
The vats of FEV at Mariposa Military Base.

Research into possible cures for the New Plague created the Forced Evolution Virus, which was further developed in an attempt to create a transmittable genetic-engineering virus -- in effect, infectious evolution.ZAX 1.2
A long story. FEV... a virus with an even longer story...Father Elijah, Dead Money

FEV,全稱為Forced Evolutionary Virus,意思是強制進化病毒,是一种由西部科技NBC部门制造的人工病毒。它能强迫基因型和表型的突变,是废土变异生物的最主要源头,在大战后被不同的组织和个人在大战前后为自己的目的所利用。

能产生常规超级变种人的版本叫做FEV-II[1][2]代表了战前病毒研究的顶峰。另一种未完成的FEV菌种是在首都废土的超级变种人大量出现的来源, 智力上不如他们的西海岸远亲。 其他菌种创造了阿巴拉契亚的怪物和联邦的特有超级变种人, 以及作为研究所第三代合成人的基础。




FEV预先装载了校正DNA的内含子,这些内含子可以消除导致疾病的隐性基因,并改变RNA链,以增强信号的传递。[4] 病毒改变的DNA使受试者对生化武器,辐射和常见疾病免疫。细胞分裂率增加,有丝分裂发生率为正常人的115%。 通常非再生组织,如神经组织和非体细胞也开始复制,能马上再生。[4][2]

FEV的一个特点是它具有高度的腐蚀性和易挥发性,能够像酸一样降解橡胶密封件,尽管没有任何酸性残留物。[5] 这也使得尝试去创造一个有效的治愈方式变得困难,因为FEV可以在大多数化合物中和病毒之前使它们变得惰性。最后,将加强剂量抗病毒化合物结合,产生一种中和剂,当使用足够数量时,能够使FEV病毒失去活力。[6][7]


FEV的一个显著特征是它不完全依赖于接触它的个体的DNA。 再加上它自身的一部分循环代码,产生的结果是无法预测的,[3]尤其是当人类以外的生物接触到病毒时,或者多个有机体放在同一个病毒池里的情况 (參見多脚兽)。[8] 这小部分特征使它具有难以置信的多种功能,尽管调整病毒的基因组需要大量的实验:菌株通常会产生不稳定的结果,几乎没有成功的、稳定的菌株。[9]

DNA的变化表现为FEV中统一的递归生长模式。然而,除了病毒株的基因组外,不同的感染方法对病毒的影响也有很大的不同。长时间浸泡在病毒中会产生非常惊人的转变, 比如超级变种人多脚兽。在玛丽博萨军事基地这是通过24小时暴露在FEV-II病毒池中而实现的,让病毒严重过量。[10][2]87号避难所,感染发生在密封的室内,在那里释放出了一种雾化病毒。与玛丽博萨的实验相比,接触病毒的时间相对较短。[11][12]阿巴拉契亚学院,在密封的试管中用他们自己研发的病毒进行实验,受试者在试管中浸泡很长一段时间,允许观察变化的结果。[13]

另一方面,注射小剂量的病毒不会带来变化,但是可以用来诱发各种改变。主教在统一初期用局部注射FEV来改造自己,后来做了脑部注射的实验,[14] 从中觉醒了灵能者的潜力 (尽管也导致了永久性的,极端的精神错乱)。[15] 英克雷使用了一种改良的FEV病毒,通过头颅注射大大提高了死亡爪的智力 (大大超出了项目的预期)。 [16]


因为FEV不会保存受试者DNA的未经修改的拷贝,这些变化通常是不可恢复的。 理论上,突变过程可以通过用含有受试者原始DNA副本的第二种病毒以感染受试者并替换FEV修改的部分来逆转,然后又强制循环成长。然而,也有必要消除FEV病毒的活性,以防止突变再次发生。這些都是战前科技不可能完成的。[17]

然而,學院的FEV研究使这成为可能。布莱恩·维吉尔博士发明了一种血清来恢复突变。血清是逆转录病毒,[18] 利用重组反内含子序列和转录外显子链[19]加上一种基因重组子来对抗维吉尔感染的特殊FEV毒株。从技术上讲,血清并没有恢复他的突变:它以变异的DNA为基础重建了人类的状态。 实验性质的血清及古怪的重排序器阻碍了完全修复, 使部分变异代码保持不变。如果暴露在外,维吉尔在变形后会保留一些肌肉块,不会秃顶。因为治疗方法也是针对维吉尔感染的特定菌株,归纳这个公式需要数年,甚至数十年的深入研究。[20]


玛丽博萨 菌株 (FEV-II)[]

就人类而言,玛丽博萨菌株带来的表现变化是巨大的,通过FEV中整合的循环生长模式来实现。为了变异成功, 受试者需要有低水平的辐射伤害[3]并且不能暴露在废土的变异FEV病毒中。[21][22] 不符合这些标准的受试者将遭受身体系统的大规模改造,导致器官衰竭并在极度痛苦中死亡。[3][23]

超级变种人平均身高3.2米,体重超过350公斤。肌肉占身体质量的75%以上,而骨骼和组织各占10%。脂肪量极低,占身体质量的3-5%。[2] 肌肉和身体质量的增加导致姿势的改变: FEV超级突变人有一个特征,驼背的姿势。肤色变化很大,呈灰绿色,而随着变异菌株的成熟,它可能变得更绿,甚至橄榄色。皮肤变得更厚,抵抗创伤,包括割伤,瘀伤和火灾,酸,甚至枪伤。[2] 尽管对创伤有抵抗力,但完全破坏的组织无法再生,并将导致永久性疤痕或器官死亡。[24]

由于上述生长模式和预先编程的DNA被加载到病毒中,这些变化在变种人之间是一致的。这也会消除第二性征数据,变为预先设定的男性体型。 主要的性征,如男性的阴茎和睾丸,女性的子宫和卵巢不受影响。[25]然而,超级突变人是不育的,因为FEV将配子视为受损的DNA并加以纠正,导致不育。[2][3]

身体内神经递质和突触受体的增大,给予了超级突变人灵敏的神经反射和感觉增强。[2] 然而,这些变化通常不会与智力一同提高。玛丽博萨菌株有机会改变智力:虽然大多数人都保留了他们的从前的智商,[26]剩下的大多数人都有所损失 (通常是30%),[2] 而剩下的少数特殊个体甚至会得到增长。[26] 这种损失是由于反复生长和脑质量增加造成的损伤,这可能伴随着对现有神经模式的缺陷和损害,导致记忆丧失。[3]

最惊人的效果是实际上是永生。虽然理论上只带来大约10%的预期寿命增长,[2] 玛丽博萨的FEV菌株导致细胞再生率超过细胞死亡率,并由此阻止了因DNA退化而老化。海弗利克极限被认为已经完全克服了。这让一个超级变种人可以活几个世纪, 尽管如果不注意锻炼智力,年长的变种人可能会患上痴呆症和老年痴呆症。[27] 由于超级变种人对常见疾病和辐射免疫,死亡的可能性不大。[28] [29]

EEP 菌株 (FEV 衍生物)[]


然而,一个关键的问题是突变并没有停止。在最初暴露感染的14天内,受试者退化到一种近乎野性的状态,在每一个非变种人身上都表现出极端的攻击性。虽然在战斗中保留了一些表面的认知,表现为说话、操作机器和使用基本战术的能力,但这类超级变种人的典型特征是明显的智力低下。[31] 这一结果很可能是由与FEV-II相同的因素引起的:表型快速变化造成现有神经模式的损害。这种影响通常会对长期记忆造成重大损害,这也是一个共同的特点。[32] 突变带来的天然损伤也是一个因素。伴随而来的剧痛会导致受试者发疯。[33][30]


學院 菌株[]

联邦的超级变种人与87号避难所的超级突变体或玛丽博萨超级变种人不同, 来源于阿巴拉契亚西部科技试验的亨特斯維爾菌株。虽然他们拥有前者的强健肌肉和弹性,但他们的智力水平与后者的哑巴样品不相上下。 他们能够执行一系列指令,建立防御工事,[34]甚至设置陷阱和伏击 - 比如在三一塔Fist故意用Rex Goodman作为诱饵,引诱人类,并剔除组织中较弱的超级变种人。 他们也能像正常人一样说话,不像来自首都废土的野性同胞, 并认为自己是联邦最优秀的种族。[35] 联邦的所有超级变种人都是学院利用地面上绑架的联邦废土住民进行FEV实验的产物。 这些实验是让机械结构合成人发展到以人类DNA为基础构建合成人的新领域的基础工作。


A generation 3 synth Courser.


