掠奪者(英文名:"raider" )是廢土俚语,指那些靠谋杀和掠夺为生的人。虽然存在替代术语,例如“强盗”、“不法之徒”或“黑帮”,但它们并未普遍适用。掠奪者通常袭击孤独的旅行者和小城镇,留下更大的群体和人口更多的定居点,假如人数足够多,他们会对整个地区构成威胁。
除了在新加州遇到的大量掠奪者幫派之外,《異塵餘生》中還提到了三個不同的掠奪者群體:豺狼幫、 毒蛇幫以及可汗幫,但只有最後一個有實際出現在游戲中。而這三個團體都源於第15號避難所。
- 豺狼幫:是一幫最典型純粹的瘋子們。他們沒有任何道德觀,他們的人生只有一個目標:活著。他們通常使用群攻戰術來壓制敵人。不過他們在個性上只是群懦弱蹩腳的懦夫,除非他們確信自己能贏否則不會攻擊對方。他們在自己的據點集合起來,為戰利品而戰。
- 毒蛇幫:第二个部族,毒蛇幫,是一个古老宗教的神秘追随者(至少他们是这样声称的)。它们通常只在夜间出来觅食或进行突袭。他们在战斗中冷酷无情,喜欢潜行胜过力量。它们通常携带蘸有蝮蛇毒液的骨刀,当毒液进入血液时,会使受害者瘫痪。大多数用这种方式捕获的受害者都会被带回他们的藏身之处。
- 可汗幫: 最后一个部落,可汗帮,可能是三个掠夺者部落中最危险和足智多谋的。他们过着蒙古战士般的生活方式,袭击城镇,烧毁他们不能带走的东西,把幸存者抓来当奴隶。他们通常以小型侦察队式活动,但有时他们也会以全面作战部队形式漫游。可汗帮最尊敬力量。他们在战斗中热衷于用拳头或棍棒进行肉搏,以证明自己对部落的价值。可汗帮很少携带武器。任何表现出超凡力量的人都值得他们的尊敬。
- 毕索普的雇佣兵:在破碎丘北部的一个洞穴里,有高架板,坠落陷阱和带刺的铁丝墙保护着,里面有锁住的门和陷阱门。他们并非真正的掠夺者,而是新里诺毕索普家族的雇佣兵,他们的武器是新加州共和国提供的。他们只是以掠夺者的身份向地下掩體都市施压,让其接受NCR的兼并。他们住在雇佣兵的洞穴里。
- 新可汗帮:在游戏第二作中再次出现,他们由原团体的唯一幸存者领导。他们躲在15号避难所废墟的秘密走廊里,由擅自占用者保护。他们的首领达里安是个偏执狂,对自己是唯一的幸存者感到愧疚,他是被放逐者剿灭的原可汗帮唯一幸存者。结果,他们对商队和城镇进行了多次袭击,并在达里安的命令下,对NCR的袭击尤其猛烈。
- 极道: 在旅行中可能会遇到手持传统剑的日式掠夺者帮派。
到2281年,新加州共和国有效地清除了该地区的掠夺者。[1] 在东部,凯撒军团以一种不同的方式做了同样的事情,[2]但军团的领地可以说比新加州掠夺者要少,这使得对一些商人来说更安全。[3]在这两个派系之间,在莫哈韦废土上,在技术上符合掠夺者定义的较小的帮派继续存在,例如维加斯外围地区的油脂族和蝎子帮,而老帮派则采用新的身份或传统的掠夺者路线继续奋斗,例如大汗帮和恶魔帮。
首都废土的掠夺者大多是充满敌意、无法无天、药物成瘾的恶棍,他们游荡在华盛顿特区的荒野上。除了莫哈韋廢土的恶魔帮外,他们与西海岸的掠夺部落几乎没有共同之处。遭遇他们都是些较小的团队,并配备有种类繁多的武器。 偶尔也会发现它们与护卫犬一起狩猎。 所有掠夺者都穿着某种形式的掠夺者装甲(尽管在常春寨等地的掠夺者妓院中没有)并且皮肤肮脏。首都废土的掠夺者没有核心领导人,都是个别帮派的头目。然而,在匹兹堡,阿什尔统领着整支掠夺者军队。
已知的最大掠夺者帮派已在常春寨建立了一个原始城市。 这个得天独厚的峡谷成为他们作战基地。 有传言说,他们与奴隶进行贸易,将俘虏出售以换取现金。[4]
山脉提供了惊人数量的掩体,尤其是在尼尔森以南东西走向的布满了岩石。这是一群无法无天的猎人,骗子和精神病患者等待偷盗,绑架或杀害机会的绝佳地点。 这些组织松散的掠夺者帮派喜欢混乱和无政府状态。豺狼帮不过是一小撮伤痕累累、满身刺青的坏蛋,靠捕猎比他们更弱的来谋生。稍微更有组织的毒蛇帮是由一群更熟练的懒汉组成的,他们在主要道路附近挖洞抢劫旅者和商队。再往北,有两个更可怜的帮派,他们的兄弟(要么是暴力,要么是招募)被恶魔帮夺去了;在北维加斯下水道横行霸道的油脂族帮,以及与西部居民时常发生冲突的蝎子帮。 还有另外两个主要的掠夺者集团:恶魔帮和贩毒的大汗帮。所有这些掠夺者都没有什么行动目的或目标,除了活到明天,在现在尽可能多地制造麻烦。[5]
在联邦,掠夺者的组织能力比以前更强。掠夺者现在技术更先进了,可以使用机关枪炮塔和自动聚光灯——一些掠夺者的首领甚至重新使用了动力装甲。但是,联邦的掠夺者没有一个集中的组织,而是分成几个团体。从终端和对话中可以看出,这些群体有的相互对抗,有的互不干涉。例如,Red Tourette的团队经常与Tower Tom的团队发生冲突。
核子世界 掠夺者与联邦掠夺者帮派完全不同,因为他们更有组织,装备更好。这个松散的三巨头分别是惑心帮,这是一个被金钱利益驱使的暴徒式团伙;血徒帮是一个极度残忍和嗜血的团伙,以谋杀和折磨受害者为乐;以及狼帮,顾名思义,它遵循基于动物群的系统,而其成员则穿着色彩鲜艳的盔甲和衣服。所有三个帮派都追随一个总体领导者或“上司”。当前的上司是科尔特。
