
Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV HHGametitle-FNV LR
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特使拉尼厄斯(英文:Legate Lanius)凯撒军团的军事指挥官,也是凯撒最值得信赖的战争领袖。 通常被称为东方的怪物东方的恐怖,在第一次胡佛大坝之战失败后,他接替了约书亚·格雷汉姆的职位,并领导了向东方扩张的运动。 他将沿途的部落夷为平地,将他们纳入军团。到2281年,战役结束,恢复元气的军团被带到科罗拉多海岸,准备攻击胡佛大坝




东方怪物莱特使拉尼厄斯是该地区所有凯撒部队的军事指挥官。 他因对凯撒大帝的奉献精神和感知任何部队软弱的能力而闻名。辐射:新维加斯载入画面


在拉尼厄斯晋升为使节之前,我们对他的身份知之甚少,我们所知道的是前后不一致,经常自相矛盾。 凯撒把他描述成海德巴克部落最伟大的战士,亚利桑那州的一个部落,凭借其可怕的战场威力,他单枪匹马消灭了军团的巡逻队,而他的领导将海德巴克部落的吞并,推迟了几个月。当军团包围了海德巴克部落的主营时,他们的首领决定投降,而不是被消灭。未来的拉尼厄斯大怒,疯狂地袭击了自己的部落,在杀死了十五名自己的战士后终于屈服了。 凯撒救了他并且照顾他,救了这个脸被撕掉了大部分的残废军阀。当战士最终恢复意识时,凯撒给了他一个铁铸的头盔,以一个新面孔来代替他失去的,只要他决定为凯撒而战。拉尼厄斯接受了交易,条件是他可以屠杀部落里所有幸存的男性。凯撒允许他杀死所有的男性,留下那些可塑的孩子,进行训练和教化。[1]

其他军团人员提供了不同的解释。卢修斯说,特使实际上生来就是奴隶,但他的天赋使他在12岁时,就成为了一名完全的军人,正如他进入青春期,一生中从未输过一场战役。[2] 安东尼说征服拉尼厄斯的部落花了好几年时间,幸存者得到了加入军团的机会,而不是为了满足拉尼厄斯的杀戮欲而被消灭。[3] 除了军团传奇,约书亚·格雷汉姆,凯撒的首位特使和知己,在凯撒手下的岁月里对拉尼厄斯毫无印象。[4] 但是,在格雷汉姆沦落之前,整个亚利桑那州都处于军团的控制之下,而拉尼厄斯如何摆脱格雷汉姆的注意却没有任何解释。

毫无疑问,拉尼厄斯并不是一个特定的人,而是一个神话,本身就是一把武器,能够通过他的无情来提升自己人的士气,并且摧毁他的对手。[5] 拉尼厄斯敏锐地意识到自己的神话身份,并谨慎地培养自己的神话身份,以便他可以作为军团的象征。[6] 他甚至让自己的奴隶蒙上眼睛,这样他就不会不戴面具被人看到,或者隐藏一些与神话不符的事实,比如他的脸庞完好无损。[7] 许多其他奴隶,尤其是女人,都非常惧怕他。[8]


在到达胡佛水坝之前,拉尼厄斯曾进行过一次扩张运动,以补充军团的人数,并在2277年大坝失败后将军队重建为更加强大的战争工具。他领导了对科罗拉多州的征服,将其部落居民置于刀锋之下或直接吞并。 在丹佛,他通过将训犬者部落尊敬的猎犬扔到燃烧的柴堆上让它们在来世燃烧的手段,让该部落屈服。[7] 战役持续了数年,使军团补给达到了极限。缺乏食物、水,尤其是替补人员,使他的部队损失惨重,也使他懂得了后勤保障的重要性。而那次差点失败的经历在他心中刻下了烙印,使他对过于雄心勃勃的计划保持警惕。[9]

在他被凯撒下令攻占胡佛大坝之前,他在犹他州的荒野中进行了最后一次战役。在战役结束时,拉尼厄斯的部队同化了14个部落,又消灭了5个部落,总共消灭了19个部落。[10]盖乌斯·马格努斯到任后取得的胜利显然增加了二十分之一,这是由百夫长获得的独特装甲来判断的。 [11] 所有这些部落都无法阻止他,而NCR将成为下一个最大的征服对象。[12]对军团来说,他的到来就是共和国末日的预兆。[10]


