
新加州(英文名:New California),[1][2][3][4]也被称为新西部,[5] 核心区[6]或者简单地说,更常见的是加州[7][8][9] 是美国西海岸和西南地区一个定义松散的区域,是背景区域中最细致、最充实的区域之一,是该系列中两款游戏辐射辐射2的核心,并在 辐射:新维加斯中进一步扩展。

新加州从南部的巴哈延伸到北部的克拉马斯。它涵盖了加州的大部分战前州、俄勒冈内华达州以及北部墨西哥的部分地区。在2186年间,它成为新加州共和国的中心,[Non-game 1]这是废土中已知最大的阵营之一。




袭击并非毫无道理。战前,该地区有许多重要设施。一个这样的例子是闪耀之地,成立于2055年以研究新瘟疫[11][Non-game 2]其他重要设施包括玛丽博萨军事基地(2077年1月新建)[Non-game 3]山嶺軍事基地(1942年投入使用,2050年改装为绝密研究基地,2077年改建为自动化防御基地)。[12]

核武器造成的伤亡非常严重,尽管许多人设法在该地区建造的地下避难所中寻得保全,例如15号避难所8号避难所13号避难所由于延迟建造降低了狼来了效应,因此密封了大量居民。[Non-game 4]即便如此,在玛丽博萨军事基地脱离了摄政军的那一天播下了废土未来力量的种子。[13]较小的城镇也播种了,由一个美国士兵建立的垃圾城就是这种情况。[14]

到2080年,幸存者和野生动物开始发生第一次变异,几乎在一夜之间创造了新物种。[Non-game 5]淹没废土的辐射和变异最终平静下来,幸存者开始组建新的群体。第一批出现并发现新城镇的是贝克斯菲尔德地下12号避难所屍鬼化居民。古城墓地成立于2083年夏天。[Non-game 6]不到一年后,也就是2084年,赛特从最初的监督者手中夺取了对该定居点的控制权。[Non-game 7]古城墓地的建立开始了十年的发展。2091年,收到清空信号后,8号避难所开放,地下掩體都市建立。[Non-game 8]一年后,洛杉矶废墟中的示范避难所开放。居民们在被称为晒骨场的地方建立了内城区[Non-game 9]

两年后的2093年,未来的商业超级大国在沙漠中一片肮脏的绿洲周围建立起来。该定居点的创始人和第一任市长安格斯称其为中樞市[Non-game 10]它的中心位置很快就吸引了很多商人,包括来自29号避难所哈罗德。虽然他在2090年离开了避难所,但到2096年,他已经是城里的商队老板。[Non-game 11]几十年来塑造废土的具有里程碑意义的决定之一是中樞市采用瓶盖作为货币。[15]2093年建市十年内,[Non-game 12]瓶盖成为废土的标准货币。[Non-game 13]

2097年春天,15号避难所开放。[Non-game 14]随着2098年冬天的到来,离开过度拥挤的避难所的大部分避难所居民会加入掠夺者部落(标志着可汗帮毒蛇幫豺狼幫的开始),[Non-game 15]剩下的避难所居民会在2098年春天找到沙蔭市。该镇出色地使用其G.E.C.K. 。[16]没有人预料到这些卑微的开端最终会在新加州共和国的形成中达到顶峰。[Non-game 16]


有一段时间,废土似乎(相对)平静,偶尔会有变种人袭击商队。然而,到2102年,这些攻击愈演愈烈,造成了航运方面的重大损失。[Non-game 17]为了找到变种人威胁的来源,哈罗德与理查德·格雷(来自地下掩體都市的流放者)联手并组成了废土的首批冒险队伍之一,以寻找变种人的来源。5月22日,小队在其他几位冒险者的陪同下从中樞市出发。[Non-game 18]一个月后的6月23日,他们发现了玛丽博萨军事基地。虽然它被叛变的美国军队封印了,但由于时间和拾荒人员的原因封印被破坏了。F.E.V.在病毒桶中泄漏,它们开始变异并感染废土。远征队被留在基地的变种人打垮了。格雷被撞进了病毒桶,而哈罗德则昏迷不醒,几小时后在基地外醒来。[Non-game 19]四天后,他被贸易人员发现并返回了中樞市。不完全暴露于F.E.V.导致发生剧烈的变异。当哈罗德变成一个尸鬼般的变种人时,他的商队伙伴和员工抛弃了他。曾经伟大的商队老板变成了穷光蛋。[Non-game 20]

与此同时,格雷因过量接受F.E.V.遭受了可怕的变异,比任何人都想的要长得多。他从大桶里爬出来,承受着变异的影响,意识淡入淡出。他在意识思维的短暂窗口中记录了他的状态。[Non-game 21][17]到 7 月底,变异稳定下来,格雷慢慢适应了他的状况。他在玛丽博萨开始了第一次动物实验。到11月,他制定了同一超级变种人种族的哲学基石。他放弃了他的旧名,绰号主教[Non-game 22]他对进入玛丽博萨的人类进行的实验使他能够识别变异过程中的关键缺陷,并建立了创造超级变种人的程序。他开始从他的变种人捕获的对象中建立一支军队,同一诞生了。[Non-game 23]


Fo1 Hub Townmap

虽然主教制定了改善人类的计划,但生活还是照常进行。到2120年,中樞市迅速发展。其创始人安格斯自立为州长。[Non-game 24]安格斯的繁荣统治被毒蛇帮一次失败的突袭打断了,他几乎是凭一己之力阻止了这次袭击。[Non-game 25]这场胜利并没有阻止他在2125年冬天被谋杀,这让这座城市陷入了混乱。[Non-game 26]不到一年后,一群商人抓住了从绿洲抽水的水塔出售,并要求多付水费,引发了大商人战争[Non-game 27]冲突持续了两年,虽然纯水商队封锁城镇,但他们的人数上远远落后。2128年,罗伊·格林设法通过谈判达成和解。改革包括成立由贸易公司代表组成的中樞市中央委员会。由此产生的商人准共和国受到优柔寡断的困扰,维持着城镇中微妙的权力平衡。[Non-game 28]

和平保证了该镇能够度过2130年的大冬天。[Non-game 29]冬天使主教计划中的一个关键问题脱颖而出: 测试对象供应。春天到来后,他命令他的超级变种人从商队中收集人类种群。这种情况在2131年至2135年间达到顶峰,因此废土人将失踪归咎于沙漠中的死亡爪和怪物。[Non-game 30]到2137年,浸渍工艺完善,超级变种人开始大规模生产。成功率不到20%。[Non-game 31]

问题不仅仅是变种人所独有的。钢铁兄弟会虽然凭借其技术优势是一支强大的力量,但无法与自然抗衡。他们的创始人罗杰·麦克森于2135年死于癌症。儿子升任大长老,孙子成为圣骑士。[Non-game 32]中樞市有其自身的担忧。2140年,德克组建了地下组织,开始了他作为庞大城市的犯罪领主的统治。[Non-game 33]

变种人的麻烦继续存在。多年来,主教在建立他的军队的同时,慢慢地在废土中传播他的影响力。拼图的关键部分在2152年就位。在发现由一个名叫墨菲斯的人领导的末日邪教徒后,主教决定将他们用作废土的间谍,于是大教堂之子教会成立了。[Non-game 34]三年后,即2155年,主教的部队从洛杉矶避难所俘虏了一队避难所居民。他知道了避难所的位置,并将他的行动基地搬到了那里。通过了解该地区的其他避难所,他意识到当地的居住者是完美的浸泡对象。超级变种人开始在该地区搜寻避难所。[Non-game 35][Non-game 36]2156年,主教将大教堂之子建立为一个仁慈的教派,利用墨菲斯和他的追随者在各个废土定居点建立前哨和间谍。[Non-game 37]一年后,同一终于找到了一个避难所。然而,它是古城墓地中的12号避难所。许多尸鬼在袭击中丧生。最后,赛特在解释说他们确实是避难所居民后,与超级变种人和谈。恢复行动失败了,但超级变种人在镇上建立了据点,以确保赛特的合作,并监视人类。[Non-game 38]

废土仍然没有注意到同一和主教。钢铁兄弟会在他们2155年的灭绝行动打破了毒蛇幫的脊梁后,成为该地区无可争议的力量。他们的大长老被掠夺者夺走让约翰·马克松担任领导职务。[Non-game 39]虽然毒蛇帮的灭绝导致了兄弟会和中樞市之间的全面贸易关系,但紧张局势仍然存在。在2150年代,中樞市的纯水商队试图用大量的水来交换武器储备。尽管兄弟会拒绝了这个提议,但商人无论如何都试图拿走这些武器。盗贼被抓住了,但兄弟会的长老们投票否决了报复性的远征。[18]