每个团伙都专注于掠夺的不同方面以求生存,但每个团伙最终都走到了尽头。Blackwater Bandits专门从事隐身和盗窃,但在其中一名成员损坏了他们居住的地方铀矿中的一些机器时要么死亡,要么成为屍鬼,释放出危险水平的辐射。The Gourmands turned to cannibalism, but this eventually proved to be their undoing - some members began to eat the others in the group, and these members became wendigos. The Trappers favored using traps to ensnare their victims but were assaulted by the super mutants who captured many and forced to others to flee the region. The Diehards were the most pacifist of the groups, preferring to avoid killing except in self-defense, however, this philosophy proved difficult in the wasteland and eventually drove their leader to suicide. Finally, the Cutthroats, who were known for their fierceness and willingness to go to extreme lengths to get revenge on those who opposed them, were wiped out primarily due to the Scorched Plague.
By 2103, three large raider gangs returned to Appalachia. Other smaller gangs are also seen, though only during certain quests.
One large raider gang is made up of former members of the original five gangs, and they are led by a former Diehard. Their main base is at the Crater but they do control some territory along the Ohio River. Either these raiders, or their rivals at Foundation, must be sided with to break into Vault 79.
Another large gang is the Free Radicals, who occupy an old lumber mill. Their members include the ex-cons and the former head guard of a prison in Maryland. They came to Appalachia looking for treasure, and can be either fought or sided with.
The final large gang is the Blood Eagles. They are led by a triumvirate of leaders - the Blood, the Eye, and the Claw, though they rarely live long[7] and can be replaced by another member of the gang, as long as they proved their loyalty and power. They are almost all addicted to a spiked version of Buffout, making them crazed so that they will attack anyone who is not part of the gang on sight. A former member, Beckett, is dedicated to eliminating the gang, and the Vault Dweller can assist him in doing so.