作为一种象征,拉尼厄斯是完美的军团战士。他的名字,拉丁文意为”屠夫”,在几次战役中取得胜利后,被授予了这个称号。[13] 他传奇般的残忍使他被认为是野兽,凯撒强调他只忠于凯撒本人,对军团没有爱。他明显缺乏对大组织的忠诚被认为是一笔财富,因为他对战场上的损失或一般的军队死亡毫不关心。对他来说,重要的是不惜一切代价战胜敌人。为了巩固他的声誉,凯撒依靠拉尼厄斯对表现不佳的特使和百夫长实施惩罚措施:在他的部队面前处决军官,然后让他的同僚们打死每第十名士兵。[14] “decimatio (十分之一)”是一种可怕的仪式,已经引起了新维加斯电台的注意,它迅速在莫哈韦传播了这一消息,增强了拉尼厄斯在莫哈韦的神秘地位。[15]

这个经过精心培育的神话,让拉尼乌斯成为一个残忍而有效率的指挥官,因为他对凯撒的忠诚,以及对军队弱点的敏感而成为传奇。[16] 对他的敌人来说,他是个野兽,不以精妙的战术著称,只能发动凶猛但最终都是简单的战术,例如正面攻击和海浪袭击,试图通过纯粹一切的蛮力克服NCR。[17] 他的盟友只看到一只顽强的野兽,只要敌人伤得更重,它就会用牙齿咬住猎物,毫不在意损失。当然,它能够探测陷阱并自己设置陷阱,但它仍然是一头野兽。[18]

虽然不是唯一的特使,但他是最高阶的,既是凯撒军队的最高元帅,又是他的继承人。最担忧如果凯撒死了,军团会发生什么事,留下拉尼厄斯继承他的衣钵,控制这支庞大的军队。[19][20] 他们中的许多人理应如此。[21]


但是拉尼厄斯不是野兽。 他更糟:一个有强大意识形态基础推动他信仰的人。对拉尼厄斯来说,战争是文明的熔炉,弱者被消耗为燃料,让强者得以锻造,成就伟业。[22] 野兽不会尊重外交。 虽然他看重的是军事才能而不是外交能力,但他并不轻视那些用言语战斗的人。[23] 他鄙视的是背叛,尤其是沃尔普斯的方法:[24] 虽然他认为这是为恺撒服务的一个诡计,但他不喜欢黑手党起义在军团的胜利中起作用的想法,认为这将玷污通过武力取得胜利的诚实。[25]

在NCR中,拉尼厄斯看到了过得去的敌人。在远距离作战中表现出色,领导人偶尔表现出才华,与受人尊敬的游骑兵战士作战。然而,政治导致拉尼厄斯面对能力较弱的李·奥利弗将军而不是狡猾的汉隆首席,拉尼厄斯认为这是令人遗憾的。[26] 但是,他也意识到NCR给予他的好处:汉隆敏锐地意识到,新的特使将不会重蹈旧战的覆辙,浪费了对顽固部队的徒劳进攻。奥利弗不是,他相信拉尼厄斯是个野蛮人。[27] 这个弱点正是拉尼厄斯用来确保凯撒胜利的武器: 利用进水管和维修隧道,军团将渗入水坝,与地面部队同时发动攻击,包围NCR 部队,在不冒因消耗而失败的风险的情况下摧毁他们。[28]该策略存在风险,需要快速执行:延迟可能会使NCR有时间重新组合并形成反攻。[29]

然而,尽管拉尼乌斯尊敬恺撒和军团,他的主人说了反对的话,拉尼乌斯依然对整个战役有所保留。[30][31] 随着征服科罗拉多,特别是丹佛的教训,这座被诅咒的城市,在他的记忆中还历历在目,拉尼尔斯认为西部是个陷阱,而不是财富。 共和国在维持对其领土的有效控制和为其人民提供食物方面遇到的麻烦只是证实了这种看法。[9] 虽然他已经准备好为凯撒而战,但是他也准备好了回到东部,继续完善军团,战败(无论是近期的还是远期的)是可能的。[32]



FO76 ui icon quest


  • 我来,我见,我征服: 特使拉尼厄斯将是向信使发出最终命令的人,也是在战斗后向他们表示祝贺的人。
  • 没有神,没有主人, 孤注一掷, 找到了!: 在胡佛大坝战役中,拉尼厄斯可以用大量的交易口才检定(分别为55、65、75、85和100)说服他撤退。一个口才路线将使他相信新加州共和国的广大领土是它的弱点,凯撒军团将无法在不严重削弱他们在东部的存在的情况下声称并控制它。另一个口才路线将说服他军团内部的派系想要他下台,他应该先处理好这件事。交易路线将使他相信,西方不是自给自足的,过于依赖NCR和它的补给商队,因此维持它将是极其困难的。如果在对话过程中,口才或交易检定失败,我们也可以从不同的口才角度虚张声势,说服他逃跑,暗示这场战斗太容易了,因为陷阱就在等着他,而玩家角色之所以告诉他这一点,只是因为用这种方式打败敌人是不光彩的。
  • 如果在接近尾声或开始时口才或交易检测不能通过,或选择错误的对话,他将准备参与战斗,信使将有一个独特的善业报对话选项,能够说服他与玩家角色独斗,“体面地”,不管他们是否有追随者(需要80口才)。