六年后,教团在废土发现的一具尸体中发现了超级变种人,并被带去接受检查。[Non-game 40]长老委员会担心潜在的入侵,颁布了几项安全法令,包括暂停培训新兵,直到威胁过去。[19]然而,直到2161年12月5日,一系列幸运事件才开始。那天,放逐者13号避难所被派出去回收水净化系统的净水芯片。[Non-game 41]在他的搜索过程中,他意识到了超级变种人的威胁。在钢铁兄弟会的帮助下[Non-game 42]于2162年3月3日,他设法找到并摧毁了大教堂下面的主教[Non-game 43]一个多月后,他摧毁了变种人的源头玛丽博萨军事基地,完成了对同一的破坏。[Non-game 44]由于他的努力,他在一周回到避难所时被监督者赶出了避难所。他离开了,后面跟着一群想要离开避难所的居民。[Non-game 45]

尽管被他们自己的人民所回避,但同一的毁灭阻止了超级变种人摧毁羽翼未丰的人类定居点,唯一的例外是古城墓地,在放逐者离开几天后被摧毁。[Non-game 46]变种人人口分散,导致尸鬼迁移和超级变种人逃往东部和北部。[Non-game 47]放逐者与一小群其他居民一起前往北方。在西北部人迹罕至的峡谷中,他们于2165年7月10日建立了阿罗由。到2167年8月18日,定居点完成。[Non-game 48][Non-game 49]2185年夏天,一名前同一士兵马库斯和一名兄弟会圣骑士雅各布相遇。在一场交火和一些肉搏战之后,他们意识到他们无法互相超越。由于僵局明显,他们放弃了,并互相成为了朋友。他们一起旅行,很快就吸引了尸鬼、人类和其他超级变种人,因为他们认为跟随同一军官和圣骑士是最安全的旅行方式。[Non-game 50]同年秋天,他们在一个废弃的铀矿周围建立了 破碎丘镇,创造了一个人类和变种人可以共处的地方。[Non-game 51]

除了结束主教的计划之外,放逐者最重要的一幕就是摧毁了可汗帮,并营救了沙蔭市小镇领导人的女儿坦蒂。结果,这个小定居点享受了一段和平时期,因为掠夺者对它敬而远之。[20]亚拉德什,沙蔭市的领导者,利用这个机会发展了社区。村庄蓬勃发展,最终成为核心区域内的经济强国。随着贸易路线的发展,文化交流也在发展。这导致了逐渐获得大众接受的民族认同运动的出现。在 2186年间,新加州共和国由亚拉德什和坦蒂创立。成立了一个审判委员会政府来起草宪法。NCR的理想将坚定不移地传播到该地区,垃圾城成为新加州共和国的首批临时州之一,因为它是沙蔭市最古老和最值得信赖的贸易伙伴之一。尽管联盟在中樞市中引起了一些担忧,但最终它对关系的影响不大。2189年,共和国被选为由五个州组成的联邦:沙蔭, 洛杉矶, 麦克森, 中樞日辉城[Non-game 52][Non-game 53][21][Non-game 54][Non-game 55]

阿拉德什于2196年去世,他的女儿被一致推选为新加州共和国的第二任总统。[Non-game 56]她继续任职十个任期,连续赢得所有选举,直到她去世。作为总统,坦蒂比大战后出生的任何其他领导人更能团结废土,包括重建战前基础设施以支持不断增长的人口、寻找新的运输和制造业形式、清理道路和铁路线、建造堡垒、培育商队和共和国内外的贸易,以及快速有效地应对威胁。[Non-game 57]到2241年,共和国已成为废土上最大的经济和政治力量。它的大部分权力是由其庞大的婆罗门牧群提供的,这些牧群提供肉类、皮革、驮兽和其他贸易商品。[Non-game 58]随着南方局势稳定,坦蒂总统打算向北扩张。然而,前加州北部成为NCR努力统治其两个竞争对手的竞技场:地下掩體都市以及新里诺



在背景中,发生了其他事态发展,包括在2235年至2238年之间建立了蜥蜴城,它为北加州的尸鬼创造了一个避风港,就在地下掩體都市的家门口。[Non-game 17]

到2241年,NCR、新里诺和地下掩體都市之间的冲突慢慢接近关键阶段。1月,第一批捷特开始抵达瑞丁,这是莫丁诺家族计划通过毒品控制采矿城市的一部分。[Non-game 59]地下掩體都市在2月拒绝了与毕索普家族和NCR结盟的提议,[Non-game 60]一个月后,雇佣兵袭击开始了,目的是把这座城市强行纳入联盟。[Non-game 61]所有这一切都是在多年来最严重的旱季导致北加州干旱的背景下进行的,导致阿罗由和摩多克等欠发达地区普遍存在食物短缺。[Non-game 62]


在他们的整个旅程中,获选者还确保了共和国在北方的扩张,例如以共和国的利益解决了对15号避难所的争议,从而证明了坦蒂的扩张政策。[24] 阿罗由[25]瑞丁[26]也将成为NCR的领土。在2242年中英克雷的石油钻井平台被毁后的几年内,共和国将通过攻击英克雷的残党来进一步确保其利益。那瓦罗将落入共和国军队的手中,并伴随着大量的武器和大量垂直飛行機[27]摩多克也将在未知日期被NCR吞并。[28]


坦蒂总统在病了一段时间后于2248去世。随着坦蒂总统播下的种子结出硕果,她的继任者将大幅改变路线,导致更加激进的外交政策,给共和国带来前所未有的繁荣和财富。外交政策的急剧变化是由于2253年的 牛头城地区的38名NCR公民遭到屠杀,导致乔安娜·蒂贝特温德尔·彼得森升任总统职位。三个营部署到该地区开始了共和国的扩张主义时代。[Non-game 63]2269年间欧文湖的部署导致 2270年的战役完成。经过17年的战争,NCR完成了从布尔海德市周边地区清除部落的工作。这场运动被称为莫哈韦的和平,将亞倫·金博爾将军提升为民族英雄的地位。一年后,在2271年,NCR游骑兵沙漠游骑兵在签署游骑兵统一条约之后合并为一个实体。随着NCR的不断扩张,它开始专注于东部。在2272年间,莫哈维前哨站被设置为NCR在莫哈韦沙漠的第一个前哨。[Non-game 64]

2273年,亞倫·金博爾将军从军队退役,投身于政治生涯。在成功竞选中枢国会议员席位后,他在担任国会议员后仅两个月就被选为总统,取代温德尔·彼得森[Non-game 65]金博尔以多种方式巩固了他的权力基础。最重要的是下令占领胡佛大坝作为他在2274年的第一任职务。十一个月后,当电力和水流入共和国时,他在公民中的声望飙升。[29]他在畜牧业协会共和党农民委员会的有钱有势的人中也享有很高的声望,变得更加强大,即所谓的婆罗门贵族农业大亨。原因很简单:金博尔推翻了坦蒂总统关于限制农田面积和一个人可以拥有的牛头数量的法律。因此,富人以牺牲普通人为代价而日益增强的影响力损害了繁荣和经济发展。然而,它导致了新经济模式的发展。最重要的是,雇佣劳动重生,资本主义的自由市场经济开始发展。[Non-game 66]

对莫哈韦的吞并,原本打算快速而无痛的,事实证明恰恰相反。面对凯撒军团和一个以羅伯特·豪斯形式出现的意想不到的政治对手,NCR与新維加斯的统治者及其雇员三大家族进行了谈判。由此产生的新维加斯条约稳定了莫哈韦的局势,尽管从长远来看它会被证明是令人窒息的。[Non-game 67]2275年,NCR建立了麦卡伦营地,全力部署到该地区。它的新扩张主义遭到了过去曾帮助过共和国的天啟追随者的公开批评和反对。作为回应,NCR领导层撤回了对该组织的支持,转而选择依靠自己。科学与工业办公室因此在持不同意见的追随者的帮助下成立。[Non-game 68]


然而,NCR的扩张并非不受限制。其崛起的力量吸引了包括钢铁兄弟会在内的数十个政党的关注。随着他们的力量减弱,兄弟会试图通过采取从“弱势”人群那里收回技术的政策来夺回自己的地位。在科技处理方式上的分歧最终导致了与新加州共和国的全面战争。这场冲突对孤立的秩序造成了灾难性的影响,兄弟会最终被迫撤退。[30]也许最壮观的对抗发生在 NCR占领胡佛大坝之后。兄弟会为期两年的游击战以旭日行动告终。面对太阳神一号的大部分分区,新加州共和国在一场决定性的战斗中摧毁了兄弟会的力量。[Non-game 69]然而,兄弟会战争在西方一直持续到2281年。[31]

