrights. Now it's the Wrights and Van Graffs. Seems like things never get better. Anyway, that's all behind me now."
    (Clayton Ettienne's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Why would this Mr. Bishop be after you?"
    Bruce Isaac: "Oh, well, that's all just a big misunderstanding, see. Mr. Bishop, well, he owed me a lot of money, and, y'know, he's a busy guy, so I sort of figured I'd just...take it off his hands."
    The Courier: "You robbed a casino boss?"
    Bruce Isaac: ""Robbed" is such an ugly word. It's more like I took care of a payroll problem for him. Also, I might have... umm... sort of... plowed his daughter. A little."
    (Bruce Isaac's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Vault City travel log: "NEW RENO: City southwest of Vault City. Trades gold ore for medical supplies from Vault City. Reno suffered little structural damage during the war (though looting and property damage have taken their toll), so many streets and buildings remain intact. Warning! There is no central government and no law enforcement. Gambling, prostitution, and chem use are rampant. Vault Citizens are warned to avoid New Reno at ALL costs!

    POPULATION: No current census, but believed to be several thousand..."people."
    GOVERNMENT: New Reno presently exists in a state of near-anarchy. According to reports, several "crime families" have divided the city amongst themselves."
    "BACKGROUND RADIATION COUNT: Current readings are unavailable.
    MUTATION RATE: Unknown, believed low.
  4. Father Tully: "Th'Mordinos? (Holds up three fingers.) Therez two o' them. (Holds hand up high.) Big Jeezus' (Holds hand down low.) 'an' Leetle Jeezus. The Father n' the Son. They control th' drugs and the whoa-men in Reno."
    (Father Tully's dialogue)
  5. The Chosen One: "What does the Wright Family control in New Reno?"
    Father Tully: "Nuthin'! (Takes a drink.) They're the weakest of th' families, cuz they only brew alke-hol. Barely turn a cent, they do. Th' other families buy alke-hol offa them mostly outta pity."
    (Father Tully's dialogue)
  6. The Chosen One: "Hear any interesting rumors?"
    Madame Modjeska: "All I hear about are politics. That always seems to be the big stir in discussion."
    The Chosen One: "Politics? What do you mean?"
    Modjeska: "Have you ever seen a greased brahmin contest?"
    The Chosen One: "Nope, never heard of anything like that. Tell me about them."
    Modjeska: "What they do is grease up a brahmin calf, and then everyone in the crowd tries to catch the calf. If you can't catch it yourself, you make damn sure nobody else can, either."
    The Chosen One: "I don't see what that has to do with politics."
    Modjeska: "In this game, Redding is the greased brahmin - and a golden one at that. New Reno, the New California Republic, and Vault City are all trying to catch us...or at least keep the others from catching us."
    The Chosen One: "What do you mean?"
    Modjeska: "Here in Redding we mine gold. Then we ship it to New Reno, the NCR, and Vault City in return for goods. Each of those places would like to have the gold - and the trade - all to themselves."
    The Chosen One: "Why don't they just attack you and take it, then?"
    Modjeska: "We're big enough, and far enough away, to make a take-over expensive as well as dangerous. Much more efficient to have us join willingly."
    The Chosen One: "What do you mean?"
    Modjeska: "The three powers are trying to get Redding to choose which side to ally themselves with. They've all got powerful allies in town, and it looks like things are coming to a head. Soon, Redding's going to have to make a choice."
    The Chosen One: "A choice?"
    Modjeska: "The grease on this Brahmin calf is getting a bit thin. Soon, one of the powers is going to have to make a major play to take Redding before the others do. When that happens, people are going to get hurt. A lot of people."
    The Chosen One: "Why are people going to get hurt?"
    Modjeska: "People are going to get hurt because this kind of change doesn't come easy. Those that think they're not going to get the prize get it in their mind to not let anyone else get it, either. The only way to avoid that is if we decide to go with one of the powers and make a quick alliance before the others catch on."
    (Madame Modjeska's dialogue)
  7. The Chosen One: "Why is that?"
    Lara: "I've seen caravan's from Vault City come in and then some of it gets picked up by caravans from New Reno."
    The Chosen One: "So? Why does that make sense?"
    Lara: "New Reno is the drug capital around here. They have to get the raw materials to make there drugs from somewhere, right? It seems like they're getting some, or all of it, from Vault City."
    (Lara's dialogue)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Chop Shop mechanic: "T-Ray's in the back. On the phone."
    (Chop Shop mechanic's dialogue)
  9. 9.0 9.1 T-Ray: "I woulda gone to the Enclave, too, 'cept I was talkin' on the phone too much."
    (T-Ray's dialogue)
  10. Dick Richardson: "We've run short of certain critical chemicals. We can get them from the drug labs of New Reno. If the mutant-mobsters use our guns to kill each other, just saves us the trouble."