第三代合成人不同于人类,一些解放的合成人根本不认为自己是人类。 原因是多方面的,其中最主要的是组装过程。[40]其他原因包括,合成人根本不需要睡眠也能正常工作,对疾病完全免疫,也不需要摄入食物或水来为身体提供所须能量。[41]




  • FEVS-006443来自2077年10月14日,一个二期组合菌株,它结合了许多不同物种的相似特征。这些结果被科学家们认为是令人不安的,但对重组FEV的性能提供了有价值的了解。Notable changes included a number of ocular organs along the enlarged upper torso, a second set of arms ending in clawed digits, and a large sickle-shaped claw on each inner toe. 这个活的、稳定的、有功能的主体正常地维持自身(这项计划的主要成就) 计划在随后的实验成熟后在亨特斯維爾发布。[42] 直到2078年1月3日突变体从控制和设施中逃出,它再也没有回到该地区。突变体繁殖,导致整个阿巴拉契亚出现snallygaster 突变体。[43]
  • FEVS-006458来自2077年10月23日。研究人员调整了snallygaster菌株的基因组,producing a giant that shattered the containment unit, 但在其他方面是稳定的 (除了缺少一个可辨认的脑袋)。 突变体被注射镇静剂并运离现场,大战使护航车队转移了目标并且让 Grafton monster逃往野外。[44]


主页面: Albino mole rat



主页面: 灵能者

除了将人类转化为超级变种人外,主教和他的仆从还通过将FEV注入受试者的大脑(通常是松果体,也包括杏仁核或髓质)进行了FEV实验,引发了大脑化学变化。[14] 这些实验有限的成果:四个极为强大的灵能者被创造出来,理论上能够消灭人类。[46] 然而,同样的改变,增加了精神能力也招致了致命的精神错乱,迫使他们被隔离和废止,以防止他们伤害自己或他人。[47]

FEV Curling-13 菌株[]

主页面: FEV Curling-13

通过挖掘马利波薩留下的 FEV-II, 英克雷研制出了FEV Curling-13 毒株,a viral agent tailored to reach maximum levels of lethality with minimal exposure levels required to achieve the result.这种毒株由Lieutenant Colonel查尔斯·克林博士 of the Chemical Corps主持开发的since 2236, 一种为了种族灭绝计划而诞生的毒株。0.0001%浓度的病毒溶液就可以让一个健康的阿罗由土人在1小时内死亡, as massive hemorrhaging and inflammations start,在60分钟内全面器官衰竭。而所谓的纯种人类也好不到哪里去,甚至更糟,因为subdermal hemorrhaging and convulsions within sixty minutes of exposure, but 从感染到死亡的时间变成了14.5 小时,得受更长时间的苦。No test subject survived the tests on Control station Enclave.[48]

Interestingly, 这种病毒只会对人类以及由人类变种而成的生物产生作用,其他的任何生物都免疫这种致命的病毒。不过FEV was engineered to bond only with human glycoproteins, leaving other animals and plant life alive and quite kicking.[49]Curling-13 毒株也是唯一一种有对应疫苗的 FEV病毒that granted total immunity from its effects.[50]

调整 FEV Curling-13[]

主页面: Modified FEV

in 2241英克雷则是使用了一种由 FEV Curling-13 毒株调整后得到的病毒,是约翰·伊登·亨利总统亲自研发出了来,only now it was designed to扔到净水計畫的净水器里而已。[51] According to President Eden it will eradicate super mutants, ghouls, and all other "unclean" citizens, namely anyone who had been born in the Wastelands and exposed to radiation and other mutational effects from birth.[52] The only people who would survive the infection are dangerous radiation level free humans and humans who were born in the Vaults.[53]

In the add-on Broken Steel, if the player had chosen to contaminate the purifier with the modified FEV, what President Eden said is confirmed for as accurate and the FEV completely lethal. The medical facility of every city in the Capital Wasteland (except Tenpenny Tower and Paradise Falls) is filled with new patients dying from FEV infection. These new patients hold their stomachs and repeat dialogue along the lines of, "it burns on the inside." According to both Doctor Preston and Doctor Barrows, the FEV specifically targets the immune system of infected individuals, which in turn makes them vulnerable to other diseases. This occurs in both humans and ghouls, despite the latter's immunity to most diseases.[54][55] Along with affecting the immune system, the FEV severely weaken individuals both physically and mentally until it simply kills them.[56] The modified FEV is also completely undetectable by any kind of test meaning there's no possible way to screen water that has been infected as it only comes back as clean, purified water.[57]

The FEV is contained to only those that have ingested infected water as the transmission of FEV is impossible from physical contact or bodily fluids. In Rivet City, Dr. Preston comments that they are burning the corpses just to be safe.[54] The spread of FEV is contained to only bottles of Aqua Pura and the Tidal Basin for now. However, eventually, the spread of the FEV infected water will spread from the Tidal Basin and affect all water in the Capital Wasteland.


主页面: 智慧死亡爪

2235年, 英克雷开始用俘虏的死亡爪做试验,以制造可牺牲的的突击部队供他们使用,继续战前的项目。[58]从玛丽博萨回收的FEV使他们能够制造出一种特制的诱变剂,在局部注射后增加了死亡爪的智力,使他们能够理解和遵循复杂的命令,以及沟通。由此产生的改进超出了项目目标,给了他们人类水平的智慧、学问,最重要的是道德。 Gruthar 意识到如果被发现的话,他们会被消灭,他指示他的团队装傻,直到他们被部署到13号避难所。虽然英克雷打算用他们作为威慑手段,但死亡爪却形成了一个社群,放弃了他们的任务[16]并不是所有的死亡爪都被赋予同样的智慧,一部分还经历了进一步的变化,包括灰色的皮肤和一条短尾巴。[59]



主页面: 火蚁
Fire ant

FEV是由Weston Lesko在2277年左右在首都废土合成和使用的,试图通过基因操作使巨型蚂蚁恢复到正常大小。他的志向是在几代人的时间里成倍地缩小它们的体型。合成过程中的一个错误产生了一种病毒,使蚂蚁的体型保持不变,但改变了它们的毒液袋,产生了一种可燃液体,可以通过下颚雾化、投射和点燃。由此产生的高温,正如他所说,实际上它们成了行走的火焰喷射器。[61][62][63]


The Forced Evolution Virus originated from 泛免疫病毒计划(Pan Immunity Virion Project,简称PVP),a project originally dedicated to discovering a cure for New Plague, was established in September 2073 in response to 中國加大使用生化武器。为寻找生化武器的对策,本计划为刺激人体免疫系统,使其对人工病原体免疫。[64] The last attempt to continue the PVP line of experimentation was 2075年8月在阿帕拉契分部开展的“温室行动”计划,此计划试图利用PVP来突变植物,从而达到增加粮食产量的目的,解决因粮食短缺造成的全国性暴乱。[65] The town of Huntersville was selected as the test site, resulting in an economic boom.[66] Although the company would purchase test rights from local farmers as late as December 2075, the project was at an end.[67]

