The dress cane is a weapon in Fallout: New Vegas.
这种手杖是一种白手套帮成员普遍使用的武器,就如同其他白手套帮风格的东西一样制作精良、高档奢华。油光锃亮的乌木杖身和象牙制的杖柄让持有者看上去更加雍容华贵,It cannot be walked with 同样也是一件危险的武器, even when walking slowly.
Lights Out,造成125%正常伤害,消耗130%的正常AP消耗(requires a Melee skill of 50)。
传说 | ||||
- 攻击类型 | - 技能要求 | |||
- V.A.T.S.下每次攻击伤害 | - 行动点数消耗 | |||
- 每点行动点数伤害 | - 附加效果 |
Normal | 0 | 44 | 27 | 1.63 |
Lights Out | 50 | 55 | 35 | 1.57 |
- Note: Melee weapons do double normal damage in V.A.T.S.
It is possible to execute Lights Out outside of V.A.T.S. (without the required Melee skill of 50 to perform the move) by initiating a power attack (hold attack button) while moving forward.
The dress cane can successfully strike about 245 times from full condition before breaking.
It can be found on most White Glove Society members in the Ultra-Luxe.