  • 与特使拉尼厄斯进行的最终战斗比游戏中几乎所有其他遭遇的任务都更为严格。 拉尼厄斯在战斗中采取了一些脚本化的行动,旨在使他更具挑战性的战斗:
    • 当拉尼厄斯的生命值降低到60%以下时,他将使用他的治疗药,使他每秒恢复8点生命值,持续27秒。 他有5剂治疗粉,随着效果消失,将不断使用它们。
    • 当拉尼厄斯的生命值降到40% 以下时,他会逃跑并藏起来以恢复生命值。这样做的同时,他暂时停止了敌意,使得盟友不再针对他。这也导致他的四肢恢复到100%的状态。 几秒钟后,他将跑回原来的起始位置,然后继续攻击信使。
  • 拉尼厄斯有几个特殊的属性;在与他交战时限制一些选择。
    • 拉尼厄斯比普通的非玩家角色快80%,即使他的双腿都瘫痪,也能超越玩家角色。
    • 拉尼厄斯比普通的非玩家角色有更多的疲劳点,这使得他很难被击倒。
    • 拉尼厄斯的武器不能被解除。
    • 拉尼厄斯不可能被反扒窃
    • 拉尼厄斯独特的东方之刃版本具有极高的击倒几率,使他经常将对手击倒在地。


  • 如果信使站在军团一边,让凯撒因为脑瘤而死拉尼厄斯将成为军团的新领袖。他比凯撒冷酷无情得多,而且他处理事情的方式,与凯撒在获胜后的处理方式不同。比如,他宁愿把阿卡德·甘农钉死,也不愿意让他继续做医生,在拉斯维加斯大门口屠杀拉斯维加斯的人民,宁愿让漢隆和其他NCR游骑兵一起钉死,也不愿意出于尊重,让他迅速死去,消灭天啟追随者,也不愿意让他们安全离开莫哈韋廢土,追逐英克雷残党,也不承认他们注定要失败。


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
特使的盔甲和头盔* 東方之劍*
5x 燃烧手雷
Leg. healing powder Legate helmet

* 拉尼厄斯不会放下他的盔甲,但是,在接下来的任务中,可以短暂获得头盔。 他携带的东方之刃与掉落的东方之刃是不同的版本。






  • 拉尼厄斯由John GonzalezChris Avellone设计。 Chris Avellone撰写了拉尼厄斯的所有对话。
  • 拉尼厄斯的配音演员Mitch Lewis随后将在辐射粉丝电影《辐射:拉尼厄斯(Fallout:Lanius)》中重新扮演拉尼厄斯的角色。



  1. The Courier: "I've heard rumors of your Legate, Lanius. What's his story?"
    Caesar: "Lanius is the greatest of my battlefield commanders. Some might call him a great man, but I'm not sure he qualifies. Once, he was the greatest warrior of the Hidebarks, a tribe of the Arizona. Maniacal in battle. Sometimes he'd ambush Legion patrols by himself. When, after several months we found and surrounded the Hidebarks' camp, their Chieftain raised a banner of surrender. The warrior who was not yet Lanius went insane with rage. He struck down his Chieftain and attacked his own tribe."
    The Courier: "What happened when Lanius attacked his own tribe?"
    Caesar: "He killed fifteen before they brought him down. He didn't die, obviously. I had him tended to. He was maimed, most of face torn off. It was days before he regained consciousness. When he did, I went to his bedside and showed him the helmet I'd had forged to cover his face. I said he could have it if he'd fight for me. He accepted... on condition that he be allowed to kill the surviving males of his tribe. I said, make it the adult males and you have a deal."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  2. Courier: "Is there anything you can tell me about the Legate?"
    Lucius: "He's the best warrior in the Legion. A full Legionary by the time he was 12, he's never lost a battle. Had the Legate been in command during the Battle of Hoover Dam, the Legion would've won. I have no doubt about that."
    (Lucius' dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "What can you tell me about Legate Lanius?"
    Antony: "It took years for Caesar to conquer Lanius' tribe, and Caesar showed mercy to the survivors, allowing them to join the Legion. Had the positions been reversed, Caesar would be dead. Lanius is called the Monster of the East because he never, ever shows mercy."
    (Antony's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "You don't think Lanius can lead the Legion?"
    Joshua Graham: "I think only Caesar can lead the Legion. I've never met anyone who could take his place. I couldn't. I never had a mind for logistics. I don't know Lanius, but from what I've heard, he has no interest in leading anyone unless it's in battle. No. The Legion dies with Caesar. What follows now are just the last steps of a man who does not yet realize that he's walking dead."
    (Joshua Graham's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "He's just one general. I can handle him."
    Ulysses: "Lanius carries all the terrors of the East with him. He's the myth, the weapon the Legion needs. When he arrives, he'll fall on Hoover Dam like a hammer, break the Bear in two."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "He must have a weakness."
    Ulysses: "His strength lies in his title - and it is his weakness. He will not fight a losing battle and destroy what he represents. Put the idea of loss in him. Convince him the Bear will not be the twentieth tribe beneath his heel, it will make him pause like nothing on earth. You do not need to convince him alone. Draw upon history. The past of other Legates are not filled with victories. Remind Lanius of this."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Courier: "Who is Legate Lanius?"
    Ulysses: "Lanius... the "Butcher." Monster, Terror of the East. Not even his slaves have seen his face - struck them blind so they can't. Wears a mask, don't even know if it's the same man. He put Colorado to the sword, broke the Hangdogs by throwing their hounds upon the flames, so they might burn forever in the afterlife."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "What do you know about Legate Lanius?"
    Siri: "The Legate is not a man to be crossed, especially if you're a woman. That's all I will say about it."
    (Siri's dialogue)
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Courier: "As Legate, do you really believe that, or are you taking a chance?"
    Lanius: "Hnh. Long ago... when taking Denver, I had to face such a challenge. Many died, over many years to claim the city as ours. It was the lines of food and water that nearly broke the Legion's strength... and the lack of tribals near that cursed city. What I felt in that struggle, I felt as I saw the map of the West. The West is a trap. The bear has already been caught in it, and it is dying."
    (Lanius' dialogue)
  10. 10.0 10.1 The Courier: "Who is this Legatus you mention?"
    Gabban: "Legatus Lanius, Monster of the East! Quite a man, if man he be. Caesar prides himself on selecting the right tool to overcome each new obstacle. In Lanius, he found his hammer. He's never been defeated in battle. 14 tribes have laid down arms at his boots. Another five, rendered extinct. His latest campaign in the wilds of the Utah has concluded, and he is en route. When he arrives, your doom arrives with him."
    (Gabban's dialogue)
  11. Armor of the 87th Tribe
  12. The Courier: "Any idea on how to beat him?"
    Ulysses: "Nineteen tribes could not do it. All the lights in Vegas cannot."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  13. The Courier: "You're the Legate, I'm guessing?"
    Lanius: "I am the commander of this army. The Son of Mars has granted me the name Lanius. And the time to serve him has come once more."
    The Courier: "What does Lanius mean?"
    Lanius: "The word means 'butcher' in Latin. I was granted the name after proving myself in several battles. Perhaps after today's battle, you too will earn yourself a new name."
    (Lanius' dialogue)
  14. The Courier: "He sounds more like a savage than a general."
    Caesar: "Lanius is savage. Savagely loyal, too, but only to me - he has no love for my Legion. But this has its uses. He has no attachment to his men, no compunction about battlefield losses. All he cares about is destroying the enemy. When another legatus or a Centurion fails to achieve results, I send Lanius to make things right. His first step is to beat the failed commander to death in front of his assembled troops. Then he orders the ritual of decimatio."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  15. Radio New Vegas news report from Bitter Springs.