Batch 10-011 and the beginning of FEV[]

The history of the FEV starts with PVP第10-011号实验,被重新命名為強迫進化病毒 (FEV) and used in further research. The key difference was that instead of Pan-Immunity Virion's 四螺旋结构DNA, the batch became a shifting-absorptive virus. 这是由于巴内特少校认为四螺旋结构的副作用强于PVP复制稳定性的设计。[68]

2075年3月21日首次实验被选定在單細胞生物上进行。While their base metabolism appeared unchanged, their immunity to infection and radiation exceeded all earlier expectations. 其在植物的结果被判定为不成功。2075年5月9日二阶段实验对象选定为扁形虫,在数小时内表现出28%的体积增长和对9种不同病毒感染的抵抗力。新的DNA结构成功地传递给了后代,尽管只能实现无性繁殖。[68]


2075年11月9日四阶段实验,实验对象选定为兔子,218只兔子被感染,其中一半被植入电极以监测脑电图活动的变化。观测的结果是脑电活动增加。Increased electrical activity was noted 3.2 seconds after infection, accompanied by 体型变大. A new effect was noted, namely an increase in aggression and posturing, particularly among males. Dissection of the brains showed increased dendritic connection, particularly in the limbic system and frontal cortex (areas responsible for behavior, senses and higher mental functions).[68]

Batch 11-011 and nationalization[]

2076年1月6日,为了国家安全起见,军事部队部署到美国各地的公司设施,威斯科技实际上被国有化了。[69] 第11-011批次的试验继续进行。新的病毒批次的有丝分裂周期效率提高了43%。在2076年1月26日五阶段实验,53只浣熊感染了这种新病毒。随着预期的尺寸增加,行为测试证实智力和手部灵巧度在Schuler-Kapp index上增加了19个百分点。Unfortunately, 发生试验品逃离事件,两队浣熊失踪。[68][70]

In February, the West Tek facility in Appalachia joined the FEV research effort, ordered to begin human experimentation in order to push FEV to its practical limits, in what was dubbed the Super Mutant program. Due to the virulent nature of the virus and its unpredictability, the facility's objective was to identify and isolate viable FEV strains through a variety of methods. The most important of these was the introduction of one of the FEV strains to the water supply of Huntersville, to observe the effects of long-term low-level exposure. The experiment began in February 2076, providing valuable research data for the project.[71]

Further development occurred after several new gene sequences, supplied by Major Barnett's advisory team, were spliced into FEV batch 11-011. Designated batch 11-101a, this batch was used to infect 23 dogs of pure and mixed breed on May 13, 2076. The results included nearly immediate growth, accompanied by increased aggression and no notable increase in intelligence. All subjects were terminated after 14 weeks of study. 92 allele pairs were chosen for splicing with batch 11-011.[68]

Batch 11-111 and further human research[]

The new hybrid batch was designated 11-111. On October 4, 2076, it was used to infect 15 chimpanzees. Growth and immunity levels were unprecedented: attempts to induce cancers through radiological and chemical agents were not successful. Increased aggression led to isolating the subjects by the science team, while violent epileptic seizures caused two subjects to expire. The rest was terminated after all data was mined successfully.[68] Despite protests from the science team, on January 7, 2077, FEV research in California was transferred to the Mariposa Military Base,[68] to continue under the lead of Leon VonFelden and Robert Anderson. Batch 11-111 has been chosen as basis for further development through human experimentation. The batch offered a near 100% success rate on lab animals, granting an approximately 60% increase in size and potential 200% intelligence increase. It was the perfect basis for mass producing super soldiers.[64]

The Appalachian branch continued its experimentation by pushing FEV to its practical limits and experimenting with recombinant strains. The experimental strains resulted in the creation of many unsustainable forms: FEVS-005938 tested on January 13, 2077, rendered the subject unable to breathe,[72] FEVS-006186 from April 30 converted the subject into a mass of retinal tissue,[73] FEVS-006309 from July 12 produced canines that pierced the brain stem through unrestrained growth,[74] and FEVS-006378 from July 12 was biologically stable, but the hyperactive nervous system subjected it to constant traumatic pain and led to self termination.[75] The team had more luck with strains FEVS-006443 (October 14) and FEVS-006458 (October 23) that created stable mutations that would become the snallygaster and the Grafton monster respectively after their escape into the wild.[42][44]

Another research effort was set up by Vault-Tec Industries in Washington, D.C. Vault 87 was established as an independent research center for Dr. Wayne Merrick, cooperating with the team at Mariposa. Despite his efforts, he was unable to improve batch 11-111 enough to reach satisfactory effects. Humans subject to his strains produced in the Vault 87 labs exhibited superior physical developments, such as increased size, strength and endurance to environmental factors, but were also characterized by significant mental retardation and extreme aggression to non-mutants.[31]

Compared to Merrick's efforts and Appalachian experiments, the science team at Mariposa reached a full success. They succeeded in creating the FEV-II strain, able to create powerful super soldiers, exhibiting superior physical prowess, resistance to combat damage, aging and disease, as well as negligible loss of intelligence.[2] In certain cases, intelligence could even be increased by the virus. However, before the testing could begin in full, soldiers under the command of Roger Maxson rebelled and executed the science staff. With the Great War destroying the United States, Mariposa and research within was sealed by the soldiers and abandoned.[76]


The vats were rediscovered in 2102 by an expedition led by Harold, a major Hub merchant. Accompanied by Richard Grey, a brilliant exile from Vault City, he managed to crack the Mariposa base security and infiltrate the lower levels. However, within the vats, the automated crane crashed into the two, knocking Harold out and flinging Grey into the vat with FEV. Harold woke up in the wastes outside the base, mutating due to exposure to FEV fumes, but becoming a special type of a ghoul-like mutant, rather than a super mutant. Grey, on the other hand, underwent extreme mutation due to prolonged exposure to the virus in the vat. His intellect grew exponentially, allowing him to comprehend even the most complex issues easily (or so he thought).[77][78] Grey methodically researched FEV, experimenting with animals and eventually, captured scavengers that strayed into the facility. It wasn't until a few failed mutations that he discovered radiation count to be a deciding factor in the success of the change, leading him to pick subjects more carefully.[78][79] When his Lieutenant was created, he suggested a secondary reason for possible incompatibility. Reviewing available evidence, he concluded that failed mutations in relatively non-radiated humans are caused by the inoculating effect mutated FEV had on humans with which it came into contact.[80] Such exposure was not enough to cause phenotypical changes, but enough to cause conflicts when the pure FEV in Mariposa attempted to change the DNA, resulting in the death of the subject.[81]

By carefully selecting his test subjects, he managed to create the first real super mutants in January 2103.[82] Through a combination of willing converts and abductions, the Master slowly builds up the foundations for his army between 2103 and 2130.[83] The impact of the Great Winter of 2130 results in him stepping up his operations and spreading them out into the wasteland, attacking caravans to gather human stock for transformations. The string of attacks between 2131 and 2135 boosts the size of his army. The attacks are blamed on desert monsters in the Hub.[84] Due to reliance on wastelanders, only 20% of the dipped population survives the dipping and of that number, only half seem to last and become a part of the Unity. Regardless, it continues to grow.[85]

By 2152, the Unity's influence has spread through the wastes and the Master recruited a group of doomsday cultists under Morpheus to act as spies, rather than stock for transformation.[86] Four years later, the cultists would form the Children of the Cathedral to act as a front for the Unity, proselytizing, recruiting, and preparing munition dumps for the coming super mutant offensive.[87] Between 2155 and 2156, the Master makes another important discovery: His forces intercept a caravan of Vault dwellers, leading him to discover Vault-Tec Industries' demonstration Vault. He moved his command center to the Vault, using the cultists to set up the Cathedral, and launched a campaign to discover Vaults to gain prime subjects for his super mutant army.[88] At least one installation, Vault 17, was discovered and its inhabitants transformed into super mutants. The success rate is far higher than when using regular wastelanders. Even the elderly Lily Bowen was successfully transformed into a super mutant at the age of 75 - and a nightkin no less![89]

