
Gametitle-FNV HH
Gametitle-FNV HH
Of course, the Dead Horses have their wooden war clubs and even the Sorrows have their Yao Guai gauntlets.Joshua Graham

The war club is a weapon in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.


它们是取材自錫安峽谷质地坚硬的木材,并且会被雕刻成2英尺長的棍棒。它是死马部落的形象武器,战棍的striking end被雕刻成马头形状。

Special attack[]

It has a special Lights Out attack that does 125% damage in V.A.T.S. at the cost of 5 more action points (requires a Melee skill of 50).

Type of attackSkill requiredDamage per attack in V.A.T.S.Action point costDamage per action point
Lights Out5047.5261.83
Note: Melee weapons do double normal damage in V.A.T.S.

It is possible to execute Lights Out outside of V.A.T.S. (without the required Melee skill of 50 to perform the move) by initiating a power attack (hold attack button) while moving forward.


The war club can successfully strike about 995 times from full condition before breaking.


  • War club casings - Increases damage (+5)
  • War club honors - Increases attack speed (+25%)


  • Follows-Chalk's war club: A unique variant wielded by Follows-Chalk.


Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- 武器名称(近战或肉搏)Attacks in V.A.T.S.- 在V.A.T.S.攻击数
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- 武器名称(枪械,能量或炸药)Action point cost- 消耗行动点数
Damage per attack (damage per projectile)- 每次攻击的伤害(每发炮弹的伤害)Damage per action point- 每个行动点数的伤害
Damage per second- 每秒伤害Weapon spread- 武器扩散
Area of effect damage- 有效损害范围Magazine capacity (shots per reload)- 弹匣容量(每次装填弹数)
Effect damage & duration- 效果伤害&持续时间Durability (number of attacks before breaking)- 耐久性(损坏前攻击次数)
Bonus effects- 奖励影响Weight- 重量
Attacks per second- 每秒攻击数Value in caps- 瓶盖价值
Critical chance % multiplier- 暴击几率%乘数Value to weight ratio- 价值重量比
Critical damage- 暴击伤害Skill required- 技能要求
Critical effect damage & duration- 暴击效果伤害和持续时间Strength required- 力量要求
With all mods attached- 装上所有模块
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)Damage per attack (damage per projectile)Damage per secondAttacks per secondCritical Chance % multiplierCritical damageAction Point costDamage per action pointDurability (number of attacks before breaking)WeightValue in capsValue to weight ratioSkill requiredStrength required
War club Honest Hearts19
War club With all weapon mods attached Honest Hearts24
Note: Melee damage is doubled in V.A.T.S.



  • The war club is the fastest blunt melee weapon in the game.
  • After modifying it, this weapon has a damage-per-second (DPS) almost as high as weapons that require a Melee Weapons skill of 100. This makes it a solid melee weapon for players not devoted to increasing their melee skill.
  • A war club that has been upgraded with honors makes the charge attack faster than running. In fact, simply holding down the melee button makes travel faster. The Slayer and Melee Hacker perks increase this speed, and when combined with rushing water, the player character will travel at a blinding speed.
  • Both modifications for the war club can be purchased from the Gun Runners after completing Honest Hearts.
  • The war club honors modification changes the weapon's icon.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The war club is similar to war clubs used by the native population of New Zealand and Apache tribals.


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