關於an overview of all weapons in the Fallout series of games,參見Weapon
辐射3Deathclaw gauntlet
辐射:新维加斯Bladed gauntlet
Cram Opener
Mantis gauntlet
Cut content Deathclaw gauntlet
Cut content Lily's gauntlet
死钱Bear trap fist
赤誠之心Poisoned bladed gauntlet
Poisoned mantis gauntlet
She's Embrace
Waking Cloud's yao guai gauntlet
Yao guai gauntlet
孤独之路Fist of Rawr
Fist of the North Rawr
军火贩的武器库Embrace of the Mantis King! (GRA)
辐射4Deathclaw gauntlet
辐射战略版Razor claws
Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV DMGametitle-FNV HHGametitle-FNV LRGametitle-FNV GRA
Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV DMGametitle-FNV HHGametitle-FNV LRGametitle-FNV GRAGametitle-FO4Gametitle-FOT

The gauntlet is a weapon in Fallout: New Vegas, its add-ons Honest Hearts, Dead Money, Lonesome Road and Gun Runners' Arsenal, Fallout 4 and Fallout Tactics.



Deathclaw gauntlet
游戏文章: 辐射3, 辐射4

來自死亡爪的爪子,如其恶名讓人寒颤。那又长又锋利的指甲挥动起來可以把敌人撕成碎片,negate any protection wearing.

  • For the unique versions that appear in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road, see: Fist of Rawr.
  • For the version that was to appear in Fallout: New Vegas, see: Deathclaw gauntlet.


Bladed gauntlet
游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

这种拳套就是将三把刀刃绑在 a wooden cup of sorts and secured with leather bindings.

  • For the unique version that appears in Fallout: New Vegas, see: Cram Opener.
  • For the poisoned non-player character version found in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts, see: Poisoned bladed gauntlet.


Mantis gauntlet
游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯


  • For the unique version that appears in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Gun Runners' Arsenal, see: Embrace of the Mantis King!.
  • For the poisoned non-player character version found in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts, see: Poisoned mantis gauntlet.


游戏文章: 死钱

捕兽夹拳套是鬼人手中用捕兽夹做成的肉搏武器。The jaws of the trap are folded back past the normal open position, exposing the pressure plate. 在击中对手的时候会在弹簧的作用下咬合到一起。


Yao guai gauntlet
游戏文章: 赤誠之心

This gauntlet is constructed the paw of a yao guai. The massive bear paw can not only cut deep wounds but bruise or even break bones because of its burdensome size.

  • For the unique version carried by Waking Cloud in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts, see: Waking Cloud's yao guai gauntlet.
  • For the unique version created from the paw of Ghost of She in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts, see: She's Embrace.


Lily's gauntlet
游戏文章: 辐射:新维加斯

Lily's gauntlet is an unarmed weapon. Physically it appears to be a modified gardening glove, with additional reinforcements to the material as well as some form of padding wrapped over the knuckles.


Tactics razor claws
游戏文章: 辐射战略版

这种武器在手背的位置安放了三根extendable built-in 刀刃。