The Master and his staff also experimented with FEV by injecting it into the brains of the subjects (usually the pineal gland, but also the amygdala or medulla), triggering changes in brain chemistry.[14] These experiments had limited success: four extremely powerful psykers were created, capable of theoretically wiping out the human race.[46]

By 2161, the Unity was on the verge of achieving total military superiority over the human inhabitants of New California. All that was needed was Vault 13 and its inhabitants.[25] Ironically, all FEV development and experimentation by the Master was abruptly halted by the Vault Dweller, of the very Vault the Master needed to dominate the New West.[90]


Commonwealth super mutants are the result of The Institute's research into FEV,[91] which has continued since the early 2220s in a dedicated facility. The original goal was the creation of a successor to second generation synths by creating a new breed of super mutant that would serve The Institute as laborer and soldier. Due to a lack of success with mutants, efforts were refocused with the goal of creating third generation synths. The organic synth project was spun off from the FEV research initiative around 2227 (the acquisition of Shaun), while the FEV research effort continued for several more decades.[37][92] Both women and men were abducted from the Commonwealth and submerged in The Institute's modified FEV, their mutations carefully tracked. Successful mutations would be monitored to ensured survivability, then tagged and discarded.[93] In layman's terms, The Institute was simply releasing super mutants into the wild, creating a scourge on the Commonwealth that lasted for years.[94] When Brian Virgil succeeded Dr Syverson as head of the project in April 2286, it became evident that FEV experimentation ran its course and served no useful purpose, not with the availability of third generation synths.[95] Eventually, as Virgil's conscience took its toll, the scientist lodged a formal complaint with the Directorate.[37] When no reaction came, Virgil rebelled and escaped the Institute after transforming himself into a super mutant, destroying as much of the project as he could.[96]


英克雷为了一次性清除掉包括废土人在内的所有变异生物,2236年7月到8月之间,通过抓捕加州废土人充当奴隶,英克雷挖出了掩埋在玛丽萨波之下的FEV,由于奴隶们缺乏防护,他们暴露在FEV和辐射之下,成了所谓的二代变种人。[80]The uneven nature of exposure, coupled with a significant radiation count meant that those that survived the change suffered from significant mental damage. Retreating from the base, 英克雷炸毁通道掩埋变种人們在玛丽萨波处。[80][97]

Enclave's Chemical Corps proceeded to work on the acquired samples of the virus, creating a staggeringly effective killer, tailored to provide maximum lethality with minimal required exposure. However, two weeks before the virus' deployment, the Enclave and the virus stockpiles were destroyed. However, copies of research were transmitted to Raven Rock, providing Raven Rock's ZAX John Henry Eden with an opportunity to achieve plans of genocide. After modifying the FEV Curling-13 to only target the heavily mutated and heavily irradiated, the ZAX unit decided a localized infection of the water supply would be more effective at culling the undesirables while also improving the quality of life for the unmutated and unirradiated.[98][99][100]


Despite Vault 87 being the main research facility it evidently wasn't the only one, as Dr. Weston Lesko had found another source, which he used to try to de-mutate the giant ants of the Capital Wasteland.[101] As of 2277 his efforts culminated in the creation of fire ants.[102] Also as of 2277 the levels of said toxin where low in the vault,[103] so the super mutants where actively searching for it in the surrounding areas.





