關於辐射 2游骑兵角色,參見NCR游骑兵(辐射2)

我们是NCR游骑兵 - 我们让世界变得更美好。— NCR游骑兵於辐射2

新加州共和国游骑兵(英文名:New California Republic Rangers)是新加州共和国的精英军事机构。游骑兵是一支志愿特种部队,以其专业的侦察能力、勇敢和战斗能力而闻名。[1] 他们的主要目的是应对常规部队无法应对的威胁,以及保护NCR边界的安全、侦察威胁和其他特殊任务。[2] 他们卓越的训练、武器装备以及战前和战后的各种技术使他们能够在战斗中以对NCR有利的方式进行,即使他们的人数和枪械可能处于劣势的情况下。[3]


游骑兵队由赛思新加州共和国的早期创立,[4] 最终成为一个独立的执法机构,专注于在其境内外废除奴隶制。几十年来,他们在法庭上和战场上都与这种做法作斗争,慢慢地建立了他们的政治和军事力量。到2241年,他们的积极行动和许多高层朋友确保了沙蔭市以南共和国土地上的立法通过,使他们将注意力转向首都以外的领土。[5] 他们有限的人数使他们的任务变得困难,因为他们经常被敌人打败。因此,游骑兵秘密行动,尤其是在NCR领土之外。在奴隶贩子出现的地方,游骑兵会袭击他们,帮助潜在的奴隶逃离他们的绑架者,并将解放的奴隶偷运到共和国南部。他们的行动是奴隶贩子公会的一个主要障碍,尤其是在新里诺克拉马斯周围。游骑兵实施的操作安全使他们的牢房和安全屋无法被未经训练的奴隶贩子发现。[6] 甚至他们的总部也是秘密的,隐藏在沙蔭市的汽车店里。[7][8] 人们普遍认为,明确的目标和清晰的道德指南针帮助他们战胜了看似不可能的困难并取得了胜利。[9]



在接下来的十年里,游骑兵的职责慢慢转变为永久性的守夜,向东观察,监控边界以对抗军团等威胁。[14] 游骑兵在宏大的科罗拉多河两岸巡逻,试图与拒绝公平战斗并经常使用儿童和伏击来对抗游骑兵的敌人作战。许多人受伤并被迫离开游骑兵队,无法继续巡逻。少数康复者可以指望优先分配到陆军的精锐部队,这些部队总是需要有能力的士兵。[15][16][17] 他们对抗军团的最大成就是在2277年,当时在漢隆首席的指挥下,游骑兵扭转了第一次胡佛大坝之战的局势。在他们和NCR的第1侦察营设置的狡猾陷阱中,他们将凯撒军团最优秀的战士引诱到大坝进入巨石城。当敌军进入时,游骑兵引爆了预先放置在建筑物内的炸药,摧毁了凯撒的主力部队。[18]



到2281年,他们代表了NCR的精英,经常被赋予危险或有声望的任务,例如组建当时的共和国总统亚伦·金博尔的精英保镖。然而,根据漢隆首席的说法,游骑兵的生活归结为“向东看”这个短语,这是用于共和国领土扩张的工具。[14] 无论如何,游骑兵未能实现目标的情况很少见,他们的成功通常被认为是理所当然的。[22]

游骑兵在莫哈韋廢土的六个游骑兵站工作: 游骑兵驻扎站A游骑兵驻扎站B游骑兵驻扎站C游骑兵驻扎站D游骑兵驻扎站E游骑兵驻扎站F。这些站点的任务是在NCR的领土上巡逻,然后将他们的报告传送到游骑兵司令部(莫哈韋的高尔夫营地),后者将分析威胁并直接从正规军中呼叫增援。然而,这些信息已经与混杂的目击事件混淆了。[24] 再加上李·奥利弗将军对NCR军队的普通士兵的青睐,以及游骑兵经常被置于危险之中,让奥利弗的动力装甲突击部队[25]更有利,这使得游骑兵的工作对漢隆首席和普通巡逻游骑兵来说非常令人沮丧 。


最初是一个致力于铲除奴隶制的独立机构,多年来发展成为一个具有民间调查公司、特种部队和执法特征的独特组织: 部分侦察员,部分突击队,部分警长。[26] 尽管曾经是自治的,但到2271年,游骑兵并入NCR的军事指挥系统,在任何重大交战或在莫哈维前哨站麦卡伦营地等战略地点的持续行动中由军官指挥。 然而,游骑兵在履行职责方面有回旋余地,模糊了独立机构和陆军特种部队之间的界限。[Non-canon 1]