但是,尽管取得了许多胜利,战争还是给NCR造成了损失。除了人力和物资的损失外,战争的最大受害者是共和国的经济。共和国的黄金储备在兄弟会的突袭中被摧毁,以至于无法铸造新的金币,纸币也无法以黄金为基础。NCR市民惊慌失措,急忙从NCR剩余的黄金储备中收回列出的货币面值。由于NCR无法实现这些提款,尤其是在边境地区,人们对其货币的信心大大下降。为了防止实际的经济崩溃,NCR政府放弃了金本位制并建立了法定货币,不以实物支付。从那以后,许多废土人对它作为一种价值媒介失去了信心,这不仅是因为它没有得到任何支持,只有政府的话和不可避免的通货膨胀。为了应对信仰的丧失,中枢的商业联盟建立了自己的货币,名副其实的瓶盖,以水为后盾(将标准化的水量换成瓶盖)。[Non-game 70][Non-game 71][Non-game 72][Non-game 73]


大戰虽然很短暂,却引起了显着的气候变化,表现为大面积的荒漠化,特别是在新加州地区。该地区曾经是最富有和最重要的农业区之一,但战后的几十年导致许多含水层干涸,大片可耕地变成了沙漠。这一点在中央谷地表现得最为明显。它曾经是加州最大、最肥沃的山谷,在气候变化的影响下变成了贫瘠的荒地。在失落山丘的钢铁兄弟会之外,山谷中没有人居住。人类文明的中心发展在内华达山脉的孤立绿洲和庇护地点以及战前城市的废墟中。[32]新气候中最糟糕的因素是环境灾难。例如,始于2241年的灾难性干旱对该地区的植物群和整个废土的许多社区产生了长期的影响。[Non-game 74]





大战对气候的影响也影响了该地区的野生动物。空气中的放射性沉降物导致了广泛的变异。从这个基因型大熔炉中出现的一个变异物种是婆羅門。这种变异的牛非常适合废土的恶劣条件,需要很少的水和相对较小的放牧区,同时提供充足的回报,包括牛奶、肉类、皮革、骨头、运输等。因此,它迅速成为新加州分布最广的牲畜,也是许多废土经济的支柱。[39][Non-game 75]

其他出现的变异动物包括蜥蜴,一种原产于俄勒冈-加州边境地区的变异蜥蜴。这种突变使它们变得更大、更强壮、更快,而且绝对不是不育的,导致蜥蜴种群在能够提供足够食物的地区蓬勃发展。[Non-game 76]辐射蝎也是一种普遍的变异生物,对粗心的旅行者和无人照料的牲畜构成重大危险。[40][Non-game 77]变异的螳螂也会造成危险。然而,其中最可怕的是死亡爪,这是战前生物武器计划的结果,该计划继续在废土中繁殖和传播,并且仍然是废土中最可怕的掠食者之一。




即使在2161年间,法律也确实存在。随着沙蔭市建立警卫来防御可汗帮,内城区将其安全托付给管理者以及垃圾城和中樞市创建警察部队来打击他们城市内的犯罪。有了NCR,法律状况得到了极大的扩展。随着 陆军游骑兵的成立,NCR流放了新加州的掠夺者,并监管了全国的城市。然而,漏洞确实存在,正如首都城墙外存在的奴隶圈所示。

















22世纪新加州的经济主要基于两个要素:农业和回收。食物和水是主要的贸易商品,由于其水泵、广阔的耕地和大群婆罗门,导致中樞市作为废土主要商业中心的惊人崛起。中樞市也是支持瓶盖的经济力量,[15]在2093年该市成立后的十年内迅速采用这种废品作为通用货币。[Non-game 53]





到2241年,新加州的经济蓬勃发展,这在很大程度上要归功于新加州共和国的崛起。它联合了南加州最大的幸存者社区,是该地区最强大和最具活力的经济体,其大部分力量来自其庞大的婆罗门牧群,这些牧群提供肉类、皮革、驮兽和其他贸易商品。虽然很大一部分牛群是由畜牧业协会婆罗门贵族控制的,[Non-game 78]但在坦蒂的领导下制定的反托拉斯法限制了他们的影响力。[Non-game 66]

回收仍然是相当有利可图的,尽管它主要由内城区和中樞市的大型回收公司处理。与日辉城尸鬼的合作为这些公司提供了非常有利可图的合同,尤其是在闪耀之地的挖掘工作开始时。[Non-game 47]然而,在坦蒂的统治下,制造业和基础设施发展迅猛。[Non-game 66]NCR成为机械设备和制成品的主要出口国,用它们交换他们无法生产的东西(例如医疗科技)。[59]它实际上是新加州的经济霸主,中樞市的强大商人不断扩大其影响力。贸易商寻求新的运输方式,如火车、轮船和驳船,以远距离运送大量贸易货物。[Non-game 79]商队房屋,例如赤紅商隊,是共和国发展的最大因素之一。[58]








新加州共和国的经济实力最终占了上风,并成为2241年至2281年间社会转型的关键因素之一。NCR 扩大到包括整个新加州领土。新加州经济成为事实上的共和经济。生存不再是绝大多数NCR公民的主要关注点,集体福利问题在很大程度上被对个人繁荣的担忧所取代。提供免费服务的人现在是例外,而不是规则,从裁缝到外科医生,熟练工人通常会为他们的服务收费。此外,经过80多年的清理工作,新加州的废土大部分已被清理干净,没有可回收的物品。NCR公民仍然可以完全通过拾荒和狩猎谋生,这种情况并不常见。这些文化和经济因素的结合导致了雇佣劳动的重生;大多数公民必须在工厂、工厂或农场寻找雇主并工作以赚取维持生计和生存所需的钱,[Non-game 66]但这些工作很容易在新加州的众多工厂和农场之一中找到。[67]

构成NCR经济基础的两种资源变得更加重要。大双头牛牛群和大片土地恢复耕种,牢固地确立了它作为美国西南部最强大的经济力量。以前已经很有影响力的牧场主和农民现在在共和国拥有更大的影响力。在坦蒂担任总统期间,制定了反卡特尔法规以阻止寡头垄断的形成。然而,来自畜牧业协会共和党农民委员会的压力,最终说服金博尔总统彻底推翻他们。结果,自从2241年以来,共和国的大部分农业和婆罗门牧业已被婆罗门农业大亨垄断,他们是非常富有的人,他们付出了很多。 由于他们的资本而具有影响力。他们的成功也导致了家庭手工业的出现,例如奢侈品制造的重生和伪新闻报道新富和名人的最新购买、佣金和生活经验。[Non-game 66]