  1. The Vault Dweller: "{133}{}{I happen to know that your mutants are sterile.}"
    Master: "{135}{Mast11}{Preposterous! The FEV-2 virus doesn't destroy the reproductive organs of those it mutates.}"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Vree's autopsy report
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 The Vault Dweller: "{120}{}{How does the Virus work?}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{157}{}{My research into the Forced Evolution Virus, or FEV, indicates that it is a shifting-absorptive virus. It copies DNA patterns much like RNA, storing these patterns in exons.}"
    "{158}{}{These exons, combined with the FEV, are re-injected into the host cells in typical viral infectious fashion. This causes the host cells to 'regenerate' their DNA.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{159}{}{How do you catch FEV?}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{162}{}{FEV is not 'caught', per se. It is not air-transmittable. Typically, infection is through injection, or direct physical contact with an FEV sample.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{164}{}{Why isn't FEV affected by radiation?}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{166}{}{The FEV is a megavirus, with a protein sheath reinforced by ionized hydrogen. It is therefore capable of absorbing neutrons without becoming radioactive.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{168}{}{If the FEV re-infects the host with its assimilated viral patterns, how does it make a 'better specimen'?}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{169}{}{The FEV is pre-programmed with introns of corrected DNA appropriate to the proper type of species. It therefore attempts to correct the DNA of the individual.}"
    "{170}{}{However, as the FEV is partially reliant upon the DNA of the individual, and also includes portions of its own recursive code, the effects can be unpredictable.}"
    "{171}{}{When inoculated into an individual with significant genetic damage, such as through radiation, it will cause the body's systems to suffer massive overhauling, leading to organ failure and death.}"
    "{172}{}{In a genetically viable individual, it re-writes portions of DNA, causing accelerated mutation, usually leading to recursive growth due to the FEV's own patterns.}"
    "{173}{}{This recursive growth leads to an increase in muscle and brain mass, but is often accompanied by disfigurement and damage to existing neural patterns, causing loss of memory.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{174}{}{What potential long-term side effects exist?}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{178}{}{As the FEV causes constant regenerative update to DNA, it would effectively render the subject largely immortal, as cell death would be offset by augmented growth.}"
    "{179}{}{Additionally, as the gametes of the reproductive system consist of 'half-cells' using split DNA, they could be perceived as 'damage' by FEV, which would 'repair' them, rendering the subject sterile.}"
    "{180}{}{However, as my laboratory facilities are damaged beyond repair, this is conjectural. I cannot offer physical proof. You will have to, in human terms, 'take my word for it.'}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{181}{}{Could FEV mutation be corrected with a counter-virus?}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{184}{}{No. FEV does not retain unaltered original copies of the subject's DNA. Only a virus which re-infected the subject with original DNA could reverse the effects. Additionally, there is no known way to remove the FEV itself.}"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Delta experiment disk
  5. West Tek research center terminal entries: "Not much to report today. The FEV tanks are starting to spring some leaks where the feeder lines are connected, but it shouldn't take more than a day or two to swap out the O-rings. It's messy work, but luckily Spielman drew the short straw and he'll have to stand ankle-deep in the sludge until we can properly get it cleaned up. This FEV is volatile stuff, it degraded the vulcanized rubber on those seals like it was acid. Strangely, there's no acidic content to it at all, it must have affected the O-rings on a molecular level. Kind of makes me wonder if it's safe having it pooling up on the floor."
  6. West Tek research center terminal entries: "Bardwell's all over my ass about getting the decontamination arches up and running. How the hell am I supposed come up with a decontamination method for something that's totally experimental? To make matters worse, West Tek HQ refuses to give me the FEV's chemical and organic breakdown, so I'm totally shooting in the dark. My degree in biochemistry never prepared me for this, but I should have known things would be... different around here when I had to get high-level clearance just to walk in the door."
  7. West Tek research center terminal entries: "Three weeks and about sixty compounds later, I've still got nothing. This FEV is some tenacious stuff. I know that FEV is virus-based, so I've approached it from that angle. Unfortunately, every antibiotic compound known to man isn't designed to handle something this... well, virulent. What I need to come up with is some sort of a booster, a total neutralizing agent that will render the FEV inert."
  8. Fallout Bible 0: "3. Are the radscorpions a product of the FEV virus? When you talk to the doctor, Razlo, in Shady Sands, he tells you that they were once American Emperor Scorpions but that he has no idea how they mutated because radiation alone couldn't have done it. For that matter, what about all of the other creatures of the wasteland? Which ones have been mutated by FEV and which ones haven't? Maybe in the bestiary each creature could have a stat that shows it's level of FEV infection."
    • The radscorpions are a result of a combination of radiation and the FEV virus, and Razlo in Shady Sands is correct - they were originally Emperor Scorpions that have grown... big.
    • FEV-Infected Critters in the wasteland include almost all the ones you've seen in F1 and F2:
      Most species of rats.
      Gecko lizards.
      Various varieties of plants, including the Venus Flytrap.
      Rumor has it some dogs were affected, but no one's seen any, so for now that's just rumor. Of course, the centaurs are a mash of human, dog, and various other parts... but hey, who knows how that mutation came about. Grey was probably messing around in one of his labs.
    • Creatures not mutated by FEV probably did not survive the aftermath of the Great War, with the possible exception of cockroaches... and perhaps normal ants, though there are FEV-infected versions of these species.
    • No one knows where those bird noises in Vault City came from.
    • I'll try to include a chart of FEV-infected creatures in future additions as well as other critters that you may not have seen in F1 and F2. Most likely a great majority of insects were affected (they tend to breed much faster, and their mutations tend to become evident pretty quickly as the generations advance), possibly beetles, some spiders, cockroaches, and other creatures."
  9. West Tek research center terminal entries: "GOAL: Push FEV to its practical limits. The Super Mutant program has shown great promise. By tweaking the genomes, we are able to cultivate different strains of the virus, which produce varying results.Note: Most strains produce highly unstable results. Few are viable. Only genetic technicians above clearance level 5 are allowed access to the FEV recombinator, given prior approval by Dr. Elias Khan."
  10. The Vault Dweller: "{142}{}{What is the current status of the patients?}"
    Vats Control Computer: "{143}{}{Current status on patients as follows: FEV batch #23872-A consists of four male units and two female units. All individuals suffering from FEV exposure. Vital signs are within normal parameters. FEV process on all subjects is approxiamtely 50% complete. Expect full FEV transformation within 12 hours.}"
  11. The Lone Wanderer: "A friendly Super Mutant. Well, now I've seen everything."
    Fawkes: "Ugh. Must you use that vulgar term? Yes, I was born in the F.E.V. Chambers but a Super Mutant I certainly am not. I prefer the term Meta Human. Suits me better don't you think?"
    (Fawkes' dialogue)
  12. Vault 87 exposure chambers.
  13. Institute FEV lab
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Mad scientist: "{101}{}{Good evening, brother. What brings you to our little corner of heaven?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{103}{}{I'm here to check on your progress.}"
    Mad scientist: "{112}{}{It's not going well. I've been injecting the FEV directly into the pineal gland, but I'm not getting the results I'd hoped for.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{113}{}{Why don't you try injecting it directly into the Amygdala?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{114}{}{Why don't you try injecting it into the Medula?}"
  15. See psyker for details.
  16. 16.0 16.1 The Chosen One: "{126}{}{What can you tell me about the deathclaws here?}"
    Goris: "{147}{}{These aren't your average deathclaws, as I'm sure you noticed. They've had their intelligence enhanced by some means not understood by them. It was done by a group of humans known as 'The Enclave.' It seems this Enclave needed an army and they chose deathclaws because of their ferocity, physical prowess, and... well, you get the picture. Anyway, the only thing lacking in deathclaws was their intelligence. They needed to be smart enough to understand complex commands, but not so smart that they'd be a threat to 'those in charge.'}"
    "{217}{}{So, the Enclave started messing with a virus, or some such thing, and injected the deathclaws with it. This virus was known to mutate humans into some sort of super beings, so the Enclave wanted to see what it would do to deathclaws. Well, the result was a breed of deathclaws so smart that they could see they were destined for slavery. So, they played dumb until they could gain their freedom. And here they are!}"
  17. ZAX
  18. Sole Survivor: "It'll work. Don't worry."
    Brian Virgil: "I hope so. We just have to let the retrovirus run its course. Virgil_Supermutant: I'm going to rest for a while. Come back in a few days, maybe a week, and... well, I guess we'll see."}}
