
一群吸毒的杀手。他们对这该死的地球上的每一种兴奋剂,每一种药丸,每一种精神灌肠剂都上瘾。— Major Dhatri




惡魔幫的起源是未知的,尽管他们已经由一个名叫机车手的人领导了很多年。他们控制着维加斯西南部的废墟,当3号避难所打开时,他们将之置于他们的视线之内。尽管在几周内与外部世界保持着相对和平的贸易关系,但避难所的居民过于轻信对方,没有办法保护自己。[4][5]当惡魔幫来突袭避难所时,居民们直接让他们进去了,而惡魔幫却把他们全部屠杀了。[6]机车手看到了避难所的潜力,并在进入西区方面遇到了麻烦,于是决定把它作为他们的新家。[7]在这个安全的避风港扎根之后,恶魔幫逐渐强大起来,现在他们声称新维加斯西南部的大部分地区都是他们的领土。[Non-game 1]





与此同时,NCR对惡魔幫的关注日益增加,因为他们的活动对他们的军事总部麦卡伦营地构成持续的背景威胁。[15]这已经成为一个足够大的问题,Major Dhatri赏金放在恶魔帮领袖的头上。[16]他们被西区的大多数居民所憎恨,因为他们一直是社区的危险,甚至直接走进人们的家中并绑架他们。[17]


虽然恶魔帮对除了大汗帮之外的莫哈韋廢土 上的几乎所有部落都公开怀有敌意,但他们似乎确实与一些废土居民合作。例如,库克-库克,他从圣詹姆斯德莫特那里买了奴隶。[20]


恶魔帮拥有各种不同的武器,从基本的近战武器,如小刀台球球杆,到异常大量的高科技射程武器,如雷射RCW电浆步枪。他们大多携带基本的枪支,如caravan shotgun狐鼠步枪消音.22冲锋枪。一些惡魔幫偶尔会被发现携带武器,如电锯齿锯,和火焰喷射器。由于惡魔幫的武器种类繁多,人们认为这些武器要么是从他们杀死的人身上捡来的,要么是偷来的,要么是掠夺来的。他们穿着各种各样的掠夺者盔甲,戴着独特的头盔装饰着战争绘制的反刍动物头骨。惡魔幫还使用了Zapp's Neon Signs中的霓虹灯标志,在他们的领土周围建立了一个外围围栏。[21]





# 幻灯片 画外音旁白 游戏中的条件
Fiend end slide 01
他们的头领被信使消灭,惡魔幫分散在废土各处。如果没有机车手库克大厨紫罗兰司机内菲的组织,他们很容易成为猎物。 杀死所有惡魔幫头领:机车手、库克大厨、紫罗兰和司机内菲。如果满足此条件,此结局将覆盖惡魔幫的所有其他结局。
Fiend end slide 02
从未被NCR削弱,惡魔幫在胡佛大坝的第二次战役中对麦卡伦营地发动了攻击。虽然NCR击退了惡魔幫,但他们在此过程中损失惨重。 不要杀死任何惡魔幫头领,完成NCR的结局任务找到了!
Fiend end slide 02
在第二次胡佛大坝战役期间,惡魔幫对麦卡伦营地发动了攻击。在NCR撤退期间,惡魔幫在豪斯先生保安機器人处理他们以前,击退了很多游骑兵。 至少有两名惡魔幫头领还活着,为豪斯先生完成结局任务孤注一掷
Fiend end slide 02
在第二次胡佛大坝战役中,惡魔幫攻占了麦卡伦营地。在随后的无政府状态几个月中,惡魔幫声称对维加斯外围的统治地位。 所有惡魔幫头领都还活着,完成独立新维加斯的结局任务没有神,没有主人
Fiend end slide 02
在第二次胡佛大坝战役中,惡魔幫虽然被削弱了,但还是攻击了麦卡伦营地。NCR以最小的损失击退了这次攻击,并在接下来的几天里消灭了剩下的惡魔幫头领,永远摧毁了他们的力量。 杀死所有惡魔幫头领,完成NCR的结局任务找到了!
Fiend end slide 02
惡魔幫在第二次胡佛大坝战役中袭击了麦卡伦营地,损失惨重。凯撒对他们的表现和对藥物的依赖不以为然,将他们消灭了。 完成凯撒军团的结局任务我来,我见,我征服
Fiend end slide 02
惡魔幫在第二次胡佛大坝战役中袭击了麦卡伦营地,但NCR以最小的损失击退了这次袭击。当豪斯先生声称控制了外维加斯时,他的保安機器人彻底消灭了剩余的恶魔。 杀死三个惡魔幫头领,为豪斯先生完成结局任务孤注一掷
Fiend end slide 02
惡魔幫在第二次胡佛大坝战役期间袭击了麦卡伦营地,尽管损失惨重,但还是占领了它。他们在整个外维加斯继续滋扰,但从未完全控制该地区。 杀死所有惡魔幫头领,完成独立新维加斯的结局任务没有神,没有主人