  1. Steve: "{103}{}{Hello and welcome to Vault City, the best city in New California! I'm Steve...how can I help you?}"
  2. Fallout endings: "The Brotherhood of Steel helps the other human outposts drive the mutant armies away with minimal loss of life, on both sides of the conflict. The advanced technology of the Brotherhood is slowly reintroduced into New California, with little disruption or chaos. The Brotherhood wisely remains out of the power structure, and becomes a major research and development house."
  3. Fallout endings: "The Desert Raiders pillage most of the northern parts of New California. They are a scourge that lasts for years, until a rebel army of mutants brings them down."
  4. Fallout endings: "The Followers of the Apocalypse rise to become a major influence in New California. With your help, they gain control of the LA Boneyard."
  5. Ian: "{1104}{}{The Hub is the biggest trading center in the New West. It's run primarily by a group called the Water Merchants, but there are some other traders there, too. It's a booming town, but there's a lot of political fighting between the traders.}"
  6. What is the Core Region?
  7. The Courier: "So is this a family business?"
    Gloria Van Graff: "Yes it is. My brother and I run this particular branch, but our family has operations all over, particularly in California."
    (Gloria Van Graff's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "Why are the Powder Gangers out to get you?"
    Ringo: "My caravan was on the return trip from California and heading back up to the company branch in New Vegas when we got jumped. Not even a "drop your weapons and hands up" before the bullets started flying. We put up a good fight, but there was too many of them. I took a few of the bandits down before I ran, so I figure their friends are out for revenge."
    (Ringo's dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "Tell me more about the Crimson Caravan Company."
    Ringo: "It's been in business for a very long time, and is probably the biggest trading outfit in California. There's a branch up in New Vegas, but it hasn't been doing so well. Word is that the big boss herself, Alice McLafferty, is coming in to fix things."
    (Ringo's dialogue)
  10. Fallout map
  11. The Vault Dweller: "{112}{}{Tell me about this installation.}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{117}{}{This installation was established in 2055 as a biological research facility for experimental cures of the New Plague. However, in 2071, this facility was placed under United States military command.}"
  12. Sierra mission statement
  13. Captain Maxson's diary
  14. Killian Darkwater: "{261}{Kill82}{Where've you been for the last 100 years? In a closet? My father used to tell me stories about the War. His father was a soldier before starting Junktown.}"
  15. 15.0 15.1 The Vault Dweller: "{134}{}{Tell me more about bartering.}"
    Katrina: "{139}{}{Bartering is the exchange of goods. You give me some items, and I give you items in trade. Since you initiated the barter, I will let you pick and choose what you want. But the deal must be one that I think I will like, so you will probably want to give me more valuable goods that you don't need in exchange for less expensive things that you want. And if you don't have enough items to trade, there are always caps. Bottle caps are the only common money found out here. The caps are backed by the merchants of the Hub, so you can trade them anywhere.}"
  16. Mikey Frazier: "{119}{}{A GECK? Well, that's old history, so what the hell. You mean the old Garden of Eden Kit. We had one - I mean our grandparents had one. Used it when they came out of Vault 15. Got this place started, they say. It's all used up now.}"
  17. Richard Grey's audio diary
  18. John Maxson: "{252}{Gen_67}{You can't trust them. A few years ago, they offered us Water for a huge stockpile of weapons. We told them no, and you know what they did? Sent in thieves to steal the weapons! We caught 'em, but the Elders voted down going to the Hub to teach the merchants a lesson.}"
    "{1115}{Gen_67}{You want to hear about the Water Merchants. Hehehe, well you can't trust them. A few years ago, they offered us Water for a huge stockpile of weapons. We told them no, and you know what they did? Sent in thieves to steal the weapons! We caught 'em, but the Elders voted down going to the Hub to teach the merchants a lesson.}"
  19. Rhombus: "{122}{Rhom8}{Stuff? I could teach you how to fight...if you had any ability. But the High Elder decreed no training of new recruits until the threat of invasion passes.}"
  20. Tandi: "{183}{tand14a}{That's right. For scaring off the raiders. They kept clear of Shady Sands afterwards we got time to get ourselves set up. We made him a hero... even if we didn't believe a word about him coming from Vault 13.}"
  21. Fallout endings: "In Shady Sands, Tandi helps her father Aradesh bring a new community and new life out of the broken remains of the world. They are responsible for the New California Republic, whose ideals spread across the land."
  22. Madame Modjeska: "{158}{}{Have you ever seen a greased brahmin contest?}
    {165}{}{What they do is grease up a brahmin calf, and then everyone in the crowd tries to catch the calf. If you can't catch it yourself, you make damn sure nobody else can, either.}"
    Chosen One: "{166}{}{I don't see what that has to do with politics.}"
    Modjeska: "{168}{}{In this game, Redding is the greased brahmin - and a golden one at that. New Reno, the New California Republic, and Vault City are all trying to catch us...or at least keep the others from catching us.}"
    Chosen One: {169}{}{What do you mean?}"
    Modjeska: "{171}{}{Here in Redding we mine gold. Then we ship it to New Reno, the NCR, and Vault City in return for goods. Each of those places would like to have the gold - and the trade - all to themselves.}"
    Chosen One: "{172}{}{Why don't they just attack you and take it, then?}"
    Modjeska: "{174}{}{We're big enough, and far enough away, to make a take-over expensive as well as dangerous. Much more efficient to have us join willingly.}"
    Chosen One: "{175}{}{What do you mean?}"
    Modjeska: "{177}{}{The three powers are trying to get Redding to choose which side to ally themselves with. They've all got powerful allies in town, and it looks like things are coming to a head. Soon, Redding's going to have to make a choice.}"
    Chosen One: "{178}{}{A choice?}"
    Modjeska: "{181}{}{The grease on this Brahmin calf is getting a bit thin. Soon, one of the powers is going to have to make a major play to take Redding before the others do. When that happens, people are going to get hurt. A lot of people.}"
    Chosen One: "{183}{}{Why are people going to get hurt?}"
    "{192}{}{People are going to get hurt because this kind of change doesn't come easy. Those that think they're not going to get the prize get it in their mind to not let anyone else get it, either. The only way to avoid that is if we decide to go with one of the powers and make a quick alliance before the others catch on.}"
  23. Events of Fallout 2.
  24. Fallout 2 endings for the NCR
  25. The Courier: "How long have you been with the Followers?"
    Emily Ortal: "About five years now. I have family back in Arroyo, but this is where all of the good work is being done, so to speak. NCR taxes and inflation have been hard for a lot of people to deal with, and most of the money is going to the war effort. There's not much funding for medical research with OSI or any other group - not unless it has a military application, anyway."
    (Emily Ortal's dialogue)
  26. NCR Rangers ending
  27. The Courier: "What happened to the Enclave oil rig and Navarro?"
    Judah Kreger: "Internal sabotage took down the oil rig - never did get the full story. The NCR took out Navarro, saying we posed a threat to the region."
    (Judah Kreger's dialogue)
  28. Crimson Caravan Company terminal entries; Gun Runner tariff
  29. Robert House: "I care because he is a known quantity - not the man so much as the political context he inhabits. Kimball rose to prominence as the "Hero of the Mojave" when he led a campaign of reprisals against tribals who dared to attack NCR citizens. Ordering the occupation of Hoover Dam was his first act of office. As water and electricity flowed to NCR cities, his popularity soared. Conversely, his failure to annex the Mojave these seven years, and the immense costs of occupying a foreign land, have eroded his popular support."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  30. Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "Due to disagreements over how technology should be controlled in the wasteland, the Brotherhood of Steel waged a long and bloody war against the NCR. Despite superior equipment and training, the Brotherhood eventually went into retreat."
  31. Fallout: New Vegas endings: "The Brotherhood and the NCR in the Mojave Wasteland declared an official truce, despite continued hostilities between the two in the west. As per their agreement, the NCR handed over all suits of salvaged power armor and in return, the Brotherhood helped patrol I-15 and Highway 95."
  32. The Vault Dweller: "{108}{}{What are you doing?}"
    Curtis: "{112}{}{I am a farmer. We irrigated the desert many years ago. Although the wasteland is harsh, it is possible to grow things with patience and time.}"
  33. Myron: "{726}{myn113b}{Problem is, in the new climate, we can't grow most of the veggies needed for the best drugs.}"
    "{740}{myn114a}{Couldn't grow coca plants, opium poppies -- and man did we try -- so we figured our best bet was shrooms. }"
  34. PRO SCEN.MSG (Fallout): "It looks like a mutated cabbage to you. It seems to be thriving in the warm weather."
  35. PRO SCEN.MSG (Fallout): "A mutated cornstalk. It seems to be thriving under these conditions."
  36. Vault City appearance
  37. Shady Sands appearance
  38. Plants appearing in the games include several different types of succulent plants
  39. The Vault Dweller: "{114}{}{What's a brahmin?}"
    Billy: "{115}{}{What's a brahmin? You must be joking. Why they're one of the major food sources and forms of transportation around here. They haul the caravans. Dan says this is a really important job, but it's the Bone.}"
  40. Razlo: "{145}{}{What do you know about Radscorpions?}"
    (The Vault Dweller)
    "{153}{}{Not too much. They seem to be extremely large versions of the North American Emperor scorpion. Contrary to my medical knowledge, their poison has grown more potent, not diluted, as I would expect. Seth has been hunting them, which helps some of my tests.}"
  41. Honest Hearts crafting
  42. Klamath citizen: "{178}{}{Geckos taste just like canned chicken, if you cook them right.}"
  43. Rose's wasteland omelet
  44. ARADESH.MSG, Line 186: "Junktown lies south of here, though there is little in the way of visitation. From stories, I'm certain there are cities south of that."
    TAYLOR.MSG, Line 102: "We don't get many strangers around here. What do you want?"
  45. 45.0 45.1 ARADESH.MSG, Line 134: "And keep them you may. But this is not a city of open hospitality. If you desire that, go to Junktown. You may enter, but know we have our eyes on you."
  46. SET.MSG, Line 129: "Avoid my ghouls, if you like your skin on. Any of mine that can't stop a normie deserve last rest. Get by as you need."
  47. MILES.MSG, Line 106: "Well, enjoy your stay in our little town."
    REGULATR.MSG, Line 108: "Welcome back! You're welcome here any time."
  48. REGULATR.MSG, Lines 103, 107, 135: "Welcome to Adytum, stranger. Watch yourself, we'll be watching you.""Zimmerman might have a use for you. Come inside, but remember, we're watching.""We're watching you."
  49. BILLY.MSG, Line 110: "Cuz of all the missing caravans. He doesn't have any to spare, the caravans use most of them. The others are sold for food. Well, I better stop talking; Dan will get mad if he sees me talking to a stranger."
  50. IAN.MSG, Line 117: "Shady Sands is a small but self-sufficient community. The only trouble here is with the bandits and the Radscorpions."
  51. 51.0 51.1 MILES.MSG, Line 119: "Yes, well, we have to make a living. Since the hydroponic farms aren't functioning, we have to buy food from the merchants, and bullets are the only thing we have to sell."
  52. CABBOT.MSG, Line 194: "Why do I let 'em in? Well . . . we have to get our food and other things. We trade our weapons for all that."
  53. MSTMERCH.MSG, Line 117: "Really? Well as you probably have heard, we supply a great deal of water throughout the area. I am sure we could arrange to send a caravan up to your Vault for a fee."
  54. ThomasHildern.txt, VMS06ThomasHildernTopic060, NCR has a food shortage?: "Not yet. But our government understands the value of proactive thought. Our studies project an imbalance between production and consumption.""Or, for a layman such as yourself - not enough food, too many mouths to feed. Mass starvation. In a decade or so. "
  55. 2CHanlon.txt, Lines 6-8: "Back west, you don't see too many of these. Lakes, I mean. Natural or man-made. Any kind, really.""We neglected the dams or pumped all the water out a long time ago. Owens, Isabella, the San Luis. Drained the aquifers of everything they had.""Just a lot of mud and dust now. It's a different feeling, watching the sun come up over the water. Takes some getting used to."
  56. 辐射事件和设定。