  19. Brian Virgil: "Retrovirus has matured nicely. Density gradient is high... Recombinant counter-intron sequences look stable... Transcriptive exon strands have formed..."
  20. {{Color|#808080|Brian Virgil: "Welcome back. It needs some refinement, but I think we can consider my serum a qualified success.'"
    Sole Survivor: "This is a "qualified success"?"
    Brian Virgil: "There were some side effects to the process. I seem to have hair again. And I've retained some muscle mass. The genetic resequencer needs more work. Still, I take your point. This is a significant advance. But only for one strain of FEV. It will take years, perhaps decades, to generalize my formula."
  21. The Vault Dweller:"{188}{}{Why am I a prime human ?}"
    Lieutenant: "{194}{LIEUT30}{The FEV was mutated by the war radiation. Those living in this desolate wasteland have been exposed to this mutant FEV, essentially inoculating them from the full effects.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{195}{}{So?}"
    Lieutenant: "{197}{LIEUT31}{So, you're from a Vault and have limited exposure to this mutated virus. The original FEV in the Vats should work quite well on you.}"
  22. Fallout Bible 0: "6. According to Chris A., the ghouls in V12 were exposed to radiation and FEV. I know Harold said the Vault door opened early or something, so the radiation bit makes sense. My question is, how were the ghouls of Vault 12 exposed to FEV? Harold was a special case, since he went to the Vats with... er... someone, whose shall remain nameless... and got dipped. How do you account for the others? - Richard Grey"
    "When the West Tek research facility was hit, it shattered the FEV storage tanks on levels four and five and released the FEV into the atmosphere. Through some means, perhaps propelled by the explosion, the virus was able to reach the ghouls quickly and the mutation process began even as the radiation was rotting away their bodies. How the virus was able to survive the blast without being sterilized is unknown... it would depend on what type of warhead cracked the West Tek facility like an egg.
    Actually, Harold never said he got dipped (although it's possible). He was exposed, however - being in close proximity to FEV is enough to cause mutations, as the Enclave slaves mining Mariposa discovered. I imagine the shield between the vats and the control room in Mariposa was meant to keep the virus contained."
    Note: The West Tek Research Facility is an underground bunker, which although was directly hit by a nuclear weapon did not release the Forced Evolutionary Virus. The FEV was moved to the Mariposa Military Base (a bunker under a mountain) before the Great War.
  23. Fallout Bible 8: "Peter Hopkins asks:
    I was reading version 5 of the Bible, and found a bit of a conflict with current knowledge... In one of your anwers, it was said that it was random whether the FEV increased intelligence or not. However, as far as I know, FEV increases the growth and integrity of ALL cells consistently, by doubling the amount of genetic material in the cells. In this case, an increase in brain size (assuming a healthy brain to begin with) and intelligence should be regular. Another theory could be that, as the mutant's brain grows, the mass of the mutant's body increases exponentionally and the brain would not be big enough to control the whole body and sustain the throught process of a human body. Also, it is possible that while intelligence does increase initially, the brain does not gain the resistance to radiation that the body does, and the mutant develops brain damage and shows reduced intelligence. Are any of the above true? PS There is a very good report documenting the effects of FEV and how it was developed on the No Mutants Allowed message board (www.nma-fallout.com). PPS I don't know about any so called 'purists', but i am hugely interested in the fallout world and would love to FOT background in the Bible.
    About FEV:
    That might be why some of the super mutants (such as the Lieutenant) are smart (or remain smart) - but generally, for some reason (I don't know off the top of my head, nor do I know if it's spelled out anywhere), they're about 30% dumber than a normal human being, if Vree's research disk in the Brotherhood of Steel is accurate. I wouldn't be surprised if the dipping process caused brain damage in dipped subjects - it's a hell of a shock to the system.
    Furthermore, everyone's favorite introspective machine intelligence, Zax, has the following to say about it:
    When inoculated into an individual with significant genetic damage, such as through radiation, it [FEV] will cause the body's systems to suffer massive overhauling, leading to organ failure and death. In a genetically viable individual, it re-writes portions of DNA, causing accelerated mutation, usually leading to recursive growth due to the FEV's own patterns. This recursive growth leads to 增加肌肉和大脑质量, but is often accompanied by disfigurement and damage to existing neural patterns, causing loss of memory.
    Other possible factors that might be causing the super mutants' stupidness:
    - Most mutants have some degree of radiation poisoning, which may cause problems and brain damage, as mentioned above.
    - The process is unsafe - the mortality rate on "dippees" is pretty high. This is likely due to radiation poisoning.
    - Memory functions are "sometimes" impaired by the dipping, and intelligence loss may occur as well. Harold's memory wasn't in the best of shape after exposure.
    From the Pre-War experiment tapes, it looks like some mammals did display consistent increased intelligence (raccoons), while others didn't (the dogs) or even suffered brain damage (the chimps and the seizures). However, in an old Scott Campbell doc, there was a note that later subjects injected with the FEV (especially the chimps) hid their enhanced intelligence from their captors (or in the case of the raccoons, made a break for it).
    Furthermore, the FEV tests at West-Tek were done through injection, not dipping, so it's possible the dipping process itself that causes the brain damage. Possibly with the increased brain mass in the skull, the brain is "squeezed," and all that tasty juice runs out the ears.
    Still, on the other hand, a lot of the animals Grey talks about in his experiment tapes that were running around the Military Base were getting smarter from the FEV, and he himself became supra-intelligent.
    So there's a long-winded series of random answers. Moving on!"
  24. The cybernetic implants, branding scars, and the amputated tongue of Lieutenant, Dog and God, and Mean Sonofabitch respectfully are examples of permanent tissue damage.
  25. 25.0 25.1 The Vault Dweller: "{132}{}{You can't possibly take on the entire world.}"
    Master: "{134}{Mast10}{I'm not after the world, yet. When I turn your fellow vault-dwellers into mutants, my forces will be too strong for any to stand against! But don't worry, you won't care. Care! Care!}"
  26. 26.0 26.1 Fallout Bible 5:
    "5. In F1 the Lieutenant said that the FEV raises intelligence. There are, however, very many dumb mutants. What can you say about it? And what do you think of my theory, which i've been using in my Fallout PnP campaign?
    Sorry, Pawel, for two things: I wasn't able to personally respond to your email because I kept getting bounced, and two, I wasn't able to comment on your FEV theory (as a reminder, I can't read fan-created material, so just send questions, comments, or facts if you can).
    As for the FEV enhancing intelligence, the original Pre-War FEV at West Tek did, and more consistently than the Fallout-era virus.
    The current Fallout-era FEV does enhance intelligence - in some people. Just not many. The Lieutenant was one of the lucky ones who didn't become a knuckle-dragging, butt-scratching moron after being dipped (and it may not have raised his intelligence, he may have been that smart before his dipping, but no records of his past exist to verify this).
    The FEV that was released out in the wasteland was mutated by radiation, so its effects changed. As for the FEV at Mariposa, the Lieutenant says the super mutants are smarter than humans ("We are highly intelligent and immune to disease"), which is only half-right, and he also says that the virus can also interfere with a person's memory, causing them to forget things. Obviously, the Lieutenant keeps forgetting that most of his super mutant forces can barely form complete sentences.
    Basically, the FEV in the vats only has a small chance of raising a being's intelligence (or even keeping it intact). The Master was one of the lucky ones. More often than not, it causes brain damage. It's also possible that the crude dipping procedure in Mariposa also caused imperfect mutations as well, reducing the chance of heightened intelligence.
    But to answer your question: the FEV at West Tek before the war caused increased intelligence in its subjects, but the FEV at Mariposa after the war rarely enhanced the intelligence of humans who were dipped. The reason for this is unknown.
    Chris Taylor says:
    Chris Taylor: Actually, a dip in FEV has a chance of modifying Intelligence, but it doesn't always increase it. Some people do gain increased intelligence, a larger majority lose intelligence and most people remain the same. It also depends if people have enough radiation damage to be turned into ghouls or super mutants."
  27. Broken Hills mutants (Mutant miner, Old mutant), and those appearing elsewhere, are long lived, but some show signs of impaired cognitive function.
  28. The Vault Dweller: "{141}{}{How are you more advanced?}"
    Lieutenant: "{149}{LIEUT14}{Intuitively obvious to the most casual observer. We are highly intelligent and immune to disease. The strong survive! It is our goal to improve the human race.}"
  29. The Master: "{168}{Mast27}{Your humor will not save you now. Do you accept my offer, or not? Not! Accept!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{169}{}{Not.}"
    The Master: "{171}{Mast28}{Radiation has no effect on us. The FEV virus makes us immune. Your argument is weak, and so are you.}"
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.42: "Super Mutants"
