由于使用了更大口径、更高重量的40mm榴弹,所以它的伤害要超过普通的榴弹机关炮。口径更大的副作用就是装弹量从30降低到18。The 40mm grenade is also heavier than its 25mm counterpart, further limiting the amount of ammo the player can carry in hardcore mode without being over-encumbered. Like most unique weapons, Mercy cannot be modded. This weapon looks extremely rusted and heavily used.
它可以发射2495发标准40mm榴弹,from full condition before breaking.
The writing on the "display" is easily recognizable as part of a Bash script, a very common way of scripting out actions in the Linux and Unix world (OS X, BSD, FreeBSD, NeXTSTEP, Ubuntu etc.).
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 3Has platform::Xbox 360 The game may crash if you fire continuously in the same place. [已验证]
Has platform::Xbox 360 The weapon can disappear from your game. [已验证]