Two smaller gangs are seen in Appalachia - one, a group led by Edwin (and later his niece Ronny) who often fight with the Blood Eagles and two, a group led by Sargento which runs a fighting arena in the Watoga Civic Center.
Although they do not operate in Appalachia, one unnamed group of raiders is mentioned during the Steel Dawn questline. Originating from west of the region, this traveling group of raiders stopped in Ohio before visiting the Crater, and they traded off Hellstorm missile launchers to the inhabitants of Crater.[8] The raiders also claimed to have acquired this equipment, as well as a power armor helmet in battle with the Brotherhood of Steel.[9] However, the amount of raiders that the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force encountered on their way to Appalachia makes Knight Daniel Shin act as if he is unsure of whether or not they actually met this group of raiders.[10] In reality, these raiders were the group that attacked a settlement in the Midwest, when the Brotherhood attempted to defend the townspeople. The raiders killed nearly every settler, except for two (Marcia and Maximo Leone), and Knight Alan Connors fell in battle as well. They took Knight Connors' helmet as a trophy and escaped with the Hellstorm missile launchers.[11][12]
- The five original raider gangs
- Blackwater Bandits
- Cutthroats
- Diehards
- Gourmands
- Trappers
- New Raiders
- Blood Eagles
- Free Radicals
- Edwin's gang
- Sargento's gang
There are many raider gangs throughout the territory of Chicago. The majority of these raiders are well organized, because of a need to become one faction: the presence of Brotherhood of Steel, super mutants and Calculator's robots. They are cruel, sadistic people who are usually found near the eastern part of the region, far from super mutants and robots. There are several notable groups present.
- The Main Faction: The faction was formed after four major raider leaders of the region (Luke Daniels, Bo Duffy, Daisy-May Gomer, and Jesse Gomer) forged an alliance to become stronger in order to fight their overpowering enemies. Their main base where the leaders hold their meetings is Rock Falls. They were all annihilated there by the Brotherhood.
- Gang of Devil's Graveyard: Powerful gang of raiders led by a man known as Gargantua. Their base is a place called Devil's Graveyard.
- Gang of Macomb: A gang which was formed to assault strangers around Macomb, a town suffering because of famine. These raiders are looking for food and use roofs as cover.
- Ghoul-haters: This group is actually an extremist party, dedicated to the extermination of ghouls. They took over Springfield because the mayor claimed that ghouls are equal to normal, smoothskin people.
關於輻射戰略版的内容到此作結。 |
以下内容基於来自輻射:鋼鐵兄弟會的信息. |
In Texas, only one known gang of raiders exists, but it is very large and powerful, being de facto rulers of the land. However, they have become but puppets to Attis, who use them to capture slaves for him. Their base is an old mill located in the town of Carbon, which is completely under their control aided by the Mayor who keeps them happy. The gang is unique because of its matriarchal rule, with female lieutenants and the main leader is known as Jane, Raider Matron. The gang wears a yellow emblem on their clothes to differentiate themselves from outsiders. Aside from normal weapons, the Carbon Raiders are well known for using killer dogs and special flamethrower weaponry. They have the ability to brew alcohol on radioactive subsistences. [13][14]
關於来自輻射:鋼鐵兄弟會的信息的内容到此作結。 |
- Centre Dubois
- Winger Gervais
- Junders Plunkett
- Goalie Ledoux
- Lug-Nut
- Lag-Bolt (Talon Company)
- Madame
- Winger Mercier
- Rocksalt
- Ryan Brigg
- Sam Warrick
- Smiling Jack
- Split Jack
- Tara Fields
- Torcher
- The Wanderer
- Bethesda ruins raider boss
- Springvale school raider leader
- Springvale school raider miniboss
- Northern shack raider
- Northern shack raider's partner
- Southern shack raider
- The Pitt
- Lord Ishmael Ashur
- Everett
- Bingo
- Bone
- Duke
- Faydra
- Friday
- Gruber
- Hammer
- Harris
- Jackson
- Krenshaw
- Lulu
- Mex
- Mona
- O-Dog
- Phantom
- Reddup
- Spook
- Squill
- Trouble Man
- Vikia
Fallout: New Vegas
- Motor-Runner
- Cook-Cook
- Daniel
- Duke
- Driver Nephi
- Violet
- Vault 3 fiend boss
- Vault 3 Fiend guard
- Violetta (Fiend dog)
- BoneGnash (Fiend dog)
- GhashBone (Fiend dog)
- Queenie (Fiend brahmin)
- Yvette
- Roller
- Greasy Johnny
- Viper leaders
- Jackal gang leaders
- NHPS Jackal gang leader
- Prospector's Den Jackal gang leader
- Nipton Road pit stop Jackal gang leader
- Papa Khan
- Regis
- Jessup
- McMurphy
- Anders
- Diane
- Jack
- Jerry the Punk
- Melissa Lewis
- Oscar Velasco
- Great Khan armorer
Fallout 4
- Ack-Ack
- Avery
- Bear
- Bedlam
- Big Maude
- Boomer
- Bosco
- Bull
- Carl Everett
- Chancer
- Cinder
- Clutch
- Cutty
- Demo
- Eager Ernie (Triggermen)
- Erris
- Gabriel
- Gaff
- Gouger
- Gristle
- Gruel
- Hadrian
- Helter Skelter
- Hugo
- Jack
- James Wire
- Jared
- Johnny T. Walters
- Kath
- Ken Standish
- Kendra
- Lefty
- Lucky Tatum
- Luke Silverhand
- Northy
- Rags
- Red Tourette
- Regi Blattaria
- Ricca
- Captain Sally
- Scutter
- Simon
- Simone
- Sinjin
- Skrap Rat
- Slab
- Slag
- Slough
- Smiling Kate
- Sparta
- Stevie Buchanan
- Sully Mathis
- Tad
- Tammy Mac
- Tanya Standish
- The Bruiser
- Tower Tom
- Tweez
- Walter
- Wayne Delancy
- Whiplash
- Wolfgang
- Judge Zeller
- Ivey
- Ahab (Rust Devils sentry bot)
- Trappers
- Bilge
- Braun Husky
- Bray Husky
- Douglas
- Luke Husky
- Malcolm
- Rowan Husky
- Nuka-World
- Corin
- Ian
- Sykes
- Sabine
- Sinner
- Wretch
- Overboss Colter
- Porter Gage
- Shank
- Mags Black
- William Black
- Lizzie Wyath
- Nisha
- Dixie
- Savoy
- Mason
- Weylan
- Creation Club
- Artis
- Burner
- Connor
- Mercy
- Pyro
- Scabby
- Silas
- Zane
Fallout 76
- Rose
- Vendor bot Raider
- Vendor bot Resin
- Mr. Bosley
- Carol Sweeney
- Edie Stevens
- Mr. Henrick
- Jim
- Kerry
- Margie McClintock
- Milo
- Reggie
- Rosalynn Jeffries
- Various Appalachian raiders
- Walter Griswold
- Raiders vendor
- Ace the Raider
- Wastelanders
- Meg Groberg
- Ae-Ri
- Aldridge
- Axel
- Batter
- Barb
- Blackeye
- Bruiser
- Caleb Fisher
- Creed
- Davey
- Deathklaus
- Fishbones
- Fritz
- Gail
- Glenn
- Gnash
- Hal Gleeson
- Hijack
- Jacky
- Johnny Weston
- Kiyomi
- Kogan
- Lev
- Lou
- Maximum Maddie
- Molly
- Mortimer
- Munch
- Nuclear Don
- Punk
- Ra-Ra
- Raf
- Registration guard
- Rocksy
- Ronny
- Roper
- Sargento
- Surge
- Weasel
- Wren
- Steel Dawn
- Brotherhood Barnaby
- Brotherhood Barry
- Brotherhood Buck
- Burke
- Pierce
- Sheena
- Marcia Leone (optional)
- Blood Eagles
- The Blood
- The Eye
- The Claw
- Dillo
- Eightball
- Frank the Butcher
- Jessi the Hook
- Dagger
- Dagger's Lieutenant
- Needles
- Tally Lang
- Star
Fallout Shelter
- Beef Slam Bednarski
- Big Wes
- Boss McScrooge
- Coach
- Cruddy Bonez
- Frank the Tank
- Hatchet O'Houlihan
- Khan Killian
- Marcus Hammer
- Mastiff Muldoon
- Paula Plumbkin
- Regina Rage
- Road Rash
- Rubarb
- Sally Switchblade
- Slugger
Former raiders
- Beckett
- Bronx
- Caleb Smith
- David Thorpe
- Freddie Lang
- Jaime Palabras
- Jericho
- Mercy
- Morris Stevens
- Rowdy
- Wernher
- ↑ The Courier: "Are you from California?"
Jas Wilkins: "Born and raised. Things back in California are better than they've ever been, according to my grandpa. The Raiders are mostly gone now and it's easy enough to get a job at one of the mills or farms. But now there's taxes and laws and other things. The NCR keeps things safe and orderly, but it's all very boring. So, I came out east towards the frontier."
(Jas Wilkins' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "How do you feel about Caesar's Legion?"
Raul Tejada: "I don't really have a problem with them. People around here tend to see them as invading marauders planning to burn and pillage the countryside. But I've been to Arizona, boss. Before the Legion, it was a nasty place, so thick with raiders you couldn't trade with a town two miles up the road. Caesar's laws aren't nice, and their actions aren't always pretty. But then, neither am I, but you keep me around."
(Raul Tejada's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Do they deal with any caravans at all?"
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "There's some caravans that deal with the Legion, yes. And as much as it pains me to say it, any caravan marked by the Legion is safe as houses. They guard their roads, their supply lines - even Fiends would hesitate before going after any trader dealing with Legion."
(Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue) - ↑ Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.42: "Raiders
Chaos and anarchy. Or if you prefer, anarchy and chaos. Raiders revel in both. Numerous Raider groups dot the wasteland. Most are no more than a handful of people scraping out a living by preying on anything weaker than them. They have no driving purpose or goal, other than to live to see tomorrow and raise as much hell as possible today.
The largest known band of Raiders has set up a crude city in Evergreen Mills. This well-defended canyon gives them a base of operations. Rumor has it they trade with Slavers, selling their captives for cash."
(Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles) - ↑ Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 44: "Raider: Greaser Gang
Raider: Jackal Gang
Raider: Scorpion Gang
Raider: Viper Gang
The Joshua Tree-speckled mountains provide a surprising amount of cover, especially the rock-strewn washes that run east-west just south of Nelson. This is the perfect location for packs of anarchic hunters, grifters, and psychotics to wait for an opportunity to steal, kidnap, or kill. These loosely-knit Raider gangs revel in chaos and anarchy. The Jackals are no more than a handful of scarred and tattooed reprobates, scraping out a living by praying on anything weaker than them. The (slightly) more more organized Viper Gang consists of a slightly more skilled collection of ne'er-do-wells, dug in close to major roads to rob and plunder travellers and Merchant Caravans. Further north, are two much more pitiful gangs, who have lost their brethren (both in violence, or by recruitment) to the Fiends; the stinking Greaser Gang who terrorize the North Vegas Sewers, and the Scorpion Gang, who fight intermittent skirmishes with Westside residents. All these Raiders have no driving purpose or goal, other than to live to see tomorrow and raise as much hell as possible today."
(Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles) - ↑ The Sole Survivor: "Who is this L&L Gang?"
Desdemona: "They're not so much a gang, really, as a loosely affiliated group of raiders. What sets them apart from the usual filth is they take a particular sadistic pleasure in finding and executing synths. We've lost more synths to them over the years than even the Coursers."
(Desdemona's dialogue) - ↑ Fallout 76 loading screens: "Thanks to their anarchic nature, would-be leaders among the Blood Eagles tend to have very limited lifespans."
- ↑ Vault Dweller: "The other Raiders you got the weapons from... Where did they come from?"
Sheena: "West. They said they passed through Ohio before coming here. I don't know how much further out they went."
(Sheena's dialogue) - ↑ Vault Dweller: "Did your Raider friends mention anything else about the fight?"
Sheena: "They wouldn't shut up about it, so I learned to tune it out pretty quick. But I do remember them passing around a helmet with a bullet hole through its visor. A trophy from the fallen."
(Sheena's dialogue) - ↑ Vault Dweller: "A group of Raiders traveling from the west said they earned it in a battle."
