

Morgantown Airport is a location within Morgantown, Appalachia, in 2102.


The Morgantown Airport served as headquarters for the Responders after the Great War. In 2096,[1] all surviving Responders were recalled to defend the airport from the Scorched. Their efforts to defend the airport were unable to stop the Scorched, who overran the airport and killed everyone inside. With the fall of their headquarters, the Responders were unable to mount an offensive to retake the airport, nor were they able to establish a new headquarters. By 2102, when Vault 76 opened, all known Responders were either dead or had abandoned their posts and fled Appalachia. The automated cargo bot delivery system the Responders used is still functional and triggers the event Collision Course when a player is in proximity of the landing pad.


Once serving the people of Morgantown, the airport was converted into the hub of operations for Responders across Appalachia. With plenty of space on the tarmac to set up tents for sheltering, feeding, and treating refugees, as well as the terminal building for advanced training and housing other necessary facilities for the Responders, it was an obvious choice. Over the years of their operations, the Responders have fortified the airport's perimeter, using salvaged vehicles including IFVs, though they have consistently struggled to scale their operations up to meet the demand.

The Morgantown Airport contains the Morgantown Airport terminal and the outdoors area surrounding it, including the main parking lot, tarmac and hangars. Military tents have been set up all over the location and many shipping containers have been converted into makeshift shelters. Once a major base for the Responders, it is now populated by Scorched and petrified corpses.

In the front parking lot are medical tents and a triage station. The Morgantown monorail has a station at the front of the terminal, and various walls and checkpoints have been constructed around the entrance.

There is a community garden next to a basketball court behind the terminal to the northwest. It contains a bounty of produce including wild carrot flowers, snaptail reeds, razorgrain, tatos, corn, and many pumpkins (both already harvested and still planted). There is an armor workbench in a red shipping container near the garden. There is a blue container to the south of the red container which contains a weapons workbench and Responder Rocky's corpse. A cooking station can be found near a truck whose long trailer car has been made into a shelter.

The main control tower has makeshift scaffolding around the outside upon which sits a machine gun turret. Inside the tower is a radio which is the source of the Responders distress signal, as well as a holotape recorded by Melody Larkin.

Three hangars to the northeast of the main control tower have been converted into a Bot Shop, medical area and laboratory. The Bot Shop used to be Miguel Caldera's main base of operations and his terminal can still be found inside. The Bot Shop also contains a weapons workbench, tinker's workbench and cooking stove, and a fusion generator with a working core. There is also a steamer trunk on the first floor which can be looted. The medical hangar next door contains four first aid boxes and the Responders laboratory terminal.

The laboratory hangar is located in a fenced off quarantine area next to the medical hangar. It contains a chemistry station and a Scorched corpse on a medical examination table, ready to be dissected.

Further into the quarantine area is a Quonset hut marked ‘quarantine’. It contains cells with the bodies of those in varying states of become Scorched - corpses, skeletons and petrified corpses. At the back of the area is part of a destroyed Skylanes Air plane. Inside is a cooking station as well as a makeshift camp in the cockpit with a cardboard cut-out of Nuka-Girl and a safe. Beside the plane is a landing pad for cargobots which is still operational in 2102.

Two power armor stations can also be found in the area.


  • 圣诞节洪水 - 在飞机场西北边的帐棚内。
  • 心理评估:怀耶特·强森 - 飞机场东北边居住区的保险箱内。
  • 心理评估:奥莉维亚·P·韩德森 - 飞机残骸旁边作为医疗中心的机库内,金属架上。
  • 梅洛蒂·拉金:调度中心 - 塔台里面。
  • 迪安德烈的笔记 - 在中间的机库背面,绿色提箱内。
  • 平林镇补给品运送 - 在改装机器人的机库内,一楼中央的桌上。
  • 甜豆 - 同上,在厨房左边,Found on top of an old stereo.
  • 营地导览程式 v3.4 - 同上,就在笔记旁。暂时计画任务期间出现。
  • 平林镇机台 - 同上,淋浴区。
  • 任务 - 同上,厨房里。
  • 志工训练:营地入门 - 和甜豆一样地方。
  • 露营课程表 - 机场东北边米格尔的营地里。
  • 巡逻2:应急分配中心 - 在应急分配中心帐篷内保险箱,位于机场西南边,该系列只在爽差任务期间出现。
  • 巡逻3:处理生还者 - 在应变同盟成员洛基尸体旁的保险箱内,爽差任务期间出现。在生还者处理中心北边的绿色货柜箱内。
  • 巡逻4:医疗中心 - 在作为医疗中心的机库内,二楼金属架上。
  • 巡逻5:管制塔台 - 在塔台的终端机内,只有在任务期间照著指示才出现。
  • 妈,我记得你 - 机场西北边的墓园,在棺材上。
  • 圣善夜 - 收容区帐篷有台载著钢琴的卡车,上面穿著牧师服的应变同盟尸体上。
  • Random magazine - On the left side of the desk at the top of the air traffic control tower.
  • 请勿触摸 - 在改装机器人的机库内,二楼on the side of the pulley machine at the end of the walkway.
  • 园艺科小考 - 在机场西北边的果园里,尸体雕像旁。
  • 宝贝 - 机场西北边果园对面的绿色玻璃建筑,里面的椅子上。
  • 应变同盟B站钥匙 - 在上述洛基的尸体上。
  • Two random Vault-Tec bobbleheads:
    • In one of the quarantine tents sitting next to a med kit.
    • In the laboratory hangar, on a shelf.
  • Two random magazines:
    • On the left side of the desk at the top of the air traffic control tower.
    • On a small table inside the destroyed airliner.
  • Two random recipes - Inside the destroyed airliner, one on a table and another on top of a cooking stove.
  • Fusion core - Inside the fusion generator within the 'Bot Shop' hangar.


  • 监管人日志:摩根镇 - 二楼应变同盟指挥所的监管人库房内。
  • 设计图:安全海报/避科大雕像/Water pump/Small backpack - 同上。
  • 玛莉亚的遗言 - 指挥所内玛莉亚·查维兹尸体旁。
  • 设备借用登记表 - 同上,金属手拉车上。(改版后移除了)
  • 担忧 - 在玛莉亚尸体附近的铁架上。
  • 应变同盟成员的个人日志 - 指挥所附近锁著的储藏室内,里头应变同盟尸体手中。
  • 给艾碧盖儿的任务 - 二楼靠近厨房的柜台上。
  • 焰息队 - 二楼靠近西边入口的房间内,有化学工作台的那间。
  • 请勿乱动 - 贴在一楼的登机手续机台。就在保护者小贩旁边的房间内。
  • 巡逻1:巡逻练习 - 一样爽差任务期间于总部终端机内获得。
  • 哈珀斯费里攻击的回报 - 指挥所附近快到密闭储藏库的电视上,旁边有台应变同盟无线电。
  • 志工证书 - 玛莉亚尸体附近铁架最底层。
  • 作战计画 - 入口进来的行李认领处,钉在里面的房间墙上。
  • 私密笔记 - 入境大厅左侧下去的地下通道通往保全室,里头桌上。
  • 摩根镇机场保全钥匙卡 - 保全室的应变同盟成员尸体手上握著。
  • Potential magazine - On the second floor near an exit doorway, on a small desk in-between airplane seats.


The interior of the Morgantown airport terminal was significantly redesigned in Fallout 76 patch


Morgantown Airport appears only in Fallout 76.


摩根镇机场还原了现实的摩根敦市立机场,该机场也被称为Walter L. Hart Field。



  1. AVR Medical Center terminal entries#November 7th, 2096

辐射76 交通