關於list of characters,參見New California Republic/Characters
關於list of conflicts and events,參見New California Republic/Conflicts


新加州共和国(英文名:New California Republic)是在战后美国里的大国。




FNV NCR Embassy flag

这个国家是由从避难所中出现的个人建立的,他们建立了一个名为沙蔭市的小型定居点。[3]沙蔭市的领导人坦蒂和她的父亲亚拉德什首先提出了共和国的想法,三年后,五个州通过投票合并为NCR。[4][5]这些州包括Shady洛杉矶麦克森中樞市日辉城,人口为700,000。[5][6][7]沙蔭市更名为NCR并确立为首都,禁止奴隶制、赌博和毒品。[8][9]亚拉德什担任NCR的第一任总统,随后坦蒂被理事会选中,任职52年。[5][8][10]紧随其后的是亞倫·金博爾,扩张到Oak CreekOne PineOwen's LakeSac-TownRattletail巴哈[11][12]





FNV Intro slide 4









NCR与位于北部的地下掩體都市交易机械设备、黄金和各种剩余产品以换取医疗技术。[39]地下掩體都市的领导层警告他们的公民在前往NCR进行贸易时要小心,因为共和国已加大努力将他们的定居点作为边境领土吸收。[39]軍火販子是NCR的顶级武器和弹药供应商。[40]Happy Trails Caravan Company是一家规模较小的贸易公司,成立于Sac-Town,位于NCR北部,所有地区都在NCR参议院对市场关税的决定范围内。[41][42]

农业倡议由NCR政府开展,支持对作物发展和可持续性的研究,以避免粮食短缺。[43][44]Office of Science and Industry为根据NCR的Thaler Act建立的NCR佃户农场等地点做出贡献。NCR的农场利用灌溉在沙漠气候中成功种植农作物。[45]



NCR军队作为NCR的军事力量。士兵由志愿部队和应征部队组成,16岁时允许入伍。[54][55][56]招募人员表示,不会落下任何NCR士兵,为新招募人员提供福利和经济保障。[57][58]NCR军队由第1侦察营神枪手和突击部队等专业士兵组成。[59]高尔夫营地,RECORDOTRON v3.5是一个用于管理小队准备情况的报告数据库。[60]现场医务人员治疗枪伤、弹片和战壕足。[61][62][63]其他特遣队包括 第九排5th Battalion布拉沃连[64]

NCR military police新維加斯賭城驻扎在NCR Embassy对面的NCR Military Police HQ。国会议员由Captain Marie Pappas领导。一名大使驻扎在大使馆,其历任三名大使,包括Phillip GrangerSusanna Edith以及目前的丹尼斯·克罗克,他是七年前当选的。[65][66][67]新加州亚共和国授予军事奖章Sierra Madre和平民奖章Golden Branch[23][68]


