
Pack of drugged-out killers. They're addicted to every stim, every pill, every psychoactive enema on this fucked-up Earth.— Major Dhatri



Made savage by excessive chem use, the Fiends of New Vegas are the most numerous and troublesome raiders of the Mojave Wasteland.Fallout: New Vegas loading screen

三号避难所的居民在长时间的封闭之后,因一场意外打开大门,开始与外面的人贸易,而他们成功的生意引来了恶魔帮的注意,居民在毫无防御之下,恶魔帮毫不费力就抢下了整个避难所, 里面的居民被魔鬼帮赶尽灭绝,魔鬼帮袭击破坏了3号避难所,并将其称作大本营,用于躲避NCR的安全屋。

Calling themselves the Fiends, the vault was left wide-open, practically being a feral den for the raiders and their huge pack of dogs. Unfortunately, the capture of the vault gave the raiders a safe haven to operate from, allowing 他们占领了新维加斯西部的大部分地区。 Composed largely of violent, mentally unstable drug addicts, individually they are unexceptional in every way, but their large numbers have made them a dangerous organization for settlements and travellers in west New Vegas. Whether it is murder, rape, or shooting innocents for sport, the Fiends are more than happy to bring anarchy to the areas under their control.


The Fiends have little organization except for their occupation of Vault 3 and a few central leaders: Violet, Cook-Cook, Driver Nephi, and Motor-Runner. With Motor-Runner being the one running Vault 3, he is presumed to be the main leader of the Fiends, while Violet, Cook-Cook and Driver Nephi control smaller crews of their own. Like many other raider groups, the Fiends split into small war-parties, usually between 3-4 members, which allows them to operate in an enormous portion of the outer New Vegas area aside from their main area of west and south-western New Vegas.

Outside, they are usually gathered around campfires, where much of their scavenged items such as first aid and ammunition boxes can be found scattered around. Many raider camps are protected by makeshift walls and littered with graffiti. At times, they utilize traps in order to protect their shelter, evident in the many traps found inside Zapp's Neon Signs.


此帮派的大多数成员都如同其他匪徒一样攻击除了他们以外的任何势力人员,除了大汗帮, 他们是主要的毒品供应来源。如果信使的口才够好,可以用毒品贩子的身份躲过敌意并自由进出3号避难所。The Fiends are a constant problem for the NCR particularly, as Camp McCarran is located a short distance from Vault 3, making it especially prone to Fiend attacks. The problem became such an issue for the resource-strained NCR that Major Dhatri put bounties on the Fiend leaders' heads, offering these contracts to private mercenaries.

While the Fiends are openly hostile towards almost all groups in the Mojave except the Great Khans, they do seem to co-operate with a few certain wasteland inhabitants. Cook-Cook is known to have bought slaves from Saint James and Dermot, while Caesar's Legion frequently provides the Fiends with information on NCR troop movements, helping them set up ambushes and traps.


The Fiends, being mentally unstable raiders with little organization, make use of what is available in their surroundings. 其成员大多穿着轻便的匪徒盔甲以保持敏捷性,并将有角头骨作为头饰。Cook-Cook and Duke are the only Fiends who do not wear these headpieces.


Due to the wide range of different weapons varying from Fiend to Fiend, it is assumed that they are either stolen or looted off people the raiders had killed.



# 幻灯片 画外音旁白 游戏中的条件
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他们的头领被信使消灭,恶魔帮分散在废土各处。如果没有机车手库克大厨紫罗兰司机内菲的组织,他们很容易成为猎物。 杀死所有恶魔帮头领:机车手、库克大厨、紫罗兰和司机内菲。如果满足此条件,此结局将覆盖恶魔帮的所有其他结局。
Fiend end slide 02
从未被NCR削弱,恶魔帮在胡佛大坝的第二次战役中对麦卡伦营地发动了攻击。虽然NCR击退了恶魔帮,但他们在此过程中损失惨重。 不要杀死任何恶魔帮头领,完成NCR的结局任务找到了!
Fiend end slide 02
在第二次胡佛大坝战役期间,恶魔帮对麦卡伦营地发动了攻击。在NCR撤退期间,恶魔帮在豪斯先生保安机器人处理他们以前,击退了很多游骑兵。 至少有两名恶魔帮头领还活着,为豪斯先生完成结局任务孤注一掷
Fiend end slide 02
在第二次胡佛大坝战役中,恶魔帮攻占了麦卡伦营地。在随后的无政府状态几个月中,恶魔帮声称对维加斯外围的统治地位。 所有恶魔帮头领都还活着,完成独立新维加斯的结局任务没有神,没有主人
Fiend end slide 02
在第二次胡佛大坝战役中,恶魔帮虽然被削弱了,但还是攻击了麦卡伦营地。NCR以最小的损失击退了这次攻击,并在接下来的几天里消灭了剩下的恶魔帮头领,永远摧毁了他们的力量。 杀死所有恶魔帮头领,完成NCR的结局任务找到了!
Fiend end slide 02
恶魔帮在第二次胡佛大坝战役中袭击了麦卡伦营地,损失惨重。凯撒对他们的表现和对药物的依赖不以为然,将他们消灭了。 完成凯撒军团的结局任务我来,我见,我征服
Fiend end slide 02
恶魔帮在第二次胡佛大坝战役中袭击了麦卡伦营地,但NCR以最小的损失击退了这次袭击。当豪斯先生声称控制了外维加斯时,他的保安机器人彻底消灭了剩余的恶魔。 杀死三个恶魔帮头领,为豪斯先生完成结局任务孤注一掷
Fiend end slide 02
恶魔帮在第二次胡佛大坝战役期间袭击了麦卡伦营地,尽管损失惨重,但还是占领了它。他们在整个外维加斯继续滋扰,但从未完全控制该地区。 杀死所有恶魔帮头领,完成独立新维加斯的结局任务没有神,没有主人


  • Fiends sometimes spawn near The Thorn and start attacking people at Westside south entrance. They may also sometimes enter The Thorn, but will be killed instantly by the guards.
  • Fiends are hated by almost all residents of Westside, as they are a constant danger to the settlement.
  • Fiends always have red eyes, a side effect from their constant chem consumption.
  • There are many Fiends in Vault 3 that can be found already dead in several residential rooms, apparently having died of either chem overdoses or fatal infighting between themselves.
  • Fiends may sometimes spawn and attack the player outside of the Crimson Caravan camp.
  • Upon fast-traveling to Camp McCarran, two Fiends may be attacking the entrance.
  • Upon fast-traveling to Freeside East Gate, some Fiends may be spawned nearby.
  • Fiends can sometimes be fighting in The Thorn.
  • A group of four to six Fiends will always respawn around Fiend territory. A group of three fiends respawn at a fixed location between Brewer's beer bootlegging and Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters.
  • The Fiends may constantly be found in a firefight against patrolling NCR troopers around the area surrounding the New Vegas Strip.
  • 杀掉其成员会获得正面道德值。
  • Although wearing Great Khan armor will make Fiends at Vault 3 friendly, other Fiends anywhere in the wasteland will still attack you, including those just outside of the vault. Like Diane mentions, they are outside for a reason.


Fiends only appear in Fallout: New Vegas and the graphic novel All Roads.


Has platform::PCPC When you have dealt with Motor-Runner and the Fiends in a friendly way during Aba Daba Honeymoon or by passing a Speech Check at the entrance to Vault 3 the Fiends might become permanently friendly. Entering SetPCEnemyOfFaction 000ef323 1 in the console will make them hostile again. [已验证]

See also[]

  • NCR-Fiends War