“While ED-E is a companion, the player can detect enemies at an increased range. Additionally, enemies will appear on the player's compass and can be targeted in V.A.T.S. even when cloaked.”
Enhanced Sensors is a perk in Fallout: New Vegas given to the Courier while they have ED-E or its copy as a companion.
This perk greatly extends the player character's detection radius, the equivalent of having a full 10 in Perception (in essence, ED-E's detection is substituted for the player character's). It also allows the player character to target cloaked enemies in V.A.T.S. mode. When paired with the Spotter perk given by Craig Boone, the player character can effectively snipe targets from much greater distances.
- This perk's effectiveness is limited indoors, since walls and different floors will prevent one from accurately assessing the location of any hostile targets. It will, however, give one a general idea of the numbers one will be facing. Outdoors, on the other hand, it can allow the player character to perceive and bypass particularly dangerous foes without drawing their attention. It is possible to learn to identify some particularly dangerous enemies by their movement patterns. In particular, a closely packed group of 4-6 fast-moving enemies is almost certainly a nest of dangerous cazadores.
- This perk will give the player character a bonus of 20-25% to hit against cloaked targets while using V.A.T.S.; however, the bonus is lost when an enemy uncloaks.
- The added detection radius can make identifying immediate threats more difficult, since the compass does not give any information on the distance or height of enemies it picks up. In order to get an idea of the relative distance of different targets, move side to side a little while pointed at the targets. The less a target marker moves on the compass when one moves side to side, the farther away the target is.