Knight Shin: "I... see. And are those Raiders still at Crater?"
Vault Dweller: "It sounded like they were just visiting."
Knight Shin: "It can't be helped, then. We need to focus on Appalachia for the moment."
Vault Dweller: "Did you come into contact with those Raiders?"
Knight Shin: "Without more information it's impossible to say. We fought plenty of Raider groups across the entire expedition route."
Vault Dweller: "We're really just going to let them go?"
Knight Shin: "I'd like to pursue them as much as you would, Initiate. But those were not our orders from Elder Maxson. We have duties in Appalachia. Ones that we've delayed for long enough as it is."
(Daniel Shin's dialogue) - ↑ Vault Dweller: "The Raiders mentioned a Knight's helmet. Did someone important die?"
Knight Shin: "A Knight's helmet? It must be... Two other Knights embarked with us from the West Coast. Knight Thornberry returned partway through the journey. Knight Connors gave his life in honorable service to the Brotherhood. Show the proper respect when asking about him. To think they held on to his helmet like a trophy... It's unforgivable."
(Daniel Shin's dialogue) - ↑ Vault Dweller: "Tell me about the incident that split Rahmani and Shin."
Scribe Valdez: "Right... Those weapons you've been chasing? We found them in a government facility on our way to Appalachia. We were supposed to keep them to ourselves - that's how we operate - but then we ran across a settlement being threatened by raiders. We couldn't just leave them to die. We equipped them with the weapons we found, but it didn't help. It was a massacre. The whole place was wiped out. Everyone was killed, including Knight Connors, one of our own. The only survivors were two children we brought back with us, Marcia and Max. Knight Shin believes it's our duty to report this incident to Elder Maxson. Paladin Rahmani feels we'd be punished just for trying to help."
(Odessa Valdez's dialogue) - ↑ Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel Manual p.33: "Raiders
Mercenaries, thugs, guns-for-hire, the Raiders are just everyday folk that took a look at the world around them and thought that it could do with some additional hardship. Thanks guys. As their name suggests, Raiders move across the wasteland till they find a nice little remnant of civilization and then move in and strip the town of anything that isn’t bolted down. And then un-bolt the stuff that is. Since most raiders rank just below a fried egg on the intelligence scale, they tend to act as muscle for someone else, usually someone with bad things on their mind." - ↑ Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel Official Strategy Guide p.87: "Raiders
Raiders are average men, unscathed by the fallout. At least, on the outside. Beneath their skin, in their chests, is a gaping hole where their hearts should be. Instead of banding together to help out fellow survivors, they decided to take advantage of their strength and numbers. They coalesced into vicious gangs called Raiders–an apt name because when they breeze into town, they rob, pillage, and loot. They take until there's nothing left. And then they move on, searching for the next unsuspecting town to burn to the ground.
Fortunately, Raiders are all muscle. They attack without thinking it through, which leaves them vulnerable to a foe with a modicum of gray matter. When a mob surrounds you, try luring one or two around a corner to thin their numbers."
"Raider Thug
The lowest of the low. These mindless goons serve only to attack Brotherhood characters, and that means you. Fortunately, they haven't been equipped with very good weapons (usually just knives and small firearms) and they wear very little armor."
"Raider Torch
These Raiders love playing with fire. They sweep into a town with gas tanks strapped to their backs, and start burning everything in sight. Those tanks, though, are their weakness. They explode if you shoot them, and the resulting conflagration will wipe them out. (This is especially useful if they attack in a horde. Once one gas tank blows, they all start popping like fiery pinatas.) If you're out of bullets when you meet one of these charming fellows, be careful when throwing your melee weapon around. Only hit the Torch in the front, or else you'll go up with the gas tank."
"Raider Soldier
Soldiers are the next step up from Thugs in the Raider food chain. Soldiers are a little smarter, a little faster, and they've been entrusted with slightly better firepower. Some of these Raiders carry hammers, which gives them an increased melee range–so keep your distance."
"Raider Lieutenant
The highest members of the Raiders, Lieutenants are all females. They only carry firearms, like pistols and rifles, and are crack shots. Watch for their grenade attacks, too. Lieutenants are smart enough to track your movement and lob a grenade directly in your path."