清理(问题:dev quotes need to be moved to bts)
提可(英文名:Tycho)是一名沙漠遊騎兵[1] 以及辐射中的 可招募NPC。
提可来自内华达州,是在废土中生存的专家。他来自一小群生存主义者,他们在内华达州的废土避免了核毁灭。这个社区教会了他很多关于沙漠生存、武器训练和其他相关主题的知识。[2] 提可的旅行癖很快驱使他与商人和探险家一起在沙漠中游荡了好几年。他总是带着消息和货物回到家中。 最终,他的旅行范围扩大到德克萨斯州的墨西哥湾。后来他与沙漠游骑兵签约并向西前往海岸,作为一个松散的远程游骑兵探险队的成员。[Non-canon 1]
从外表上看,他就像其他废土探险家一样,皮甲,脖子上挂着防毒面具,戴着防沙和眩光的护目镜,一件沙色斗篷,可用于伪装和防晒,配有双管猎枪。[3][Non-canon 1] 然而,作为一名游骑兵,他的首要任务是让事情变得更好,就像德克萨斯游骑兵所做的那样。[4] 这就是他广泛研究生存和战斗艺术的原因。2162年左右,他决定留在垃圾城休息一下。他认为,他认为,这个解决方案表明,有人应该清理这个镇不太体面的业务。 (吉斯莫,他让他想起了他父亲在拉斯维加斯告诉他的一个不同的“胖怪”)。他不相信那是他,相反,当他有能力的时候,他相信那就是基利安·达克沃特。[5]
互动 | ||
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 | ||
此角色开启任务。 | ||
此角色参与任务。 | ||
此角色与以下组织结盟。 |
如果被抓到从Skum Pitt偷尼尔的骨灰瓮(招募前),提可会变得敌对。
- 要招募提可,放逐者必须前往垃圾城并在5点钟到达位于城市东北部的Skum Pitt。如果他接受了基利安的任务来处理吉斯莫,提可将无限期地加入。如果基利安死了,提可将变得无法招募。
- 由于精灵限制,他只能使用步枪、霰弹枪、小手枪和长矛。他有60生命值。给他带爆炸功能的物品是不明智的;当他使用爆炸功能时,如果他们靠近他的目标,他浪费弹药并可能不小心引起友军伤害(平民,包括同伴) 。
- 提可还可以教授一些生存技能,提高野外生存技能。
提可的告诉我关于 | |
提问 | 回答 |
垃圾城 | 好吧,垃圾城并不是真正的家,但它是一个有趣的城市。它有潜力,虽然我不知道从过去的垃圾中建造是构建未来的最佳方式。 |
游骑兵 | 我们游骑兵来自东部,以前被称为内华达州。我们的传统可以追溯到德克萨斯游骑兵队的时代。我们学习生存和战斗技能,以便进入世界并有机会生存并让事情变得更好。 |
芯片 | 我已经很久没有看到像净水芯片这样的旧技术遗物了。就个人而言,你最好依靠自己,而不是依靠某些你无法修复的技术。 |
战争 | 战争证明了人类的贪婪和疯狂。让我们希望我们已经学到了足够的知识,不要再重复这种愚蠢的行为。 |
Wastes | The wastes are hostile and dangerous, even to the wary traveler. Radiation and strange creatures will take their toll. Tread with caution, and remember that everything you see and hear is a clue. |
古城墓地 | 死亡之城的名字很好听。它位于曾经是贝克斯菲尔德小镇的地方。但现在,它是尸鬼的家园,甚至更糟。 |
避难所 | 我听说过大型的地下避难所。不过,我对他们了解不多。 |
基利安·达克沃特 | 基利安是个好人,做着困难的工作。 |
吉斯莫 | 吉斯莫是……我觉得他是个骗子。他最终会得到报应的。 |
晒骨场 | 晒骨场? 我听说这是一个靠近海岸的黑帮和艰苦生活的地方。 |
中樞市 | 中枢市是一个巨大的商业社区,距离垃圾镇以南不远。 |
Casino | Gizmo's casino is probably one of the last places I'd want to go, unless I were going to step on Gizmo's neck. Not that I could get a foot past all the blubber. |
杂货店 | 基利安在垃圾镇有一家不错的杂货店。 |
死亡爪 | Heard some tales about something faster, bigger, and meaner than any living creature has a right to be. Not too many, though, which means that it doesn't leave many survivors. Big claws, ferocious disposition. |
Military Base |
The military had several secret bases scattered about, I know. I just don't know where. |
Apocalypse | Nuclear armageddon was the result of pride and foolishness. Now, we're paying the price. |
Mutants, Strange | Certainly there are some strange things out there. I've seen mutated scorpions and cows, and I've heard that Necropolis is home to ghouls, who seem human but are far different. |
Booze | I prefer a good strong stout, or perhaps a Nuka-Cola. |
Chems, Drugs | I'd stay away from chems if I were you. Sure, they can give you a boost, but you always wind up paying for it in the end. |
Psychics | You mean telepathetics? Heh . . . seriously, I don't buy it. |
