關於a list of player characters in the Fallout series of games,參見player character
關於the memoirs of the Vault Dweller,參見Vault Dweller's memoirs
關於the vault dwellers in Fallout Shelter,參見Vault dwellers (Fallout Shelter)

None could stand in my way. I had a mission. I had a goal. I had a really large gun.Vault Dweller's memoirs

放逐者(英文:Vault Dweller)是《輻射》中的主角,出生於13號避難所,因拯救了處於水資源危機中的避難所,擊敗主教和他的超級變種人軍隊,幫助沙蔭鎮擴張為新加利福尼亞共和國,最終建立阿羅由而聞名於廢土。放逐者育有一個女兒,而後者的子嗣即為獲選者




放逐者被13号避难所监督派出去,任务是寻找一个避难所已经损坏的 water chip替代品。在冒险的过程中,他最终战胜了变种人的威胁 (炸毁了一个被超级变种人占领并储存了大量的FEV病毒的废弃军事基地) 刺杀了主教和他的邪教领袖,大教堂之子墨菲斯


Face of the Vault Dweller during the period of Fallout


2162年5月,放逐者在击败了主教和他的军队后回到13號避難所,被避难所监督放逐(认为他与外界的接触会导致避难所内部混乱)。他在沙漠中游荡,但从未远离保护其余避难所的山脉。 避难所的一些其他成员,听说他的事迹,决定离开避难所,不久后加入到他的行列,跟随他。放逐者最终发现并重新加入了这一小群往昔的避难所居民。 他们对外面的世界知之甚少,如果他不在那里帮助他们,他们几乎肯定无法生存下去。这时,放逐者脱下了他的避难所服装,再也没穿上。


Two months later, Vault Dweller headed North, to the great canyons, with a small group of Vault-dwellers and wastelanders and founded the small village of Arroyo. Slowly, he taught them what experience had taught him. And together they learned to thrive. Over time, their ragtag group turned into a tribe. The Vault Dweller fell in love with one of them, named Pat, and they raised a family, like all of their tribespeople. The construction of Arroyo was completed on August 18, 2167.

Initially, they would send scouts back towards the Vault, to help others who thought like themselves, but that slowly came to an end. The Vault Dweller taught the others the skills they would need to survive and grow strong. Hunting, farming and other skills to feed them. Engineering and science to build their homes. Fighting to protect what was theirs.

The Vault Dweller and Pat led the village and the Tribe. The Tribe grew, and grew strong with their help. In 2188, their daughter, who later became the Elder, was born. Eventually, she and the other children became the leaders of the community.


On January 16, 2208, several years after Pat's death, the Vault Dweller wrote his memoirs. Soon after that, he vanished from Arroyo and was presumed dead. The Vault Dweller left the Vault Suit behind, folded on the bed. Some say the Vault Dweller was taken by the sky spirits, others say that the Vault Dweller felt it was time to move on and leave the Elders to guide Arroyo to its destiny. After the One-Moon (Month) Cycle of mourning for the Vault Dweller ended, activity in Arroyo began to return to normal. Years later, Vault Dweller's grandchild, later called the Chosen One, was born.


Face of the Vault Dweller during the period of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel

The are rumors that after the Vault Dweller left Arroyo, he, despite his age, returned to adventuring and becomes a traveler. The only place he was spotted so far is the town of Carbon. Here, he helped some of the people to hide from raiders. He also helped the Initiate who was tracing the remnants of Master's army and some Texas Brotherhood of Steel paladins, to locate them, directing him to Los. The Initiate traded him something from his past: a rusty Vault 13 flask, who was at the far end of a mill in Carbon Mill. We don't know what became afterwards but it's certainly left Carbon and continue his travel in the Wasteland.


Besides Arroyo and the Chosen One, the Vault Dweller's deeds lived on to the extent that he was revered by a fair portion of the people in the Wasteland. His statue is prominently displayed in the NCR.

Most notably, he was remembered under two names, the Vault Dweller (used by those who believed or outright knew he came from Vault 13) and The Stranger (used by those who while believing in his greatness, doubt he ever came from a Vault.) However he refers to himself as The Wanderer at the end of his memoirs. Children who heard of the story would often play at finding Vault 13, some of these children even growing into adults obsessed with proving the Vault Dweller's former home existed. For a time, President Tandi would sponsor such adventurers but after many years of failure, stopped seeing such people let alone sponsoring them.



  • +20 AC
  • +100% Bonus to Explosive Damage
  • +100% Bonus to Gun Damage
  • +100% Bonus to Heavy Hitter
  • +100% Bonus to Melee Damage
  • +100% Bonus to Wastelander
  • +20% Bonus to Fortune Finder
  • +20% Bonus to Slayer


  • 儘管玩家可以在《輻射》中修改性別,但遊戲正史默認避難所居民的性別為男性。這一點在《輻射2》中有充分的體現。


  • I always thought of Fallout's story of drawing straws was something the Overseer thought of. "Look, someone has to go outside, and they may die out there, so let's draw straws". Someone, probably not the Overseer since he wouldn't have gone outside no matter what, demanded that EVERYONE draw a straw in order to be truly fair. But to be honest, the vault dwellers were simply terrified of going outside, and terrified people do not always make the wisest decisions.
    Anyway, when big dumb Larry drew the straw, maybe the Overseer saw a way to rid their limited gene pool of some really bad alleles. - Tim Cain at DAC forum


The Vault Dweller is the player character in the first Fallout. He is mentioned in every Fallout game to date, including Fallout 3 where he is mentioned in the Citadel of the Brotherhood of Steel, on the Maxson family history terminal located in the Archives as an ally of John Maxson. An elder Vault Dweller also makes a cameo in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, is an unlockable player character and the strongest character in the game.


Major characters of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel