
是的,几十年来一直如此。雇员们知道他们要干的是什么 - 我们不会用花言巧语来隐瞒任何事。

愛麗絲·麥克拉弗蒂(英文名:Alice McLafferty)是中樞市赤紅商隊总部的执行经理,也是2281年的新拉斯维加斯分公司的现任经理。麦克拉弗蒂是一个精明的女商人,她以最高的效率和在CCC员工中臭名昭著的冷酷无情来管理她的所有日常活动,[1]但仍然保持着他们对她的能力的忠诚和尊重。[2]





她总体计划的一部分是在鋼鐵兄弟會/NCR战争的双方进行合作。她目前正在向麦克森的地堡的兄弟会和胡佛大坝的NCR提供武器和弹药。她希望消耗战最终会让道奇付出代价,让他下台。一旦发生这种情况,她计划向麦克森的地堡提供补给,暗杀Devon Hill,炸毁麦克森的地堡入口,因此把所有幸存者困在里面,然后作为结束战争的英雄回到胡佛大坝。当然,这是宏伟的计划,但她对自己有充分的信心去实现它。商业间谍活动似乎是她最喜欢的消遣。[5]



Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest
  • 年轻的心
  • 心痛的数字
  • Get Meeting with Governor Joseph Dodge Van Buren
  • Successfully Negotiate Peace between NCR and BOS Van Buren
  • Successfully spy on the Crimson Caravan Company for 3-Some Caravan Co. Van Buren
  • Join up with the Crimson Caravan Company as spy for 3-Some Van Buren
  • Successfully extort money out of Ailis McLafferty using evidence Van Buren
  • Expose Crimson Caravan to Governor Dodge using evidence and helping Major Fleming with the arrest Van Buren



  • 信使最終可以發現爱丽斯与范·格拉夫家族阴谋的真相,信使可以选择幫卡斯杀掉麦克拉弗蒂,不过新加州共和国的物资供应会因此出现很大的麻烦。
  • 或者信使可以选择把麦克拉弗蒂阴谋的证据交给新加州共和国,允许他们"加强对整个莫哈韋廢土贸易的控制"。
  • 如果信使偷了軍火販子制造图纸并和平完成心痛的数字,那么爱丽斯和格洛丽亚将被軍火販子伏击并杀死,以寻求报复。即使信使偷图没被抓,也会发生这种情况。
  • 杀死麦克拉弗蒂,或者当着商队成员的面打开她办公室的保险箱会导致与赤红商队的敌对。
  • 在完成你可以依赖我瓶盖制造机任务之前杀死麥克拉弗蒂会导致这些任务失败。


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
肮脏的战前职业装 镭射手枪 100 瓶盖
7 耗尽的小型能量电池s
$5 NCR






  • 愛麗絲·麥克拉弗蒂是包含在辐射:新维加斯典藏版中,避难所扑克牌的红桃6。
  • 范布伦的设定中,她的名字还是"阿莱斯"。不过到了辐射:新维加斯,她的名字被改成了更传统的"爱丽丝"。
  • 愛麗絲·麥克拉弗蒂的范布伦概念形象是基于女演员格伦·克洛斯[5]



  1. Crimson Caravan guard: "McLafferty’s been riding asses again. Better lay low."
    (Crimson Caravan guard's dialogue)
  2. Crimson Caravan guard: "McLafferty’s a hard boss, but she knows what she’s doing, that’s for sure."
    (Crimson Caravan guard's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Are you really going to ruin what's supposed to be a time of happiness for her?"
    Alice McLafferty: "[SUCCEEDED] Being sentimental is not how I made the Crimson Caravan so successful, but I'll allow it, just this once. Janet will be paid what she's owed. Consider it a gift."
    (Alice McLafferty's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "You're well-dressed for this place."
    Alice McLafferty: "Normally, I oversee company operations at the Hub in California. However, the New Vegas branch has been underperforming in recent years. Given the conditions here, it's not hard to see why. I'll change all that, soon enough."
    (Alice McLafferty's dialogue)
  5. 5.0 5.1 Hoover Dam design document
Hoover Dam
Design Document
CharactersGovernor Joseph Dodge · Mjr. Jack Fleming · Guido Giordano · Enzo Giordano · Vinnie Giordano · Dorris · Ailis McLafferty · Ralph Peoples · Mitch Stiller · Candice Morris · Pierre LaPoubelle · Dr. Yuri Polivich · Pablo Riviera · Frieda Van Graff · Milko · Dusty Heart · Beatrice · Otto Steed · Dianne · Farmer Dave · Bob · Mary-Joe · Billy-Bob · Mallet McBride · Ginger Flowers · Nancy Haggard · Arcade Gannon · Mike Lawson · Hoover Dam commoner
LocationsThe Rim (Fancy PC pad) · Downtown (Frieda's Firearms · Dusty's Desires · Hock-it to Bob) · Hoover Dam baseline · Scum Pits · Sub-Level 1C
QuestsGet Meeting with Governor Dodge · Negotiate Peace between NCR and BOS · Get City Council attendance back to norm · Join up with the 3-Some Caravan Company  · Spy on Crimson Caravan for 3-Some Caravan · Join up with the Crimson Caravan Company as spy for 3-Some · Successfully frame 3-Some Caravan Co. for extortion and murder · Successfully extort money out of Ailis McLafferty using evidence · Expose Crimson Caravan to Governor Dodge  · Give filtration schematics to former BOS scribes · Get school attendance up to norm · Teach class on Wasteland survival · Clear out critters in Scum Pits for possible hydroponics lab · Get shipments from Denver for materials to build hydroponics lab · Discover Sub-level 1 · Relay new history from traveling the wasteland to Candice · Get Mary-Joe to stop turning tricks & get access to Scum Pits · Discover lost Hoover Dam war and Sub-level 1 history · Relay new history from traveling the wasteland to Candice · Help Beatrice in a bar fight · Do Bob's bounty hunter jobs · Recalibrate the two working power generators to be more efficient and increase power · Get liquor for Pablo
OrganizationsNew California Republic · Crimson Caravan · 3-Some Caravan · Followers of the Apocalypse