  16. Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "Legate Lanius, the Monster of the East, is the military commander of all Caesar's forces in the field. He is legendary for his devotion to Caesar and for his ability to sense weakness in any army."
  17. Courier: "Any speculation on Legion tactics?"
    Robert House: "With Caesar dead, it's hard to know what to expect. The Legate, Lanius, is renowned as a brutal man, not a subtle tactician. Frontal assaults, wave attacks - these are the sort of tactics one would expect from such a man. The Legion will mount a ferocious and determined frontal assault from the east, that much is certain. Still, Caesar is a capable strategist. I'd be surprised if he hasn't found some way to infiltrate the dam, or the NCR's rear areas."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  18. The Courier: "What can you tell me about the Legate?"
    Vulpes Inculta: "To call Lanius ferocious would be an understatement. In battle, he seizes the enemy in his jaws and will not let go. He thinks nothing of suffering losses, so long as the enemy suffers more. Though unsubtle, he is not dim. He detects traps, and sets his own. Be glad you will not have to face his judgment... if you are true to Caesar."
    (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
  19. Vulpes Inculta: "I'm pleased that you were able to cure Caesar's malady. Though the Legate is a fine leader, we yet need the wisdom of Caesar to guide the Legion."
    (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
  20. Vulpes Inculta: "This is a moment I'd hoped would not come for many years. Caesar's death puts the Legate Lanius in command now."
    (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
  21. Fallout: New Vegas endings
  22. The Courier: "Where you see death, I see change - and I see it as a strength."
    Lanius: "[SUCCEEDED] Hnh. My coming would have saved you, set your people free in ways they cannot see. War would have tested them. Broken the weak with its violence, yet allowing the strong to arise. Violence gave you that strength, awakened you - I can see it upon your face, where two bullets left their mark."
    (Lanius' dialogue)
  23. The Courier: "Maybe you're willing to listen to reason."
    Lanius: "I see you fight with words, like all beneath the flag of the bear. Let us hope your skill with weapons proves greater."
    (Lanius' dialogue)
  24. The Courier: "What can you tell me about the Legate?"
    Vulpes Inculta: "Lanius served Caesar well, as his greatest battlefield commander. With Lanius at the head of the Legion, however, I doubt he'll have much use for my services. He prefers... direct methods."
    (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
  25. The Courier: "Good, because the Omertas' plan was stopped, Vegas is as strong as ever."
    Lanius: "A plan by Vulpes... treachery is a weapon that one should never rely on. I can only hope that the Omertas died when their treachery was exposed, to have the plan succeed only would have sullied the Legion. It does not matter, victory shall be ours, it shall be swift, and it will be honest, purchased with blood."
    (Lanius' dialogue)
  26. The Courier: "What do you think of the NCR?"
    Lanius: "They are passable foes. Like their citizens, they prefer their war from a distance, and at that, they excel. Their leaders have on occasion shown brilliance, their rangers in particular have adapted well to our strategies. But their rangers are few, and this General Oliver we face is not their best. I regret not being able to face Hanlon, the one who led them last time."
    (Lanius' dialogue)
  27. Courier: "Why do they call Lanius the Monster of the East?"
    Hanlon: "Oh, the usual reasons. People say he's enormous, carries a big sword, chops peoples' heads off. That's not what makes him a good commander, though. Folks say he came from a heck of a tough tribe, took Caesar a long time to conquer. It was thanks to Lanius. But once Caesar broke him, he was born again. He'll go anywhere and do anything to win. Legion says he can smell weakness. Once he finds out where an army's vulnerable, he'll go to it like a dog for the throat."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  28. The Courier: "I'm ready. What is the plan?"
    Lanius: "In the past, the NCR has relied upon attrition, withering our numbers with ranged fire and falling back as necessary. Not this time. The dam contains tunnels to its heart, overlooked by the NCR... now occupied by the Legion. When the battle begins, the NCR will find our teeth at their throats in a dozen places. There will be no attrition, no falling back, only carnage."
    (Lanius' dialogue)
  29. The Courier: "Any idea what our chances are?"
    Lanius: "Their men take comfort in - and rely on - killing at a distance. They will not have the luxury of such comforts this time. Our warriors will wash over them in a tide of blood, severing arms before they can attack, legs before they can run, and heads before they can pray. So yes, fortune favors our chances, messenger. Provided *you* move quickly."
    (Lanius' dialogue)
  30. The Courier: "Are you looking forward to the battle?"
    Lanius: "I live to serve Caesar's will - and the will of the Legion. If my victory serves them both, then I am pleased."
    (Lanius' dialogue)
  31. The Courier: "What, Caesar giving you orders beyond the grave?"
    Lanius: "Caesar's will is the will of the Legion. And the West... all beneath the flag of the Great Bear exist to test the strength of the Legion. The West shall fall as the East fell, and all the tribes that stretch to the setting sun shall bear the mark of the Legion."
    (Lanius' dialogue)
  32. The Courier: "There is victory in wisdom, Legate."
    Lanius: "As for wisdom... there is wisdom in your words, man/woman of the West. Know that I shall return East. I shall not remain there forever. On that day, the strength of the bear shall be tested. If the West is one day filled with ones such as you, perhaps it shall be a worthy fight, indeed."
    (Lanius' dialogue)