
没有什么能阻止拦截者。— 拦截者的宣传语[1][2]

克莱斯拉拦截者(英文名:Chryslus Highwayman)是由美国克莱斯拉汽車公司制造的全尺寸汽车。它在2241年被获选者使用。


克莱斯拉拦截者有一个完全模拟的系统,没有电子设备,超过800马力,并在不到一秒的时间内达到60英里/小时(97公里/小时)。[3] 它有一个宽敞的后备箱和一个可容纳多达七人的内部空间,包括一个超级变种人、机器脑和一只死亡爪。[2][4]

动力的流动是由燃料电池调节器来调节的,这也是最容易发生故障的部分,通常是因为加速过快而烧坏。[5][6] 燃料电池调节器是一种可选的升级,一些司机安装它以提高里程数,而另一些司机则不关心能源使用。[7][8]


Highwayman Den West Side


Highwayman Trapper Town


拦截者是辐射2中获选者可用的交通工具。在丹恩城中找到,它可以在为当地机械师斯密蒂找到燃料电池调节器后以 2000 美元的价格购买。它大大提高了行驶速度,并为齿轮提供了永久存储。[2]

电池可以使用微聚变电池小型能量电池充电。[2] 一整包微聚变电池(40) 充电20% ,一整包小型能量电池(50)充电50%。要为汽车充电,请选择拦截者,使用下拉菜单中的“背包”图标,然后选择相应的能量电池。




  • 这辆车可以在丹恩城的斯密蒂处购买。



这辆车最初的动力来自核聚变或者裂变或者其他很酷的东西(一种能让我们不用担心没油的东西) 后面的那些大油箱代表了这个巨大而笨重的电源,它被固定在一辆57年的雪佛兰的后面。


所以基本上,拦截者的动力装置被缩小了尺寸,以满足加州人民的排放标准。通常情况下,原型车在投入生产时并不完全相同。 ;)
Matt NortonFallout聖經8
  • 第一次开车本来是要配动画的,渲染出来的视频其实已经完成了。Scott EvertsFallout聖經8解释说结果太糟糕了,它被从游戏中删除了。car.mve仍然留在游戏文件中。
  • 拦截者在游戏资料中被称为“KSCORVEG”。在后面的部分中,它被重新用于另一个汽车模型
  • 一辆拦截者残骸可以在辐射:新维加斯找到,与获选者驾驶的是同一辆车。只有汽车的后备箱在地陷的上方可见,这是辐射2中的一个故障,在这个故障中,汽车的后备箱会出现在目的地,而不是汽车的主体(驾驶汽车的交互点), 阻碍玩家继续使用它。
  • 辐射3中有一种武器,称为劫道棍。该武器是对这辆车的参考,因为该武器是一种独特的卸胎棒
  • 拦截者与第三代普利茅斯贝尔维迪有相似之处(一款克莱斯勒产品)。


  • 在像新里诺这样的城镇,后备箱可以与拦截者分开,位于城镇的不同地段。[已验证]
  • 在随机遭遇后将拦截者留在开放地图上将使汽车永远消失。在随机遭遇后进入洞穴,然后从第一个进入的任何其他出口离开洞穴也会导致汽车永远消失。[已验证]



  1. Smitty: "{330}{}{Well, you see, I've got this car, a Chrysalis Motors Highwayman. She's a beaut, too. They used to say "Nothing can stop a Highwayman." Built tough, that's what they were.}"
    "{470}{}{Why, it's none other than this Chrysalis Motors Highwayman. They used ta say that "Nothing can stop a Highwayman." They shore built 'em tough, I'll say that for 'em.}"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets pp. 93-94: "Chrysalis Motors Highwayman
    One of the most useful items that you'll find is this shining example of American iron. The Chrysalis Motors Highwayman was once renowned for its high performance and durability. "Nothing can stop a Highwayman" was a phrase familiar to most drivers. The motto still holds true today. If you repair the car with a part that you'll find in Gecko, you can fuel it with standard energy cells and use it to move quickly across the world map, well equipped to outrun most enemies that you'll find.
    Towns in the post-apocalyptic world don't allow motor vehicles on their streets, citing something about aged fuel cells exploding. However, parking your Highwayman on the outskirts of town gives you access to a quick getaway as well as a secure storage spot for your goodies within the car's spacious trunk."
  3. Chop Shop mechanic: "{306}{}{The Highwayman's a sweet car; Chryslus sure knew how to make them back then.}"
    "{317}{}{The Highwayman's got a full analog system, 800 + Horsepower, 0 to 60 in less than a second.}"
    "{318}{}{Fast? The Highwayman goes from 0 to 60 in less than a second.}"
    "{319}{}{The Highwayman's got the power: 800+, in fact.}"
    "{322}{}{I wouldn't sweat it; the Highwayman's got a full analog system and no computers. None of the fancy stuff.}"
  4. Fallout 2 gameplay
  5. The Chosen One: "{201}{}{Do you have a battery that I could use to fix a car?}"
    Skeeter: "{120}{}{Funny you should ask that. Ya see, cars use replaceable fuel cells, or batteries, for fuel. What usually broke down was the Fuel Cell Controller. Most amateur mechanics jist assume that it’s the battery itself. But you know what ass-uming things does, dontcha?}"
  6. PRO ITEM.MSG: "{25300}{}{Fuel Cell Controller}"
    "{25301}{}{This chip controls the flow of power into a car's electric engines. Many drivers quickly burnt out this chip through frequent rapid acceleration. Still a valuable part to have-- if you only had a car to install it in.}"
  7. Smitty: "{430}{}{Hey there, how's that car runnin' for ya?}"
    The Chosen One: "{431}{}{Pretty good, Smitty, but I found this part for the car and I don't know what to do with it.}"
    Smitty: "{450}{}{Well now, that's a fuel cell regulator. That'll give you better mileage per energy cell. I could put that in for you, if you had say $750 for my trouble.}"
  8. PRO ITEM.MSG: "{25400}{}{Fuel Cell Regulator}"
    "{25401}{}{Some car-owners installed this regulator, that doubles your car's mileage between charges, but most drivers didn't care how much juice their cars consumed, after all, power's cheap and plentiful so why worry.}"