游骑兵并不多。在莫哈韦废土,该地区的游骑兵总数最初不超过几十个,集中在游骑兵站。[27] 为第二次胡佛大坝之战做准备的增兵使他们的人数大幅增加。[28]

他们被组织成游骑兵营,而游骑兵营又分为连,然后又分为排,然后是小队。目前至少有四个游骑兵营,他们的连队可以以动物命名(例如大毒蜂连队)。[29][30] 阿尔法小队是最精锐的游骑兵小队之一。[31] 2281年,在莫哈韦也有一支NCR游骑兵暗杀队,如果NCR领导层下令,他们就会“对可怕的人做可怕的事情”。



与NCR陆军不同,NCR游骑兵是一支全志愿部队,不使用征兵制。[34] 相反,游骑兵会主动招募成员,最常见的是从在战斗和/或侦察方面表现出色的新加州共和國軍隊士兵中招募,尽管未来的游骑兵可以自由拒绝这一邀请。[35] 只要候选人展示出必要的技能,任何人都可以加入:游骑兵队在平等的基础上接受人类、屍鬼超级变种人[36][Non-canon 2]


在游骑兵正式成为共和国的一个机构之前,游骑兵首领在提名游骑兵方面有更大的灵活性。[37] 那些以大量方式帮助游骑兵事业的人被快速提升到完全游骑兵状态,并带有他们独特的徽章。[38]



  • 遊騎兵
  • 老练遊騎兵
  • 首席(只有顶级游骑兵才有这个等级)






在2281年,游骑兵穿着独特的黑色战斗盔甲,包括传统的风衣搭配战前防暴盔甲和游骑兵巡逻盔甲,在NCR手工制造。[40] 游骑兵战斗头盔也是战前的老式军用装备,内置低光光学器件,可以进行更先进的夜间侦察和射击,以协助正规军。[41] 游骑兵军械库包括反器材步枪刷子枪、各种自动武器等等。



FO2 Ranger Pin


各种未命名的NCR游骑兵组成巡逻队,在NCR周围和主要贩卖奴隶路线上进行巡逻。他们穿着战斗盔甲并携带多种高端武器,如旋轉機槍突击步枪(除了H&K CAWS)和狙击步枪。在NCR首都周围,可以发现他们与随机敌对者进行战斗,例如超級變種人掠奪者,而在奴隶路线上,可以发现他们杀死奴隶贩子。


Ranger Hat















按照辐射圣经的说法,新加州共和国游骑兵部队类似于战前的同类德州游骑兵[Non-canon 1]



