關於a list of player characters,參見character
關於the player characters in Fallout 76,參見Vault Dweller (Fallout 76)


放逐者(英文:Vault Dweller)是辐射中的玩家角色。在一般意义上,避难所居民也可以指居住在避难所科技避难所之一中的任何人。




放逐者是13号避难所数百名居民之一。出生于 2141 年,[Non-game 1]由社区和机器人看护人抚养长大,在避难所过着平凡的生活。 当避难所用来制造淡水的净水芯片发生故障时,他们的旅程就开始了。没有备件或变通系统的可能性,监督者不得不派人到避难所外寻找新的替换。无奈之下,监督者雅各伦把一定年龄的人召集起来,身体健康可以冒险出去,让他们抽签决定。放逐者拔出短的,被派去寻找替代芯片。[Non-game 2] 第二天,也就是2161年12月5日,他们离开了避难所。[Non-game 3]

放逐者在最初的几天里挣扎着,与老鼠和恶劣天气作斗争。仅凭15号避难所的位置指引他们,他们便向东出发。在路上,他们遇到了沙蔭市的小定居点。放逐者帮助他们并赢得了他们的信任。坦蒂亚拉德什反过来帮助他们,分享他们的知识。雇佣伊恩后,放逐者继续前往被埋葬的避难所。探索废墟后,他们意识到控制室和净水芯片都被埋在成吨的岩石下无济于事,所以他们继续前进。[Non-game 4]

在与可汗帮战斗并从可汗手中救出坦蒂(无意中为新加州共和国的崛起铺平了道路)之后,[1]他们的旅行将他们带到了垃圾城,在那里他们遇到了狗肉,这只杂种狗是他们在一起时最信任的朋友。[Non-game 5]


他们在城市中获得的线索将他带到了尸鬼之城古城墓地。在那里,他们与超級變種人战斗,放逐者因失去伊恩而悲痛欲绝,伊恩被变种人的火焰喷射器杀死,将他活活烧死。他燃烧的肉体的记忆将永远铭刻在他们的脑海中。 然而,伊恩的牺牲并没有白费,因为放逐者找到了净水芯片并带着它返回了13号避难所。[Non-game 6]



这一次,他们的任务是消灭超级变种人威胁。事后看来,这种情况被揭露是对放逐者的剥削,但当时他们继续坚持,忠于避难所。[Non-game 7] 他们抄小路,前往中樞市。在发掘线索的过程中,他们遇到了德克,发现了他所带领的秘密地下组织。尽管他们试图操纵放逐者,但避难所的英雄还是设法扭转了局面,反过来利用了罪犯。 在这个过程中,避难所居民还从德克在城市老城区的暴徒手中救了兄弟会成员乔纳森[Non-game 8]

离开城镇后,他们前往钢铁兄弟会。考虑到他们会拥有所需的知识,放逐者试图加入他们,结果却被派往发光之地去执行一个愚蠢的差事。面对原子弹毁灭的恐怖,他们拒绝破坏,并找回了隐居组织寻找的久远兄弟会磁盘。看到他们平安归来,兄弟会感到震惊,与他们分享了他们的知识和技术。他们带着兄弟会的信息继续前进,前往晒骨场,在晒骨场短暂停留拜访老朋友。刚进城,他们就意识到不对劲。超级变种人离开后不久就袭击了这座城市。 一名尸鬼幸存者临死前透露,他们正在寻找放逐者。[Non-game 9]

洛杉矶的废墟永远延伸,建筑物的骨架在炎热的沙漠阳光下烘烤。在城里,他们发现了许多敌人和一些朋友,更多地了解了超级变种人的本质和真正的敌人。2162年3月3日,他们进入了大教堂。[Non-game 10] 他们偷走了主教一名仆人的长袍,进入了巨大建筑物下方的深处。在古老的避难所中,走在畸形的人群之中,他们面对了迄今为止最可怕的景象:主教。 他们在公开决斗中杀死了他。[Non-game 11]不久之后,主教和他的计划的所有证据都在核火中焚毁。[Non-game 12]

只剩下一个目标,病毒罐。 2162 年 4 月 20 日,[Non-game 13]放逐者在兄弟会和狗肉的支持下入侵了玛丽博萨军事基地,一路杀到了设施的中心。尽管其中一个力场夺去了狗肉的生命,但放逐者还是设法触发了自毁序列,将病毒罐连同设施一起摧毁。 随着他们的毁灭和副官的倒下,同一不复存在,他们可以作为英雄返回13号避难所。


5月10日,他们回来了,监督在避难所门外会见了他们,感谢他们的服务,但随后将他们无限期地放逐。 监督者声称这一切都是为了保护避难所。既痛苦又愤怒,放逐者背对着避难所,再也没有回头。一群对监督者的决定感到厌恶的避难所居民也离开了,由莉迪亚特蕾莎莱尔领导。 他们再也没有消息,导致剩余的居民将雅各伦赶下台并取消监督者的职位。[Non-game 14][Non-game 15]




放逐者悲痛欲绝,在避难所周围的沙漠中游荡。 他们猛烈抨击了一段时间,但慢慢地接受了流放,承认他可能做出了正确的选择,但从未原谅监督者的背叛。[Non-game 16] 他们切断了与避难所的所有联系,于5月12日脱掉了他们的连身衣,再也没有穿。[Non-game 17] 不久之后,他们遇到了离开13号避难所的一群居民。放逐者帮助他们在严酷的废土中生存,在此过程中挽救了他们的生命。[Non-game 18]


7月10日,放逐者和他们的团队(现在由沿途加入的普通废土人组成)向北进发。 在俄勒冈州西南部人迹罕至的峡谷中,他们建立了一个村庄。放逐者特意选择了一个远离干燥山谷的地方,周围是荒芜的土地,能阻止来访者。[Non-game 19] 起初,侦察兵被派往古老的避难所,但逐渐地,为了加强村庄而停止了。[Non-game 20][Non-game 21]

2167年8月18日,村庄建成并命名为阿罗由。[Non-game 22] 放逐者现在是一个部落的长老,他向他们的追随者传授狩猎、耕作和其他技能的基础知识。[Non-game 23] 还教他们工程和科学的基础知识,这样他们就可以维护自己的家园并制作更多的工艺品以求生存。 此外,他找到了爱情:帕特[Non-game 24] 2188年10月2日,他们获得了一个女儿,即未来的阿罗由长老[Non-game 25]二十年后,也就是2208年1月16 日,放逐者离开了阿罗由,留下了他的避难所套装,折叠在床上,还有他的回忆录[Non-game 26]


当他离开村庄时,放逐者已经 67 岁了。村民们推测他们的首领已经死了,但其他人说他“被天空之灵带走了”,而其他人则说放逐者知道是时候让新的长老引领他们自己了。[Non-game 27]






  • Tim Cain描述了避难所居民抽签决定谁必须寻找净水芯片的情况,这是监督者的想法。 他解释说,为了真正公平,监督会要求每个人都抽一根签。 但是,监督者本人将免于该过程。[Non-game 28]
  • 在辐射2开发的早期阶段,计划主角将再次成为放逐者。 然而,由于开发者难以解释原版游戏英雄会失去装备和技能,这个想法被放弃了。开发人员决定创建一个新角色,即放逐者的后代。[Non-game 29]
  • 在一次采访中,Leonard Boyarsky提到看到了互动娱乐营销团队外包的放逐者的宣传图,开发团队从未批准过。[Non-game 30]
  • 辐射战略版莱瑟姆在他的一本日记中引用了它们。
  • 放逐者所居民在辐射:钢铁兄弟会中作为可解锁的玩家角色出现。




  1. 1.0 1.1 The Chosen One: "{182}{}{Statue?}"
    Tandi: "{183}{tand14a}{That's right. For scaring off raiders. They kept clear of Shady Sands afterwards we got time to get ourselves set up. We made him a hero... even if we didn't believe a word about him coming from Vault 13.}
    (Tandi's dialogue)
  2. Harold: "{242}{hld43}{Well. Now ya do. And what happened next? For a thank you, the damn high-and-mighty Vaulties booted the Vault Dweller out. I always wondered what happened after that.}"
    Chosen One: "{243}{}{I can tell you what happened.}"
    Harold: "{245}{hld44}{Well, I’d sure like to hear that.}"
    Chosen One: "{246}{}{The legend of the Vault Dweller starts with the Vault casting him out into the dry Wastes.... [You tell Harold the story of your ancestor]…and so that’s why I’m looking for Vault 13 now.}"
    (Harold's dialogue)
  3. The Chosen One: "{271}{}{Running?}"
    Lenny: "{280}{}{Yes, running. You see, we ghouls c’can’t run too much anymore. So, I knew it was an outsider when I saw them. They ran by so close I could have touched them. I wish that I had joined the Vault Dweller.…}"
    Chosen One: "{281}{}{You wanted to join my grandsire?}"
    (Lenny's dialogue) Note: Grandsire is another word for grandfather.
  4. Renesco: "{545}{}{(Renesco continues to glare at you as if he could somehow make you disappear just by imagining it hard enough.)}"
    Chosen One: "{546}{}{Did I mention Arroyo was founded by my ancestor, the holy Vault Dweller? He made a legendary journey from the south after defeating a great evil. (Puff up chest and stare proudly into the distance.) Now, *I* am the deliverer of my tribe, chosen to search for the holy GECK!}"
    (Renesco's dialogue)
  5. Vault Dweller statue appearance
  6. Vault Dweller statue placard: "{100}{}{There'a a plaque at the base. It reads, 'To the Stranger and Vault 13: What doesn't exist, we must sometimes dream and let our dreams inspier 游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 us to greater heights. So it was with the Stranger and his belief in the legend of Vault 13.}"
  7. Chosen One: "{180}{}{This suit has been in our village since the beginning. It belonged to the Vaultdweller, our founder.}"
    Tandi: "{181}{tand13}{You're serious aren't you? If we're talking about the same person, he saved my life. (snorts) Then vanished. When I start thinking it was only a dream, I go look at the statue out front.}"
    (Tandi's dialogue)
  8. Fallout Cutscenes Dipping
  9. Citadel terminal entries; Citadel A ring terminals, Maxson Archive terminal, Maxson Family Dossiers, John Maxson
  10. Courier: "Julie Farkas said you might know something about the Great Khans."
    Ezekiel: "Their original incarnation, much farther out west, was almost completely wiped out by one of those itinerant heroes so common in the post-War years. Then of course the 'New Khans' suffered a similar fate, some say at the hands of the same hero, though of course the dates are all wrong for that."
    (Ezekiel's dialogue)


  1. Fallout Bible 0, page 22: "2141 Vault Dweller born. [This will vary according to your player character's age in Fallout 1.]"
  2. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "For several generations, your ancestors and mine lived within the Vault. As best as they could figure, it was too dangerous to try and leave the Vault. They grew their own food, recycled their waste, read, worked, slept, had families, and even purified the necessary water within the Vault. I was born in the creche, and was raised by the community (and a robot). It was a good life, but all good things come to an end. About three generations after the War, the water-purification chip the Vault relied on to create the fresh water broke down. All the spare parts were missing or busted, and without the water-chip the Vault was doomed. Something had to be done. The Overseer gathered the healthy of us between a certain age and made us draw straws. Guess what? I drew the short one. Wouldn't be much of story if I didn't, would it? I left the Vault the next day."
  3. Fallout Bible 0, page 22: "2161 Dec 5 Fallout 1 Begins: Vault Dweller is kicked out of Vault 13 to find a replacement water chip."
  4. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "My first few days were harrowing to say the least. I fought off some giant mutant rats that were more interested in eating me than they should have been. My only clue was the location of another Vault, number 15. I spent a couple of days stumbling through the desert before I came upon a small settlement. I stopped there for help, and encountered the little town called Shady Sands. I helped them, and they helped me. Understand that survival requires that you work together, even with people you may not trust. I did earn the trust, however, of two prominent citizens of Shady Sands - Tandy and her father, Aradesh.
    With their knowledge, and the help of a man called Ian, I continued on my way to Vault 15. The ruins of Vault 15, to be more specific. Ravaged by the elements, scavengers, and time itself, Vault 15 was no help for my people. The control room that contained their water-chip was buried under tons of fallen rock, and I had to move on."
  5. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "After a small problem with some raiders, who would continue for years to plague not only myself, but the Tribe, I found myself in Junktown. It was here that I learned the most important rule of all: doing a good thing sometimes means being a very bad person. My memories of Junktown are tainted, and I feel no remorse for my actions in that place. It was there that I came across a dog, who adopted me and was my faithful friend from there on. I miss Dogmeat to this day. While Junktown was a city of traders (and traitors), it did not have a water-chip. I was not desperate yet, as there was still time for me to recover the chip and return to my home, but I needed to move on. Fortunately, they pointed me in the direction of the Hub, the largest city in the wasteland."
  6. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "The Hub was a larger city than both Junktown and Shady Sands combined. You could drop the Vault in there, and you probably would not notice. But the people of the Hub had no life, and it was a desolate place just the same. It eased my mind, however, to hire some merchants to bring water to the Vault. Looking back, it was probably a mistake to do so, but I was still innocent of the evils that lurked through the ruins of civilization. A small clue led me to the city of the ghouls, the place they called Necropolis. It was there that I encountered large mutants, armed with weapons of an unknown origin. It is with heavy sadness that I say that Ian lost his life in the city of the dead. A super mutant burned him to death with a flamethrower. The passage of time is no proof against the memory of burning flesh. His sacrifice was not in vain, as I did find the water-chip buried beneath the city. It was with easier steps that I returned to Vault 13."
  7. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "While the Overseer was obviously happy to see me returned to the Vault, alive and with the necessary water-chip, he was distrought游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 at my description of the super mutants. It is here that I realized the mistake I had made with the water-merchants. I had pointed them, and others, in the direction of our home. Without the protection of anonymity, the Vault could easily have been destroyed. The knowledge of the fate of Vault 15 did not help. The Overseer tasked me with a new mission. Find and destroy the danger of the super mutants. Once again, I left the Vault. This time, it was easier on my heart. Looking back now, I realize it was also the first time I should have seen the true hearts of the other vault dwellers and the Overseer."
  8. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "I returned to the Hub, looking for clues. Some time was spent there, and I discovered a shady underworld amongst the hustle and bustle of that large city. They thought they could manipulate me, but I proved them wrong and used the crooks instead. I did rescue a young man who belonged to the Brotherhood of Steel. A few trouble-makers tried to stop me, but I learned much about survival since leaving the Vault."
  9. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "It was in my best interest to leave town for a while. I journeyed to this Brotherhood. Thinking they would have the knowledge I sought, I tried to join them. They required me to go on a quest before they would let me in. Thinking it would be a short and easy quest, I agreed and set off for the place they called the Glow. The horror of atomic war was never so obvious to me until then. The Brotherhood was surprised to see me, and even more surprised to see that I had not only survived their quest, but succeeded. They gave me the information I required and some of their technology, and I set off in search of the Boneyard. On my way, I took a detour and stopped by Necropolis in order to see some old friends. Unfortunately, that place was now truly the city of the dead. All the ghouls had been slaughtered. Large mutants roamed the streets. I found one survivor who told me that the mutants had attacked shortly after I had left. Before he died, the ghoul told me that the mutants were looking for pure strain humans, and one in particular. The ghoul's description of the mutants' special target fit me perfectly. It was with a heavy heart and a cold burning on my soul that I continued on to Boneyard."
  10. Fallout Bible 0, page 23: "2162 March 3 Vault Dweller kicks the Master's ass."
  11. Vault Dweller's memoirs illustration depicts the dweller fighting the Master in open combat.
  12. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "The city of Los Angeles must have been the largest in the world before the War. The LA Boneyard stretched forever, the skeletons of buildings lying under the hot sun. Not even the wind entered this dead city. I found many enemies, and a few friends, in the Boneyard. I killed when necessary and learned more about the nature of my true foes. Deep under the ground, I found an evil that was behind the mutants and their army. Within a dark and forbidding Vault, where the walls dripped with human flesh, and the screaming of dying echoed through the halls, I found many evil creatures and mutants. Walking among the misshapen ones, I killed one of their servants and took his clothing. Hidden from casual searches, I made my way to the bottom of the Vault. The deeper into the Vault I went, the more gruesome the journey. More and more flesh was to be found, integrated into the very walls. The worst part of it was that the flesh was still alive, and even aware of my presence. After a while, I found myself in the presence of the most hideous sight yet. I still cannot bring myself to write of this discovery, but let it be known that when I left, the Beast was dead and the Master of the mutant army was no more."
  13. Fallout Bible 0: "2162 April 20 Vault Dweller destroys the Military Base. Dogmeat dies defending his master."
  14. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "My job was still not finished, for I still had one task remaining. The Master had literally built his army one mutant at a time. Humans, preferably with little radiation damage, were to be captured and sent to the Vats. There they were dipped in something called FEV, which transformed them into the large, grotesque mutants. I had to find these Vats, and put them out of action as well, lest another take the Master's place and continue to build the mutant army. Fortunately, my friends at the Brotherhood had a few clues, and helped me reach my goal. Invading the Vats, I came across more mutants and robots. None could stand in my way. I had a mission. I had a goal. I had a really large gun. It was here that Dogmeat fell, a victim of a powerful energy forcefield. I miss that dog. I destroyed the Vats that day, and with it, the mutant army. The last I heard, they splintered and disappeared into the desert.
    My Return to Vault 13
    I was not treated to a hero's welcome when I returned to Vault 13. The Overseer met me outside the massive Vault door, and told me point blank that while my services to the Vault will always be remembered, he could no longer trust me or what I had become. He said something along the lines that I had saved the Vault, and now I must leave. Bastard."
  15. Fallout Bible 0, page 23: "2162 May 10 Fallout 1 Ends: Vault Dweller returns to Vault 13, only to be told 'you're a hero, and you have to leave.' Some members of the Vault (led by Lydia, the head of the 'return to the surface' faction, and including her supporters, Theresa and Lyle) follow soon afterwards."
  16. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "So, I left. The days and weeks that followed were hard on me. I had met few true friends outside the Vault, and they had died following me. Now, my family had kicked me out and said that I could never return. I screamed. I cried. Slowly I came to realize that the Overseer may have been correct. I had changed. Life outside the Vault was different, and now I, too, was different. But I have never forgiven him for doing what he did to me. I wandered the desert, but never moved far from the mountains that shielded the Vault from the rest of the world. Perhaps I wanted to return, and force my way in, or plead for them to take me back. Fortunately, it did not come to that. I found a few wretched souls, a small group of Vault dwellers, who upon hearing of what happened to me, had decided to leave the Vault and join my side. They knew little of the outside world, and would have died if it were not for my assistance."
  17. Fallout Bible 0, page 23: "2165 May 12 Vault Dweller removes the Vault suit and from this day forward, never wears it again."
  18. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "So, I left. The days and weeks that followed were hard on me. I had met few true friends outside the Vault, and they had died following me. Now, my family had kicked me out and said that I could never return. I screamed. I cried. Slowly I came to realize that the Overseer may have been correct. I had changed. Life outside the Vault was different, and now I, too, was different. But I have never forgiven him for doing what he did to me. I wandered the desert, but never moved far from the mountains that shielded the Vault from the rest of the world. Perhaps I wanted to return, and force my way in, or plead for them to take me back. Fortunately, it did not come to that. I found a few wretched souls, a small group of Vault dwellers, who upon hearing of what happened to me, had decided to leave the Vault and join my side. They knew little of the outside world, and would have died if it were not for my assistance."
  19. Book of the Elders: "The Vault Dweller was the one who selected the location of our village, behind a large, dry valley. The surrounding lands are barren and of little interest to the casual traveler. Often, the best way to remain safe is to be in a place that excites little interest in the eyes of others."
  20. Fallout Bible 0, page 23: "2165 July 10 Vault Dweller heads North with a small group of Vault-dwellers and wastelanders and founds the small village of Arroyo."
  21. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "Together, our little group moved north, away from the Vault, and away from that old life. Slowly, I taught them what experience had taught me. And together we learned to thrive. The Tribe: Over time, our ragtag group turned into a tribe. I fell in love with one of them, and we raised a family, like all of our tribes people. We founded the Village, beyond the great cliff. It is a secure home thanks to our hard work. We would send scouts back towards the Vault, to help others who thought like ourselves, but that slowly came to an end. We no longer head in that direction. I often wonder what became of Vault 13, and the other Vaults, but I never had the time to go exploring again."
  22. Fallout Bible 0, page 23: "2167 August 18 Construction of Arroyo completed."
  23. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "Together, our little group moved north, away from the Vault, and away from that old life. Slowly, I taught them what experience had taught me. And together we learned to thrive. The Tribe: Over time, our ragtag group turned into a tribe. I fell in love with one of them, and we raised a family, like all of our tribes people. We founded the Village, beyond the great cliff. It is a secure home thanks to our hard work. We would send scouts back towards the Vault, to help others who thought like ourselves, but that slowly came to an end. We no longer head in that direction. I often wonder what became of Vault 13, and the other Vaults, but I never had the time to go exploring again."
  24. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "I taught the others the skills they would need to survive and grow strong. Hunting, farming and other skills to feed us. Engineering and science to build our homes. Fighting to protect what was ours. My love and I led the village and the Tribe. The Tribe grew, and grew strong with our help. But all things come to an end. Our sons and daughters are now the leaders. I'm sure that the Tribe will continue to grow strong under the leadership of our children. My love perished years ago, and not a day goes by that I do not think of Pat's face. I see it everytime I look at our children. This journal is our legacy to them, to their children, and to the rest of the Tribe. That is my story, and I am sticking to it."
  25. Fallout Bible 0, page 23: "2188 October 2 Vault Dweller has a daughter (who becomes the Elder in Fallout 2)."
  26. Fallout Bible 0, page 23: "2208 January 16 After writing the F2 manual memoirs, Vault Dweller vanishes from Arroyo and is presumed dead. The Vault Dweller leaves the Vault Suit behind, folded on the bed. Some say the Vault Dweller was taken by the sky spirits, others say that the Vault Dweller felt it was time to move on and leave the Elders to guide Arroyo to its destiny."
  27. Fallout Bible 0: "2208 January 16 After writing the F2 manual memoirs, Vault Dweller vanishes from Arroyo and is presumed dead. The Vault Dweller leaves the Vault Suit behind, folded on the bed. Some say the Vault Dweller was taken by the sky spirits, others say that the Vault Dweller felt it was time to move on and leave the Elders to guide Arroyo to its destiny."
  28. Tim Cain: "I always thought of Fallout's story of drawing straws was something the Overseer thought of. 'Look, someone has to go outside, and they may die out there, so let's draw straws'. Someone, probably not the Overseer since he wouldn't have gone outside no matter what, demanded that EVERYONE draw a straw in order to be truly fair. But to be honest, the vault dwellers were simply terrified of going outside, and terrified people do not always make the wisest decisions. Anyway, when big dumb Larry drew the straw, maybe the Overseer saw a way to rid their limited gene pool of some really bad alleles."
    (Duck and Cover: Lionheart chat log
  29. Game.Exe:"Здорово! А будут ли игры связаны друг с другом?" ("Great! Will the games be related to each other?")
    Feargus Urquhart: "Во второй части игры вы оказываетесь в том же самом мире. На этот раз вы будете потомком 'тот самый'."("In the second part of the game, you find yourself in the same world. This time you will be a descendant of the 'same one.'")
    (Interview to Russian gaming magazine Game.Exe)
  30. Leonard Boyarsky interview at RPG Codex