Merchants | Some merchants from the Hub visit Junktown and other cities on a regular basis. |
Brotherhood, Cathedral, Children, Exodus, Followers, Garl, Master, Unity, Set, Watershed, Hall, Library, Overseer, Medic, Healing, Initiates, Paladins, Scribes, Vats | "I'm sorry, I can't help you there." |
提可的评论 | |
地点 | 评论 |
死亡爪的巢穴 | 请注意,在相当长的距离内没有任何动物生命。还有成堆的骨头。住在这里的都是真正的野兽。把你的武器放在手边。 |
古城墓地 | 关于死者之城古城墓地,有许多奇怪的故事。保持警惕,因为它可能会很快变得危险。 |
闪耀之地 | 注意放射性热点。这个地方显然遭受了直接核打击,二次级联辐射可能很糟糕。如果可以的话,我建议完全避开这个地方。 |
玛丽博萨军事基地 | 像这样的军事场所,一定有中央指挥室。我打赌我们可以通过一个小的热线路通过那些力场发生器,或者如果我们能找到力场控制电脑。 |
巨大的脚印 | 是的,我会远离任何造成这种情况的东西。说真的,我从来没有见过这样的事情。我认为我们最好的选择是快速前进。 |
以下内容基於来自辐射:新加州的信息. |
關於来自辐射:新加州的信息的内容到此作結。 |
- 提可装备了最好的盔甲,在所有可以加入玩家角色的NPC中拥有最多的生命值。
- 提可是《辐射》系列中第一个提到拉斯维加斯的角色。
- 在守桥人遭遇中,守桥人可能会问"辐射1中哪个非玩家角色幸存下来出现在续集中?"提可是错误的答案之一。[6]
最初,这个想法是他来自加利福尼亚东部的内华达地区。他的家人来自战争发生时在破坏中幸存下来的人,可能生活在内华达州的废土中。正如我所设想的,提可从他的小社区中学到了很多关于沙漠生存的知识,那里有一支强大的生存主义者队伍 -- 所以他们还有一些小武器和书籍。他们可能有一些像住在悬崖上的印第安人为了他们的城镇而去的东西,尽管我从来没有把它充实起来。
在某些方面,提可让人想起了《风之谷》和娜乌西卡中的佑太大师。他带着防毒面具以防万一,穿着硬化皮革盔甲,有一把刀,指关节,水壶,所有常见的生存装备。我把他想象成一个穿着皮甲(辐射式)、脖子上挂着防毒面具和护目镜的人(防止沙子和眩光),一件可用于伪装和遮阳的沙色斗篷,以及一把双管猎枪。”— Jesse Heinig, 辐射圣经9- 提可的祖父是一名沙漠游侠(沙漠游骑兵是参考废土,一款1988年的游戏,被认为是异尘余生的前身)。提可还提到了来自拉斯维加斯的“胖子”,[5]这是对来自废土的胖弗雷迪的引用。[Non-canon 1]
- 提可在辐射2手册的任何地方都没有提到,但破碎的梦咖啡厅的年轻坦蒂提到了他。[7]
- 根据Joshua Sawyer的说法,[Non-canon 2] 提可在辐射中的描述是辐射: 新维加斯中NCR游骑兵战斗装甲和沙漠游骑兵战斗装甲的灵感来源,因为提可本人被描述为“穿着风衣和防毒面具的尘土飞扬的皮甲的男人”。
- ↑ Tycho: "{173}{}{You gain 300 experience points for recruiting Tycho, the desert ranger.}"
(TYCHO.MSG) - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "{111}{}{How did you survive all the dangers?}"
Tycho: "{115}{}{Had some pretty good training, and some good weapons, too. My grandfather was a Ranger way back when, and he taught my father everything he knew. Dad passed it on to me. So I know enough not to drink glowing water, so to speak.}"
The Vault Dweller: "{117}{}{Really? Survival's tough these days. You must be pretty knowledgeable.}"
Tycho: "{122}{}{Yeah, well, my family taught me everything there is to know about survival. Don't drink water that's totally clear and free of insects and moss, for instance. Only poisonous or radioactive water would be that clean in the wilderness. Lots of other little things to look out for, too.}"
(Tycho's dialogue) - ↑ Tycho's character description: "{100}{}{You see a man in dusty leather armor with a trenchcoat and gas mask.}"
(TYCHO.MSG) - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "{1001}{}{Rangers}"
Tycho: "{1101}{}{We Rangers hail from back east, what used to be called Nevada. Our heritage stretches back to the days of the Texas Rangers. We learn survival and combat skills in order to go out into the world and have a chance of surviving and making things better.}"