  • 惡魔幫有时会在棘刺城附近生成,并开始攻击西区南入口的人。他们有时也可能进入棘刺城,但会立即被警卫杀死。
  • 惡魔幫被几乎所有的西区居民所憎恨,因为他们一直对这个聚落构成威胁。
  • 恶魔幫的眼睛总是红的,这是他们不断消耗药物的副作用。
  • 在3号避难所中,有许多恶魔帮已经在几个住宅房间中死亡,显然是死于药物过量或他们之间致命的内斗。
  • 恶魔幫有时会在赤紅商隊营地外生成并攻击玩家角色。
  • 在快速前往麦卡伦营地时,两个恶魔幫可能正在攻击入口。
  • 当快速旅行到自由城的东门时,可能会在附近生成一些恶魔幫。
  • 恶魔幫有时会在棘刺城中战斗。
  • 一组4到6个恶魔幫总是会在恶魔幫领土周围重生。一组三个恶魔幫在布鲁尔的私酒坊夕阳沙士公司总部之间的固定位置重生。
  • 恶魔幫经常会被发现在与巡逻的NCR士兵新維加斯賭城周围地区交火。
  • 杀戮恶魔幫获得正面的业报
  • 虽然穿着大汗帮盔甲会使3号避难所的恶魔帮变得友好,但废土上的其他恶魔帮仍然会攻击玩家角色,包括那些在避难所外的恶魔帮。就像丹尼尔提到的,他们在外面是有原因的。
  • 如果信使大山脉X-13研究设施完成所有测试,该设施最终将扩大并成为一个新的研究设施,研究闯入大楼的恶魔帮。[1]




  • Has platform::PCPC药品生意中与机车手和恶魔帮友好相处,或者在3号避难所入口处通过口才检查,恶魔帮可能会永久友好。在控制台中输入SetPCEnemyOfFaction 000ef323 1将使它们再次处于敌对状态。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 杀死库克-库克, 紫罗兰和司机内菲(机车手还活着),并完成NCR游戏结局任务找到了!,仍然可以得到结局,就好像所有的恶魔帮领袖都活着一样。