政府 军队 游骑兵



新加州共和国最早出现在沙蔭市辐射结局过场动画中,并首次出现在辐射2 。它在辐射3辐射4中被提及,并出现在辐射:新维加斯中。




  1. Fallout: New Vegas intro: "As decades passed, what had been the American southwest united beneath the flag of the New California Republic, dedicated to old-world values of democracy and the rule of law."
  2. The Courier: "You have a lot of hate for NCR. That kind of hate isn't new in the Mojave."
    Ulysses: "No... not new. And not new among all those in the shadow of the Bear. You know their flag, a bear with two heads. Symbol's an Old World one, had one head then, better off for it. Their flag speaks to their spirit. They're split like any two-headed animal, trying to go in different directions, ending up nowhere. In the Mojave, that'll only get you sand between your fingers - or over your grave."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  3. Courier: "What's the New California Republic?"
    Hayes: "If you haven't heard of us, you must not be from the Legion. Put simply, the NCR is the greatest nation currently functioning."
    Courier: "Can you tell me more about the NCR?"
    Hayes: "Sure can. The NCR was founded from the survivors of one of the great Vaults. We started as a small settlement called Shady Sands. We now consist of 5 states, that make up the greatest nation since the Great War."
    (Hayes' dialogue)
  4. Fallout endings: "In Shady Sands, Tandi helps her father Aradesh bring a new community and new life out of the broken remains of the world. They are responsible for the New California Republic, whose ideals spread across the land."
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Kellogg memory radio broadcast
  6. NCR history holodisk: "Founded eighty years ago, the NCR is now comprised of the states of Shady, Los Angeles, Maxson, Hub, and Dayglow. Approximately 700,000 citizens are pleased to call NCR home."
  7. 7.0 7.1 Citadel terminal entries; Maxson Archive terminal, State of Maxson
  8. 8.0 8.1 Chosen One: "I'm new to NCR. What can you tell me about your town?"
    Karl: "This is NCR, capitol of the New California Republic. Population 3000 and growing. No slavery, no gambling, no drugs. President is Mrs. Tandi, my boss is Sheriff Dumont. That answer your questions?"
    (Karl's dialogue)
  9. Chosen One: "Tell me about this town."
    Mira: "Name's NCR. Used to be Shady Sands, but after the Master's defeat, Aradesh and the others founded the Republic. Now, NCR sits right on the border. Everything south of here's Republic ruled."
    Chosen One: "Hmm."
    Mira: "Word of advice. Keep your nose clean in town. Courts aren't too friendly to our types, if you know what I mean. Citizens got more rights than you."
    (Mira's dialogue)
  10. Courier: "What do you think of the NCR?"
    Caesar: "Do you want my opinion as a former citizen, or future conqueror? Actually, my opinion's the same either way. As a young man I was taught to venerate President Tandi of Shady Sands. "The Founding Mother of the New California Republic." Did you know her Presidency lasted 52 years? And that her father, Aradesh, was the Republic's first President? Does that sound like democracy to you, or a hereditary dictatorship?"
    Courier: "President Tandi was voted into office each time."
    Caesar: "Because the council didn't dare oppose her. She was too popular. She had the people's love. So things ran smoothly, more or less. And as soon as she was gone, as soon as there really could be "democracy" - what happened then? Ever since losing its queen, the NCR has been weaker, more diffuse. Democracy has been its weakness, not its strength."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  11. 11.0 11.1 NCR history holodisk: "That's right -- every state has the right to send representatives to the Hall of Congress. These representatives or councilors select the President and Vice-President to head the council and it is their advice which guides the President's decisions. For ten terms now, President Tandi has been the unanimous choice of the council, who respect her wisdom and foresight."
  12. The Courier: "Tell me about Happy Trails Caravan Company."
    Jed Masterson: "We're a smaller company out of Sac-Town, up in the northern part of the NCR. We run some business through New Reno, there on the 'Little Loop.' Had a nice run to Salt Lake City, too - but then we lost contact with New Canaan, and that went all to hell."
    (Jed Masterson's dialogue)
  13. 13.0 13.1 Message box transcription - Mojave Outpost: "In the year 2271, the Desert Rangers of Nevada and rangers of the New California Republic met at this spot to sign the Ranger Unification Treaty. Under this treaty, the Desert Rangers agreed to be absorbed into the NCR in exchange for NCR's protection of Hoover Dam, New Vegas, and southern Nevada against the forces of Caesar's Legion."
  14. Courier: "Why are the rangers here?"