  57. Rutger : "{131}{}{Why, we trade just about everything you can think of: chems, tires, guns, bullets, food, brahmin, dirt, even scraps of metal.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{132}{}{Dirt? Scraps of metal?}"
    "{134}{}{You'd be surprised at what's in demand out there. Something that's taken for granted in one place may be a highly sought after commodity in a settlement 10 miles away.}"
  58. 58.0 58.1 Alice McLafferty: "The Crimson Caravan Company has been in business for over 130 years. We're partially responsible for the progress in the NCR."
    (Alice McLafferty's dialogue)
  59. Vault City travel log: "New California Republic: The territories of NCR are located far to the south of Vault City. Trades mechanical equipment, gold, and various surplus products in exchange for Vault City medical technology. NCR has recently stepped up efforts to absorb Vault City as a border territory, so Vault Citizens should exercise extreme caution when traveling to NCR.
    Population: Though a census has been conducted, we do not have access to the figures. NCR is believed to have many tens of thousands of people.
    Government: President and a Congress.
    Background radiation count: Current readings are unavailable.
    Mutation rate: Varies amongst territories."
  60. Modjeska: "{168}{}{In this game, Redding is the greased brahmin - and a golden one at that. New Reno, the New California Republic, and Vault City are all trying to catch us...or at least keep the others from catching us.}"
  61. 61.0 61.1 Vault City travel log: "New Reno: City southwest of Vault City. Trades gold ore for medical supplies from Vault City. Reno suffered little structural damage during the war (though looting and property damage have taken their toll), so many streets and buildings remain intact. Warning! There is no central government and no law enforcement. Gambling, prostitution, and drug use are rampant. Vault Citizens are warned to avoid New Reno at ALL costs!
    Population: No current census, but believed to be several thousand..."people".
    Government: New Reno presently exists in a state of near-anarchy. According to reports, several "crime families" have divided the city amongst themselves.
    Background radiation count: Current readings are unavailable.
    Mutation rate: Unknown, believed low.
  62. James Hoffy: "{140}{}{Vault City (Jimmy spits disdainfully). Yeah, I'll tell you about those sons-of-bitches. Fucking bastards are too good for the rest of us. They only trade medicine to us because they need our gold. Otherwise, they'd just let us all rot. I wouldn't spend too much time there, kid. But if you want to see it, Ben Wade heads out from here on the 1st of every month.}"
  63. Tubby: "{174}{}{Do you know where the Vault is located?}"
    "{184}{}{I have heard of a place called Vault City. But unfortunately, I can't help you with directions. You see, very few of us towns can offer an acceptable exchange for the medical services they provide, so most of us have never been there.}"
  64. The Courier: "I take it you're from Klamath?"
    Klamath Bob: "Heh, yeah good old Klamath. Not a bad place if you like hunting, eating, and skinning geckos all day! Heh heh. It's a pretty dull place, but I hear there was a bit of excitement when this tribal from Arroyo came to town years back. All before my time, though."
    (Klamath Bob's dialogue)
  65. The Chosen One: "{221}{}{Broken Hills? Where are those?}"
    Lumpy: "{230}{}{Broken Hills is where we get all the uranium that we need for the atomic reactor from. From what I understand, the uranium is mined by mutants down there. But they have humans trade the stuff for them.}"
    The Chosen One: "{231}{}{Why do they have humans trade the stuff for them?}"
    John: "{250}{}{Well, because they trade uranium to Vault City, too. Vault City treats anyone that’s not a pure strain human just like lepers. So, Broken Hills uses human traders. Some guy named Chad, I think.}"
  66. The Chosen One: "{863}{}{How much testing exactly?}"
    Myron: "{870}{myn126}{Hmmm...about a hundred slaves? Mostly heart attacks, cerebral hemorrhages, psychotic episodes...that sort of thing.}"
    The Chosen One: "{871}{}{Are you insane? You killed a hundred human beings just for drug testing?!}"
    Myron: "{880}{myn127}{Well, not on purpose. I mean, slaves are expensive. Still, we made the money back in the first few months, so the Mordino Family wasn't too pissed at me.}"
  67. The Courier: "Are you from California?"
    Jas Wilkins: "Born and raised. Things back in California are better than they've ever been, according to my grandpa. The Raiders are mostly gone now and it's easy enough to get a job at one of the mills or farms. But now there's taxes and laws and other things. The NCR keeps things safe and orderly, but it's all very boring. So, I came out east towards the frontier."
    (Jas Wilkins' dialogue)
  1. Fallout Bible 0: Timeline
  2. Fallout Bible 0: "2054 ZAX 1.0 goes on-line, developed by Vault-Tec. Initially a prototype of some of the systems designed to govern the vaults, it is given to the government to help the Department of Energy collect resource data. Within a year, it is taken by the military for plague and tactical research; one version, ZAX 1.2 is constructed for West Tek (below)."
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2077 January 7 Major Barnett orders transfer of all FEV research to the newly-constructed Mariposa Military Base, despite objections by the research team."
  4. Fallout Bible 0
  5. Fallout Bible 0: "2080 The first effects of the virus are seen in the survivors. Widespread mutations occur with animals and humans alike. Those that survive the effects of the mutations are permanently changed by the virus. New species are created almost overnight."
  6. Fallout Bible 0: "2083 Summer The city of Necropolis founded by the ghoul survivors of Vault 12 (and the US citizens that fled to Bakersfield when the bombs fell)."
  7. Fallout Bible 0: "2084 Spring Set takes control of Necropolis, wresting control from the original Overseer. The Vault 12 Overseer, not willing to take a dirt nap, is driven north and history loses sight of him."
  8. Fallout Bible 0: "2091 Vault 8 opens, and they use their GECK to create fertile ground for their city. This eventually becomes Vault City."
  9. Fallout Bible 0: "2092 LA Vault opens, the Boneyard is founded and attracts survivors."
  10. Fallout Bible 0: "2093 The Hub is founded by a man named Angus, who sets up camp around a filthy oasis in the desert, and he proceeds to begin trading with other settlements."
  11. Fallout Bible 0: "2096 Harold rises to the level of a caravan boss in the Hub. His caravans suffer occasional attacks in the wastes, but Harold's caravan outfit survives and prospers... until the mutant attacks begin to pick up a few years later."
  12. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 41: "New California Republic
    The New California Republic was born from the remnants of the survivors of Vault 15 and the small walled community they founded, Shady Sands. Under the leadership of Aradesh, and with the assistance of the Vault Dweller (who saved Tandi, Aradesh's daughter and a future president of the NCR), the community prospered. Trade routes with other settlements allowed cultural exchange, and a movement to form a national entity gradually took root and won popular acceptance. In 2186, the town of Shady Sands changed its name to "New California Republic" and formed a trial council government to draft a constitution. Four more settlements joined the council, and in 2189 the NCR was voted into existence as a sprawling federation of five states: Shady Sands, Los Angeles, Maxson, Hub, and Dayglow.
    By post-apocalyptic standards, the NCR is a paragon of economic success and good ethical character: political enfranchisement, rule of law, a reasonable degree of physical security, and a standard of living better than mere subsistence are daily realities for its 700,000+ citizens. Currently, the NCR in a state of transition, with rapid economic growth and a sea change in political leadership endangering its grand humanitarian ideals. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Mojave, where the occupation of Hoover Dam has improved access to electricity and water, but at the cost of straining its budget and embroiling its armed forces in a morally corrosive imperialist project.
    The NCR government's aim is to annex New Vegas as the republic's sixth state. While it already controls Hoover Dam, its treaty with Mr. House and the three families compels it to allot one-fifth of the dam's electrical and water production to local use free of charge. Adding injury to insult, the NCR is locked into protecting New Vegas from invasion by Caesar's legion even as it receives not one cap in tax revenue from the Strip's highly lucrative resort operations. NCR citizens in the Mojave have largely come here for economic reasons, whether as paid citizen soldiers or as prospectors and fortune-seekers."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  13. Fallout Bible 0: "2102 May 22 Increasing mutant attacks on Harold's caravans cause Harold to get so pissed he finances one of the first adventuring parties of Fallout to try and find out where these dagnab mutants are coming from. Consulting with a scientist and doctor at the Hub, a man by the name of Grey, the two of them decide to join forces."
    "2102 June 23 Richard Grey's Expedition [including Harold] finds the Mariposa Military Base and the Expedition is scattered and defeated by mutants at the base. Grey is knocked into one of the vats of FEV by a robotic arm, and Harold is knocked unconscious, only to awaken later out in the wasteland."
    "2102 June 27 Harold, already mutating, is found by traders and taken back to the Hub. His former caravan partners and employees, horrified by his condition, abandon him and he is soon left without even two bottlecaps to rub together."
  14. Fallout Bible 0:
    Fallout Bible 3 Timeline repair: Second strike: "2122 Spring Shady Sands founded, wall erected against the raiders."
  15. Fallout Bible 0: "2141 Winter Raiders begin to form in the region as food supplies run low. The Khans and the Vipers begin terrorizing local settlements."
  16. Fallout Bible 0: "2122 Spring Shady Sands founded, wall erected against the raiders."
  17. 17.0 17.1 Fallout Bible 0:
    "2235 While there had already been a small number of ghouls in Gecko at this time, more come to the area and the town of Gecko is formed. The new influx of ghouls bring scavenged technology and know-how, and the power plant in Gecko becomes operational later that year. Vault City looks upon their new neighbors with growing concern."
    "2238 Harold arrives in Gecko, and (with a lot of shaking of his head) he does his best to help the ghouls with the running of the Nuclear Power Plant."
  18. Fallout Bible 0: "2102 May 22 Increasing mutant attacks on Harold's caravans cause Harold to get so pissed he finances one of the first adventuring parties of Fallout to try and find out where these dagnab mutants are coming from. Consulting with a scientist and doctor at the Hub, a man by the name of Grey, the two of them decide to join forces."
  19. Fallout Bible 0: "2102 June 23 Richard Grey's Expedition [including Harold] finds the Mariposa Military Base and the Expedition is scattered and defeated by mutants at the base. Grey is knocked into one of the vats of FEV by a robotic arm, and Harold is knocked unconscious, only to awaken later out in the wasteland."
  20. Fallout Bible 0: "2102 June 27 Harold, already mutating, is found by traders and taken back to the Hub. His former caravan partners and employees, horrified by his condition, abandon him and he is soon left without even two bottlecaps to rub together."
  21. Fallout Bible 0: "2102 July Richard Grey, now horribly mutated by the virus, crawls from the Vats covered with FEV and in terrible pain. Barely able to think or perceive his surroundings, he crawls into the Vat control room and begins his audio log. He fades in and out of consciousness, sometimes for days or weeks at a time."
  22. Fallout Bible 0: "2102 July-Nov Richard Grey begins to acclimate to his condition, and begins his first tests of animals by exposing them to FEV. These experiments and his growing awareness lay the foundation for his plans for the Unity and the master race. He takes the name, 'the Master.'"
  23. Fallout Bible 0: "2103 January The Master discovers the problem with the influence of radiation on his mutations, and he begins to choose his subjects more carefully. The first classic super mutants are born, butt-scratching animations and all. He begins his plans to build an army."
  24. Fallout Bible 0: "2120 Angus rules over growing Hub and establishes himself as governor."
  25. Fallout Bible 6: "Defeat at the Hub in 2125: Their failed attempt to raid the Hub during the Hub's formative years, stopped almost solely by Angus, the founder of the Hub. Angus' defense caused the Vipers to retreat north, and they roamed the wastes for many, many years, occasionally attacking caravans and small settlements."
  26. Fallout Bible 0: "2125 Winter Angus is murdered. Hub is thrown into chaos."
  27. Fallout Bible 0: "2126 A band of merchants seizes the water tower in the Hub. They demand anyone wanting water must pay a toll. The Great Merchant Wars begin"
