

新月峡谷是一条纵横在的峡谷。峡谷沟壑的入口在一座倒塌的桥下面,西侧入口于晨星洞穴南方不远处,东侧入口于莫哈维汽车戏院东南方。峡谷栖息著大量金蜥, 里面充满核辐射。


一条弧形如同一轮新月一样纵深在废土这片大地上的峡谷,它名为新月。 新月峡谷中间本来有一条架空的火车道,后来不知道因何原因而坍塌。 从西侧进入峡谷中,可以远远见到三个火车的集装箱架成一个倒V字形。 里面到处都是半埋的核废料桶,一辆翻倒的大货车静静躺在一旁,里面装满了核废料桶 再往里面走,两辆叠在一起的报废车辆形成一道古怪的风景。 如果你沿著峡谷上面走,可以见到半节红色火车箱悬在火车道上,摇摇欲坠。

如果你是从新月峡谷西侧入口进入的,可以在附近找到一个中空的石头,里面有些子弹。another on the east end of the canyon


  • 漫步走入,翻倒的货车后面有件防辐射衣服箱,里面有件advanced radiation suit
  • 再走过去,两辆报废汽车附近可以找到一个护甲箱,还有一个医疗箱。


Crescent Canyon west appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • On top of the canyon, right where the train bridge has collapsed, the inaccessible side is noticeably a great distance above the other side. It is unknown how trains could get up such a steep slope.
  • On the north side of the railroad, after the wagon, the road becomes a normal street/highway
  • 探索新月峡谷,一定要穿高防辐射的衣服


  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Some players report the armor case being empty or it may only contain a combat helmet.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 When proceeding through the canyon from the north entrance heading south, after passing the first pile of radiation barrels, there is a wrecked out bus. if you climb onto this bus, head toward the missing end, jump onto the boulder at the back of the bus, and walk south over the crest of the boulder; you will fall into part of the terrain and become trapped.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 When standing near the entrance (Facing away from Morning Star Cavern), on the right-hand side of the canyon you should be able to take the rocks up and out of the map with very little amount of jumping involved. Once you get to the top, there seems to be no invisible wall stopping you from leaving the confines of the map. This trick also allows you to access various previously inaccessible areas of the map, including the Legate's camp.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Some players report the armor case being empty.[已验证]