    Hanlon: "There's a lot of answers to that question, but it started with the Ranger Unification Treaty. We weren't always the only show in town. Nevada had its own posse, the Desert Rangers. They fought Caesar even farther east, out in Arizona. Didn't go well for them. Years back, we met with the Desert Rangers at Mojave Outpost and agreed to help them against Caesar if they would join the NCR."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  15. Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "Mojave Outpost is the site where the NCR Rangers and the Desert Rangers of Nevada signed the Ranger Unification Treaty. It also marks the boundary of fully NCR-controlled territory."
  16. Courier: "Tell me about the NCR."
    Cassandra Moore: "I don't have time to discuss all the different aspects of the NCR with you, but if you want it all in a nutshell - the NCR is progress. If you wander around the wasteland you'll find all sorts of tribes, villages, and such where people spend most of their time trying to survive. The NCR gives its citizens a shot at something more. We have laws, currency, healthcare, government. All the things that were lost. It's not perfect, but it's worth protecting, which is why we also have the largest military in existence."
    (Cassandra Moore's dialogue)
  17. Aaron Kimball: "There are some back home who ask me, 'But who are we protecting? What is Nevada to us?' Sometimes we forget that the light of our society shines beyond our borders. Sometimes we take those privileges for granted that our forebears fought so hard to achieve. We must always remember that wherever Californians stand, we carry our principles with us: equal respect, representation, and protection under the laws of a just republic. This was the same fire that burned in the heart of the Old World that preceded us. We are the heirs of that civilization, torchbearers eastward of the Pacific, into the darkness of this wasted land."
    (Aaron Kimball's dialogue)
  18. Courier: "[Confirmed Bachelor] You didn't tell me your name."
    Knight: "Oh - Knight. You must not be from around here. If so... it doesn't do to get too friendly."
    Courier: "What do you mean?"
    Knight: "This isn't the Republic. Oddly enough, Legion's a little more forgiving about... friendships. Out here, it's not as accepted. Not that I mind being friends, it's just being open about it in the Outpost... well, I have to work here."
    Courier: "Didn't realize NCR was so spineless."
    Knight: "Now wait a minute - Republic's a sight better than... other alternatives. Women are serving here, after all. The rest... well, might take some time. And they're more accepting back West, like I said. In the meantime..."
    The Courier: "Forget it, then, you're a waste of time."
    Knight: "Wait... wait a minute. Look. Some things in the NCR are... aren't ideal. But I want to help. If you need something repaired... let me know, I can sign the work order. As long as caps change hands, I can put them back in yours."
    Courier: "So is that a "no," you don't want to be friends, or..."
    Knight: "I... would, perhaps some other time. When my orders take me to Vegas, perhaps. Wish things were different, but might take some time."
    (Knight's dialogue)
  19. 19.0 19.1 NCR history holodisk: "To ensure justice and liberty, all citizens have access to NCR's courts and the right to vote for a representative of their choice to sit in the Hall of Congress. In the words of President Tandi "A safe people is a strong people."
  20. Chosen One: "No, he's something MORE. Or else we wouldn't be having this conversation."
    John Bishop: "He's also a councilor in the NCR congress. That SCARE you, tribal? It shouldn't. Do your job, and you got nothing to worry about. Fuck it up, and Westin'll be the least of your worries."
    (John Bishop's dialogue)
  21. John Bishop: "He's the NCR Vice President. Don't let it bother you... get in one good shot, and they'll be fitting him for a coffin. Just make sure you're ABLE to get in at least one good shot."
    (John Bishop's dialogue)
  22. Courier: "How is NCR doing?"
    Hanlon: "Mojave Outpost sent word through the stations. The rangers coming up from Baja moved through Dayglow a week ago. Some of the patrol rangers have reported that Oliver's power armor heavy troopers are starting to reinforce the front lines. Wish they got here a bit earlier, but that's the senate for you."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  23. 23.0 23.1 President Kimball: "Private First Class Jeremy Watson, on behalf of the senate and people of the New California Republic, it is my honor to present you with the Star of Sierra Madre."
    (Kimball's dialogue)
  24. Fallout: New Vegas endings: Slide 27: NCR Rangers: "Despite distinguishing themselves during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the rangers' victory was short-lived due to the Courier's interference. Chief Hanlon personally directed the evacuation of the rangers to Mojave Outpost as they fell back into NCR territory. Bitter over the waste of life in the Mojave, Hanlon stepped down from his post. After a campaign in which he denounced Oliver's and Kimball's hawkish, imperialist ways, Hanlon was elected as the senator of Redding."
