

斯坦尼斯劳斯·布劳恩博士(英文名:Doctor Stanislaus Braun)是112号避难所监督者,被他自己选择锁定在避难所科技模拟原型名叫贝蒂的年轻女孩。在大戰之前,布劳恩是一位出色的科学家,为避难所科技工作,担任未来科技的负责人和伊甸園創造套件创作者。



在他的实验中,有一些涉及高级生命保存领域。美国陆军与布劳恩签约,以开发在战争中维持人类生命的各种方法。[Non-canon 1]布劳恩最终被认为是伊甸園創造套件的唯一开发者,被描述为"一个完全独立的地球改造模块,即使在荒凉的核废土中也能创造和维持生命。"[2]大战爆发时,布劳恩逃到了112号避难所的安全地带,并在2277年一直呆在那里。他将自己老化的战前身体抛在脑后,转而采用新的虚拟生活,自愿将自己封闭在避难所的模拟躺椅中。






Perk nociception regulator color
FO76 ui icon quest



宁静小巷: 当獨行者进入宁静小巷躺椅时,布劳恩(饰演贝蒂)是幕后操纵者。他向獨行者指派各种恶意目标,旨在对居民进行身心折磨。

  • 遵守布劳恩的所有指示会造成严重的业报负面影响。
  • 激活废弃房屋内的故障保险装置可以为结束112号避难所居民的折磨提供良好的业报。故障保险的副作用是切断布劳恩对模拟器的所有控制,让他永远被困,无能为力和孤独。
  • 完成贝蒂的所有任务(除"杀死所有人"任务外)然后激活故障保险系统将导致业报中立。布劳恩对故障保护的反应就像他没有完成任何任务一样。




服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡


  • 与所有"真正的"112号避难所居民(即玩家角色、他们的爸爸和布劳恩一样 - 大多数模拟仓,包括居民,只是静态的风景)在坐着的状态下,布劳恩被设置为永久无意识(闭上眼睛)和幽灵(玩家角色可以瞄准他,但他不会受到任何来源的伤害)状态。[10]正因为如此,即使他不是必需的,但如果不使用控制台命令,布劳恩根本无法被杀死。要真正杀死他,必须首先使用控制台命令PlayGroup Forward 1打开他的模拟仓(b724a),然后在布劳恩(bd694) 上使用set ghost 0。即便如此,由于他处于昏迷状态,他也无法成为V.A.T.S.的目标。(虽然他可以正常地受伤害)。
  • 如果永久无意识被移除(例如通过使用控制台或脚本),他只有男性NPC的标准对话选项和声音。
  • 即使独行者决定启动故障保护装置并永久杀死避难所的其他居民,布劳恩也指出避难所技术的故障保护装置可以防止他死亡。
  • 斯坦尼斯劳斯·布劳恩是宁静小巷中唯一一个似乎在睡觉的人,因为其他人都永远醒着。
  • 平克顿从布劳恩的终端机偷了一块内存芯片,声称这就像“从一个小女孩那里偷东西”。[11]
  • 独行者可以在安克雷奇行动中将布劳恩称为贝蒂,然后在进入模拟舱之前对保护者麦格劳说“太棒了,更多精神病小女孩”。
  • 布劳恩的研究在75号避难所中首席科学家的终端机中有所提及。[12]
  • 布劳恩熟悉英克雷及其在避难所科技计划中的角色;51號避難所ZAX 1.3c的AI使用这些知识并冒充他让英克雷将一套原型动力装甲送到避难所。[13]


斯坦尼斯劳斯·布劳恩只出现在辐射3中。他在辐射4[12]及其 扩展包避難所科技工坊[14]以及辐射76更新核灾冬季中被提及。[2][13]


Emil Pagliarulo在接受1UP.com采访时表示,贝蒂的部分灵感来自“暮光之城”一集“美好生活”,一个天生具有神力的小而任性的孩子能够将整个俄亥俄小镇与世界其他地方隔离开来,并将所有的人作为自己的私人玩具,随意折磨,折磨和杀死他们。[15]



  1. Tranquility Lane terminal entries; Vault 112 auxiliary command terminal, Dr. Braun Entry: Tranquility Lane
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Vault 94 terminal entries; G.E.C.K. monitoring station terminal, Introduction to the G.E.C.K.
  3. Vault 51 terminal entries; terminal, ZAX Console Log: 10/23/2080
  4. Vault-Tec Workshop loading screens: "The Overseer is the person responsible for every aspect of a Vault's operation - including any bizarre social experiments cooked up by Dr. Stanislaus Braun, the Director of Vault-Tec's Societal Preservation Program."
  5. Valery Barstow: "Here we are. Here. Among these papers is my life's work. I'd like to share it with you. Doctor Braun tasked me with something vital. A series of prototypes and their related... well, experiments, that could redefine society. But as you can see things did not go according to plan."
    (Valery Barstow's dialogue)
  6. Vault 101 terminal entries; overseer's terminal, Letter from Doctor Stanislaus Braun
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about the neighborhood?"
    Timmy Neusbaum: "It's okay, I guess. I don't really have nobody to play with. Except for Betty... and she's kind of... well, she's mean."
    (Timmy Neusbaum's dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "Who are you talking about?"
    Old Lady Dithers: "He calls himself Betty now, but he's still the same. He can put on a new face all he likes, but underneath he's still evil. Braun. Bastard thinks because he helped create this place he's God here. But I know he still uses the Failsafe terminal. I know it."
    (Old Lady Dithers' dialogue)
  9. Tranquility Lane terminal entries; Vault 112 auxiliary command terminal
  10. Vault112ResidentScript
  11. Rivet City terminal entries; Pinkerton's private computer, Android log 2
  12. 12.0 12.1 Vault 75 terminal entries; chief scientist's terminal, PRIME DIRECTIVE
  13. 13.0 13.1 Vault 51 terminal entries; terminal, Re: Hellfire Prototype Requisition Request
  14. Valery Barstow: "This last experiment is my pride and joy. Following in the footsteps of Doctor Braun and the others, I have spent my time devising my very own prototype. Its premise is this. We are all flawed creatures. Each with our own vices. What if our Vault didn't pointlessly try to stamp out these predilections and instead harnessed them?"
    (Valery Barstow's dialogue)
  15. Emil Pagliarulo, "Fallout 3 Afterthoughts" on 1UP.com: "As for the gameplay there, Betty was inspired partially by the Billy Mumy character in the Twilight Zone episode "It's a Good Life," in which this little kid with godlike powers terrorizes the inhabitants of a town, and "wishes" them into the cornfield when they're bad."


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.70: "Doctor Stanislaus Braun/Betty
    A preeminent scientist, Doctor Braun headed up many astonishing experiments in his long and varied carrier, but of most interest were his theories on advanced life preservation. It is said that the U.S. Army had contracted Braun to develop various methods of sustaining human life in the case of an atomic war. When war did come, Braun escaped to the safety of Vault 112 and is there to this day, his wizened and wrinkled form given new (virtual) life as a pigtailed little scamp named Betty..."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)