Torrance House is a location in the Forest region of Appalachia.
Once known for having wonderful (though loud) parties[Non-game 1][1] and being the childhood home of Brody Torrance, before he became a raider,[2] this grand mansion is now a ruined derelict, slowly falling apart in the woods overlooking Summersville Lake.
Torrance House is a large, multi-story building. On the southeast side of the roof, two skeletons can be found seated in a lawn chair together with candles and a wine bottle. There is a Comrade Chubs holding a lighter near the candles and wooden blocks positioned to spell out "hubba hubba."
The location also features a maze, complete with Protectron and Eyebot defenders. In the eastern part of the maze, a skeleton sits slumped against the topiary wall, with a fire axe beside them. Wooden blocks can be found on the maintenance scaffolding that spell out "redrum."
- 關於最近的噪音層級 - 釘在前門旁邊牆上。
- Writings of Jacque - Four of the five notes are located here, found only during Costa Business: Herschel.
- Two potential Vault-Tec bobbleheads:
- On the eastern edge of the roof, near two skeletons embracing.
- On the stone perimeter wall of the hedge maze.
- Three potential magazines:
- On the southwest side of the mansion, on the patio, near to the toy blocks that spell out "redrum," under a yellow pushcart.
- On top of the roof, very close to the scaffolding.
- In the octagonal room with the ornate furniture and the large desk in the middle, behind three large paintings propped against the east wall.
Torrance House appears only 在辐射76 .
這裡藏了幾個致敬電影鬼店的彩蛋。包括六個積木拼成redrum的字眼, which is a reference to a particular scene;一把消防府放在一具骷髏旁,這是致敬了電影結局;and the hedge maze which is a prominent feature in the movie. 最後這棟建築的名稱(torrance)則是致敬電影一家人的姓氏(托倫斯)。[Non-game 2] Jacque, a Protectron later added to the location with the Once in a Blue Moon update, also appears to reference Jack Torrance, the main antagonist of the film.
标签存在,但没有找到相应的<references group="Non-game"/>