  28. Fallout Bible 0: Second strike: "2126-2128 The Great Merchant Wars are fought, the Water Merchants seal up the town, but are outnumbered. A man named Roy Greene (Justin Greene's grandfather) makes the peace and negotiates a settlement. The Hub's Central Council is formed, composed of two representatives from each of the Hub caravan companies. A long period of indecisiveness and meetings maintain the status quo in the Hub."
  29. Fallout Bible 0: "2130 The Great Winter occurs."
  30. Fallout Bible 0: "2131-2135 The Master begins ordering his super mutants to gather human stock from caravans. For many years, the caravan disappearances are blamed on monsters in the desert, and even when the abductions begin to occur on Hub caravans, the deathclaws are blamed. The super mutant army grows."
  31. Fallout Bible 0: "2137 Master's begins to mass-produce super mutants. Only about one in six or one in five attempts are successful, and of these successes, only half seem to last to go on to be part of his growing army, called the Unity."
  32. Fallout Bible 0: "2135 Elder Roger Maxson dies of cancer, and his son, already an accomplished soldier, takes up the role of "General" (Elder) within the Brotherhood of Steel. John Maxson becomes a member of the Paladins, showing tremendous promise as a soldier."
  33. Fallout Bible 0: "2140 Decker forms Underground in the Hub and starts pulling strings."
  34. Fallout Bible 0: Second strike: "2152 As their influence slowly spreads throughout the wastes, the Master finds humans, doomsday cultists, and rather than dip them in the vats, he demands their obedience as spies - their leader is a man named Morpheus, and he pledges his followers to the Master. Morpheus and his cultists form the future core of the Children of the Cathedral."
  35. Fallout Bible 0: "2155-2156 After capturing a caravan of strange-garbed travelers (vault dwellers), Master learns the location of the Boneyard Vault, the future site of the Cathedral. He conquers the inhabitants and sets up operations there, and the human cultists begin to use the Vault as their powerbase. Within the Vault, the Master learns of other Vaults, and realizing their human occupants are ripe for transformation, begins to send out patrols to Vault locations in search of these other Vaults."
  36. Fallout Bible 5: "2155-2156 After capturing a caravan of vault dwellers, Master learns the location of the Boneyard Vault, the future site of the Cathedral. He conquers the inhabitants and sets up operations there, and the human cultists begin to use the Vault as their powerbase. Within the Vault, the Master begins to send out patrols to Vault locations in search of these other Vaults."
  37. Fallout Bible 0: "2156 The Master sees advantages in establishing a benevolent "religion," the Children of the Cathedral, and using them as spies in settlements throughout the wastes. Missionaries from the Children of the Cathedral spread slowly across the wasteland, acting as eyes and ears for Morpheus and the Master."
  38. Fallout Bible 0: "2157 The Master learns the location of the Bakersfield Vault, Vault 12, and sends a detachment of super mutants there to seize the vault. Many ghouls are snapped like twigs in the attack, and Set finally parleys with the super mutants, telling them that the ghouls are the Vault survivors the super mutants are looking for. The super mutants, angered at failing to find an intact Vault, set up a small garrison at the watershed to watch the inhabitants and ensure Set's... cooperation in the war to come."
  39. Fallout Bible 0: "2155 John Maxson's father dies in a raid by the Vipers. Expecting the raiders to break and run, Maxson doesn't take into account the religious ferocity of the Vipers (or their poisoned weapons), and when a single arrow nicks him with his helmet off, he dies within hours. John Maxson takes up the role of Elder, and Rhombus becomes the new head of the Paladins."
  40. Fallout Bible 0: "2161 October A Brotherhood of Steel patrol comes across a dead super mutant in the badlands. They take the corpse back to the Scribes, and Head Scribe Vree begins her examinations of the super mutant."
  41. Fallout Bible 0: "2161 Dec 5 Fallout 1 Begins: Vault Dweller is kicked out of Vault 13 to find a replacement water chip."
  42. Vault Dweller's memoirs
  43. Fallout Bible 0: "2162 March 3 Vault Dweller kicks the Master's ass."
  44. Fallout Bible 0: "2162 April 20 Vault Dweller destroys the Military Base. Dogmeat dies defending his master."
  45. Fallout Bible 0: "2162 May 10 Fallout 1 Ends: Vault Dweller returns to Vault 13, only to be told, "you're a hero, and you have to leave." Some members of the Vault (led by Lydia, the head of the "return to the surface" faction, and including her supporters, Theresa and Lyle) follow soon afterward."
  46. Vault Dweller's memoirs
  47. 47.0 47.1 Fallout Bible 5: "14. One thing - what's happened to Junktown? Was it just too little to be its own state? Or maybe it has managed to survive as an independent enclave inside NCR, a hive of scum and villainy, so to speak. And what kind of folks would live in Glow? After all, that place must still, well, glow, at least somewhat. Ghouls?
    Junktown became part of NCR as part of the state of Shady, and it was one of the first provisional states, considering it was one of the first (and most trustworthy) of the Shady Sands trading partners during its early formation. Its alliance with Shady Sands did cause some alarm from the caravans in the Hub, but it didn't hurt the Hub communities any... and the Hub eventually became part of NCR as well.
    As for the Glow (or the state of Dayglow), most of the state is actually north and west of the glow, but they are still able to see the Glow from their borders. A number of ghouls are rumored to live there now, as part of the Great Migration from Necropolis - once the ghouls learned of West Tek, they were eager to see if they could scavenge technology from the abandoned center. Some ghouls formed partnerships with scavenging companies from New Adytum and the Hub and have built quite a profitable corporation from their salvage efforts. At least one super mutant, a refugee from the Cathedral, was also rumored to be working with the ghouls and humans in Dayglow."
  48. Fallout Bible 0: "2165 July 10 Vault Dweller heads North with a small group of Vault-dwellers and wastelanders and founds the small village of Arroyo."
  49. Fallout Bible 0: "2167 August 18 Construction of Arroyo completed."
  50. Fallout Bible 0: "2185 Summer At high noon, Marcus and Brotherhood of Steel Paladin Jacob cross paths many, many miles southwest of Broken Hills and punch and shoot each other for a few days. Eventually, they give up, unable to get an advantage over the other. The two start traveling together, arguing over Master and BOS doctrine and whether or not the Master could truly neurolink his biology into the Cathedral computer network.
  51. Fallout Bible 0: "2185 Fall Marcus and Jacob, along with the trail of ghouls, humans, and super mutants, found the community of Broken Hills."
  52. Fallout Bible 5
  53. 53.0 53.1 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 41: "New California Republic
    The New California Republic was born from the remnants of the survivors of Vault 15 and the small walled community they founded, Shady Sands. Under the leadership of Aradesh, and with the assistance of the Vault Dweller (who saved Tandi, Aradesh's daughter and a future president of the NCR), the community prospered. Trade routes with other settlements allowed cultural exchange, and a movement to form a national entity gradually took root and won popular acceptance. In 2186, the town of Shady Sands changed its name to "New California Republic" and formed a trial council government to draft a constitution. Four more settlements joined the council, and in 2189 the NCR was voted into existence as a sprawling federation of five states: Shady Sands, Los Angeles, Maxson, Hub, and Dayglow.
    By post-apocalyptic standards, the NCR is a paragon of economic success and good ethical character: political enfranchisement, rule of law, a reasonable degree of physical security, and a standard of living better than mere subsistence are daily realities for its 700,000+ citizens. Currently, the NCR in a state of transition, with rapid economic growth and a sea change in political leadership endangering its grand humanitarian ideals. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Mojave, where the occupation of Hoover Dam has improved access to electricity and water, but at the cost of straining its budget and embroiling its armed forces in a morally corrosive imperialist project.
    The NCR government's aim is to annex New Vegas as the republic's sixth state. While it already controls Hoover Dam, its treaty with Mr. House and the three families compels it to allot one-fifth of the dam's electrical and water production to local use free of charge. Adding injury to insult, the NCR is locked into protecting New Vegas from invasion by Caesar's legion even as it receives not one cap in tax revenue from the Strip's highly lucrative resort operations. NCR citizens in the Mojave have largely come here for economic reasons, whether as paid citizen soldiers or as prospectors and fortune-seekers."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  54. Fallout Bible 0: "2186 New California Republic formed, and a central council is created as a governing body."
  55. Fallout Bible 5: "14. One thing - what's happened to Junktown? Was it just too little to be its own state? Or maybe it has managed to survive as an independent enclave inside NCR, a hive of scum and villainy, so to speak. And what kind of folks would live in Glow? After all, that place must still, well, glow, at least somewhat. Ghouls?
    Junktown became part of NCR as part of the state of Shady, and it was one of the first provisional states, considering it was one of the first (and most trustworthy) of the Shady Sands trading partners during its early formation. Its alliance with Shady Sands did cause some alarm from the caravans in the Hub, but it didn't hurt the Hub communities any... and the Hub eventually became part of NCR as well.
    As for the Glow (or the state of Dayglow), most of the state is actually north and west of the glow, but they are still able to see the Glow from their borders. A number of ghouls are rumored to live there now, as part of the Great Migration from Necropolis - once the ghouls learned of West Tek, they were eager to see if they could scavenge technology from the abandoned center. Some ghouls formed partnerships with scavenging companies from New Adytum and the Hub and have built quite a profitable corporation from their salvage efforts. At least one super mutant, a refugee from the Cathedral, was also rumored to be working with the ghouls and humans in Dayglow."
  56. Fallout Bible 0: "2196: Tandi unanimously elected President of NCR by the NCR council. As expected, she proceeds to do a kick-ass job."
  57. Fallout Bible 6 New California Republic: "Although nearly hitting a hundred years of age, Tandi has done more to unite the people of the wastes than any other leader born from the ashes of the Great War, and she is revered as a saint and even a "Great Mother" by some of the tribals outside of the Republic territories. Tandi's State of the Republic messages were famous for inspiring countless people to join the "service" and rebuild civilization. Under her rule, the republic has grown, and she has focused efforts on rebuilding the pre-war infrastructure to support the growing population, finding new forms of transportation and manufacturing, clearing roadways and rail lines, building forts, fostering caravans and trade in the republic (and with other territories), and dealing with threats swiftly and efficiently. In all her years, she has never forgotten her roots in the small village of Fallout 1, and she has always strived to put the welfare of the common man above the wheels of progress. When people talk about "good people," Tandi's good people."
  58. Fallout Bible 6 New California Republic: "At the time of Fallout 2, NCR's main resource is its great brahmin herds, which provides most of the wasteland with as much meat and leather as they require. The brahmin barons and ranchers in NCR (along with the Stockmen's Association) hold a great deal of sway with the caravans and the government."
  59. Fallout Bible 0: "2241 January The first samples of Jet begin to arrive in Redding, courtesy of the Mordino family."
  60. Fallout Bible 0: "2241 February Vault City rejects offers of an alliance with both the Bishop family of New Reno and NCR."
  61. Fallout Bible 0: "2241 March Raider attacks on caravans to Vault City begin."
  62. Fallout Bible 0: "2241 The worst dry season in many years causes a drought in the Northern California area, hurting crops and brahmin in both Arroyo and Modoc."
  63. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 458: Important Dates
    2248: "President Tandi takes ill and dies at the age of 103. Her presidency has lasted 52 years. Vice-President Joanna Tibbett assumes office."
    2253: "President Tibbett is removed from office by a vote of no confidence following her "timid" response to the massacre of 38 NCR citizens at the hands of Mojave raiders. Her replacement, President Wendell Peterson, orders three battalions of NCR infantry into the Mojave."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  64. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 458: Important Dates