  25. 25.0 25.1 NCR history holodisk: "All law-abiding and peaceful people, human or mutant, are eligible to become citizens of NCR. To become a citizen all you have to do is move to NCR and present your claim for immigration. After citizenship training and processing your application, you will be notified of your new status as a PC (Provisional Citizen). From there, it's only a short step to full citizenship! Of course, NCR is not for everybody - slavers, unreformed mutants, known raiders, and other undesirables need not apply!"
  26. NCR history holodisk: "Depending on where your town is located, NCR does accept petitions by villages, towns, bases, city-states, even minor kingdoms for annexation by NCR. Once the petition is accepted, NCR will grant your town territorial status. Once the needed police and army presence is established and any banditry or other lawlessness has been dealt with, your village can apply for full statehood in the NCR. It's that simple!"
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 NCR history holodisk: "NCRAP Pub. #A7-7893b, Prepared by the New California Relations Advisory Panel"
  28. Courier: "I got extra troop support for Primm."
    Hayes: "Yes, I just got word of that. There's a squad of rangers standing by. Sergeant McGee will take over as sheriff and the rangers will be his deputies. This town will be an NCR territory. This means that aside from protection, the citizens will also need to become registered NCR citizens and pay any appropriate and associated taxes."
    (Hayes' dialogue)
  29. Courier: "Are you one of the Followers of the Apocalypse?"
    Usanagi: "Yes, I am. I received my medical training at the Angel's Boneyard Medical University back in the NCR. It's not a requirement to be a Follower to enter the university, but I believe in what they do, so I joined them."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)
  30. Courier: "Are the Followers part of the NCR?"
    Usanagi: "We've worked with them in the past. The NCR became too focused on things like patents and profitability, so the Followers go their own way now. The NCR and the Followers have a cool relationship at the moment. We see them as oppressive, and they view us as anarchists."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)
  31. The Courier: "Give them a deal on the price, you'll have the upper hand in future, more important negotiations."
    Blake: "[SUCCEEDED] Well, the Far Go Traders have been trying to edge us out on the new armor contract for the troops. This could swing things in our favor. All right, let McCarran know they should expect the first shipment in a week or so."
    (Blake's dialogue)
  32. Alice McLafferty: "The Crimson Caravan Company has been in business for over 130 years. We're partially responsible for the progress in the NCR."
    (Alice McLafferty's dialogue)
  33. Courier: "What do you think of the NCR?"
    Gloria Van Graff: "You must not know a lot about my family or you wouldn't have asked that. The Van Graffs and the NCR have been enemies for decades. They've tried to block our expansion for years, but we've managed to grow regardless. The problem is they have, too. The NCR is huge, now. We're talking on a scale that's difficult to imagine. Time was, we could fight them and hold our own. Not so anymore. My family has enough men and guns to field a small army, but the NCR can field a really, really big army. Fighting them is out of the question now."
    (Gloria Van Graff's dialogue)
  34. Madame Modjeska: "In this game, Redding is the greased brahmin - and a golden one at that. New Reno, the New California Republic, and Vault City are all trying to catch us...or at least keep the others from catching us."
    (Madame Modjeska's dialogue)
  35. Mercenary note
  36. Courier: "How is the NCR weak?"
    Caesar: "Greed runs rampant. The government is corrupt, accepting bribes from Brahmin barons and landowners, to the detriment of citizens. The NCR is a loose conglomerate of individuals looking out for themselves. It's lost virtue. No one cares about the collective, the greater good. It's not built to last. I'm just hastening the inevitable."
    Courier: "Surely, the NCR is a powerful foe?"
    Caesar: "Of course. The most powerful my Legion has faced. Also the first to which I am ideologically opposed. Until now, every tribe I've conquered has been so backwards and stunted, enslavement has been a gift bestowed upon them. My conquest of the Mojave will be a glorious triumph, marking the transition of the Legion from a basically nomadic tribe to a genuine empire. Just as my namesake campaigned in Gaul before he crossed the Rubicon, so have I campaigned, and will cross the Colorado."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  37. Courier: "You don't get paid in caps?"
    Chomps Lewis: "Nope. The NCR's been trying to switch over to using paper money, like in the Pre-War days. Trouble is that the exchange rates ain't exactly fair. For example, a hundred bucks in NCR money is valued at roughly half that in caps around here. Seems like a rotten deal for us, but work is work."
    (Chomps Lewis' dialogue)
  38. NCR $100 note
  39. 39.0 39.1 Vault City travel log
  40. Courier: "Tell me about the Gun Runners."