  • NCR-惡魔幫之战


  1. 1.0 1.1 旧世蓝调结局, X-13研究设施: "The infiltration program in X-13 felt spent, having repeatedly upgraded the Stealth Suit until it could upgrade it no more. It felt warm, fulfilled, and a bit sluggish. It realized not long after, the Stealth Suit had left it without so much as a note on the nightstand. So the infiltration program sent out robobrains into the wastes looking for its wayward technology. It eventually found REPCONN HQ, and set up a new research center, testing and murdering Fiends who kept breaking into the facility."
  2. The Courier: "The Fiends?"
    James Hsu: "As in chem fiends. Biggest gang of raiders I've ever seen. Nothing like addiction to swell your numbers. Psychotic, and completely unpredictable. They've set up shop in Vault 3 to the west. Every day they attack our positions and my men repel them. But every day there's more of them and less of us. I sent one of my rangers after their leader to try and destabilize them. He didn't return. Hell of a thing, losing a ranger. You come to depend on them. And they come through for you so often, you forget it can happen."
    (James Hsu's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "What do you know about the Fiends?"
    Dhatri: "Pack of drugged-out killers. They're addicted to every stim, every pill, every psychoactive enema on this fucked-up earth. I've got three Fiends I want dead, and I don't give a goddamn how it gets done. That sound like something that interests you?"
    (Dhatri's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "What can you tell me about Vault 3?"
    Bryce Anders: "The inhabitants of the Vault were simple traders. They made a good living for themselves for a couple weeks. Then they caught the Fiends attention. I don't think they set up any kind of security, stupid fucks. They all got themselves killed."
    (Bryce Anders' dialogue)
  5. Vault 3 terminal entries; Overseer's terminal, Weapon Lockers
  6. The Courier: "Can you tell me what happened to the residents here?"
    Motor-Runner: "I guess it isn't a secret. Yeah, the residents of the Vault are all dead. We killed them. Funny thing is, they just let us in. We didn't have to force the doors or anything."
    (Motor-Runner's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "Why did you move the Fiends into this Vault?"
    Motor-Runner: "We needed some place to put down some roots. I was having trouble keeping my people out of Westside."
    (Motor-Runner's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "Are there more dangerous posts?"
    Ortega: "Oh, you'd better believe it. I feel sorry for the troops who are charged with keeping the Fiends from overrunning everything. The Fiends are scary because they're unpredictable. One day, they'll be taking potshots at you and then running off before you can shoot back. And the next day, they'll come rushing at you pumped full of drugs and not stopping until you or they are dead."
    The Courier: "If the Fiends are so dangerous, why hasn't the NCR wiped them out?"
    Ortega: "Current orders are to hold the line and nothing more. That's all we seem to do these days - hold the line. I guess it's a tricky situation since there's a vault in Fiend territory. If the NCR went after them, they'd just hole up."
    (Ortega's dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "What can you tell me about the Great Khans?"
    Dhatri: "We know they supply the Fiends with illegal chems, but they never stick around in NCR territory for long. They know the land, and move quick. There's talk from time to time about taking out their base at Red Rock Canyon, but nothing ever comes of it. The Great Khans are tough fighters. If we ever did go up against them on their home turf, we'd win, but casualties would be high."
    (Dhatri's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "Who do you sell to?"
    Diane: "We make regular shipments to a lot of settlements around the Mojave - a lot of our business comes from the Fiends lately. Personally, I think they're kind of creepy, but Papa likes the fact that they get hopped up on Psycho and harass NCR patrols."
    (Diane's dialogue)
  11. The Courier: "What's going on in Westside?"
    Motor-Runner: "I try to keep my people out of Westside. Apart from trying to stay on good terms with the Khans, who do business there. There's Mean Son of A Bitch. That fucking mutant is more trouble to kill than to avoid. Having someplace for my people to sleep reduces the chances of drifting into Westside."
    (Motor-Runner's dialogue)
  12. Ronald Curtis: "Lupa, this is Frumentarius Picus, over. Afternoon patrol enters Fiend territory at 1300. Have them mine that stretch. That would leave them the morning to bury mines along that stretch. Over. Roger Lupa. Charges are set. Detonation will occur as the train leaves the station. Over. Couple of minutes. Over. Ten-four."
    (Ronald Curtis' dialogue)
    Note: VMS08CurtisRadio
  13. The Courier: "Do they deal with any caravans at all?"
    Cass: "There's some caravans that deal with the Legion, yes. And as much as it pains me to say it, any caravan marked by the Legion is safe as houses. They guard their roads, their supply lines - even Fiends would hesitate before going after any trader dealing with Legion."
    (Cass' dialogue)
  14. Fiends possible ending slide: "The Fiends attacked Camp McCarran during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam and suffered heavy losses. Caesar, unimpressed with their performance and their dependence on chems, had them exterminated."
  15. The Courier: "I'm here to provide support. Is there anything I might be able to help with?"
    James Hsu: "Hmm... you don't cook by any chance, do you? Farber's doing his best, but it's hard to manage an army with half my staff in line for the latrine. Honestly, we're fighting a lot of fires right now. The Fiends keep pressing their position from Vault 3. We've got the Legion breathing down our necks across the river. We actually took an officer alive last week, but so far he hasn't spoken a word."
    (James Hsu's dialogue)
  16. The Courier: "What do you know about the Fiends?"
    Dhatri: "Pack of drugged-out killers. They're addicted to every stim, every pill, every psychoactive enema on this fucked-up earth. I've got three Fiends I want dead, and I don't give a goddamn how it gets done. That sound like something that interests you?"
    (Dhatri's dialogue)
  17. The Courier: "I'll go to Vault 3 and see if I can find your ranger."
    James Hsu: "That Vault is a hornet's nest. If you have second thoughts, no one would think less of you for it. But if you can get him home, it'd mean a lot. Watch for civilians, too. The Fiends have been kidnapping locals. They just walk right into people's homes in the middle of the day and take them. But the man you're looking for is Bryce Anders. Anders was trying to find the leader, Motor-runner. You hear something like a chainsaw, you've found Motor-runner. Put a bullet in his head, and you'll have some new friends around here."
    (James Hsu's dialogue)
  18. Gomorrah receptionist: "Fiends are bad for business. NCR should do their fucking job."
    (Gomorrah receptionist's dialogue)
  19. The Courier: "Your bosses sent me to you to see if you needed any help with your work for them."
    Troike: "Yeah, I heard you might be coming. I appreciate the help, I'm in kind of a fix. I help the Omertas get guns without the NCR catching wind of it. I need someone to cover my ass with the last shipment."
    The Courier: "Tell me about the problem with the last shipment."
    Troike: "The Fiends, a group of raiders freaked out on chems, stole my last shipment before I could get it into Vegas. I could sure use some help getting it from them."
    (Troike's dialogue)
  20. Dermot's ledger
  21. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 353: "[2E.01] Zapp's Neon Signs
    You should be instantly familiar with Zapp's actual neon signs, as the Fiends have wielded many of them together to form impassible perimeter walls. The actual building is a graveyard of signs, including the feet of a Tall Boy statue. Inside, expect more Fiends, and additional traps."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.44: "Raider: Fiends": "Vault 3 was once an ordinary, happy vault. Unfortunately, it—and the entire southwestern part of the New Vegas conurbation—has been taken over by a large force of Raiders calling themselves the Fiends. They are unexceptional in every way, but there are a slew of them. The vault itself is wide-open, practically being a feral den for the Fiends and their huge packs of dogs. Whether it is murder, rape, or shooting innocents for sport, the Fiends are more than happy to bring their anarchy to this area, which has become a source of growing concern for the NCR. The Fiends are erratic and dangerous; their mental stability isn't helped by the fact that they are almost constantly high on chems, most of which are provided by the Great Khans."