    2270: "The extirpation of tribals in the area of present-day Bullhead City is complete. "The Pacification of the Mojave," as it comes to be known, makes General Aaron Kimball a national hero."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  65. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 458: Important Dates:

    2273 "Aaron Kimball retires from the NCR military and runs for office as one of Hub's political representatives (or "governors," as Hub idiosyncratically calls them). Less than two months into his term, Wendell Peterson is voted out of office and Aaron Kimball becomes the NCR's next President."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 66.3 66.4 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 456: "Controversy over Economic Development
    "The NCR's economy is based on two resources: its great Brahmin herds, and swaths of land that have been restored to arable condition. These provide the nation with meat, leather, and starchy vegetables. During President Tandi's presidency, regulations limited the number of cattle head and the acreage of fields that could be owned by a single person. Despite constant pressure from the Stockmen's Association and Republican Farmer's Committee, such regulations loosened only a little so long as Tandi was in office. Following her death, however, they eroded until President Kimball overturned them completely.
    As a result, the past 12 years have seen the rise of the Brahmin Barons and Agri-Barons: captains of industry who are, by post-apocalyptic standards, spectacularly wealthy. This has given birth to a number of cottage industries, from the rebirth of luxury goods production to "journalism" that reports on the latest purchases, commissions, and "life lessons" of the newly rich and famous.
    The past 12 years has also seen a change in attitudes towards collective welfare. Citizens of the NCR rarely face significant dangers on a daily basis, and survival is an assumption rather than an aspiration. Citizens are far more reluctant to share food and other resources, and the person who provides services free of charge, whether it's something as quotidian as sewing or as rarefied as surgical expertise, are now the exception rather than the rule.
    An added economic strain is the scarcity of salvageable goods. Sixty-five years of scavenging has done a good job of picking clean the wastes of what was once Southern California. Rare are those individuals who can make a living by scavenging and hunting what they need.
    A consequence of these economic and cultural transformations has been the rebirth of wage labor. Whereas one's labor was until recently seen as benefitting游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 and belonging to a collective (whether a family or small town), it has now become a commodity. To earn their keep, many citizens must seek an employer and trade the sweat of their brow for Caps.
    Citizens of the NCR hold a variety of opinions about these developments. Many boast of their nation's economic strength; others decry what they feel has been lost. Many curse the selfishness of their fellow citizens, usually while pursuing aims that will benefit only themselves or their families. Here in the Vegas wastes, however, nearly all citizens will agree on one matter: opportunity has dried up back home, and to earn a fortune, one must come East."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  67. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 458: Important Dates:

    2274 "NCR forces move east and occupy Hoover Dam. The NCR reluctantly signs the Treaty of New Vegas recognizing Mr. House and his stewards, the Three Families, as the rightful owners of the Strip. The Strip opens for business."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  68. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 458: Important Dates:

    2275 "Camp McCarran is established as NCR Headquarters in the Mojave. Sporadic fighting begins with the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel. The NCR government withdraws official support from the Followers of the Apocalypse and founds The Office of Science and Industry."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  69. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 458: Important Dates: "2276 Conflict with the Brotherhood of Steel escalates, culminating in the decisive victory at HELIOS One. The Mojave Brotherhood is considered 'neutralized.'"
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  70. Joshua Sawyer: "And this is discussed in-game: BoS raided NCR's gold reserves until NCR could no longer generate gold coinage nor back their paper money. They abandoned the gold standard and established fiat currency, which is why its value is inflated over both caps and (especially) Legion coinage. (...) People in eastern NCR and the Mojave Wasteland lost faith in the NCR government's a) ability to back the listed value of paper money and b) stability overall. If you're living in Bakersfield, staring at a piece of paper that says "redeemable for value in gold" and you have no faith in the government's ability or willingness to do that -- or if you see that the government has changed the currency to say that it is not able to be exchanged for a backed good -- you may very well listen to the strong consortium of local merchants offering to exchange that paper note for currency backed by water." (Forums at somethingawful)
  71. Joshua Sawyer: "Traders from the Mojave travel the Short Loop into NCR, which means that they have to go through a few hundred miles of solid desert. Carrying enough water to travel from New Vegas to the Boneyard (or vice versa) would undercut cargo capacity significantly. Even the communities around the Mojave Wasteland (other than New Vegas itself) have water brought in and stored in local towers. Of course, the Colorado River is nearby as long as you don't mind walking through an active war zone." (Forums at somethingawful)
  72. "How does the Hub 'back' caps? Can you exchange a certain number of caps for a standard measure of water?
    Joshua Sawyer: "Yes." (Forums at somethingawful)
  73. Joshua Sawyer: "It happened during the BoS-NCR war. I believe Alice McLafferty mentions it, but I'm not positive. She doesn't detail the events in this much detail, but here they are:
    The attacks caused NCR citizens (and others who held NCR currency) to panic, resulting in a rush to reclaim the listed face value of currency from NCR's gold reserves. Inability to do this at several locations (especially near the periphery of NCR territory where reserves were normally low) caused a loss of faith in NCR's ability to back their currency.
    Though NCR eventually stopped the BoS attacks, they decided to protect against future problems by switching to fiat currency. While this meant that BoS could no longer attack a) reserves or b) the source of production (all NCR bills are made in the Boneyard), some people felt more uneasy about their money not having any "real" (backed) value. This loss of confidence increased with NCR inflation, an ever-looming specter of fiat currency.
    Because the Hub links NCR with the Mojave Wasteland and beyond, the merchants there grew frustrated with NCR's handling of the currency crisis. They conspired to re-introduce the bottle cap as a water-backed currency that could "bridge the gap" between NCR and Legion territory. In the time leading up to the re-introduction, they did the footwork to position themselves properly. If some old-timer had a chest full of caps, they didn't care (in fact, they thought that was great, since the old-timers would enthusiastically embrace the return of the cap), but they did seek to control or destroy production facilities and truly large volumes of caps (e.g. Typhon's treasure) whenever possible." (Forums at somethingawful
  74. Fallout Bible 0: "2241 The worst dry season in many years causes a drought in the Northern California area, hurting crops and brahmin in both Arroyo and Modoc."
  75. Fallout Bible 9: "Brahmin are mutated brahmin cattle with two heads. If you just said, "hell, I thought brahmin were something from India," well, you'd be right. A bunch of brahmin made their way to the states long ago[1] for crossbreeding purposes. When the bombs fell, brahmin grew two heads. They are quite hardy. They are also a delicious toasty brown, as you'll notice in the picture to the left. They attack by head-butting or trying to gore someone with their horns, so brahmin-tippers beware. For some reason, only the left-most brahmin head has horns, which raises some curious gender identity issues.[2]
    Brahmin serve a vital environmental niche in Fallout - they form the foundation of survival for many species in Fallout, most notably, humans. They also form the backbone of the NCR economy. They also form the backbone of the New Reno "NCR brahmin rustling" economy. Brahmin can pull carts, old cars, plows, and dead bodies. Brahmin can be driven into herds then used as stampedes on rival tribal villages which is better than a Delayed Blast Fireball any day of the week. Brahmin can be worshipped. Brahmin hair can be woven into bags and ropes. Brahmin hide can be stretched over wooden or metal rods to make canoes if you're into that sort of thing. Brahmin sinew can be used for bowstrings or thread for stitching. Brahmin shit is great fertilizer (and fuel for campfires). Brahmin meat is delicious - well, only because no one in Fallout knows what a succulent Pre-War steak used to taste like. Brahmin are a source of milk that is like modern-day milk, yet terrifyingly different. Brahmin can be tipped over. Brahmin bones can be used as clubs, knives, arrowheads, eating utensils, hoes, or even dice, and their skulls look really scary dotted all over the desert landscape. Their horns can be turned into drinking horns if you feel like getting medieval. Brahmin can be used to distract a hungry deathclaw. Brahmin fat makes decent soap. Their hide can be used to make tents (or tipis/teepees), clothing, belts, saddlebags, shoes, leather armor, or a bizarre brahmin-looking disguise so you can sneak up on other brahmin and listen to their conversations. You can also use their tails as fly brushes or paintbrushes, depending on your level of artistic talent.
    There are domesticated brahmin and wild brahmin. PCs are encouraged to approach wild brahmin like they would a domesticated brahmin because the end result is amusing for the Overseer.
    Wild brahmin can forage for themselves, and they can be found across the wastes, gathered into small herds, wandering here and there, munching on the dirty weeds scattered throughout the desert. Fortunately for the ecology of the wasteland (and the survival of their species), brahmin can go for long periods of time without water - they don't need much to survive. They have a strong sense of smell, and they don't hesitate to stomp over any wasteland predator that threatens them or their calves - well, except deathclaws, because no one messes with deathclaws.
    Brahmin are a great source of cattle drive and range war adventure seeds if you feel like getting your Louis L'Amour on for a few sessions.
    There are rumors that the smell of brahmin shit is highly addictive."
  76. Fallout Bible 5:
    "22. Ah yes, there is ONE more thing actually...those darn geckos. Where did they come from? They were non-existent in Fallout 1 while in fallout 2 they seemed to be all over the place and as Harold would put it: "You couldn't fart without hitting one."
    They stemmed from an unknown species of lizard indigenous to the Oregon-California boundary that sucked up enough FEV to grow bigger, stronger, and faster - and they're definitely not sterile. While it took them a few generations to get all their new genetics straightened out, they started breeding slightly less than FEV-influenced rats. No one knows what lizard stock they originated from, or how the fire geckoes sprang into being.
  77. Chris Avellone, Fallout Bible 1 - "The radscorpions are a result of a combination of radiation and the FEV virus, and Razlo in Shady Sands is correct - they were originally Emperor Scorpions that have grown... big."
  78. Fallout Bible 6: "The caravan houses of the Hub, in particular, around the time in Fallout 2, have been looking to further its trade influence, and new vehicles (and types of transport, such as trains, boats, or barges) have been eagerly sought after for carrying large amounts of trade goods vast distances. Good ol' human greed will move mountains. Or at least rebuild things that can. Once they learn of the Enclave's presence in the North, they are likely to have huge bounties promised for Vertibird plans - or better, a working Vertibird."
  79. Fallout Bible 6: "The caravan houses of the Hub, in particular, around the time in Fallout 2, have been looking to further its trade influence, and new vehicles (and types of transport, such as trains, boats, or barges) have been eagerly sought after for carrying large amounts of trade goods vast distances. Good ol' human greed will move mountains. Or at least rebuild things that can. Once they learn of the Enclave's presence in the North, they are likely to have huge bounties promised for Vertibird plans - or better, a working Vertibird."