  1. Fallout: New Vegas loading screen hint: "The New California Republic Rangers are volunteer elite special forces renowned as much for their shrewd reconnaissance capabilities as their bravery and combat prowess."
  2. The Courier: "I'd like to know more about the Rangers."
    Scheffer: "Well, when there's trouble regular NCR troops can't handle, they send in a Ranger. Problem solved. We're also responsible for keeping the borders of the NCR secure, scouting out threats, that sort of thing."
    (Scheffer's dialogue)
  3. Rangers are deployed in the First Battle of Hoover Dam and the Second Battle of Hoover Dam.
  4. Fallout: New Vegas NCR $20 bill
  5. The Chosen One: "{117}{}{Sounds interesting. Right in what way?}"
    Elise: "{157}{}{Simple. We believe slavery is wrong and we'll do what we must to fight it. In NCR, we got a lot of friends in high places. Thanks to them we've already banned slavery down south, but now we're hoping to spread the word north.}"
  6. Vortis: "{124}{}{Work? Well...there might be something. You ever hear of the New California Rangers?}"
    The Chosen One: "{126}{}{No.}"
    Vortis: "{150}{}{Let me tell you, then. These Rangers have got it in their heads to wipe out slavery and slavers - by force. They've been creating a lot of trouble for hard working folks.}"
    The Chosen One: "{154}{}{And?}"
    Vortis: "{151}{}{They work in secret, especially up north.}"
    The Chosen One: "{154}{}{And?}"
    Vortis: "{152}{}{Jeez, I got to spell this out for you? They raid slavers, drive off the stock, and smuggle 'em down south to NCR lands where slavery's illegal. So you interested?}"
    The Chosen One: "{155}{}{So what you want me to do?}"
    Vortis: "{147}{}{Well then, you should know some folks see them as a potential problem. It would be extremely useful if we had a map of their safe houses through the north - New Reno, Klamath, wherever. I'd be willing to pay, oh say, $500 for something like that. You think you could get that for me?}"
    The Chosen One: "{157}{}{Where am I going to find a map?}"
    Vortis: "{160}{}{How the hell should I know!? If I knew, I'd have it, wouldn't I? Look, there's supposed to be a cell in town. Find them and see what you can do.}"
  7. The Chosen One: "{110}{}{Can you fix my car?}"
    Elise: "{125}{}{We've gotten out of the car business. Closed permanently. Goodbye.}"
  8. Karl: "{123}{}{Say, I've heard of you haven't I? Yeah - some pretty good stuff. Look, there's some folks I know, they could use a fellow like you. Just go to the auto shop and ask for Elise. Tell her Karl sends his regards.}"
  9. The Courier: "How long have you been in the rangers?"
    Hanlon: "Oh, well. I guess it must be coming up on... forty years or so. Back before Elise was chief, anyway. It was a heck of a lot harder then. Weren't as many of us to go around. But I think it was a lot easier to tell the good guys from the bad."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "Okay, what are you supposed to be doing?"
    Hanlon: "To protect against all forms of tyranny. As simple as that. Thirty, forty years ago, the wasteland was full of despots. Slavers. Raiders. Tough-talking hoodlums with gangs who liked to kick around towns. Back then the NCR military was still young. Couldn't cover much ground. It took groups like ours to tip the balance back to the good guys."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  11. Message box transcription - Mojave Outpost: "In the year 2271, the Desert Rangers of Nevada and rangers of the New California Republic met at this spot to sign the Ranger Unification Treaty. Under this treaty, the Desert Rangers agreed to be absorbed into the NCR in exchange for NCR's protection of Hoover Dam, New Vegas, and southern Nevada against the forces of Caesar's Legion."
  12. Unification Monument
  13. Courier: "Why are the rangers here?"
    Hanlon: "There's a lot of answers to that question, but it started with the Ranger Unification Treaty. We weren't always the only show in town. Nevada had its own posse, the Desert Rangers. They fought Caesar even farther east, out in Arizona. Didn't go well for them. Years back, we met with the Desert Rangers at Mojave Outpost and agreed to help them against Caesar if they would join the NCR."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  14. 14.0 14.1 Hanlon: "Back west, you don't see too many of these. Lakes, I mean. Natural or man-made. Any kind, really. We neglected the dams or pumped all the water out a long time ago. Owens, Isabella, the San Luis. Drained the aquifers of everything they had. Just a lot of mud and dust now. It's a different feeling, watching the sun come up over the water. Takes some getting used to. But if you're here long enough, it starts to seem normal. That's what a ranger's life is now. Looking east."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  15. The Courier: "Did you do something to your leg?"
    Andy: "Yeah. Twice. Actually the first time it was more like half my body. Knocked me out of the Rangers. This time it's mostly just reminded me how useless I've gotten."
    The Courier: "What happened?"
    Andy: "A few years back, we get a tip that some Legion slavers were holed up in this burnt out house a few klicks from where we were stationed. We get there and it's deserted. No sign anyone's been there. I mean nothing. As we're leaving, I hear something behind me. I turn around and there's this kid, just skin and bone, and he's looking up at us and he's scared half to death. Been hiding in a closet. I go to grab him out of there and I notice he's holding something in his hand. Something metal. He shuts himself back inside the closet and that's when I see the grenade he's left by my feet. They do it a lot, the Legion. Using kids. They know we'll hesitate. Anyway, that was the first time. Second time I fell down those stairs in front of the motel. Just in case I got to thinking I'd put it all behind me."
    (Andy's dialogue (Fallout: New Vegas))
  16. The Courier: "Why did you leave the Rangers?"
    Sterling: "Well... that wasn't really a matter of choice. Got myself caught by Legionnaires, up near Malpais. They had themselves some fun with me... mangled my hands and feet pretty good. Wasn't much good with a pistol after that. Wasn't gonna be trekking across the waste on any more long scouts, either."
    (Sterling's dialogue)
  17. The Courier: "How did you manage to escape Malpais?"
    Sterling: "Caesar's boys figured I wasn't going anywhere, after what they done to me. So they didn't bother tying me up. I crawled out of there on my elbows and knees. Must have looked a sight. Then I rolled down an embankment into the Colorado. Guess I had a mind to drown, rather than give Caesar's boys the satisfaction of killing me. But a couple Rangers happened to be watching from across the river. They jumped on in and pulled me out of there. Lucky break, they said."
    (Sterling's dialogue)
  18. The Courier: "So what happened at Hoover Dam and Boulder City?"
    Hanlon: "In big battles, Caesar deploys his legionaries in waves. Recruits up front, prime soldiers behind the recruits, old guard bringing up the rear. Opponents wear themselves out dealing with the first two waves, if they survive that long. When the veterans step up, there's not much fight left. Caesar can adapt, though, and when required, he can run any mix of legionaries as skirmishers and still retain order in the ranks."
    The Courier: [Continue]