    (Dick Richardson's dialogue)
  11. The Chosen One: "What kind transmissions are you talking about?"
    Metzger: "The Enclave and New… hey. What the hell you care for? It's business. I need to be sure no one's trying to fuck me over. That's all you need to know."
    (Metzger's dialogue)
  12. Help guard a secret transaction taking place in the desert
  13. Fallout 2 endings: "Myron died less than a year after the defeat of the Enclave, stabbed by a jet addict while drinking in the Den. His discovery of jet was quickly forgotten, and now there is no one who remembers his name."
  14. Fallout 2 endings: "With their jet production halted with the discovery of a cure, the Mordino Family quickly lost ground in New Reno and were absorbed by the other families. Most became enforcers or slaves, and the name Mordino was soon forgotten."
  15. Fallout 2 endings: "The Bishop Family of New Reno rose to prominence over the next few years, forming a strong political alliance with the New California Republic and Vault City. Many mysterious deaths and closed-door proceedings surrounded the formation of the alliance, but in the end, New Reno became part of the 'civilized' world. The other families were soon absorbed, and New Reno became a prime tourist location for the new republic. In the decades after the alliance, several Bishops rose to political power and were instrumental in the passage of several amendments protecting gambling rights and prostitution."
  16. The Courier: "Tell me about Happy Trails Caravan Company."
    Jed Masterson: "We're a smaller company out of Sac-Town, up in the northern part of the NCR. We run some business through New Reno, there on the "Little Loop." Had a nice run to Salt Lake City, too - but then we lost contact with New Canaan, and that went all to hell."
    (Jed Masterson dialogue)
  17. The Courier: "Tell me a little about yourself."
    Mags: "Not much to tell, really. I grew up in New Reno, joined up, took my shot at being a Ranger. Didn't make it, so I'm stuck with this crew of jokers."
    (Mags' dialogue)
  18. The Courier: "What are you doing here?"
    Stella: "Earning my keep. Jed hired me on as a caravan guard for this expedition of his. The work suits me. I've tried staying put in one place, but it never works out. Grew up in New Reno, and I couldn't put that snakepit behind me fast enough. Then I wound up wasting the prime of my life playing Sheriff in Caliente, little town north on the 93. Talk about a pain in the ass. You ask me, best to keep moving. At least the scenery changes."
    (Stella's dialogue (Honest Hearts))
  19. The Courier: "Aren't you that singer from New Reno? I think I saw you play the clubs there."
    Bruce Isaac: "Oh, so you have heard of me. Yeah, that's right. I was the big draw at the Shark Club, people used to pay hundreds of caps to see me."
    (Bruce Isaac's dialogue)
  20. Billy Knight: "I try to be frank and earnest with women. In New Reno, I'm Frank and in the Boneyard I'm Ernest."
    (Billy Knight's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.156: "Isolated and partially shielded by mountains, Reno survived the apocalypse in enough of one piece to be rebuilt as New Reno. Now the dons of the city have made Reno more important and more powerful than it ever was in the beforetimes. In fact, the only thing that threatens New Reno are the groups vying for power within the city itself. New Reno maintains its pre-War reputation for offering all manner of vice, but the dueling for control of the city by its four powerful families makes it more dangerous than ever."
  2. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p. 155: "New Reno is the largest populated area in the Wastes. If it wasn't for the constant feuding between the four families that vie for control of the city, New Reno would have carved an empire out of the sands long ago. Too many people and too few resources set the stage for an age-old power struggle. Precious little room is left for neutrals in New Reno these days. The best that mankind has to offer as well as the very worst are yours for the taking in the big city. When in New Reno, do as the New Reno ans do. In the "Biggest Little City in the World" that means becoming a Made Man, a member, of one of the families that control the city. Be warned though, that when you commit your loyalties to one family, by doing jobs for them, the other families in town are no longer going to treat you as a neutral. You've already shown your loyalties, just better be certain it's to the winning side. Only the dead are truly neutral in New Reno, make sure you remember that. The more things change, the more they stay the same."
  3. Fallout Bible 0 Timeline repair: Second strike: "2241 January The first samples of Jet begin to arrive in Redding, courtesy of the Mordino family."
  4. Fallout Bible 0: "2241 February Vault City rejects offers of an alliance with both the Bishop family of New Reno and NCR."
  5. Fallout Bible 0 Timeline repair: Second strike: "2241 March Raider attacks on caravans to Vault City begin."
  6. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 42: "Base of Operations: Westside [Zone 2A]":
    "The residents of the fortified Westside Zone have a small, but tight-knit community based around growing crops for themselves, and to sell to travelers and larger Factions. Currently embroiled in tense negotiations with the NCR regarding the siphoning of their water supplies, the Westside Co-op features a motley band of folk, including an escapee from New Reno named Clayton Etienne, and a Follower of the Apocalypse called Tom Anderson, who is single-minded in his defense of this operation."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)