(TYCHO.MSG) - ↑ 5.0 5.1 The Vault Dweller: "{107}{}{So, what's your story?}"
Tycho: "{109}{}{I could ask the same of you. In the interest of amity, I suppose I'll tell first. I'm called Tycho. Came from out east, what used to be called Nevada.}"
The Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{That's a pretty long trip.}"
"{112}{}{Yeah, it was. Decided to take it easy for a while. This place shows some promise, just as soon as someone cleans up some of the scum.}"
The Vault Dweller: "{113}{}{Why don't you?}"
"{118}{}{Not my place. I'd rather not cross Killian, after all. He'll clean up this town when he gets around to it. A good man, mark my words. But watch out for that fellow Gizmo. Reminds me of another fat freak my father told me about back in Las Vegas.}"
(TYCHO.MSG) - ↑ Bridgekeeper: " {134}{}{Which non-player character from Fallout 1 survived to appear in the sequel?}"
The Chosen One: " {142}{}{Uh...Tycho?}"
(Bridgekeeper's dialogue) - ↑ Tandi: " {109}{}{Say...do you and Tycho still keep in touch?}"
(Tandi's dialogue)
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fallout Bible 9: "Tycho's a nod to the desert rangers of Wasteland. Obviously that "history" didn't wind up in Fallout, so that makes it more of an homage than anything.
Originally, the idea is that he came from east of California, in the Nevada area. His family comes from people who survived the devastation when WAR happened, likely living among the badlands of Nevada. As I envisaged it, Tycho learned a lot about desert survival and whatnot from his small community, which kept a strong survivalist contingent -- so they still had some small arms and books. They probably had something like the cliff-dwelling Indians going on for their town, though I never fleshed it out.
Anyway, Tycho took off to wandering the desert with traders and explorers for several years, returning from time to time with goods or maps. Most likely he started with small trips and went further abroad as he became more experienced. He went as far as the Gulf of Mexico in Texas and then headed back west. Eventually he wound up on the west coast as a long-range explorer from a loose group of desert rangers whose actual origins, scope and purpose weren't defined.
In some ways Tycho is reminiscent of master Yuta from "Nausicaa and the Valley of the Winds." He carries a gas mask just in case, wears hardened leather armor, has a knife, knuckles, canteen, all the usual survival gear. I'd pictured him as this guy in leather armor (Fallout-style) with a gas mask hanging around his neck, goggles (to keep out sand and glare), a sand-colored cloak usable for camouflage and to keep the sun off, and a double-barreled shotgun." - ↑ J.E. Sawyer on Formspring
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