    Hanlon: "Joshua Graham, Caesar's old legate, he's wasn't so flexible. When the Legion attacked Hoover Dam, General Oliver ordered his troopers back to the middle ground just after first contact. Graham pushed all of the legionaries onto the dam, filling the east side with recruits up front and veterans in the back, by the book."
    The Courier: [Continue]
    Hanlon: "But once they were in, they were stuck there. Oliver's troopers were entrenched and wouldn't give a foot. That's when we ordered the rangers and 1st recon sharpshooters to start picking off veteran legion officers from a high ridge west of the dam. That only lasted about a minute before Graham ordered the back ranks to push through to the front and rush the ridge."
    The Courier: [Continue]
    Hanlon: "Caused total chaos among the younger legionaries, and Oliver's troopers fell back to the side walkways and stayed out of the veterans' way. By the time the veterans got to the ridge, we were already in Boulder City. They followed us down there, but we were out before they realized what was happening."
    The Courier: [Continue]
    Hanlon: "We had packed the old city with C4 and dynamite. Crude, but it did the job. Those who didn't die in the blast were in no position to mount a defense. The ones left on the dam didn't know what to do. The troopers routed them. Graham pulled the remaining legionaries back, but the battle was over. He went south, back to the Grand Canyon, back to Caesar. And that was the last we saw or heard from Joshua Graham."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  19. The Courier: "What will you do if I don't turn you in?"
    Hanlon: "Oliver can't stand that rangers got credit for victory at Hoover. Whatever I recommend, he does the opposite. I said I wanted them on the ridge. He put them right on the western part of the dam itself. We don't have enough firepower to hold that spot. If the troopers fall back, and they will, the rangers will advance to cover Oliver's retreat. We lose the dam, Oliver and the senate are ruined."
    The Courier: "That's crazy."
    Hanlon: "Maybe fifty rangers will die on that dam. We lose over a thousand troopers every year. Being here is crazy. Getting out's the only sane thing to do."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  20. The Courier: "There's still some fighting back there."
    Veteran decanus (Hoover Dam): And yet you managed to slip past. Impressive. You may not find the fighting to the west quite so easy to get around, however. The enemy is much more fortified ahead, and have snipers set up at key positions, which keep our men pinned down. In addition, they've managed to beat back our men emerging from the intake tower ahead and secure it. If we could just get rid of those damn snipers, or release our waiting men in the intake tower, we'd have the manpower to storm their positions."
  21. You'll Know It When It Happens
  22. 22.0 22.1 The Courier: "The Fiends?"
    James Hsu: "As in chem fiends. Biggest gang of raiders I've ever seen. Nothing like addiction to swell your numbers. Psychotic, and completely unpredictable. They've set up shop in Vault 3 to the west. Every day they attack our positions and my men repel them. But every day there's more of them and less of us. I sent one of my rangers after their leader to try and destabilize them. He didn't return. Hell of a thing, losing a ranger. You come to depend on them. And they come through for you so often, you forget it can happen."
    (James Hsu's dialogue)
  23. The Courier: "How is NCR doing?"
    Hanlon: "It's no secret that we've had better campaigns. Holding this whole length of river isn't easy. We're stretched thin and the Long 15 just keeps getting longer. Slow to get supplies. Slower to get reinforcements. NCR's senate has got funds tied up at the Boneyard and President Kimball ordered our most experienced rangers to chase ghosts down in Baja."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  24. 24.0 24.1 Return to Sender
  25. Great Khan: "The runners are saying that the NCR is sending in their elite shock troops to try and push back the Legion."
    (Generic Great Khan dialogue) This is generic dialogue for the Great Khans.
  26. 26.0 26.1 The Courier: "Tell me about the Rangers."
    Stepinac: "We're part scout, part commando, part sheriff. The training is brutal, and I'd say eight out of ten recruits washes out before the end. Before you get your Ranger badge, you've got to prove you can be quieter than a shadow and more ferocious than a Deathclaw."
    (Stepinac's dialogue)
  27. The Courier: "Are there a lot of Rangers in the Mojave?"
    Stepinac: "Couple dozen, I'd say, most of them posted at stations like this one. We either man the station or patrol the immediate area."
    (Stepinac's dialogue)
  28. After meeting Caesar at The Fort, the game begins spawning veteran centurions and Rangers, to reflect the preparation for the Second Battle of Hoover Dam.
  29. NCR Ranger Action Report: "3rd Platoon, Cazador Company, 4th Ranger Battalion Action Report: Staff Sergeant Balmoral reporting. We've reached the area local tribes call "the Divide," but so far, I don't think this will be a suitable route for bringing troops to Hoover Dam. The terrain is a nightmare, we've seen evidence of hostile indigenous life, and the Geiger counters are ticking like a grandfather clock on turbo. Full report when the advance scouts come back at 2300, but as of now I'm recommending we abandon this mission."
  30. NCR Ranger Action Report - Addendum: "3rd Platoon, Cazador Company, 4th Ranger Battalion Action Report: Staff Sergeant Balmoral reporting again. Looks like we aren't the only ones that had the idea to check this place out. Our advance scouts encountered heavy Legion activity in the area. The troopers are gearing up to hit them tonight - hopefully before they know we're here."
  31. NCR Veteran Ranger: "Alpha Squad reporting in. Thanks for the support back there. We've been assigned to ensure you make it to the Legate. How can we be of assistance?"
    (Alpha Team Ranger commander's dialogue)
  32. Ranger Sequoia Baseplate
  33. Dobson: "No time to talk now. I have to get ready to return to base with this information. I'll get a fat raise for this, if anyone actually believes me."
    (Dobson's dialogue)
  34. The Courier: "What about you and the rangers?"
    Hanlon: "Rangers are volunteers. Every man and woman who signs up is willing to die for the NCR, myself included. A lot of this is my fault. It's only right that I stand with them."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  35. The Courier: "How does someone become a Ranger?"
    Stepinac: "The Rangers mostly draw from the basic NCR army. A trooper who shows exceptional skill at fighting and scouting can be nominated for the training."
    (Stepinac's dialogue)
  36. Ranger Gond in Fallout 2 and NCR Veteran Rangers in Fallout: New Vegas
  37. 在为他们完成一些任务后,获选者可以成为一名完全的游骑兵。
  38. Free the slaves in the slave pen, for the Rangers
  39. NCR Ranger: "{102}{}{They have clean, well-polished weapons and are wearing some kind of badge on their chests.}"
  40. Fallout: New Vegas loading screen hint: "The distinctive black ranger combat armor consists of the Desert Rangers' traditional trench coat worn with Pre-War riot armor. Ranger patrol armor is hand-manufactured in the NCR."
  41. The Courier: "What do the new rangers mean for NCR?"
    Hanlon: "The Baja rangers can do more advance night scouting and sharpshooting to assist the troopers. Ranger combat helmets are old Pre-War gear. They have built-in low-light optics. Makes a big difference."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  42. Fallout: New Vegas endings