    "The Super Mutants that infest the urban ruin of Washington D.C. originated in Vault 87. Those unlucky enough to have reserved space in Vault 87 soon found themselves forcefully taken to a secure part of the vault, where they were locked in airtight chambers and exposed to a concentrated form of the F.E.V. The Overseer and his security force had no real idea what to expect; they were simply following the "plan." When the exposed vault dwellers started transforming into Super Mutants, nearly the entire vault population had been exposed. Those who hadn't yet metamorphosed knew what was coming, and, well...it didn't end well for humanity.
    The dwellers of Vault 87 were turned into Super Mutants in 2078, and have been a presence in the Capital Wasteland ever since. Most of those original Super Mutants have long since been killed. But whether it's because of the nature of the F.E.V. they were exposed to, or a simple underlying human instinct, the Super Mutants of the Capital Wasteland are obsessed with the preservation of their own species. Super Mutants are asexual and incapable of procreation, so their only way of reproducing is to kidnap other humans, drag them back to the Vault 87 chambers, and infect them with F.E.V. And so they have done, for nearly 200 years.
    Super Mutant society is loosely hierarchical, with the weaker (most recently transformed) Super Mutants generally giving way to the stronger. The Super Mutant hierarchy, as defined by the Capital Wasteland contingent of the Brotherhood of Steel, is as follows: Grunt, Brute, Master, and Behemoth. Generally speaking, the Super Mutants of the Capital Wasteland get bigger, stronger, and dumber as they age. The Behemoths are so strong and savage that they’re the only thing feared by the other Super Mutants."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Chief Physician's Terminal
  32. The Lone Wanderer: "Do you remember who you were?"
    Fawkes: "I don't remember enough to tell you everything about my former self. My metamorphosis destroyed a good deal of my long term memory. However, I can recall being in this place when it wasn't the macabre laboratory that it's become. I remember walking around this place and seeing other humans in white lab coats and blue jumpsuits. I wish I could find out more, but the personnel information for the Vault wasn't in the mainframe for some reason. I feel like my identity is so close to me... I can almost see myself as a human but can't recollect the details. It's maddening."
    (Fawkes' dialogue)
  33. The Lone Wanderer: "So, tell me more about yourself."
    Fawkes: "I was born here, in this place. I don't mean that in the literal sense of course. All I can remember is the excruciating pain that tore through me as my body underwent the rapid physical changes. For most, this moment is what severs the grip on their minds. They become barely a shell of their former selves. I was different. When I spoke to them, they immediately branded me "another failure" and had me placed here as a curiosity."
    (Fawkes' dialogue)
  34. Prydwen terminal entries; Scribe Neriah's Terminal, Entry 0769-CM22
  35. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Super Mutants are stronger and more resilient than humans, and consider themselves the Commonwealth's superior race."
  36. The Sole Survivor: "Human synths? Really?"
    Shaun: "Human-like synths. A great distinction. The Institute endeavored to create synthetic organics. The most logical starting point, of course, was human DNA. Plenty of that was available, of course, but it had all become corrupted. In this... wasteland... radiation affected everyone. Even in their attempts to shield themselves from the world above, members of the Institute had been exposed. Another source was necessary. But then the Institute found me, after discovering records from Vault 111. An infant, frozen in time, protected from the radiation-induced mutations that had crept into every other human cell in the Commonwealth. I was exactly what they needed. And so it was my DNA that became the basis of the synthetic organics used to create every human-like synth you see today. I am their Father. Through Science, we are family. The synths, me... and you."
    (Shaun's dialogue)
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 The Institute terminal entries; Terminal, 2287.2.10: "Entered By: Virgil.B
    Nothing new. Always the same. Have entered formal complaint with Directorate; these tests are not bringing in any valuable information. The organics project was spun off decades ago. Why do we insist on continuing this?" 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“virg1”使用不同内容定义了多次
  38. The Institute terminal entries; Terminal, 2277.7.10: "Entered By: Syverson.C
    Latest round of testing complete. Results are all within expected parameters. Informed Dr. Zimmer directly, as he had ordered the tests personally. He seemed annoyed with the results; unsure what he was looking for. He declined to specify why he wanted the tests run to begin with."
  39. The Institute terminal entries; Terminal, 2286.4.10: "Entered by: Virgil.B
    I have officially assumed the lead role on the project after Dr. Syverson's passing.
    Latest round of subjects show results similar to previous test runs over last 5 years. No statistical deviation noted."
    Synthetic organics continue to perform well; the necessity of further tests is unexplained."
  40. The Sole Survivor: "How do they make synths?"
    Glory: "Damned if I know. The machines are... massive. Complicated. Not like anything I've seen out here. No matter what Dez and others say, synths ain't human. We're assembled bone by bone. Muscle by muscle. I've seen it. I'm gonna hit the range. I need to shoot something. Now."
    (Glory's dialogue)
  41. The Sole Survivor: "What makes them superior?"
    Max Loken: "The list of improvements is exhaustive. I can talk for an hour and still not cover all of it. Imagine what you could accomplish if you could live without fear of hunger or disease. Imagine what you could create if you could use every waking moment of your life as you saw fit, with no need of sleep? Like I said, a momentous time."
    (Max Loken's dialogue)
  42. 42.0 42.1 West Tek research center terminal entries: "Report: Test Subject AM52"
  43. West Tek research center terminal entries: "SPECIAL REPORT: CONTAINMENT BREACH"
  44. 44.0 44.1 West Tek research center terminal entries: "Report: Test Subject AM53"
  45. The Chosen One: "{310}{}{You’re sure you want to consign all the citizens of both cities to a slow death?}"
    Brain: "
    "{360}{}{You humans have such limited tolerances. I would have remained a normal rat if you humans hadn’t done your best to destroy the world. If it weren’t for the radiation, I wouldn’t be what I am today.}"
    The Chosen One:
    "{361}{}{And what’s that, exactly?}"
    "{380}{}{I was just one of many normal rats in a advanced research lab. Then, one day, there were explosions. Our cages were broken open, and we were doused with some sort of fluid from a huge vat.}"
    The Chosen One:
    "{381}{}{Then what?}"
    "{390}{}{I crawled outside. As I began to heal, I noticed that I had changed. I tried to communicate with people, but they all just tried to kill me. Humans are just too violent to survive under their own leadership -- but that's another story. The first step is to repair the reactor.}"
  46. 46.0 46.1 Fallout Bible 3
  47. Mad scientist: "The Master's truth is revealed, resulting in increased psychic ability. [shakes his head] But the poor souls become terminally insane and must be sequestered and nullified to keep them from harming themselves or others."
  48. The Project
  49. The Chosen One: "{209}{}{I still don't understand how that's *perfect.*}"
    Charles Curling: "{211}{}{The F.E.V. toxin will only attack to humans, leaving everything else alive, better still, within a month all the mutants will be dead and the F.E.V. toxin will die out as soon as it runs out of hosts. }"
  50. The Chosen One: "{237}{}{What about my people? Or me? Or you, for that matter?}"
    Charles Curling: "{238}{}{I can release the antidote into the air-system for all the cells. The detention level is served by a separate air system from the rest of the Enclave. Everyone will think that I'm just running another test. You, I can inoculate directly, here and now. (he reaches for you with a syringe)}"
  51. The Lone Wanderer: "Where did this plan of yours come from?"
    John Henry Eden: "A great many years ago, the remnants of the government had a similar idea. I can only assume the plan failed, as I never heard word of its success. But the plan itself was sound. I've made a few modifications, and with your help, I do believe it can work. There's a bright future ahead of us, my young friend."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  52. The Lone Wanderer: "Say whatever it is you have to say."
    John Henry Eden: "Our land is ravaged by mutation. The war was so many years ago, and yet we still suffer from its effects. We cannot move forward until humanity can gain a solid foothold in the world. To do so, we must rid ourselves of the mutations that have plagued us for so long. These "Super Mutants", Ghouls, hideous creatures... I believe your father's work can do that in a way unlike any other."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  53. The Lone Wanderer: "Won't this kill pretty much everyone in the Wasteland?"
    John Henry Eden: "Anyone or anything that has been affected by mutation will be eliminated. You will likely be immune, thanks to your upbringing in the vault. Likewise, the good people of the Enclave will be unaffected as well. I understand that you may have become sympathetic to certain individuals in your travels. Individuals this will eliminate. Please recognize that the fate of our entire country rests on this plan. Sacrifices must be made for the greater good."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  54. 54.0 54.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Doc, it's crowded in your clinic. Something going around I should worry about?"
    Doctor Preston: "Oh no... I'm fairly certain it's not contagious. Though, we are burning the bodies of the deceased, just in case... I just wish I knew how to treat these people. It's like their immune system is killing them. I don't know what to do about it!"
    (Preston's dialogue)
  55. The Lone Wanderer: "Doc, it's crowded in your clinic. Something going around I should worry about?"