    Alexander: "The Gun Runners have been putting rapid-fire death-dealing in the hands of anyone who needed to defend himself for over a century. We're the NCR's #1 supplier of weapons and ammunition. You might call us an unofficial branch of the army."
    (Alexander's dialogue)
  41. Crimson Caravan Company terminal entries; Alice McLafferty, Gun Runner Tariff
  42. Courier: "Tell me about Happy Trails Caravan Company."
    Jed Masterson: "We're a smaller company out of Sac-Town, up in the northern part of the NCR. We run some business through New Reno, there on the "Little Loop." Had a nice run to Salt Lake City, too - but then we lost contact with New Canaan, and that went all to hell."
    (Jed Masterson's dialogue)
  43. Courier: "Are you from California?"
    Jas Wilkins: "Born and raised. Things back in California are better than they've ever been, according to my grandpa. The Raiders are mostly gone now and it's easy enough to get a job at one of the mills or farms. But now there's taxes and laws and other things. The NCR keeps things safe and orderly, but it's all very boring. So, I came out east towards the frontier."
    (Jas Wilkins' dialogue)
  44. Courier: "NCR has a food shortage?"
    Thomas Hildern: "Not yet. But our government understands the value of proactive thought. Our studies project an imbalance between production and consumption. Or, for a layman such as yourself - not enough food, too many mouths to feed. Mass starvation. In a decade or so."
    (Thomas Hildern's dialogue)
  45. Vault Dweller: "What are you doing?"
    Curtis: "I am a farmer. We irrigated the desert many years ago. Although the wasteland is harsh, it is possible to grow things with patience and time."
    (Curtis' dialogue)
  46. Courier: "Why don't you just beat your prisoner senseless?"
    Carrie Boyd: "I like the way you think. Have I said that yet? Problem is that the NCR frowns on using that sort of tactic. There are some restrictions still in place from President Tandi's administration. But here's my favorite thing about you - you're not in the NCR. Plus, for all this guy knows, you're completely insane. That's a winning combination."
    (Carrie Boyd's dialogue)
  47. Courier: "Does the NCR usually offer bounties on people?"
    Gorobets: "If they've proven hard to kill, yes. Whatever it takes to get the job done, even if means hiring help from outside the military."
    (Gorobets' dialogue)
  48. Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "The NCR's military doesn't like being in the role of "peace-keeper". Crimes across the Mojave are typically punished by death."
  49. Courier: "I imagine the NCR doesn't deal with deserters kindly."
    Layla: "Yeah, if we see the NCR, they'll be waiting for us with a bullet to the brain pan. So what are we supposed to do, just run?"
    (Layla's dialogue)
  50. Captain Parker: "Keith! In the name of the NCR, I'm placing you under arrest for illicit gambling and the sale of unlicensed chems."
    Keith: "Fuck you man, I ain't going nowhere with you."
    Parker: "Come quietly now, I don't want to have to hurt you."
    Keith: "Why don't you go cry to your wife, then - oh that's right! She left your worthless stinking ass!"
    Parker: "You son of a bitch!"
    (Keith's and Parker's dialogue)
  51. Karl: "Look, take my advice - get your friends to take you home so you can sleep it off. Drunk in public's a crime here."
    (Karl's dialogue)
  52. Courier: "Powder gangers?"
    Trudy: "Chain gangs, really. The NCR brought them in from California to work on the rail lines. Problem is, it turns out that giving convicts a bunch of dynamite and blasting powder isn't the best idea. Was a big escape not too long ago. Some of 'em stuck together so they could make trouble. That's what we're dealing with now."
    (Trudy's dialogue)
  53. Courier: "What can you tell me about the prison?"
    Eddie: "The NCR called it a "work-release" prison. We lucky prisoners got the privilege of fixing up the rail lines and blasting rock for new lines. They got sloppy, though. Some of us managed to hide away some dynamite, and look who's in charge now."
    (Eddie's dialogue)
  54. Courier: "How did you get to be a colonel in the NCR?"
    Cassandra Moore: "I joined up at a young age. Was barely sixteen when I left home and volunteered to be in the military. Got a few strange looks at first, but those stopped when I got top marks across the board during training, and became an officer at seventeen. A few years went by, my squad helped take down gangs of raiders here and there, and one day an invitation to join the Rangers arrived. Those were the best years of my life. Doing something that truly matters, and having the freedom to handle it as you see fit. Then I got injured. Everyone was very supportive. I received a promotion to colonel and given greater responsibility, but my days as a Ranger were over."
    (Cassandra Moore's dialogue)
  55. Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "Troopers are volunteer and conscripted forces in NCR's military. They vary widely in devotion, experience, and even in basic equipment. What they lack in consistency they make up for in numbers."