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout Bible 6 New California Republic: "[...] The NCR military is composed of several Divisions, including special cavalry and mechanized units. One of their "Special Forces" units consists of the Rangers, a select group that is pledged to protect the people of the Wastes much like the Texas Rangers of old. The Rangers are said to have numerous safehouses throughout the wastes, and they use these to strike at slavers outside of NCR territory (usually in the North). As expected, the two groups hate each other with a passion. NCR was also in the habit of establishing marshals in the major population centers in their territories, responsible for enforcing the laws of NCR throughout the Republic. Ghouls, super mutants, and humans were all known to serve in the NCR armed forces, even in the rangers.
  2. Fallout Bible 6: "5. So if supermutants can now reproduce..."
    "They can't. Marcus was joking in New Reno. Super mutants are sterile. Blame me for another episode of bad humor, oh cruel reader."
    "...Goris and Xarn can perpetuate the intelligent deathclaw race, and new ghouls are being made from over-radiated people dying..."
    "Goris and Xarn did not perpetuate the race – they are the last of their kind. See below."
    "...that would mean Humans, Supermutants, Ghouls, and Intelligent Deathclaws would be major races in New California right?"
    "Not as of the end of Fallout 2, no. The predominant and most accepted race in NCR is human (and probably will be for generations). While super mutants and ghouls are tolerated (although some gain true acceptance, especially in the military and in the NCR Rangers), deathclaws of any intelligence would not be, assuming any significant number survived the Enclave's massacre at Vault 13, which they didn't."