    Doctor Barrows "I don't know yet. Some kind of virus that attacks the body on a cellular level. I've never seen anything like it. It's strange because ghouls are immune to almost any known disease."
    (Barrows' dialogue in Broken Steel)
  56. If the Lone Wanderer drinks four bottles of Aqua Pura infected with the modified FEV, they suffer increasingly negative effects (that are temporary) such as loss of strength and intelligence until the last bottle that kills them.
  57. The Lone Wanderer: "Doc, it's crowded in your clinic. Something going around I should worry about?"
    Doctor Church: "There's something going around, all right, but it isn't anything I've ever seen before. Definitely not contagious. Maybe something in the water, but that seems unlikely since I've tested it and this is the cleanest water we've ever had. I have no idea how to help these people and it's really taken the shine off my normally sunny disposition."
    (Church's dialogue)
  58. Fallout Bible 0: "2235 The Enclave experiments on deathclaws, attempting to create special fighting units for waging war in hostile environments."
  59. Intelligent deathclaws in Fallout 2.
  60. Canon Fallout 2 endings
  61. The Lone Wanderer: "So, what's gone wrong?"
    Weston Lesko: "Well. I'm afraid I've made slight miscalculations in the mutagen. Instead of lowering their size, the brood hatched with a new biomechanism. I call their genetic abberation pyrosis; the ability to emit flame from their bodies. I may be able to correct this error, but I can't get near my equipment."
    (Weston Lesko's dialogue)
  62. Doctor Lesko's Terminal
  63. Doctor Lesko's Terminal
  64. 64.0 64.1 FEV research
  65. West Tek research center terminal entries: "Greenhouse Initiative"
  66. Huntersville terminal entries: "Personal Journal 08.20.75"
  67. Huntersville terminal entries: "Personal Journal 12.20.75"
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 68.3 68.4 68.5 68.6 68.7 FEV experiment disk
  70. Fallout Bible 0: "2076 January 26 Using batch 11-011, experiments are conducted on raccoons. Same results are noted, but the attempted escape of several infected raccoons causes Major Barnett to terminate the escape... and the test subjects. Two pairs of raccoons, however, are unaccounted for."
    "Note: Scott Campbell and Chris Taylor intended these escaped raccoons to form an intelligent animal community NW of the Glow called the "Burrows." This location was never implemented."
  71. West Tek research center terminal entries: "FTS-3A Water Analysis"
  72. West Tek research center terminal entries: "Report: Test Subject AM48"
  73. West Tek research center terminal entries: "Report: Test Subject AM49"
  74. West Tek research center terminal entries: "Report: Test Subject AM50"
  75. West Tek research center terminal entries: "Report: Test Subject AM51"
  76. History of the Brotherhood of Steel
  77. Fallout Bible 0: "2102 May 22 Increasing mutant attacks on Harold's caravans cause Harold to get so pissed he finances one of the first adventuring parties of Fallout to try and find out where these dagnab mutants are coming from. Consulting with a scientist and doctor at the Hub, a man by the name of Grey, the two of them decide to join forces.
    2102 June 23 Richard Grey's Expedition [including Harold] finds the Mariposa Military Base and the Expedition is scattered and defeated by mutants at the base. Grey is knocked into one of the vats of FEV by a robotic arm, and Harold is knocked unconscious, only to awaken later out in the wasteland.
    2102 June 27 Harold, already mutating, is found by traders and taken back to the Hub. His former caravan partners and employees, horrified by his condition, abandon him and he is soon left without even two bottlecaps to rub together.
    2102 July Richard Grey, now horribly mutated by the virus, crawls from the Vats covered with FEV and in terrible pain. Barely able to think or perceive his surroundings, he crawls into the Vat control room and begins his audio log. He fades in and out of consciousness, sometimes for days or weeks at a time.
    2102 July-Nov Richard Grey begins to acclimate to his condition, and begins his first tests of animals by exposing them to FEV. These experiments and his growing awareness lay the foundation for his plans for the Unity and the master race. He takes the name, "the Master.""
  78. 78.0 78.1 Richard Grey's audio diary
  79. Fallout Bible 0: "2102 Nov The first human victim wanders into Mariposa, and Grey consumes him.
    2102 Dec
    Grey continues his experiments on wanderers that enter Mariposa... with no success. The creations are flawed (due to the radiation counts in their bodies), making them big but incredibly stupid, and Grey consumes them rather than letting them live."
  80. 80.0 80.1 80.2 Military base level 4
  81. The Vault Dweller: "{1001}{}{FEV}"
    Lieutenant: "{1104}{LIEUT60}{The Vats are where the FEV is stored, and where you normals become one of us. Of course, some die horrible, excruciatingly painful deaths, but well, those are the breaks.}"
  82. Fallout Bible 0: "2103 January The Master discovers the problem with the influence of radiation on his mutations, and he begins to choose his subjects more carefully. The first classic super mutants are born, butt-scratching animations and all. He begins his plans to build an army."
  83. Fallout Bible 0: "2103-2130 Throughout this period, the Master begins slowly gathering test subjects, willing or unwilling, from local human stock. The Great Winter of 2130 and the scarcity of human subjects make building his army difficult."
  84. Fallout Bible 0: "2131-2135 The Master begins ordering his super mutants to gather human stock from caravans. For many years, the caravan disappearances are blamed on monsters in the desert, and even when the abductions begin to occur on Hub caravans, the deathclaws are blamed. The super mutant army grows."
  85. Fallout Bible 0: "2137 Master begins to mass-produce super mutants. Only about one in six or one in five attempts are successful, and of these successes, only half seem to last to go on to be part of his growing army, called the Unity."
  86. Fallout Bible 0: "2152 As their influence slowly spreads throughout the wastes, the Master finds humans, doomsday cultists, and rather than dip them in the vats, he demands their obedience as spies - their leader is a man named Morpheus, and he pledges his followers to the Master. Morpheus and his cultists form the future core of the Children of the Cathedral."
  87. Fallout Bible 0: "2156 The Master sees advantages in establishing a benevolent "religion," the Children of the Cathedral, and using them as spies in settlements throughout the wastes. Missionaries from the Children of the Cathedral spread slowly across the wasteland, acting as eyes and ears for Morpheus and the Master."
  88. Fallout Bible 0: "2155-2156 After capturing a caravan of strange-garbed travelers (vault dwellers), Master learns the location of the Boneyard Vault, the future site of the Cathedral. He conquers the inhabitants and sets up operations there, and the human cultists begin to use the Vault as their powerbase. Within the Vault, the Master learns of other Vaults, and realizing their human occupants are ripe for transformation, begins to send out patrols to Vault locations in search of these other Vaults."
  89. The Courier: "Where did you come from?"
    Lily Bowen: "I grew up in Vault 17. I never even saw the sun until I was 75 years old - that was when Super mutants raided the Vault and carried a lot of us off. Yes, Leo, I'm getting to that part! They made me one of them, and they put me to work in an army that was going to conquer California."
    (Lily Bowen's dialogue)
  90. Fallout events.
  91. Institute FEV lab
  92. The Institute terminal entries: "2277.7.10
    Entered By: Syverson.C
    Latest round of testing complete. Results are all within expected parameters. Informed Dr. Zimmer directly, as he had ordered the tests personally. He seemed annoyed with the results; unsure what he was looking for. He declined to specify why he wanted the tests run to begin with."
  93. The Institute terminal entries: "Baseline: Male, early 30s. Moderate overall health.
    Post-submersion results: Physical condition consistent with standard results. Mental acuity charting slightly higher than average.
    Subject Status: TAGGED, DISCARDED"
  94. Preston Garvey (?): "Those Super Mutants have been raiding across the Commonwealth for years. I'm glad to have the Brotherhood's help clearing them out."
  95. The Institute terminal entries: "2286.4.10
    Entered by: Virgil.B
    I have officially assumed the lead role on the project after Dr. Syverson's passing.
    Latest round of subjects show results similar to previous test runs over last 5 years. No statistical deviation noted.
    Synthetic organics continue to perform well; the necessity of further tests is unexplained."
  96. Brian Virgil Personal Log 0176
  97. See this article for references.
  98. The Lone Wanderer: "My father's work? How is that relevant?"
    John Henry Eden: "The purifier your father helped create has the ability to provide clean water to the whole of this "Capital Wasteland". With a simple modification, it can be used to distribute agents that destroy mutated creatures upon ingestion. In time, we could eliminate all mutations in the Wasteland at the same time the good people of the world regain their health. I need you to make the modification necessary for this to succeed."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  99. The Lone Wanderer: "I'll do whatever I have to if it means getting rid of mutants."
    John Henry Eden: "I was hoping you would see it my way. If the water purifier can be activated, it can be used to distribute toxins that will eliminate any mutated creatures upon ingestion. The longer it runs, the cleaner the world becomes. I need you to see that it starts running, and that the necessary modification is made."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  100. Take it Back!
  101. The Lone Wanderer: "Something isn't right. You shouldn't have gotten results like these so quickly"
    Weston Lesko: "Well... ummm, I may have used a few... ahem, shortcuts. Yes. I was told that the FEV works wonders when used under controlled circumstances! Apparently I was wrong, but I know my mistake. I'm certain I can get it to work!"
    (Weston Lesko's dialogue)
  102. Those!
  103. Vault 87 super mutant
    (Vault 87 super mutant's dialogue)