  56. Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "The New California Republic Rangers are volunteer elite special forces renowned as much for their shrewd reconnaissance capabilities as their bravery and combat prowess."
  57. The Courier: "How'd a guy like you end up in the Army?"
    Poindexter: "It's a simple idea: the Army offers fiscal security and generous benefits at the cost of substantial personal risk - if you're on the front line. If you perform too poorly, they'll scrub you out. Perform too well, and you get sent to the front lines. All I have to do is ride that mediocrity gradient to a cushy, do-nothing job miles away from the war."
    (Poindexter's dialogue)
  58. The Courier: "If your husband is dead, what does it matter if you get the corpse back?"
    Christina Morales: "You never lost anybody, have you? Not like this. Never had to think about that person you love all alone out there, cooking in the sun like meat... NCR never leaves a soldier behind. That's what the recruiters told us. Promised us. We believed them."
    (Christina Morales' dialogue)
  59. Great Khan: "The runners are saying that the NCR is sending in their elite shock troops to try and push back the Legion."
    (Generic Great Khan dialogue)
  60. Camp Golf terminal entries; Squad Readiness Reports Terminal
  61. Courier: "Medical texts? Aren't you a doctor?"
    Markland:"I'm an Army field medic. I can treat bullet wounds, shrapnel, trenchfoot, no problem. But this - the kids and the psychological trauma and all the rest - is out of my league."
    (Markland's dialogue)
  62. Courier: "Why are you "sort of" the doctor?"
    Hannigan: "I was an NCR medic for six months, so I'm not exactly a "doctor." Still, it's more medical training that any of the other guys here. It also gives me an excuse to stay out of any raiding parties. The gang can't lose its only doctor now, can it?"
    (Hannigan's dialogue)
  63. Courier: "Tell me about yourself."
    Alex Richards: "I used to be a doctor back in California, but a few years back I got suckered into doing military work because it was my "patriotic duty." Back then, I, like many idealistic men before me, thought it was a great idea and was excited about making the world a better place with the NCR. Now... I just want to get back home. I've had enough fighting and fixing up soldiers just to send them right back out to die to last a lifetime."
    (Alex Richard's dialogue)
  64. Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Watch out for the Misfits here - 9th Platoon, word of their fuck-ups is legendary."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  65. Dennis Crocker: "I was elected to this post seven years ago. I'm the third NCR representative to serve here in Vegas."
    (Dennis Crocker's dialogue)
  66. Ambassador Phillip Granger's final report
  67. Ambassador Susanna Edith's final report
  68. Fallout: New Vegas endings: "The Courier, fair and even-handed in her dealings throughout the Wasteland, was honored by the NCR for her support of the military at Hoover Dam. She was presented with the Golden Branch, the highest civilian decoration given by the Republic."
  69. Forlorn Hope mandate
  70. Ambassador Crocker's note
  71. Order of Withdrawal
  72. NCR $100 note
  73. Courier: "Are you with the NCR military?"
    Elizabeth Kieran: "Yes, I'm a major in the supply corps, which is where this food and water comes from."
    (Elizabeth Kieran's dialogue)
  74. The Courier: "Wait, what about Caesar?"
    Follows-Chalk: "When Joshua first came to us, he was servant to a man he called Caesar. He led his master's armies, and we were ready to follow him into war. Then he lost his master's army to a tribe called Enseeyar, the Sunset People. When he returned, he was as you saw him - burned, broken, but changed. He led us away from Caesar, led us to our own destiny in Zion."
    (Follows-Chalk's dialogue)
  75. Courier: "How did you rise to power?"
    Caesar: "Ironically, I was born a Profligate myself, a citizen of the NCR. My family lived not far from the great Boneyard. After Raiders killed my father, my mother sought the Followers' protection. I was two years old. She found work at their Library, cooking and cleaning. I learned how to read and soon I was taking courses, free of charge."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  76. The Mysterious Stranger (note): "Sightings range from the NCR all the way to the East Coast, stretching back decades. Now he's come to the Commonwealth."


  1. Chris Avellone on Twitter (August 11, 2011) elaborating on his Fallout Bible 5 paragraph.: "@ChrisAvellone In Fallout Bible, it mentions that NCR have a cav. division, but also says that horses died out. Could you please explain?
    @Francis1605 Fallout Bible is no longer canon, but when I first wrote it, it meant mechanized cav. (a FEW scav tanks and jeeps)."
  2. Joshua Sawyer: "NCR's imperialism is pretty kid glove stuff compared to Caesar's Legion. That said, though they are extremely self-interested, NCR genuinely *does* protect New Vegas and has sacrificed a lot to do so. Then again, it was the Desert Rangers, not the residents of the Mojave Wasteland (and certainly not Mr. House) who asked them to do so."
    (Sawyer on Formspring)